POLL: Should there be an early General Election?

Staff reporter

01:41PM, Thursday 14 July 2016

POLL: Should there be an early General Election?



I'm undecided

Theresa May took over as Prime Minister yesterday following David Cameron's resignation in the wake of the Brexit vote.

The Maidenhead MP became the Conservative Party leader on Monday after Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the race, and took the top job after Mr Cameron formally tendered his resignation to the Queen yesterday evening.

Mrs May has ruled out an early General Election following several weeks of political upheaval, but critics have argued she lacks an electoral mandate.

Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, another General Election is not scheduled to take place until 2020, but an early election could be called if two thirds of the House of Commons vote for it.

We want to know whether you think an early election should be called.

Would it give the public more say over who leads them in the wake of the Brexit vote, or would it be a costly distraction from the task at hand?

Vote in our poll and let us know your thoughts in the comments.