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Blog posts by year and monthJanuary 2010

Posts (16)

  1. Major Events

    There were, generally speaking, two schools of thought about the BBC's Beijing Olympic coverage. The first is that it was one of the highlights of 2008 and some of the best sports coverage in recent memory. This was the clear finding of our audience research, and also of a lot of the emails, bl...

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  2. Who Do You Trust?

    PR firm Edelman have published their 2010 Global Trust Barometer today , it surveyed 1,000 people in the UK and many more around the world asking what they think about politicians, bankers, CEOs and media companies, providing a window on national and international levels of public trust. At t...

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  3. 'Braining up' BBC Children's

    The Lords Communication Committee's report this week once again brought the state of children's TV in this country sharply into focus. It also reignited the debate around how much we value programmes for children in this country, and how seriously we value programmes MADE in this country for our ...

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  4. Portraying the LGB community on the BBC

    Today the BBC announced that it has commissioned a piece of research to help us gain a deeper understanding into how the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) community are portrayed across all our services. We will talk to audiences up and down the UK so that we get the widest range of views and op...

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  5. BBC Films' record-breaking BAFTA year

    We're delighted with this morning's announcement from BAFTA, signalling a record 13 nominations for BBC Films. It's a great reward for the hard work and commitment of the filmmakers we've worked with and the breadth of British talent we're regularly engaging with at BBC Films. Lone Scherfig'...

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  6. The BBC's £7 billion Boost to Economy, Jobs and Businesses

    I'm speaking later today at the Oxford Media Convention about how the BBC can best support our creative industries where I will be outlining the key findings of a new report into our economic value. The study, carried out by Deloitte and published in the coming weeks, will show that the BBC (i...

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  7. Sport Relief 2010

    The shocking images that we continue to see from Haiti are a stark reminder of just how quickly tragedy can strike, and in equal measure how compassionate we can be as a nation in response to it. Today sees the official launch of Sport Relief 2010, the fund raising collaboration between the BB...

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  8. World of Wonder - Science on the BBC 2010

    Finally. It's here at last. We've been planning this day for a while - a chance for us to talk about the importance of science to the UK, and why those of us making and broadcasting science programmes at the BBC are passionate about reaching as broad an audience as possible with our content. T...

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  9. Emergency appeal for Haiti

    Image © REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz I'm writing this from one of the editing suites at Television Centre. The Producer and Editor are choosing shots to go in today's DEC Appeal for the Haiti Earthquake. Anyone watching the Appeal can't fail to be aware of appalling situation, but putting the picture...

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  10. BBC launches Enhanced Search

    Over at the BBC Internet blog, Matthew McDonnell, the BBC's Portfolio Executive for Search, takes a fascinating look at the phased roll-out of the new BBC site search. Click here to read the full post and to comment....

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