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26 (ⴰⵎⴹⴰⵏ)

ⵙⴳ ⵡⵉⴽⵉⴱⵉⴷⵢⴰ
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ⵜⴰⵍⴳⴰⵎⵜ ⵏ ⵉⵎⴹⴰⵏⵏⴰⵎⴹⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴰⴷⴷⴰⴷⴰⵎⴹⴰⵏ ⴰⴳⴰⵎⴰⵏ
ⵉⵙⵎ ⵙ ⵓⵙⴽⴽⵉⵍ ⵙⵉⵎⵔⴰⵡ ⴷ ⵚⴹⵉⵚ
ⴰⵏⵎⴰⵍⴰ 26 (ⴰⵎⴷⵡⴰⵙ)
ⵉⵎⴹⴰⵏⵏ ⵉⵕⵓⵎⴰⵏⵏ XXVI

26 (ⵙⵉⵎⵔⴰⵡ ⴷ ⵚⴹⵉⵚ) ⴷ ⵓⵎⵎⵉⴷ ⴰⴳⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵉⴹⴼⵕⵏ 25 ⵉⵣⵡⵓⵔ ⵉ 27.

ⴰⵎⵎⵔⵏⵉ ⵏ ⵓⵣⴰⵎⵓⵍ

ⴳ ⵜⵓⵙⵏⴰⴽⵜ

ⴳ ⵢⵉⴳⵔⴰⵏ ⵢⴰⴹⵏ


ⵥⵔ ⴰⵡⵙ