Mont d’an endalc’had

Jerry Pinkney

Eus Wikipedia
Jerry Pinkney

J. Pinkney (2011)
Ganedigezh 22 Kerzu 1939
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Banniel ar Stadoù-Unanet Stadoù-Unanet
Marv 20 Here 2021
Sleepy Hollow, New York, S.-U.

Micher Skeudennaouer, skrivagner
Prantad 1964-2021
Domani Levrioù evit ar vugale

Internet Jerry Pinkney Studio

Jerry Pinkney (Philadelphia, 22 Kerzu 1939Sleepy Hollow, 20 Here 2021) a oa ur skeudennaouer ha skrivagner stadunanat el lennegezh evit ar vugale.
Tremen 100 levr a bep doare a voe skeudennaouet gantañ, e dourliverezh peurliesañ.

Ouzhpenn da levrioù ha diskouezadegoù niverus e labouras J. Pinkney evit an United States Postal Service, an National Park Service hag ar gelaouenn National Geographic. Unan eus arzourien vrudetañ Stadoù-Unanet Amerika e oa Jerry.

E Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) e voe ganet ha desavet J. Pinkney gant e vamm Willie Mae, a zalc'he an tiegezh, hag e dad James Pinkney, un artizan ; eus Su ar Stadoù-Unanet e oa deuet ar c'houblad d'en em staliañ e biz ar vro[1] Ar pevare e oa eus c'hwec'h bugel ar familh.[2].

Ken abred hag oadet 4 pe 5 bloaz e krogas da dresañ. Goude ur skol eil-derez evit an dud du hepken, ma veizas e oa disheñvel sevenadur ar re zu diouzh hini ar re wenn ha ma voe merzet e oa milennek.
E 1951, oadet 12 vloaz, edo J. Pinkney o labourat en ur stal kazetennoù ; eno e verzas unan eus an arvalien, an treser bannoù-treset John Liney (1912-1982) pegen donezonet e oa ar paotrig, a alias da genderc'hel gant an hent-se evit bezañ un arzour a-vicher.
Diwezhatoc'h ez eas J. Pinkney d'ul lise a oa digor d'an holl ; eno en devoe mignoned a bep orin, ar pezh a oa ral en amzer-se, hag eno ivez e kreskas e atapi ouzh sevenadurioù ar bed, a zo bet e kreizig-kreiz e oberennoù. Eno ivez e kejas ouzh e bried, ar skrivagnerez Gloria Jean Pinkney[3].

Goude al lise e voe degemeret e 1957 er Philadelphia Museum College of Art (PCA), ma studias an arzoù kenwerzhel : ar bruderezh hag an design ; an tresañ, al livañ hag ar moullañ e voe e zanvezioù muiañ-karet, alese e labour war al levrioù.[2] Daou vloaz hanter hepken e padas ar studioù, rak Gloria ha Jerry a zivizas dimeziñ ha kaout bugale, ha bleiner karr-samm ur marc'hadour-bokedoù e voe J. Pinkney, pa ne ouie ket petra ober gant e zonezon.
Bloaz diwezhatoc'h, e 1960, unan eus kelennerien PCA a ginnigas dezhañ labourat evit un embanner kartennoù-hetoù, The Rust Craft Greeting Card Company, e Dedham nepell diouzh Boston. Diouzhtu e tilojas ar c'houblad yaouank di[4].

E 1964 e skeudennaouas Jerry Pinkney e gentañ levr evit ar vugale : The Adventures of Spider: West African Folk Tales, skrivet gant Joyce Cooper Arkhurst[5].
Kavet e hent gantañ e labouras gant daou arzour all e Kaleidoscope Studios e-pad daou vloaz a-raok dilojañ da New York ma tigoras Jerry Pinkney Studios e 1968.[6]

Etre 1978 ha 1987 e tresas J. Pinkney 11 timbr evit an United States Postal Service, lod anezho evit ar rummad Black Heritage Stamp Series[7].
Er bloavezhioù 1980 e krogas da zastum enorioù, evel Priz Coretta Scott King evit ar gwellañ deskrivadur eus buhez an dud afrikran-amerikan e lennegezh ar vugale, a voe deroet dezhañ e 1989 goude e labour evit al levr Mirandy and Brother Wind gant Patricia McKissack[8],[9].

