Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2019/Winners/Estonia

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These are the finalists for WSC2019 in Estonia.

This country-level selection had a specific national organizer and a national coordination page.

WINNER Finalist Finalist
The Bat Scientists Lauri Lutsar is checking the age of the bat. Lennart Lennuk Andres Uueni during a RTI & photogrammetry workshop in the Tallinn St Nicholas' Church. Vahur Puik Head of the Chair of Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health of Estonian University of Life Sciences, Professor Mati Roasto. Lauri Kulpsoo

Finalist Finalist Finalist
Bat scientists Rauno and Oliver Kalda monitoring bats at the old military building. Lennart Lennuk A sodium-ion battery researcher demonstrates working Na-ion battery. Tavo Romann Solid oxide fuel cell scientist Gunnar Nurk supervising students to make screen printing of a SOFC electrode in a clean-room environment. Tavo Romann

WINNER Finalist Finalist
Mosquito wing. Janek Lass Crystallized citric acid in a polarized light. Janek Lass Vespa crabro needle. Janek Lass

Finalist Finalist Finalist
SEM photo of hexagonal portlandite crystals in oil shale ash sediments. [Horisont special prize] Kristjan Leben The microscopic structure carved onto an aluminum plate to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Estonian Republic. [Regio special prize] Maido Merisalu Butterfly wing under 20x magnification. Tanel Nook

Non-photographic media from Estonia
A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) was made and its work was demonstrated using methane gas torch as a fuel source and heater. Tavo Romann

Finalist Finalist Finalist
The growth of silver crystals on the surface of copper from a solution of silver nitrate. Maxim Bilovitskiy Alloteuthis subulata, the European common squid, was filmed during fisheries fieldworks in North Sea. Randel Kreitsberg Proved in situ that arthropods can carry lichen soredia. Piret Lõhmus

WILDLIFE & NATURE from Estonia
WINNER Finalist Finalist
Cloud-to-cloud lightning over Saaremaa. Tanel Nook Traces of rockfall at the Baltic Klint escarpment in NE Estonia, that was detected as a magnitude-0.9 seismic event. Heidi Soosalu The gut content of a cod contains several small sprats. Researchers onboard research vessel Walther Herwig III analyse the menu of the fishes. Randel Kreitsberg

Finalist Finalist Finalist
In Estonia there is only 1-5 pairs of Grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) living. Lennart Lennuk Myotis dasycneme. On the ceiling of a cave there is brachiopoda fossils - raw material for phosphor. [Eesti Loodus special prize] Lennart Lennuk Polar bears chewing on power cables for field instruments during the MOSAiC expedition in October 2019. Janek Uin

To test safety of Li-ion batteries, a 18650 cell was hammered, yielding to an explosion. Tavo Romann

Finalist Finalist Finalist
View of the glow in the sky from Helsinki from the shore of the Jõelähtme region in Estonia. Maxim Bilovitskiy Star formed of six pure osmium metal 6 crystals. Maxim Bilovitskiy Aquatic toxicologist is taking a spleen sample from dab to analyse the effects of toxic pollution in the North Sea, onboard research vessel Walther Herwig III. Randel Kreitsberg

Image sets from Estonia - winner

For every success story there are hundreds if not thousands of tries gone wrong. Here is a compilation of anomalies that impress with interesting shapes and have inspired new methods. Research work of polypyrrole actuators. Kadri-Ann Valdur, Tarmo Tamm, Indrek Must

Image sets from Estonia - finalist

Research concerning bats. Lennart Lennuk

Image sets from Estonia - finalist

Gold droplets on tungsten coil. Kadri-Ann Valdur, Tarmo Tamm, Indrek Must

Image sets from Estonia - finalist

Close-up photographs of insect heads. Tanel Nook

Image sets from Estonia - finalist

Fishes of the North Sea. Randel Kreitsberg

Image sets from Estonia - finalist

Promotional images for BioBlitz. Märt Kose