Fundinga fairer city

About us

London is a deeply unequal place. We need a fairer city where everyone has the chance to thrive, no matter who they are.

To achieve this, we fund hundreds of organisations fighting for economic and social justice across the city.

About us

Our 2030 funding strategy

Our strategy sets out our vision for London, and what we aim to fund. Watch this short video to hear about our 2030 funding strategy.

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Our funding in 2023

  • £9.3m

  • 115

  • £800k

    social investment committed

London's Poverty Profile

Many Londoners struggle to make ends meet, secure good quality affordable housing, or tie down the decent work they need to lift themselves above the poverty line.

But who makes up London's diverse populations? Who's in poverty, and where do they live? And how do London's unique characteristics and challenges contribute to it’s sky-high deprivation levels?

London’s Poverty Profile gives you evidence and insight into these questions and more. Explore over 100 different indicators covering topics like housing, work, education, welfare benefits and demography.

Explore London's Poverty Profile