Commons:Unvisited app

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Screenshot of an
Unvisited trip around the
Elm Street Historic District
in New Haven, Connecticut

Out of Order


Unfortunately, the Unvisited App is out of order right now. Wikipedia is not responding to its automated queries for places and articles. Faolin42 (talk) 02:05, 24 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]



Unvisited was a Google Play application for planning photography trips for images for Wikipedia. Unvisited found Wikipedia articles that are missing an image in the vicinity of the user's GPS coordinates and plans trips to get as many photographs as possible in the shortest distance. An iOS version is currently in beta.



Users can plan walks, bicycle rides or driving trips of their town or for any place in the world. They can specify how many miles they want to travel per trip, and how many places they want to see on each trip.

Unvisited then queries Wikipedia for articles on nearby places that don't have a jpg image yet. Then it figures out which places can be photographed and plans trips that take users past as many of these unphotographed places in the shortest distance possible.

Searches can be done against Wikipedias in 35 languages.

There's also a Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM) mode to search for historic places that need photos. If using the Wiki Loves Monuments mode, Safe Mode is highly recommended. See version 1.6 notes below.

Both standard articles and WLM mode can be turned on at the same time for maximum results.

  • The result is a list of up to 20 possible trips
  • Each trip can take the user past up to 20 places
  • The trip can be displayed on a Google Maps, or emailed
  • The email includes the list of places and an email link to display a walking trip via Google Maps

Within the app, once a user navigates to the Wikipedia article, they can click on the camera icon to go into camera mode or click on the navigation icon to get directions to the coordinates in the article.

The latest version is 1.6. There is a beta for an iOS version.

Current bugs/requests/todo list

  1. Add a Wiki Loves Earth Mode. (Currently working on supporting image/coordinate list pages in general on Wikipedia.)
  2. Create an iPhone version. (Currently in Beta, see below.)
  3. Provide instructions on translating the Android version into other languages. (Still figuring this out.)
  4. OsmAnd support including (navigation intent, route intent, saving a gpx track)
  5. Allow exclusion of WLM places that don't have their own article. (Dropping this.)
  6. Markers show up on the preview map that don't show up in any trips.
  7. Possibly using Open Street Map libraries for mapping.



Release 1.6.1


Beefed up WLM Safe mode to better exclude places that already have images.

Release 1.6


Enabled Safe Mode for more languages - az, ca, cs, da, de, en, es, et, fr, gl, hu, it, lb, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, sk, sv and uk. Basically the WLM results are not necessarily up to date, image-wise. Turning on Safe Mode double checks the WLM results against the Wikipedia articles which are updated immediately.

So, if you use Wiki Loves Monuments mode, Safe Mode is highly recommended.

Release 1.5.1

  • Default language from device locale.
  • De-emphasize Wiki Loves Monuments mode.
  • Streamline a little bit.

More Android screenshots


Android examples


Here's some examples of trips planned by the Android version, using it's email feature in wiki format for easy pasting into a user page.

iOS beta version


There's finally a beta version of Unvisited for the iPad/iPhone.

If anyone's interested in trying out the beta version, Faolin42 can add you to the profile as a tester, then email you a beta version. Unfortunately, this requires having both an iPad/iPhone, and a Mac you can connect it to.

This requires your iPad/iPhone device name and device id (also known as UDID or identifier). If you have a Mac you can connect the iPad/iPhone to, the instructions are at in the section titled "Locating iOS Device IDs Using iTunes". You can email the info to Then Faolin42 will email you an Unvisited.ipa file you can install on your iPad/iPhone.

iOS beta version screenshots




The icon is the same one used in Wikipedia for the Wikipedia Image Requested template, and was designed by the People from the Tango! project. People

Queries are run against the Wikipedia database using the MediaWiki API

Queries are run against the Wiki Loves Monuments database using the WLM API

See also
