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Die Laboratorio bevat 'n lys van onderwerpe en materiale wat in voorbereiding is.

Nuttige skakels en aanlynwoordeboeke[wysig | wysig bron]

Venezia & Terraferma[wysig | wysig bron]


A belvedere or mirador of wood

  • Course material: Howard/Quill/Moretti - The Architectural History of Venice
  • Course material: Maurice Andrieux - Daily life in Venice in the time of Casanova: On every roof rose the traditional altana where the family met to enjoy the cool of evening and discuss the happenings of the day. And here in the sunshine the women staged their transformation scenes, dyeing and drying their hair...
  • On site I: Carpaccio's Two Venetian Ladies (The Courtesans), Museo Correr
  • On site II: Carpaccio's Hunting in the Lagoon, Getty Museum, Los Angeles
  • On site III: Campo Santa Margherita, Venezia
  • On site IV: Treviso
Loggia dei Cavalieri in Treviso

Daar word vermeld dat een ander, moontlik soortgelyke gebou in 'n ander Italiaanse nedersetting opgerig is.

Kunstenaars in Treviso
YouTube-Media - Antieke Romeinse dansopvoerings
YouTube-Media - Antieke Romeinse musiek

Daar is twee musiekgroepe wat antieke Romeinse musiek laat herleef: Musica Romana en Synaulia.

Die mooiste Latynse klanke
I Flauti Etruschi

Stadsbeplanning in Moskou[wysig | wysig bron]

  • Digitalisering en stadsherbou: Op pad na 'n 21ste eeuse top-vyf globale Alphastad

Felix Novikov[wysig | wysig bron]

Felix Novikov: Brasília in Moskou - Pionierspaleis

Quantum computing / Kwantumrekenaar[wysig | wysig bron]

Quote of the Day[wysig | wysig bron]

Quotefancy LOL!

Kamchatka / Alaska / California sessions[wysig | wysig bron]

Summary of suggestions (see the backlog on top of this page?! sigh…):

Isadora Duncan - A Revolutionary Dancer in Recolutionary Russia
Kennan Institute
IMR Institute of Modern Russia
  • Russia's Demographic Decline. The old farts' Soviet style gay bashing is a slap in the face for admirers of Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes. While Russian men are drinking themselves to death. But: Is there a ten or twenty year time frame (or narrow time window) for Russia's ambitious foreign policies - before demographic decline sets in?
Kamchatka earthquakes
  • Kamchatka earthquake tremors are often felt across Russia (or indeed, the whole Eurasian plate). A few years ago, buildings had to be evacuated in both Moscow and St. Petersburg, one source claims (as a purely precautionary measure), as skyscrapers swayed back and forth. Volunteers work welcome. Otherwise, our Mrs Knows Everything Concierge will be the most reliable Muscovite source.

News from the Mother City[wysig | wysig bron]

May we please draw your attention to the Lost LA Curriculum Open Resource Project and KCET's Lost LA documentary series:


Toerisme in antieke Rome en strandkultuur[wysig | wysig bron]

Tourism in Ancient Rome + A Cultural History of the Beach

Teasers, anyone?

Michail Boelgakof: Die meester en Margarita[wysig | wysig bron]

'n Bekende Duitse historikus beskryf die bogenoemde werk as 'n ongewone tydreis na Moskou in 1937.

Frank Lloyd Wright in Moscow - It's that ominous year 1937 again[wysig | wysig bron]

The Sports Parade Aesthetics… Watch closely…

Russia and the English-speaking world[wysig | wysig bron]

In the years before the Great War, Russia and the Ballets Russes took Edwardian Britain by storm. Since then, Russia has reinvented herself every twenty years or so. These are exciting times, with Moscow and St. Petersburg exploding with creativity. Learning Russian has become fashionable again in Eastern Europe.

Let's have a closer look on how Russian culture has enriched, deepened, and even transformed American culture in important ways.

UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) Center for Near Eastern Studies: Russian Cultural Influence on American Culture by Daria Thomas, Pasadena City College (published in 2010)

Alaskan Dachas[wysig | wysig bron]

Proposals? Voorstelle? Gedagtes?

