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  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Charles Darwin Autograph | signed letters zum Verkauf von Markus Brandes Autographs GmbH

    Charles Darwin Autograph

    Anbieter: Markus Brandes Autographs GmbH, Kesswil, TG, Schweiz

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 16,00 Versand

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    Autograph letter signed, 5 x 8 inch, `Down, Beckenham, Kent.` (Railway Station) letterhead, 13.06.(no year), to a gentleman - concerning the sending of parcels, written and signed in black ink "Ch. Darwin", attractively mounted (removable) for fine display with a photograph, shows Charles Darwin in a head and shoulders portrait (altogether 11,75 x 8,25 inch), with two mild horizontal mailing folds - in nearly very fine condition."Dear Sir,will you be so good as not to send any parcels to me by my post address, as each thus costs nearly 2s. If you wd send all parcels to my Brother`s House `6. Queen Anne St / Cavendish Sq / London` (& make a memorandum of this address) I sh be greatly obliged. Dear Sir Yours faithfully - Ch. Darwin".

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph Letter Signed. zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Beckenham, Kent, the date "Feb. 1" is scratched out and " March 9 th" [no year] is written in another hand.

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    One page of a bifolium. 8vo. Printed address. A letter to William Bowman asking him to give his vote for Darwin's nephew, Henry Parker, at the next balloting at the Athenaeum. In part: "If you attend the Ballotting at the Athenaeum Club, will you give your vote & exert any influence which you properly can in favor of my nephew, Henry Parker. He will be balloted for at the first meeting on the 16 th of the current month." ("On the 16th of the" is added in an unknown hand.), Signed, " Ch. Darwin".Sir William Bowman (1816-1892) was a physiologist and ophthalmic surgeon.Slightly uneven toning with stray foxing and two spots of dampstaining at top. Ink remains bold and legible. Soiling on verso of blank integral page, especially at mail folds. Small folds at top and bottom left corners.

  • Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Bromley, Kent, 1 January, no year

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 18.000,00

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    8vo. 1 p. To an unidentified recipient, 'I have real pleasure in signing Mr. Bonney's certificate, which I herewith return. I am delighted to hear that you are interested in my Book [the 'k' seemingly overwritten to obscure the 's' from the original plural of 'Books']', watermark 'Joynson / 1859', one page with integral blank, 8voThe watermark in the paper tantalisingly hints that the unnamed book referred to may have been Darwin's On the Origin of Species, which was published by John Murray on 24 November 1859. Bonney may be the geologist Thomas George Bonney (1833-1923), who contributed the Appendix to the third edition of Darwin's The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, (Smith Elder & Co., 1889).Thomas George Bonney was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of London in 1860, and his nomination form was signed by Charles Darwin 'from personal knowledge'. From the nomination form and a letter at the Geological Society dated February 1860 it appears that the person organising Bonney's nomination was the civil engineer Sir John Hawkshaw (1811-1891); in 1865 his son John Clarke Hawkshaw, (a contemporary of Charles and Emma's son George at Trinity College, Cambridge), married Cecily Mary Wedgwood, a niece of Charles and Emma Darwin.In conclusion, there is therefore a strong possibility that the letter here is to Sir John Hawkshaw and was written on 1 January [1860].

  • Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Beckenham, Kent, 12.3.1866 [year added in a different hand], 1866

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 22.000,00

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    8vo. 1 p. Darwin wrote toFritz MullerGerman biologist referringTrichopterapublishedin NatureALS signed "Ch. Darwin," one page, 5 x 7.25, personal letterhead, March 12, 1866.Letter to an editor.In full: "I hope that you will verily oblige me by looking at all the proper names in the enclosed proof of a letter from Fritz Muller to be published in 'Nature.' I have no book to look to see whether thename of theTrichopteraarecorrectly spelt.I hope that you will agree with me that the case is an interesting one.Please return the proofs to me, and forgive me for troubling you." In fine condition, with intersecting folds, light edge toning, and a trivial chip to the upper left corner.Fritz Muller was a German biologist and naturalist who hademigratedto Brazil in 1852, and proved to be one of Darwin's most helpful correspondents. He was an early advocate of Darwinism and publishedF�rDarwin in 1864, which argued that the theory of evolution by natural selection was correct based on his observation that Brazilian crustaceans and their larvae could be affected by adaptations at any growth stage. Impressed with this work, Darwin sponsored the translation and publication of English editions. Darwin released his fourth edition of On the Origin of Species in 1866, and in it incorporated the work of his closest scientific friends, including Muller's research on crustacean embryology. Muller also had access to a diverse array of flora and fauna given his location in Brazil, and was able to provide Darwin with trusted information on subjects he otherwise had no access to, including detailed diagrams, drawings, specimens, and seeds. Studies of these made their way into several of Darwin's future works. A remarkable letter associating Darwin with one of his most trusted colleagues.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down Farnborough Kent, 8. [VIII. 1850]., 1850

