Theatre News

Oldham Coliseum set to reopen following successful rescue campaign

Great news for Oldham!

Coli interior
The interior of the Oldham Coliseum, © Elspeth Mary Moore

The campaign to save Oldham Coliseum has been successful.

The historic venue closed its doors last spring amidst the loss of Arts Council England funding and financial concerns. Since then, a sustained initiative to support the venue and champion its reopening has continued to lobby on the theatre’s behalf.

Now, it appears the campaign has been successful. The theatre will reopen next winter with a new festive show, following £10m refurbishment in order to open its doors again in time for Christmas.

“The public outcry that followed last year’s closure of Oldham’s beloved Coli, from audiences and artists alike, made national news,” Julie commented. “Since then, a dedicated group of campaigners have been working tirelessly to fight for the jewel in Oldham’s crown to be reopened and restored to her former glory.

“It is because of a board dedicated to the continuance of the Coliseum’s cultural offer, the passion and persistence of a dogged band of campaigners, and a council willing to listen to its citizens, that we’ve arrived at this point.”