Abbot-Downing Co. in Concord, NH[wysig | wysig bron]

Abbot-Downing Concord coach in Wells Fargo livery, on display at the Wells Fargo History Museum in Old Town San Diego, CA

Made in Italy[wysig | wysig bron]

Californians and Okies[wysig | wysig bron]

Black dust cloud in the Texas Panhandle
"Migrant Mother" and her children on a cold, crisp March morning in California: Florence Owens Thompson (1903–1983)
J. Paul Getty Museum
  • Mental Floss: Black Sunday: The Storm That Gave Us the Dust Bowl
  • Weather history
  • Number of fatalities? Remains unknown. Thousands may have died from exposure to dust. The Black Sunday storm claimed the lives of many children and elderly persons.
  • Keywords: Poor farming practices, oil boom, debt, tractored out, automobile culture, Great Depression, migrant labor, transients, a gubernatorial race in California... (Kevin Starr has all the answers...)

Collecting Cookbooks[wysig | wysig bron]

Cabbages[wysig | wysig bron]

Vornado[wysig | wysig bron]

Vornado 12D1 (circa 1945)
• US companies with unique products Made in USA
• Southern breeze in a room

Elizabethan voyages to overseas colonies - the Apollo missions of their time[wysig | wysig bron]

What a comparison! Incredibly well said. The interesting thing is - when we compare the Mayflower 1620 mythology with historical facts, we must admit it was a business venture where religious liberty was not the main consideration. The Pilgrim Fathers had emigrated to the Netherlands before they set sail to America... More coming soon.

Ekonomie van die VSA | US Economy[wysig | wysig bron]

→ Knowledge-based economy, technology-driven innovation in manufacturing

Antebellum plantations of the Mississippi Valley[wysig | wysig bron]

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH)[wysig | wysig bron]

The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) will be freely available through July 2020 in recognition of the impact of coronavirus on campus instruction and the rise of unplanned distance learning.


Queen Anne Style Houses[wysig | wysig bron]

Queen Anne USA: Carson Mansion, Eureka Historic District, California
Queen Anne UK: Abbess House, now known as Manor House, The Rodings, Essex, England

Cultural Adaptation[wysig | wysig bron]

One of the most thrilling aspects of the American experience: Cultural adaptation

A three-stage-process:

  • Transplanted Anglo-European culture
  • Cultural adaptation
  • Distinctive American culture

And the "long, sunny season of American utopianism" (Chris Jennings)?

Merchants of Chaos and Conspiracy Theories[wysig | wysig bron]

Reading Material 1:

Scientology's Freedom Magazine on Conspiracy Theories (Vol. 48, Issue 2 - Excerpts)[wysig | wysig bron]

UFOs and Elvis and Nazis, oh my!

John F. Sugg, executive editor

Whatever else America is, it is “Conspiracy Nation.” We thrive on the fanciful and looney. We like to be scared witless that so many evil groups are plotting against us.
Conspiracies are the mainstay of much of our entertainment culture. Books, TV, movies, even music are soaked with paranoia—from The Da Vinci Code, to The Manchurian Candidate, to The X-Files, to Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth.”
Or, in retrospect, it isn’t quite clear why we invaded Iraq, but didn’t it have something to do about Saddam Hussein’s conspiracy to build weapons of mass destruction? Or, wait, was it the conspiracy to fabricate claims of Hussein’s conspiracy about the WMD?
One thing we do know: A New York Times reporter named Judith Miller was the main conduit—a very willing accomplice—in furthering the hogwash that got the United States into the Iraq debacle. There were other accomplices: almost all of the mainstream press. The media stood by credulously nodding “yes, yes, yes” as each of the blood-drenched prevarications was wrapped into conspiracies, and fed to Americans.
No, I’m not kicking just the Republicans. Conspiracy promulgation is a decidedly bi-partisan effort. It was Lyndon Baines Johnson who crafted one of the most corrosive conspiracy theories in history, the alleged attacks on U.S. warships in the Gulf of Tonkin. Some 50,000 dead Americans, plus 2 million Vietnamese civilians and 1.1 million troops were the ante for that conspiracy gambit.
And, again, the media aided and abetted each one of those deaths.
The world IS a dangerous place. Wars and mayhem. Weapons conceived in the darkest pits of hell. Terrorism. Entire populations facing grinding poverty. Human trafficking.
The mounting disparities in wealth, education and opportunity are the things of which revolutions are made. But, while dangerous, the merchants of chaos—especially agenda-driven media—weave conspiracies, bigotry and propaganda into mass manipulations to make things seem worse than they are. That causes the well intended to withdraw, leaving the merchants of chaos to their schemes.
William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer in 1898 launched us into the Spanish-American War; Fox News and the New York Times in the early 2000s fabricated tales to get us into Iraq; two Atlanta papers vying for political control of Georgia in 1906 competed in telling scurrilous, lurid tales of black men raping white women until the city raged with a murderous race riot. Lies about the birthplace of a president have helped render the nation unable to function. And on, and on.
In 2016, the left versus right media polarize the nation with scandalous stories, racial and religious bigotry and half-baked attack whispers designed to scare and stampede voters.
Where are the leaders? Slinging the manure of fabricated conspiracies at each other. Exacerbating the widening chasms between citizens. It’s not Hillary or Donald who will change that dynamic. It will only change when every citizen stops listening to the chattering conspiracy artists and merchants of chaos, and proclaims:
We can do better! 35 of the most popular conspiracy theories in the US[wysig | wysig bron]

