Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCI)
We work in collaboration with Member States and other stake holders and partners to promote the integration of safe and evidence-based traditional and complementary medicine into national health systems. 
WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014-2023
The WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014–2023 was developed and launched in response to the World Health Assembly resolution on traditional medicine...
WHO global report on traditional and complementary medicine 2019
Traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) is an important and often underestimated health resource with many applications, especially in the prevention...
WHO international standard terminologies on siddha medicine

Siddha medicine is a popular health resource used across the world. Standard terminology relating to Siddha medicine is, therefore, an essential tool for...

WHO international standard terminologies on ayurveda 

Ayurveda is one of the popularly applied health resources across the globe. Standard terminology of Ayurveda is an essential tool for working on other...

WHO international standard terminologies on unani medicine

Unani medicine is a popular health resource used across the world. Standard terminology relating to Unani medicine is, therefore, an essential tool for...

WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the popularly applied health resources across the globe. Driven by domestic and international demands, WHO is developing...

WHO benchmarks for the practice of ayurveda 

The WHO benchmarks for the practice of Ayurveda defines the minimum requirement/criteria for establishing practice in Ayurveda in WHO Member States. It...

WHO benchmarks for the training of Unani medicine

The WHO benchmarks for the training of Unani medicine is an update of its previous version published in 2010. It defines the minimum requirement/criteria...

WHO benchmarks for the training of ayurveda 

The WHO benchmarks for the training of Ayurveda is an update of its previous version published in 2010. It defines the minimum requirement/criteria for...

WHO benchmarks for the practice of Unani medicine

The WHO benchmarks for the practice of Unani medicine defines the minimum requirement/criteria for establishing practice in Unani medicine in WHO Member...

WHO guidelines for selecting marker substances of herbal origin for quality control of herbal medicines

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WHO guidelines on good herbal processing practices for herbal medicines

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Guidelines on good manufacturing practices for the manufacture of herbal medicines

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Non-State actors in official relation

  • World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS)
  • World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)
  • World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC)
  • World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC)
  • World Self-Medication Industry (WSMI)
  • Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA)
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