Partnership with AdPolice – More brand protection for your ads

London, April 2024 – Tradedoubler is thrilled to announce its partnership with AdPolice, which comes up with its cutting-edge technology. This partnership makes it possible to isolate fraudulent ads quicker than ever and ensures that your paid search activity is protected to the highest standards.

The advantages of the partnership for you

We at Tradedoubler are continuously working on brand protection for all our clients and continually improving network quality and compliance within the affiliate space.

The partnership with AdPolice allows us to best protect our advertisers against paid search fraud. Brand Bidding and ad Hi-Jacking are big issues in the affiliate industry, and they are used more and more every year and are becoming increasingly difficult for us to detect.

Brand Bidding
Brand bidding is a type of trademark violation in which so-called “brand bidders” use your brand keyword for their own SEA purposes. The unique combination of tools and process models from AdPolice makes it possible to expose brand bidders and ensure publishers act within accordance of our paid search policy. (More information >>)

Ad Hi-Jacking is a process where publishers pose as advertisers to drive sales through deliberate user deception. With AdPolice, we are expecting to capture and immediately identify over 80% of these ads – with the number only set to increase. (More information >>)

You, as our publisher, will also feel protected. You’ll know that you’ll be able to run paid, exclusive search ads, and any other partners whose brand bids without prior consent will be caught faster than ever before.

The whole process has been revamped and streamlined, which will not only save Tradedoubler time but also ensure that all violations are acted upon swiftly and effectively.

Some words about the partnership

Tom Sams

“Tradedoubler is thrilled about our new partnership with AdPolice. As the affiliate landscape shifts in 2024, Tradedoubler is always at the forefront of brand protection for all our global and local clients. With AdPolice’s cutting-edge technology, we’re able to isolate fraudulent ads quicker than ever, and ensure that our clients paid search activity is protected to the highest of standards.

As we look to always improve the standards of network quality and compliance within the affiliate space, there’s no better time to strengthen our monitoring capabilities than now with our relationship with AdPolice. We’re looking forward to a strong partnership together and ensuring brand safety at the highest level.” Tom Sams, Network Quality & Compliance Manager at Tradedoubler

daniel karlovic, adpolice

“At AdPolice, we are thrilled about the opportunity to deploy our cutting-edge technology in Brand Safety and Compliance on a global scale through our partnership with Tradedoubler. This collaboration enables us to extend the reach of our innovative solution to a broader audience and have an even greater impact on the safety and integrity of the digital advertising landscape. Our technology is designed to protect brands from potentially harmful environments and ensure that their ads appear only on high-quality, relevant websites that align with their standards.

By working with Tradedoubler, we can introduce our technology on a global scale, assisting businesses worldwide in safeguarding their brand reputation and adhering to regulatory requirements. We look forward to joining forces with Tradedoubler to elevate standards in the digital advertising industry and provide customers with top-tier solutions.” Daniel Karlovic, CEO at AdPolice


About AdPolice

AdPolice develops monitoring tools that make the Internet safer for hundreds of international brands. Their clients use AdPolice to monitor their brands across the World Wide Web.

Do you have some questions? Please get in touch with our Expert, Tom Sams – he looks forward to helping you >>

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