Reading Material 2 (we're into pop culture)

Need a handbook?[wysig | wysig bron]

Research on Scientology[wysig | wysig bron]

Comedy Central[wysig | wysig bron]

Clearwater Comedy Central[wysig | wysig bron]

Germany Comedy Central[wysig | wysig bron]

Germany's former top anti-Scientology campaigner Ursula Caberta is guilty of violating human rights, German courts have ruled. Old news.

The interesting fact: She is fond of "handsome men, good wine and playing skat."

Our equation:

  • Men = M
  • Wine = W
  • Skat = S

0 * M + x * W + x * S = Sending her into a frenzy.

More serious stuff: Scientology or Scientologies?[wysig | wysig bron]

The Free Zone[wysig | wysig bron]

Los Angeles Architecture[wysig | wysig bron]

Tourism in Venice: Bombload Comedy Central[wysig | wysig bron]

America - are we living in two political geographies? Comedy Central again, we're afraid[wysig | wysig bron]

  • Or undo the Revolution, join the British Motherland again (in the Formally United Colonies and Kingdom - FUCK) and enjoy the benefits of the National Health Service? LOL! The spelling will revert to the British tradition - it's harbour and plough again! You'll be travelling and could not care less again! Parliament will be hopelessly blown up with MPs from all over the 50 colonies - but hey! They're all off to London then! Eternally stuck in the Capital's traffic jams.
  • The best thing: The Home Office will send millions and millions of illegal immigrants - back and home again! Apply for a driving licence - and they'll find out you should never have been here! And wait for the Loyalist Reconstruction! When will the British (or worse - Canadian) carpetbaggers arrive? They'll get that fool who's been posting in one of our forums and calling Canada a socialist nightmare, and arrest him in his hiding-place in Prince Edwardonia (former California). The press will be busy covering Princess Megan's socialite parties in Churchillton (if British protesters do not once and for all burn down the place named after that slaveholder criminal & revolutionary terrorist).
  • This is so funny. Take a snapshot of your Idahoan and Utahn cousins' puzzled faces when it happens!
  • Or... behave.
  • Other ideas: A French virus pandemic turns everyone into a Francophone ready and willing to join Québec.
  • My latest creation, Operating Pecan™ flavored coffee, becomes a national obsession, with everyone flocking to newly-opened coffee houses, sipping it and doing nothing else. Protesting, maybe, when and if stocks unexpectedly run out. Hey, this is my first coffee empire. Be patient.

Research - American Cultural Studies[wysig | wysig bron]

We stumbled upon something interesting - an influential South African politician and author (botanist), mentioned in Carl N. Degler's Out of Our Past. The Forces That Shaped Modern America. Looks like he paid at least one visit to the United States.