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 25.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    8vo. 4 pp. on bifolium. An important letter which underscores Darwin's belief in the scientific significance of the study of Cirripedia (barnacles). To Nathaniel Thomas Wetherell: "I fear that you will think me a sad trespasser on your kindness & forbearance, when I tell you that I have not actually completed my description of Loricula; but I shall do it directly & write now to obtain your permission to take (myself) your specimen to Mr. James De C. Sowerby to [be] drawn for publication by the Pal�ontographical Society.- I have received Mr [John Wickham] Flower's specimens, & some from Denmark but none are related to the Loricula, which is as perplexing as ever to me.- Immediately that Mr Sowerby has with your permission figured the Loricula (& I shall take it up in a fortnight) it shall be returned to you. - Is there any safe place where I could leave it in London for you, or shall I return it by a messenger? - I believe I did once before ask you, whether you have any other fossil Cirripedia. - To save you the trouble of answering, I will assume, without I hear to the contrary that Mr Sowerby may figure it. - With my best thanks | I remain dear Sir | Yours faithfully | C. Darwin | I assure you that it has not been idleness which has delayed me, but numbers of specimens of other fossil Cirri[pe]des". - We are able to date this letter precisely because August 1850 was the only month with a 'Thursday 8th' in the period between the Palaeontographical Society's decision to publish Fossil Cirripedia and the publication of the first volume of this work in 1851, in which Loricula pulchella is described (Fossil Cirripedia (1851): 81-6). - James de Carle Sowerby drew all the figures of the specimens in the first volume of Fossil Cirripedia. At the time of writing, Darwin does not seem to have known that George Brettingham Sowerby Jr had described and figured this particular specimen in 1843. However, since that time Wetherell had cleared away more material from the specimen, revealing features not seen by G.B. Sowerby Jr, and a new drawing was made for Darwin's description (Fossil Cirripedia (1851): 81). (Darwin Correspondence Project). - Published by the Darwin Correspondence Project, University of Cambridge, as Letter no. DCP-LETT-1267. - Slight damage to paper (no loss to text) and in some parts professionally restored.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Beckenham, Kent, 13. I. 1881., 1881

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 45.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    8vo. 2 pp. - (Bound before): Krause, Ernst. Erasmus Darwin. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London, John Murray, 1879. 8vo. IV, 216 pp. With a portrait frontispiece and a fullpage illustration. Full calf with marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, gilt inner dentelle, leading edges gilt. With Darwin's gift inscription pasted to endpaper and Leslie Stephen's autograph ownership and notes above and below. To the writer and critic Sir Leslie Stephen (1832-1904), whose copy this book is, responding to Sir Leslie's reassurances after having been attacked by the novelist Samuel Butler (1835-1902): "My dear Leslie Stephen. Your note is one of the kindest which I have ever received, & your advice shall be strictly followed. It was very good of you, busy as you are, to take so much trouble for me; but your trouble will not be thrown away, in so far as when in the dead of the night the thought comes across me how I have been treated, I will resolutely try to banish the thoughts, & say to myself that so good a judge as Leslie Stephen thinks nothing of the false accusation. The Litchfields & some of my other children are intensely curious to read your judgment. Believe me / yours ever gratefully / Charles Darwin. / I have written on opposite page my name if you think fit to paste it into the Life of E.D.; but I much wish that you would name one or more of the books, written wholly by myself, which I could treat in the same manner for you." Indeed, the dedication "From Charles Darwin / with kindest regards / Jan. 13th 1881" has been cut out and mounted on the flyleaf, and underneath Sir Leslie has added by way of explanation: "The letter upon the next page refers to a silly attack made upon Darwin by Butler of 'Erewhon' etc. I had given Darwin the obvious advice to take no more notice of the creature, D. having already made a sufficient acknowledgement of a trifling error. For details see 'Academy' of the period. LS. - Darwin afterwards sent me the 'Origin of the Species' & the Voyage of the Beagle." - The physician Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), Charles's grandfather, espoused an early theory of evolution all his own, which he sketched, obliquely, in a question at the end of a long footnote to his popular poem "The Loves of the Plants" (1789). Samuel Butler rejected Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. In his 1879 book "Evolution, Old and New" he accused Darwin of having borrowed heavily from and distorted Buffon, Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, trying to reinstate these earlier thinkers and with them, the design argument. - Provenance: by descent to Leslie Stephen's daughter, the writer Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), who left it to her husband, the writer Leonard Woolf (1880-1969). Woolf had the book auctioned at Sotheby's a year before his death (sale of Feb. 29/20, 1968, lot 279); acquired by a northern Swedish collector, whose descendants returned it to the trade. - Darwin Correspondence Project, no. 13012 (regestum only).