Ur c'helenner eo bet J. Pinkney ivez : er Pratt Institute e Brooklyn, en University of Delaware e Newark (Delaware) hag e Skol-veur Buffalo (New York).[10]

Er bloaz 1990 e voe degemeret Jerry Pinkney er Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)[11] E 2003 e voe anvet en National Council of the Arts[10], hag e 2012 e voe dilennet en American Academy of Arts and Sciences[12].

D'an 20 a viz Here 2021 e varvas Jerry Pinkney gant ul lamm-kalon e Sleepy Hollow, New-York, d'an oad a 81 bloaz.

Un treser e oa Jerry Pinkney da gentañ-holl : netra ne blije muioc'h dezhañ eget derc'hel ur c'hreion du en e zorn, ha klask al linenn reizh evit aroueziañ ur santad.
Abalamour d'ar c'hlask-se e tibabas un doare da livañ na guzhje ket al linenn disi ; livioù akrilek a zibabas da gentañ, peogwir e vezont treuzwelus. Goude un nebeud skeudennoù e troas war-du an dourlivioù, a zo kalz diaesoc'h da vestroniañ hogen a vir al linenn ivez[13].

Evit pep levr e klaske J. Pinkney bezañ resis e-keñver al lec'h hag ar mare, evit a sell ouzh an dilhad da skouer.[14] Alies e trese an dud diwar patromoù bev, met tresañ loened a blije dezhañ ar muiañ, ha lakaat tresoù tud warno.[14]

