Quadratic Formula Worksheets with Answers

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Quadratic Formula Worksheet # 1

Quadratic Formula
Quadratic Formula. D.Russell

Use the Quadratic Formula to Solve the Equations(Answers on 2nd page of PDF.

Sample questions are:

1.) 2x= 98

2.) 4x2 + 2x = 42 

3.) x2 = 90 - 2x 

4.) x2+2x = 63 

5.) 5n2 - 15 = 10n 

6.) 2x2 = 44 + 3x 

7.) 4x2 - 10x = 84 

8.) x2 - 16 = -6x

9.) x2 = 36 

10.) x2 -4x = 96 

Each worksheet is in PDF for quick printing. Note that the answers are found on the second page of the PDF.

Although there are other methods to solve quadratic equations (factoring, graphing, completing the square) it is important to use efficiency, hence you are asked to use the quadratic formula to solve these questions. However, there are other worksheets that require you to complete the square, factor and graphing. It's important to be able to use the various methods so that you will eventually be able to use the most efficient method. After all, algorithms in math were developed to increase efficiency. Long ago, a teacher reminded me in a jokingly way that mathematicians are lazy, hence let's find all the shortcuts possible.

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Quadratic Formula Worksheet # 2

Quadratic Worksheet
Quadratic Worksheet with answers. D. Russell

Use the Quadratic Formula to Solve the Equations(Answers on 2nd page of PDF.

Each worksheet is in PDF for quick printing. Note that the answers are found on the second page of the PDF.

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Quadratic Formula Worksheet # 3

Quadratic Formula
Quadratic Formula Worksheets with answers. D.Russell

Use the Quadratic Formula to Solve the Equations(Answers on 2nd page of PDF.

Each worksheet is in PDF for quick printing. Note that the answers are found on the second page of the PDF.

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Quadratic Formula Worksheet # 4

Quadratic Formula
Quadratic Formula Worksheet. D. Russell

Use the Quadratic Formula to Solve the Equations(Answers on 2nd page of PDF.

Each worksheet is in PDF for quick printing. Note that the answers are found on the second page of the PDF.

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Your Citation
Russell, Deb. "Quadratic Formula Worksheets with Answers." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/quadratic-formula-worksheets-with-answers-2312049. Russell, Deb. (2023, April 5). Quadratic Formula Worksheets with Answers. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/quadratic-formula-worksheets-with-answers-2312049 Russell, Deb. "Quadratic Formula Worksheets with Answers." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/quadratic-formula-worksheets-with-answers-2312049 (accessed July 21, 2024).