Wikidata:Property proposal/dean (higher education)

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dean (higher education)

Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Organization

   Not done


Head of university / college faculty. Problem: There are several types of institutions in the university structure (faculty, department, institute, etc.), the leaders of which are marked differently in the infoboxes. Like the rector (P1075) attribute, I propose to introduce the "dean" attribute in order to be able to distinguish it in the infoboxes from, for example, heads of departments, directors of institutes, and rectors of universities. Palotabarát (talk) 10:06, 13 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Egyetemi/főiskolai kar vezetője. Probléma: az egyetemi struktúrában számos intézménytípus található (kar, tanszék, intézet stb.), melyek vezetőinek jelölése az infoboxokban különböző. A rector (P1075) tulajdonsághoz hasonlóan javaslom bevezetni a dékán tulajdonságot annak érdekében, hogy az infoboxokban meg tudjuk különböztetni például a tanszékek vezetőitől, intézetek igazgatóitól, egyetemek rektoraitól. Palotabarát (talk) 10:06, 13 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]


Nomen ad hoc yes, this seems to be enough for the P1037, but in practice it is not.
  1. There are 7443 elements where instance of (P31) = faculty (Q180958). In 52 elements the driver is indicated at chairperson (P488) and in 292 elements at director / manager (P1037). However, nowhere in 95 percent of the items (see: I am afraid, in many cases, because there is no similarity to the rector that exactly covers this position.
  2. I've linked 4 templates that have a "dean" parameter, but it occurs in many more templates, and if you take the data from Wikidata, it won't display it exactly. The rector appears in the appropriate place, but instead of the dean, the "director / manager" parameter shows the faculty leader. This is also a problem because larger faculties may have directors in addition to / under the dean (eg director of education, director of science, etc.) see for example

I think it’s needed, mainly because of the templates, but it’s a little weird anyway that there’s a rector but no dean’s property. Palotabarát (talk) 22:22, 13 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done This discussion has been stale and no concensus for property creation is reached. Midleading (talk) 09:07, 9 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]