Oberennoù lennegel

[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Levrioù evit ar vugale

[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]
Bloavezhioù 1960
  • Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper. The Adventures of Spider: West African Folk Tales. New York : Scholastic, 1964 (ISBN 978-0-590-03434-0)
  • Fletcher, Helen Jill. The Year Around Book. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1965
  • McCall, Adeline. This is Music for Kindergarten and Nursery School. Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1965
  • Garshin|Garshin, V. M. The Traveling Frog. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1966
  • Sobol, Ken. A Book of Sizes & Shapes. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1966
  • Saleh, Harold J. Even Tiny Ants Must Sleep. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1967
  • Sobol, Ken. The Clock Museum. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1967 (ISBN 978-99903-71-79-6)
  • Spellman, John W. The Beautiful Blue Jay, and Other Tales of India. Boston : Little, Brown, 1967
  • Dale, Ralph Alan. Shoes, Pennies and Rockets: A Book of Singing Games. New York : L. W. Singer, 1968
  • Green, Lila. Folktales and Fairytales of Africa. Morristown : Silver Burdett, 1968
  • Traudl. Kostas the Rooster. New York : Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1968
  • Phillips, Irv. The Twin Witches of Fingle Fu. New York : L. W. Singer, 1969
  • Powell, Fern. The Porcupine and the Tiger. New York : Lothrop, Lee & Sheppard Co., 1969>
  • Shaw, Thelma. Juano and the Wonderful Fresh Fish. Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1969
  • Trofimuk, Ann. Babushka and the Pig. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1969
  • Annett, Cora. Cora Annett's Homerhenry. Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1970
Bloavezhioù 1970
  • Jacobs, Francine. The King's Ditch: A Hawaiian Tale. New York : Coward, McCann, & Geoghegan, 1971
  • Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper. More Adventures of Spider: West African Folk Tales. New York : Scholastic Book Services, 1972
  • Robinson, Adjai. Femi and Old Grandaddie. New York : Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1972
  • Evans, Mari. JD. Garden City : Doubleday, 1973 (ISBN 978-0-385-08247-1)
  • Freschet, Berniece. Prince Littlefoot. Lexington : Ginn, 1973 (ISBN 978-0-663-25488-0)
  • Robinson, Adjai. Kasho and the Twin Flutes. New York : Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1973 (ISBN 978-0-698-20265-8)
  • Jefferson, Margo and Elliott P. Skinner. Roots of Time: A Portrait of African Life and Culture. Garden City : Doubleday, 1974
  • Wilson, Beth P. The Great Minu. Chicago : Follett, 1974 (ISBN 978-0-695-80409-1)
  • Martel, Cruz. Yagua Days. New York : Dial Press, 1975 (ISBN 978-0-8037-9765-9)
  • Taylor, Mildred. Song of the Trees. New York : Dial Press, 1975 (ISBN 978-0-440-22699-4)
  • Greenfield, Eloise. Mary McLeod Bethune. New York : Crowell, 1977 (ISBN 78-0-690-01129-6)
  • Aaderma, Verna. Ji-nongo-nongo Means Riddles. New York : Four Winds Press, 1978 (ISBN 978-0-590-07474-2)
  • Green, Lila. Tales From Africa. Morristown : Silver Burdett Co., 1979 (ISBN 78-0-382-03350-6)
  • Greenfield, Eloise & Lessie Jones Little & Pattie Ridley Jones. Childtimes: A Three-Generation Memoir. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979 (ISBN 978-0-690-03874-3)
  • Yellow Robe, Rosebud. Tonweya and the Eagles and Other Lakota Indian Tales. New York : Dial Press, 1979 (ISBN 978-0-8037-8973-9)
  • Hamilton, Virginia. Jahdu. New York : Greenwillow Books, 1980 (ISBN 978-0-688-80246-2)
  • Zaslavsky, Claudia. Count on Your Fingers African Style. New York : Crowell, 1980 (ISBN 978-0-690-03864-4)
Bloavezhioù 1980
  • Wise, William. Monster Myths of Ancient Greece. New York : Putnam, 1981 (ISBN 978-0-399-61143-8)
  • Michels, Barbara & White, Bettye. Apples on a Stick: The Folklore of Black Children. New York : Coward-McCann, 1983 (ISBN 978-0-698-20567-3)
  • Flournoy, Valerie. The Patchwork Quilt. New York : Dial, 1985 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0098-7)
  • Dragonwagon, Crescent. Half a Moon and One Whole Star. New York : Macmillan Publishing, 1986 (ISBN 978-0-02-733120-2)
  • Buxton, Jane Heath & Strejan, John & Diaz, James. Strange Animals of the Sea. Washington D.C. : National Geographic Society, 1987 (ISBN 978-0-87044-686-3)
  • Carlstrom, Nancy White. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna. New York : Macmillan Publishing, 1987 (ISBN 978-0-02-717360-4)
  • Lester, Julius. The Tales of Uncle Remus: the Adventures of Brer Rabbit. New York : Dial Books, 1987 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0419-0)
  • Lester, Julius. More Tales of Uncle Remus: Further Adventures of Brer Rabbit, His Friends, Enemies and Others. New York : Dial Books, 1987 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0419-0)
  • Fields, Julia. The Green Lion of Zion Street. New York : McElderry Books, 1988 (ISBN 978-0-689-50414-3)
  • McKissack, Patricia. Mirandy and Brother Wind. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1988 (ISBN 978-0-394-98765-1)
  • Aardema, Verna. Rabbit Makes a Monkey of Lion: A Swahili Tale. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1989 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0297-4)