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed ("Ch. Darwin"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Beckenham, Kent, 23 January (no year).

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 22.500,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 1 page on bifolium. To a "dear Sir", politely rejecting a proposed translation: "I am much obliged for your offer, but I have already agreed with Herr Koch & Prof. Victor Carus for a Translation [.]. - On headed stationery of Down House. Small traces of former mounting on reverse.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph Letter Signed ("Ch. Darwin"). zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Beckenham, Kent, Railway Station Orpington S.E.R., November 11, 1881, 1881

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 25.000,00

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    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

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    8vo. 1 page. On personal stationery watermarked Joynson Superfine, some stains to blank, two small spots to upper section, light thumb-soiling to fore-edge, some small adhesive stains to lower edge." To J.F. Galbraith: I thank you for your kindness in having written me so long a letter, but I can assure you that there is not a naturalist in the world who would credit that germinating seeds could be developed into animals of any kind. There was plenty of time and means for the indefinite multiplication of innumerable kinds of animals in the cask." - The recipient, J.F. Galbraith of Nelsonville, Manitoba, wrote Darwin a 3-page letter on October 20, 1881 in which he recounts an incident of development of worms in a barrel of wheat, noting that he had pondered Darwin's view that plants and animals may have had a common ancestor. Darwin tactfully sets him straight.See Darwin Correspondence Database, darwinproject /entry-13417; Burkhardt, Frederick, A Calendar of Correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821-1882, Volume 1, p 562.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed ("Ch. Darwin"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, Beckenham, Kent, 7 Sept. [1874]., 1874

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 35.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 2 pp. on bifolium. To the British architect William Cecil Marshall (1849-1921), whom Darwin engaged to build an extension to Down House on the north side (a billiard room with dressing room and bedroom above) in 1876, thanking him for some Pinguicula leaves, from which he has picked off sixteen seeds: "My dear Mr Marshall, I am very grateful to you. Your observations are excellent, & are put most clearly & will be very useful to me. I have picked off 16 seeds from this lot! The plant is certainly to a certain extent graninivorous also somewhat graminivorous, though mainly insectivorous. The rain, I know washes off the secretion & with it captured insects (& as you say seeds), which are retained by the incurved edges, which then become more incurved. It is a pretty experiment to put a row of flies or cabbage seeds on one margin of a flat leaf & see how the edge of the side curls over in from 12 to 24 hours. With cordial thanks, Yours very sincerely [.]". - Traces of folds; professionally repaired. On stationery with printed address. - Darwin Correspondence Project no. 9627F.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Insectivorous Plants. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Darwin, Charles.

    Verlag: London, John Murray, 1875., 1875

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

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    8vo. X, 462 pp. With woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary full calf with spine gilt in six compartments, giltstamped green spine label, gilt inner dentelle, leading edges gilt. Marbled endpapers; all edges marbled. First edition. - Presentation copy from the library of the British architect William Cecil Marshall (1849-1921), inscribed to him on the half-title ("From the Author") by a clerk at the publisher's, and with Marshall's autograph ownership above that. Darwin and Marshall had corresponded over insectivorous plants the previous year (cf. Darwin Correspondence Project no. 9627F, letter dated 7 Sept. [1874]). In 1876 Darwin would engage the architect's services to build an extension to Down House on the north side (a billiard room with dressing room and bedroom above). - Extremeties worn; front marbled flyleaf weakened. Still an appealing copy.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. zum Verkauf von Peter Harrington.  ABA/ ILAB.

