Topic on User talk:HakanIST

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M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)

Hello, HakanIST you imported the values of it:Template:Transfermarkt for Property:P2446 (player ID). Since this template has a second optional parameter "activity" which may contain "A" for trainer for example, how did you manage it to only import the players into this property but not people with other activities? (i.e. in my opinion, templates with parameter "A" as activity should be imported to Property:P2447 - trainer ID ; also see Topic:Sw49luv60jtncxuw). Thanks a lot!

HakanIST (talkcontribs)

Hello M2k, I'm aware of the multiple use of the same template, I try to limit harvest to specific active footballer categories to be precise. We're working on alternatives on trwiki. Thanks for your attention!

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

Hi guys! As the URL itself is different, I most probably could handle them quite easy, using one work-around.

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)

Hello HakanIST, from my point of view, after the import of Transfermarkt templates from other wikis the page Wikidata:Database_reports/Constraint_violations/P2446 (and P2447) should be checked, especially for "Unique value" violations, errors should be corrected in the wikis where the values came from as well as in the wikidata objects. As I already did some corrections, you might want to wait for the next update of this page tomorrow to get the current list of errors.

HakanIST (talkcontribs)

Hello @M2k~dewiki , thanks for the follow up, for trwiki I've prepared a bot to convert transfermarkt links to templates, currently working on importing them to wikidata (I'll establish a check on transfermarkt page existence and article name/transfermarkt name matching while importing). I'll try to help with constraint violations report too.

HakanIST (talkcontribs)

Hello guys, @M2k~dewiki@Edgars2007 , following my bot application , I've run into errors on birthdays because of transfermarkt ids. So, I ran my bot to compare birthdays of items to transfermarkt and other ids, producing this list most likely %90 of them has wrong transfermarktids.

Reply to "Import of it:Template:Transfermarkt for Transfermarkt player ID (P2446)"