  • San Souci, Robert. The Talking Eggs: A Folktale From the American South. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1989 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0619-4)
  • Singer, Marilyn. Turtle in July. New York : Macmillan Publishing, 1989 (ISBN 978-0-02-782881-8)
  • Dragonwagon, Crescent. Home Place. New York : Macmillan Publishing, 1990 (ISBN 78-0-02-733190-5)
  • Lester, Julius. Further Tales of Uncle Remus: The Misadventures of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer Wolf, the Doodang and Other Creatures. New York : Dial Books, 1990 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0610-1)
  • Marzollo, Jean. Pretend You're a Cat. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1990 (ISBN 978-0-8037-0774-0)
Bloavezhioù 1990
  • Adoff, Arnold]]. In for Winter, Out for Spring. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991 (ISBN 978-0-15-238637-5)
  • Levitin, Sonia. The Man Who Kept His Heart in a Bucket. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1991 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1029-0)
  • Eisler, Colin T. David's Songs: His Psalms and Their Story. New York : Dial Books, 1992 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1058-0)
  • Hamilton, Virginia. Drylongso. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992 (ISBN 978-0-15-224241-1)
  • Pinkney, Gloria Jean. Back Home. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1992(ISBN 978-0-8037-1168-6)
  • Hurwitz, Johanna. New Shoes for Silvia. New York : Morrow Junior Books, 1993(ISBN 978-0-688-05286-7)
  • Moss, Thylias. I Want To Be. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1993(ISBN 978-0-8037-1286-7)
  • Willard, Nancy. A Starlit Somersault Downhill. Boston : Little, Brown & Company, 1993 (ISBN 978-0-316-94113-6)
  • Lester, Julius. John Henry. New York : Dial Books, 1994 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1606-3)
  • Lester, Julius. The Last Tales of Uncle Remus. New York : Dial, 1994 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1303-1)
  • Pinkney, Gloria Jean. The Sunday Outing. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1994 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1199-0)
  • Flournoy, Valerie. Tanya's Reunion. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1995 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1604-9)
  • Schroeder, Alan. Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1996 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1888-3)
  • Lester, Julius. Sam and the Tigers: A New Telling of Little Black Sambo. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1996 (ISBN 978-0-8037-2028-2)
  • Kipling, Rudyard. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. New York : Morrow Junior Books, 1997 (ISBN 978-0-688-14320-6)
  • San Souci, Robert D. The Hired Hand: An African-American Folktale. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1997 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1296-6)
  • Lester, Julius. Black Cowboy, Wild Horses: A True Story. New York : Dial Books, 1998 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1787-9)
  • Andersen, Hans Christian. The Little Match Girl. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1999 (ISBN 978-0-8037-2314-6)
  • Andersen, Hans Christian. The Ugly Duckling. New York : Morrow Junior Books, 1999 (ISBN 978-0-688-15932-0)
  • Goldin, Barbara Diamond. Journeys With Elijah: Eight Tales of the Prophet. San Diego : Harcourt Brace, 1999 (ISBN 978-0-15-200445-3)
  • Lester, Julius. Uncle Remus: The Complete Tales. New York : Phyllis Fogelman Books, 1999 (ISBN 978-0-8037-2451-8)
  • Lester, Julius & Pinkney, Jerry. Albidaro and the Mischievous Dream. New York : Phyllis Fogelman Books, 2000 (ISBN 978-0-8037-1987-3)
  • Pinkney, Jerry. Aesop's Fables. New York : SeaStar Books, 2000 (ISBN 978-1-58717-000-3)
Bloavezhioù 2000
  • McKissack, Patricia C. & Pinkney, Jerry. Goin' Someplace Special. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2001 (ISBN 978-0-689-81885-1)
  • Andersen, Hans Christian. The Nightingale. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2002 (ISBN 978-0-8037-2464-8)
  • Pinkney, Jerry. Noah's Ark. New York : SeaStar Books, 2002 (ISBN 978-1-58717-201-4)
  • Holiday, Billie & Arthur Herzog Jr. God Bless the Child. New York : HarperCollins/Amistad, 2004 (ISBN 978-0-06-028797-9)
  • Pinkney, Jerry. The Little Red Hen. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-8037-2935-3)
  • Lester, Julius. The Old African. New York : Dial Books, 2005 (ISBN 978-0-8037-2564-5)
  • Grifalconi, Ann. Ain't Nobody a Stranger to Me. New York : Hyperion Books for Children, 2007 (ISBN 978-0-7868-1857-0)
  • McKissack, Patricia. The All-I'll-Ever-Want Christmas Doll. New York : Schwartz & Wade Books, 2007 (ISBN 978-0-375-83759-3)
  • Pinkney, Jerry. Little Red Riding Hood. New York : Little, Brown, 2007 (ISBN 978-0-316-01355-0)
  • Aston, Dianna Hutts. The Moon Over Star. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2008 (ISBN 978-0-8037-3107-3)
  • Nelson, Marilyn. Sweethearts of Rhythm: The Story of the Greatest All-Girl Swing Band in the World. New York : Dial Books, 2009 (ISBN 978-0-8037-3187-5)
  • Pinkney, Jerry. The Lion and the Mouse. New York : Little, Brown, 2009 (ISBN 978-0-316-07360-8)
  • Pinkney, Jerry. Three Little Kittens. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2010 (ISBN 978-0-8037-3533-0)
Bloavezhioù 2010

