For E-Commerce & Lead Generation Businesses

For E-Commerce & Lead Gen Businesses

Maximize Profitability
with Adblock-Proof
AI Tracking!

Steer your entire marketing budget in the most efficient way with the most accurate tracking & attribution software.

gdpr compliant badgeOMR Reviews Top Rated Business Intelligence Reward
Loved by leading Brands & Agencies:

Increase efficiency, get costs down & scale ads up!

Inaccurate tracking and inferior attribution leads to massive inefficiencies that cause high cost of opportunity and burned marketing budget. We bring the efficiency back and help you scale strategically.

Multichannel Tracking & Attribution sucks!

Normal Tracking is dead thats why you are flying blind.

iOS 14.5, cookie consent and ad blockers limit almost every tracking technology, and it does not look like it is getting better anytime soon.

Stop wasting your time by copy-pasting numbers in sheets.

Getting a holistic view of your performance is time consuming because you need to calculate everything by yourself in sheets.

arrow showing downward

Loads of numbers but little decisions

An overload of partly false statistics leads to analysis paralysis, preventing any meaningful decisions, and leaves you with more questions than solutions.

Introducing Tracify

Our patented AI technology lets you track every customer interaction on your website without invading their privacy (GDPR compliant). Track cross-device, cross-domain, cross-session - while combining multiple channels!

Tracify Marketing Overview Icon

Marketing overview

Get an holistic overview about the performance of your marketing spending. Customer Acquisition Cost, Marketing Efficiency ratio and many more important KPIs.

Tracify Reporting Icon

Detailed channel reports

Individual reports per channel in order to allocate your marketing budget in the most efficient way based on the performance of each channel.

Tracify Chrome Plugin Icon

Google Chrome plug-ins

The data we provide can be displayed directly into the individual Ads Managers. This leads to a very convenient workflow for media buyers because no additional dashboards are needed to allocate budget.

Tracify Attribution Icon

Up to 90 days attribution

Attribute all sales up to 90 days back. Say good back to tracking discrepancies due to longer sales cycles.

Tracify Multichannel Overview Icon

Advanced Multichannel Attribution Models

Analyse your sales based on different attribution models like “First Click”, “Last Click” and “Linear”. Additionally include all touchpoints from other channels in order to get full transparency of your performance. No over-attribution anymore.

Tracify Customer Journey Icon

Customer Journey Mapping

Nowadays customer journeys are complex, however insightful. We provide you full visibility of your customer journeys in order to steer your marketing in the most efficient way.

Get a free Demo

Why we track better?

Our revolutionary new technology.

After more than 18 months of development of our revolutionary new AI tracking technology. We can now proudly say, that we are the most accurate and advanced solution out there.

We incorporate platforms such as Shopify, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), Google Ads, TikTok, Pinterest and many more.

The facts:

  • iOS 14.5, Ad Blockers or tracking blockers are powerless against us
  • GDPR & cookie consent compliant
  • Combination of the most advanced tracking technologies
  • The AI learns every second of the day

We are happy to do 1:1 comparisons against other tools. If they win, you get a goodiebag.

We let results speak

What our customers say about our AI Tracking Solution

Rosental Testimonial Logo

CMO Nordgreen

Christopher Day

„Tracify helps to de-code big tech giants attributed conversions incrementality, to paint a real picture of where you should be putting your marketing dollar."

Rosental Testimonial Logo

CEO Rosental Organics

Alex Pelz

"The data quality of Tracify is a real gamechanger. Not to be compared to Google Analytics or Facebook."

WLDOHO Testimonial Logo

CEO Wldoho

Tung Do

"Since we started using Tracify, I have the confidence that I am making our budget decisions correctly."

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Ready. Set. Go.

Tracify Risk Free Trial Icon

Risk free trial period

Try Tracify risk-free and convince yourself, if our tracking & attribution software helps you steer your marketing in the most efficient way.

Tracify Learning Academy Icon


We leave no one behind. With our detailed academy, you learn everything about the optimisation with Tracify on the different channels.

Tracify GDPR Icon


No worries to harm any privacy protection. We are 100% GDPR-compliant and we will remain so.

Tracify Onboarding Icon


Minimal effort for you. A few minutes to give us access to implement the tracking for you and we take care that everything runs smoothly.

Tracify Technical Support Icon


Tracify takes excellent support very seriously. This starts with a dedicated onboarding agent who also conducts consultation calls. After onboarding, you will receive a personal account manager and full access to our Media Buying Academy and knowledge base.

Tracify Product Development Icon

Product Development

Usually, we roll-out new valuable features every month. Our tech-team takes care that Tracify remains the best solution on the market.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Steer your marketing in the most efficient way.

We like to do “no-brainer” offers: Integrate Tracify, steer your marketing for 30 days with us and decide if its worth your investment.

Get a free Demo


Is there a risk-free trial? 


Yes, we have a trial period of 30 days. During this time you can convince yourself that Tracify provides the value you are looking for. More information about the trial period in your demo call.

Is Tracify GDPR-compliant? 


Yes, Tracify is GDPR-compliant. Data privacy is an important but also very complex topic. To cut a long story short: We anonymize all collected data and host them on servers in Germany.

Why do pro marketers use this tracking/attribution tool? 


Traffic platforms aren't truthful about their tracking to appear more attractive to advertisers. That is why experienced marketers use Tracify to optimize their budget efficiently and avoid being misled.

Whats the difference between Tracify and other tracking tools? 


We track more accurately than any other tool on the market. You can track cross-device, cross-domain, cross-session - while combining multiple channels! Fully GDPR compliant.

Moreover, you can see how your customers behave between different channels and where your money is best spent.

There is a reason why many of the most aspiring brands in Europe are working with us. We challenge you to test it out yourself!

Can Tracify over-attribute? 


No, we can not over-attribute because we only look at real data and do not model any conversions. Additionally we have over 50.000 functions in our code to ensure no over-attribution.

Do I need a specific tech-stack and do I need technical experience? 


Our software integrates with almost every business system. This includes custom systems.  

You can find more information on our Integrations page (click here)

We provide you step-by-step video and text instructions for implementation. Furthermore, our support team will answer all of your questions and supports you hands on.

Do you offer app tracking and lead tracking? 


In addition to e-commerce tracking, we also support lead tracking.

Unfortunately, not yet app tracking.