A blog dedicated to LDS scholar Dr. Hugh Nibley | BYU Speeches[wysig | wysig bron]

John Sutter and Sutter's Mill[wysig | wysig bron]

How the aviation industry shaped Los Angeles[wysig | wysig bron]

  • Curbed LA + KCET
  • Kevin Starr: A story of rapid industrial growth (WW II), impressive flying boats built in LA, the incredible output achieved as part of the war effort
  • Where should we add this chapter - within the California, Southern California, Los Angeles articles?
  • And, by the way: Curbed LA is closing and moving to the flagship site Finally, it will move over to the New York Magazine (

Stephenie Meyer and the Vampire feuds[wysig | wysig bron]

  • Anne Rice vs. Stephenie Meyer
  • Edward & Bella: Why not spend eternity graduating from every high school in the US?

Mother Ann, the Shakers & the American Revolution[wysig | wysig bron]

From the PBS website:

About the Shakers

Zaddock spoke with Mother Ann, as her followers called her, through the grates of his cell, and informed her of his “embarrassments.” “You will be delivered,” she told him. “God will deliver you.” Although this seemed unlikely to Zaddock, the declaration “made a forcible impression upon his feelings.” They spoke at length about the Revolution. Ann Lee taught him to “view the subject from a different light than what he had done, and convinced him that it was the providential work of God to open the way for the Gospel.” Zaddock agreed that it would be impossible for England to win. “The hand of God was in the Revolution,” he wrote, “and America must be separated from the English government and become a land of liberty for the gospel’s sake.”

HENN Carbon Concrete[wysig | wysig bron]

Albert Ballin[wysig | wysig bron]

Exhibition catalogs[wysig | wysig bron]

One German catalog, published in conjunction with a special exhibition about city planning in Paris, Berlin, New York and London, currently studied by us, is full of typographical and other errors. One of the key sentences about New York does not make sense at all. Should have been included in the article about the Erie Canal. What we understand by now - the canal had no impact on the city's growth and economy. It was growing anyway, despite everything, and just because. Fascinating. Not even the Westward Migration and Expansion could ever threaten its status as America's number one metropolis.

A second exhibition catalog (Etruscan Studies) we recently acquired is well-written (by Italians, LOL) - with outstanding texts and illustrations.

Jimmy Carter[wysig | wysig bron]

He blamed daily press attention given to the Iranian hostage crisis (and a media mogul whose name we will release shortly, in the face of pressure from Jimmy's Georgian admirers, LOL) for his defeat in the presidential election of 1980 - as he put it, «the sense of impotence and incompetence that was generated from those hostages not being released».

  • Background information from the English edition of Wikipedia:
The October Surprise conspiracy theory refers to an alleged plot to influence the outcome of the 1980 United States presidential election, contested between Democratic incumbent president Jimmy Carter and his Republican opponent, former California governor Ronald Reagan.
One of the leading national issues during 1980 was the release of 66 Americans being held hostage in Iran since November 4, 1979. Reagan won the election. On the day of his inauguration—in fact, minutes after he concluded his 20 minute inaugural address—the Islamic Republic of Iran announced the release of the hostages. The timing gave rise to an allegation that representatives of Reagan's presidential campaign had conspired with Iran to delay the release until after the election to thwart President Carter from pulling off an "October surprise".
According to the allegation, the Reagan Administration subsequently rewarded Iran for its participation in the plot by supplying Iran with weapons via Israel and by unblocking Iranian government monetary assets in U.S. banks.
After twelve years of varying media attention, both houses of the United States Congress held separate inquiries and concluded that the allegations lacked supporting documentation.
Nevertheless, several individuals—most notably, former Iranian President Abulhassan Banisadr, former naval intelligence officer and U.S. National Security Council member Gary Sick, and Barbara Honegger, a former campaign staffer and White House analyst for Reagan and Bush—have stood by the allegation.

Keats-Shelley House[wysig | wysig bron]

First German Latter-day Saint Temple in GDR/East Germany | Paul Robeson[wysig | wysig bron]

Requested. Coming soon. The LDS Church was officially recognized in 1977 in Poland, while East Germany tolerated practising Saints as loyal citizens. The Aktuelle Kamera news bulletin covered the dedication of the first German temple in 1985. Looks like one of the presidents of the Church paid East German members at least one visit.