Danevelloù skeudennaouet

[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]
Bloavezhioù 1970
  • Brontë, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1975
  • Auchincloss, Louis. The Winthrop Covenant. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1976
  • Bromfield, Louis. Early Autumn. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1977
  • Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1977
  • Updike, John. Rabbit, Run. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1977
  • Williams, Tennessee. Selected Plays. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1977
  • Fielding, Henry. The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1978
  • Brooks, Van Wyck. The Flowering of New England, 1815–1865. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1979
  • Faulkner, William. These Thirteen. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1979
  • Michener, James. The Covenant. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1980
Bloavezhioù 1980
  • Nabokov, Vladomir Vladimirovich. Lolita. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1981
  • Updike, John. Rabbit Redux. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1981
  • Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams. Pennsylvania : Franklin Library, 1982
Bloavezhioù 1990
  • Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Chicago : University of Illinois Press, 1991 (ISBN 978-0-252-01778-0)
  • Kipling, Rudyard. The Jungle Book: The Mowgli Stories. New York : William Morrow, 1995 (ISBN 978-0-688-09979-4)
  • Building Bridges: The Life and Times of Jerry Pinkney. 2004.[6]

Labourioù all

[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]
  • Golo al levr The Planet of Junior Brown gant Virginia Hamilton (New York : Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, 1971)
  • Skeudennoù evit al levrig Craftsmanship, A Tradition in Black America (New York : RCA, 1976)
  • Skeudenn-dal ar romant Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry gant Mildred D. Taylor (New York : Dial Press, 1977)
  • Skeudennoù evit ar pennad Escape from Slavery: The Underground Railroad gant Charles L. Branson's er gelaouenn National Geographic (1984)[15]
  • Skeudenn evit Silent Lobby, un istor skrivet gant Mildred Pitts Walter el levr The Big Book For Peace[16]
  • Poltredoù evit The Underground Railroad Handbook embannet gant an National Park Service en Official National Park Handbook, No. 156 (U.S. Department of Interior, 1998)
  • Aozadur levrig Nedeleg an Ti Gwenn 2001, Home for the Holidays e 2001[17].

