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Hero Image for Limitless landing page. An asian woman looking off into the distance, a man taking notes, a black girl studying, a woman of color looking past the camera, and a side profile of a black doctor.

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Limitless Brain Health Can Stem the Crisis

The pandemic exposed a brain health crisis that has been developing for decades.
  • Disruptions in education have left millions of children falling behind.
  • By 2050, the cost of Alzheimer’s is expected to reach $750 billion per year.
  • Warriors may be four times more likely to die from suicide than in combat.
  • Even in otherwise healthy adults, our bodies outlive our brains by 20-plus years.
In this video, Adm. William McRaven, spokesperson for The BrainHealth® Project, joins brain health experts to explain why nothing is more important than brain health and performance.

Join Us in Helping Everyone Realize Limitless Brain Potential

We are taking a revolutionary approach to defining, measuring and improving brain health through scientific discovery. Better brain health starts now.
Center for BrainHealth is leading the way, and the opportunities are as limitless as the potential of the brain itself.
We are deeply grateful to visionary supporters such as Sammons Enterprises, Jean Ann Brock, the Estate of Janet DeSanders, Beverly and Don Freeman, Jennifer and Peter Roberts and many others.
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Make a Limitless Impact

Campaign Progress

Limitless Campaign Thermometer reaching $45.6 million.
The link above will take you to the UT Dallas Giving page.

Limitless BrainHealth and New Dimensions

Logo lockup of UT Dallas New Dimensions comprehensive campaign. New Dimensions. The Campaign for UT Dallas. The University of Texas at Dallas.
Center for BrainHealth is in the public phase of a comprehensive campaign to raise $50 million in philanthropic support by 2025. Contributions to the Limitless BrainHealth campaign simultaneously help The University of Texas at Dallas get closer to the $750 million goal of the university’s comprehensive campaign, New Dimensions
As a dynamic, young university, the New Dimensions campaign will ensure that UT Dallas remains strategically poised for a future of promise and innovation.