    EUR 122.159,41

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    Anzahl: 1

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    First edition of "the most important biological book ever written" (Freeman), in which Darwin explained his concept of adaptation through natural selection, which became the foundation of modern evolutionary theory; 1,250 copies were printed. This copy has Darwin's distinctive signature clipped from an autograph letter and affixed to the front pastedown. The publication of the Origin of Species "ushered in a new era in our thinking about the nature of man. The intellectual revolution it caused and the impact it had on man's concept of himself and the world were greater than those caused by the works of Copernicus, Newton, and the great physicists of more recent times. Every modern discussion of man's future, the population explosion, the struggle for existence, the purpose of man and the universe, and man's place in nature rests on Darwin" (Mayr, pp. vii-xxviii). Provenance: with the ownership inscriptions, on the front free endpaper recto and verso respectively, of the sportsman and amateur ornithologist Francis Hornby Birley (1850-1910; dated 1886 and addressed Dormansland) and his son, the neurologist James Leatham Birley (1884-1934; dated 12 July 1905). Francis won the FA Cup three times and made two appearances on the English national team; James is best known for his pioneering research into fatigue and stress in Air Force pilots during the First World War. Caroline Birley (1851-1907), Francis's sister and James's aunt, was an accomplished geologist and fossil collector; she willed her private collection to both the Natural History Museum in London and the Manchester Museum. The Birley and Darwin families are connected through the Platt Hall estate in Lancashire, the main house of which was built in the mid-1760s for John and Deborah Carill-Worsley. Their descendants owned the estate until 1907 but periodically leased the Hall to tenants. The Birley family enjoyed one such tenancy, c.1800, and "intermarried with the Hornby family and became Lords of the Manor, maintaining the bloodline whenever they needed to exercise wealth and influence" (Russell). The Darwin family is linked to Platt Hall by the marriage in 1840 of John and Deborah's grandson Charles Carill-Worsley (1800-1864) to Mary Jane Darwin (1817-1872). They lived at Platt Hall, which was reoccupied by the Carill-Worsley family from 1841. Mary Jane was the daughter of Francis Sacheverel Darwin and a cousin of Charles Darwin. Dibner 199; Freeman 373 (binding variant a, advertisements variant 3, no priority); Garrison-Morton 220; Horblit 23b; Norman 593; Printing and the Mind of Man 344b. Ernst Mayr, introduction to the Harvard University facsimile edition, 1964; Allan Russell, "Platt Hall, Rusholme", 100 Halls Around Manchester blog, 2020, available online. Octavo (187 x 120 mm), gathered and signed in 12s. Near-contemporary half calf, rebacked preserving the original spine, green morocco label, compartments and raised bands tooled in gilt and blind, green surface endpapers, red sprinkled edges. Housed in a green quarter morocco solander box by the Chelsea Bindery. Folding diagram lithographed by W. West. Leather expertly refurbished, corners repaired, endpapers browned from turn-ins, with tiny chip at upper outer corner of the front free, endleaves and first gathering lightly foxed, contents evenly toned and generally clean bar occasional faint finger soiling and marginal emphasis in pencil to pp. 473-4, 485-6, and 489: a very good copy.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift. zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, Naturforscher (18091882).

    Verlag: Down, Bromley, 30. April o. J.

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    8vo. 1 p. Unver�ffentlichter Brief an den namentlich nicht genannten Mediziner Robert Hall Bakewell (18311908) mit Dank for your kindness in taking the trouble to send me the particulars of the very curious case of inherited malconformation, which has interested me very much". R. H. Blakewell, formerly Vaccinator-General and Medical Officer of Health for the Colony of Trinidad", war author of the Pathology and treatment of Smallpox' [and] Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London" (Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 18681961). Die Identifikation des Adressaten gem�� einer kleinen zeitgen�ssischen Notiz in Bleistift am unteren Rand der Recto-Seite. Alt auf Tr�gerpapier montiert; etwas unfrisch, angestaubt und stelenweise leicht fleckig.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift. zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Darwin, Charles, Naturforscher (1809-1882).

    Verlag: Down, 16.9. o. J.

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    8vo. 1 p. Mit gedrucktem Briefkopf. An einen Bibliothekar mit B�cherw�nschen.[] I want to consult soon two books of which I give titles below. Will you tell me [], whether these are in Library, & how soon you could send them. I fear, however, you have them not []"Unter der Unterschrift gibt er die Titel an: 'Lafitau's Moeurs des [Sauvages] Am�riquains. 'James narrative of Tanner's 30 years, captivity among the n. american Indians []".

  • Darwin, Charles, English naturalist (1809-1882).

    Verlag: No place. No date.

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    108 : 167 mm. Head and shoulders photograph of the scientist. Copyright: Barraud, 263 Oxford St. London. A few doors West of ,The Circus'. With his name written in a third person's hand written on the photographer's mount. Slightly spotted and a minor bend.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Eigenh. Besitzvermerk in Charles Darwin's gesammelte Werke. Auswahl in 6 B�nden. A. d. Englischen �bersetzt v. J. Victor Carus. Bd. 1. Reise eines Naturforschers um die Welt. zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Mit 14 Holzschnitten. XII, 596 SS. Leinenband der Zeit mit goldgepr. R�ckentitel. Gr.-8vo. Gelenke und Kapitale etwas berieben, sonst in gutem Zustand.