Prizioù hag anaoudegezh

[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]
J. Pinkney e 2019
Boston Globe-Horn Book Award[18]
Boston Globe-Horn Honor Book
Caldecott Medal[19]
  • 2010, evit The Lion & the Mouse
Caldecott Honor Book
Coretta Scott King Award[20]
Coretta Scott King Honor Award
Coretta Scott King-Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement
  • 2016, evit e red-micher[21]
Children's Literature Legacy Award
  • 2016, evit e labour evit al lennegezh evit ar vugale[22]
New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Books Award[23]
Orbis Pictus Award[24]
  • 2020, evit A Place to Land: Martin Luther King Jr and the Speech That Inspired a Nation Barry Wittenstein (ISBN 978-0-8234-4331-4)
Phoenix Picture Book Award[25]
  • 2016, Honor Book, evit Sam and the Tigers: A New Telling of Little Black Sambo Julius Lester (ISBN 978-0-8037-2028-2)
Society of Illustrators[26]
  • 2006, The Original Art Lifetime Achievement Award evit e red-micher
  • 1997 : dibabet da-geñver an Hans Christian Andersen Award 1998, a-gevret gant ar skrivagnerez Katherine Paterson[27]
  • 2000 : Virginia Hamilton Literary Award a-zivout al lennegezh liessevenadurel evit ar yaouankizoù[28]
  • 2004 : medalenn ar Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival[29]
  • 2011 : degemeret en Hall of Fame ("Azeuldi ar Brud") kevredigezh ar Skeudennerien e New York[30]
  • 2013 : Distinguished Arts Award digant Gouarnamant Pennsylvania[31]
  • 2016 : kêr Philadelphia a lakaas an 19 a viz Gouere da "Zevezh Jerry Pinkney" (Jerry Pinkney Day)[32]
  • 2016 arre : an Norman Rockwell Museum a laka Jerry Pinkney da Loear an Arzourien abalamour d'e red-micher[33].
  • 2016 adarre : dibabet da-geñver an Hans Christian Andersen Award 2018 a-gevret gant ar skrivagnerez Pam Muñoz Ryan[27]

Liammoù diavaez

[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]
  1. (en) 'Norman rockwell Museum'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  2. 2,0 ha2,1 (en) 'HarperCollins Publishers'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  3. (en) 'Norman rockwell Museum'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  4. (en) 'The Horn Book, 27 Here 2016. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  5. (en) Trash Murphy, Barbara. Black Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and Young Adults. Abingdon-on-Thames : Routledge, 1998 (ISBN 978-0-8153-2004-3)
  6. 6,0 ha6,1 (en) 'Pennsylvania Center for the Book'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  7. (en) 'American Philatelic Society'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  8. (en) 'Coretta Scott King Book Award'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  9. (en)
  10. 10,0 ha10,1 (en) 'Our White House'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  11. (en) SCBWI. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  12. (en) 'The New York Times, 14/09/2012. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  13. (en) 'Reading Rockets'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  14. 14,0 ha14,1 (en) Cummings, Pat. Talking with Artists, vol. III. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1992 (ISBN 978-0-02-724245-4)
  15. {(en) 'Freedom's Journal: The Art of Jerry Pinkney'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  16. (en) Durell, Ann & all. The Big Book for Peace. Boston : Dutton Juvenile, 1990 (ISBN 978-0-525-44605-7)
  17. (en) CBS News, 11/12/2001. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  18. (en) 'The Horn Book/Awards'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  19. (en) 'Association for Library Service to Children'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  20. (en) 'Coretta Scott King Book Awards - All Recipients, 1970-Present'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  21. (en) 'American Library Association'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  22. {(en) 'Association for Library Service to Children'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  23. {(en) 'Calvin T. Ryan Library'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  24. (en) 'National Council of Teachers of English'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  25. (en) 'Children's Literature Association'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  26. (en) 'Society of Illustrators'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  27. 27,0 ha27,1 (en) 'International Board on Books for Young People'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  28. (en) Kent State University. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  29. (en) The University of Southern Mississippi. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  30. (en) 'Society of Illustrators'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  31. (en) 'Pennsylvania Council On The Arts'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  32. {(en) 'City of Philadelphia'. Kavet : 02 Du 2021.
  33. (en) 'The Rockwell Center for American Visual Studies'. Kavet : 02Du 2021.