Decision 44 COM 10A
Report on the results of the Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise in the Arab States

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined document WHC/21/44COM/10A,
  2. Recalling Decisions 41 COM 10A, 42 COM 10A and 43 COM 10B adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), and 43rd (Baku, 2019) sessions respectively,
  3. Commends the efforts of States Parties in the Arab States region in the completion and submission of Section I, and the very high level of completion and submission of Section II of the Periodic Reporting questionnaire;
  4. Expresses its sincere appreciation to the authorities of Bahrain and Egypt for hosting training workshops, in collaboration with the World Heritage Centre and the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH), in the framework of the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting exercise;
  5. Also expresses its sincere appreciation to the significant support provided by ARC-WH in facilitating the Periodic Reporting exercise in the Region;
  6. Welcomes with satisfaction the Third Cycle Regional Report in the Arab States region and encourages the States Parties to widely disseminate it among all relevant stakeholders in the Region;
  7. Takes note of the planned publication of the Third Cycle Periodic Report in the Arab States region in the World Heritage paper series, subject to the availability of funding resources, and invites States Parties to contribute financially for this purpose;
  8. Endorses the Third Cycle Regional Action Plan and its three Strategic Objectives, and takes note with appreciation of the joint efforts by the World Heritage Centre, the World Heritage national focal points and sites managers, ARC-WH, and the Advisory Bodies to produce an Action Plan framework in adaptable format, in order to facilitate its appropriation and integration by the States Parties;
  9. Also encourages the States Parties to appropriate the Action Plan and integrate relevant actions in country or site-specific action plans, as well as to collaborate to ensure the implementation of joint actions;
  10. Requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, ARC-WH, and other relevant partners, to provide technical support to States Parties in implementing the Action Plan, when feasible;
  11. Also requests the World Heritage Centre to monitor the implementation of the Regional Action Plan in view of preparing a mid-cycle assessment report to be presented to World Heritage Committee after three years;
  12. Further requests the World Heritage Centre to prepare a progress report on the follow-up of the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the Region for examination at its 46th session.
Decisions adopted at the 44th extended session of the World Heritage Committee
Context of Decision