May he or Paul Robeson be portrayed as cultural bridge-builders? There is not much to write about cultural connections between the USA and East Germany. There weren't any. Some East German documents outlining the set of rules for journalists covering the Munich Olympic Games in 1972 (awarding the games to a West German city was the worst possible outcome for East Germany - and just when they felt pleased with the idea of having their national anthem played on West German territory, the IOC put forward a proposal to cut the anthems playback short to 20 or 30 seconds - the East Germans went through the roof!) are quite revealing. Not only were they ordered to spell Costa Rica the "East German way", that is - Kostarika, there was also one guy sharing his views on black Americans, the black American bourgeoisie, and the black American working class. More later.

Paul Robeson was definitely one of the "better world intellectuals" (see this reference work: A Better World: Stalinism and the American Intellectuals) who trusted Stalin. But so did the British and American governments. Did he fool them? There's a long list of western intellectuals (including George Bernard Shaw) who - when traveling to Soviet Russia, even Ukraine in the famine years - saw what they wanted to see. Could Russians claim they were "useful idiots" during World War II? Was there a lack of communication between the west and Russia? Even if, the crimes committed in Stalin's Russia cannot be ignored. It is a topic too complex to survey here. Maybe we should focus on ordinary citizens' experiences. A grim task when writing about Russia under Stalin.

LDS / Scientology Advanced Home Evening[wysig | wysig bron]

A. John Wheeler

In the 1950s Wheeler grew increasingly intrigued by the philosophical implications of quantum physics. According to Wheeler, there was no universe until the rise of consciousness to perceive it. In fact, Wheeler was one of the first prominent physicists seriously to propose that reality might not be a wholly physical phenomenon. In some sense, Wheeler suggested, reality grows out of the act of observation, and thus consciousness itself: it is “participatory.” He also stated that information is the most fundamental building block of reality, and that the universe should be seen as a selfsynthesized information system: a self-excited circuit that is developing through a (closed loop) cycle. His cosmic variant of the delayed choice experiment led to the idea that human observers may not only determine the present, but also may influence the past. According to Wheeler, ultimate mutability is the central feature of physics, and the meaning of reality can only be established if there is a universal knowledge field, that transcends physical past, present and future.

How come all the extraordinary unlikely coincidences needed for the creation of life and intelligence have come together to create us? Wheeler argued that this perfect fit is unlikely to be a mere accident, and that mankind and the potential other modalities of intelligence in the universe played and will play an essential role in the evolution of the universe. And this, remarkably, even in retrospect with regard to the millions of years of evolution before human existence (Nesturuk, 2013).
GLOSSARY: Mutability - the ability to change or the fact of being likely to change (Cambridge Dictionary)

B. The LDS Concept of Imago Dei

C. Church materials LDS

D. Church materials CoS

  • The State of Operating Thetan:
The goal of Operating Thetan is to overcome the travails of existence and regain the certainty and abilities of one’s native spiritual beingness. At this level one knows that they are separate and apart from such material things as physical form or the physical universe.
OT (Operating Thetan) is a state of spiritual awareness in which an individual is able to control themselves and their environment. An OT is someone who knows that they know and can create positive and pro-survival effects on all of their dynamics. They have been fully refamiliarized with their capabilities as a thetan and can willingly and knowingly be at cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. 
As a being becomes more and more OT, they become more stable, powerful and responsible as a spiritual being.

E. Coincidences

F. Media

Empire allemand - Matières à réflexion |[wysig | wysig bron]

Books that presidential candidates should read at least once in their lives - Part I: Material Dreams*[wysig | wysig bron]

The late Loki Schmidt, wife of German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, presenting masks to be worn during election campaigns
  • When we state that the American dream is a socialist Utopia - could you guess which key work we are talking about?
  • Hint: the author shows why socialism never took root in the USA and how any socialist material dream dreamt by Europe's working classes is (or was) an integral part of the American Dream and way of life
  • Off-topic, but cool: Good Reads - Ronald Wright
  • Off-topic: Material Dreams is the title of a book published by Kevin Starr

Book on Medieval Lucca published by South African lecturer at Wits in 2009[wysig | wysig bron]