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Djuna Barnes

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Djuna Barnes» (1892-1982).

Djuna Barnes (* Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York suyu, Istadus Unidus, 1892 mara 12 uru Juypi phaxsin yuritayna — † New York, 1982 mara 18 uru Juypi phaxsin yuriwi)  Istadus Unidos jacha marka qillqiri.

  • El libro de las mujeres repulsivas (The Book of Repulsive Women: 8 Rhythms and 5 Drawings) (1915)
  • Three from the Earth (1919) (obra de teatro)
  • Kurzy from the Sea (1920) (obra de teatro)
  • An Irish Triangle (1921) (obra de teatro)
  • She Tells Her Daughter (1923) (obra de teatro)
  • Un libro (A Book) (1923)
  • Almanaque de las damas (Ladies Almanack showing their Signs and their Tides; their Moons and their Changes; the Seasons as it is with them; their Eclipses and Equinoxes; as well as a full Record of diurnal and nocturnal Distempers, written & illustrated by a lady of fashion) (1928)
  • Ryder (Ryder) (1928)
  • Una noche entre los caballos (A Night Among the Horses) (1929)
  • El bosque de la noche (Nightwood) (1936)
  • La antífona (The Antiphon) (1958) (obra de teatro)
  • El vertedero (Spillway) (1962)
  • Selected Works (1962)
  • Vagaries Malicieux (1974)
  • Criaturas en un alfabeto (Creatures in an Alphabet) (1982)
  • Humo y otras historias tempranas (Smoke and Other Early Stories) (1982)
  • I Could Never Be Lonely without a Husband: Interviews by Djuna Barnes (1987) (ed. por A Barry)
  • Djuna Barnes's New York (1989)
  • At the Roots of the Stars: The Short Plays (1995)
  • La madre de Poe (Poe's Mother: Selected Drawings) (1996)
  • Collected Stories of Djuna Barnes (1996)


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