Three NEW Tessa Jowell Fellowships – Applications Open! See here for more

Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission

Delivering a transformative national programme portfolio to tackle brain tumours

Accelerate Brain Cancer Research

Advance Precision Medicine and Novel Treatments

Our programmes

Elevate Care for Today's Patients

Connect and Train the NHS

Following Dame Tessa Jowell’s moving call for action to the House of Lords in 2018 to improve brain tumour outcomes, the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission was formed to design a new national strategy for brain tumours. 

Today, the national effort has grown in scale and size, with the Mission becoming a Community Interest Company which delivers a national portfolio of eight transformational programmes in the areas of research, trials, training and patients. The mission is unique in uniting academics, health care professionals, patients and representatives from 11 key organisations to deliver eight exciting and innovative programmes. 

Please click on the programme logos above to learn more about our current work.

Partner Organisations

The Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission is proudly partnering with: