Herstellung von Mess- und Steuerinstrumenten

Oberhaching, Bayern 930 Follower:innen

Wir sind da, wo Kräfte wirken!


NCTE entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Sensoren, die mechanische Kräfte messen – Drehmoment, Winkel, Position, Biegung und Scherung. Unsere patentierte Technologie funktioniert nach dem magnetostriktiven Prinzip. Das bedeutet: Wir messen berührungslos und damit wartungsfrei. Die NCTE-Sensoren funktionieren auch über einen langen Zeitraum und unter schwierigen Bedingungen sehr präzise und zuverlässig. Wir arbeiten seit 2003 in diesem Bereich und wissen, was Mess-Technologie heute leisten muss. Uns vertrauen Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen – von E-Bikes über Motorsport, Agrarwirtschaft und Luftfahrt bis zu Medizintechnik und Windkraftanlagen. Mit unseren rund 40 Mitarbeiter*innen produzieren wir an unserem Standort Oberhaching bei München Spitzen-Technologie Made in Germany und liefern sie in die ganze Welt. Impressum:

Herstellung von Mess- und Steuerinstrumenten
11–50 Beschäftigte
Oberhaching, Bayern
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Mess- und Sensortechnik, Drehmoment- und Kraftmessung und magnetoelastische und berührungslose Messungen


Beschäftigte von NCTE AG


  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    𝐍𝐂𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐆 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄-𝐁𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 🚲📊   Today, NCTE AG released its financial figures for the first half of 2024, a challenging period for the e-bike market. As recent market analyses and reports around the leading Eurobike trade fair 2024 have confirmed, the expected production increase in the bicycle industry has not yet materialized. 💬 However, "the trend towards E-bikes and CO₂-free urban mobility, from which we benefit in our core segment of E-bikes, is not canceled but merely postponed," says our CEO, Jürgen Uebbing.    While revenue and EBITDA have declined in the first half of 2024, there are already positive developments in order intake. The revenues from these orders are expected partly in the second half of 2024 and in the years 2025/2026. 🗣️ "As a supplier to the e-bike industry and in our other segments of agricultural technology, industry, and motorsport, we are well-positioned. Our healthy financial structure will help us to significantly increase our revenue and profit in the future," says our CFO, Sebastian Müller.    Read more in the Corporate News on the half-year figures 2024: (English🇬🇧] (Deutsch🇩🇪)

    NCTE AG reports challenging first half of 2024 in the e-bike market

    NCTE AG reports challenging first half of 2024 in the e-bike market

  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    🎉 We are proud to recognize our valued distributor S2Tech srl as a Silver Partner! Our Distribution Account Manager Zsolt Nagy had the honor of presenting the Silver Partner Certificate to Silvio Piardi, CEO of S2Tech. 🏆 Based in Milan, S2Tech has established itself as a key player in the Italian market, excelling in distributing high-precision sensors and instruments for research and industrial applications. With their extensive experience, highly skilled team, and careful supplier selection, S2Tech ensures we can provide high-quality solutions. Their commitment to excellence in advice, solutions, and quality perfectly complements our standards. We are grateful for S2Tech's long-standing partnership and look forward to many more years of successful collaboration! 🤝 #SilverPartner #ValuedPartnership #Innovation #Quality

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  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    Die Faszination für Technik liegt dir im Blut? Gleichzeitig kannst du Menschen führen und begeistern? Dann bist du die perfekte Ergänzung für unser Team als 🌟Vertriebsleiter (w/m/d)🌟 in Oberhaching bei München. Dich erwarten spannende Aufgaben und viel Gestaltungsspielraum in einem innovativen Umfeld. Unser Team entwickelt hochmoderne, berührungslose Sensoren, die Kräfte wie Drehmoment, Biegung und Scherung messen können. Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden lösen wir Herausforderungen der Megatrends Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 und Elektromobilität. Interessiert? Mehr Infos und Bewerbung hier: #Karriere #Vertriebsleiter #NCTE #Innovation #SensorTechnology #Digitalisierung #Industrie4.0 #Elektromobilität

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  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    📢 Die NCTE AG lädt ein zum Earnings Call für die Finanzkennzahlen zum 1. Halbjahr 2024! Am Dienstag, den 16. Juli um 16:00 Uhr werden unsere Vorstände Dr. Jürgen Uebbing und Sebastian Müller in einer virtuellen Gesprächsrunde die Zahlen für die ersten sechs Monate des laufenden Jahres erläutern. Sie werden zudem unser Geschäftsmodell, den Markt sowie die USPs der NCTE präsentieren. Mehr zur Teilnahme unter #EarningsCall #Finanzkennzahlen #Geschäftsmodell #Markt

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  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    🚴♂️ Reflecting on Eurobike 2024! 🚴♀️ A huge thank you to all the visitors who stopped by the NCTE booth. We are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming interest in our sensor solutions and the engaging conversations about the future of E-bike technology. Your enthusiasm and support inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of innovation with our new sensors, MidSense and HubSense. 🚴♂️💡 We look forward to continuing these exciting discussions and collaborations. Stay tuned for more updates from NCTE! #Eurobike2024 #NCTE #ThankYou #Innovation #EbikeTech #CyclingFuture

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  • NCTE AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von S2Tech srl anzeigen, Grafik

    909 Follower:innen

    Il torsiometro della serie 7300 di NCTE AG è stato progettato per alberi motore dei veicoli agricoli. Può essere installato sull’albero motore e garantisce elevata affidabilità, un funzionamento costante della macchina e permette di ridurre gli interventi di manutenzione su di essa. Ha un campo di misura fino a 3000 Nm e può essere fornito con un’ampia varietà di segnali di uscita, sia analogiche che digitali (CAN e USB). I dati rilevati dal sensore, infatti, possono essere visualizzati direttamente sul PC utilizzando un cavo USB oppure attraverso l’uscita analogica disponibile nel sensore. 🌐 📧 #S2Tech #torsiometro #macchine #agricole #PTO

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  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    The star of our Eurobike stage, MidSense, is here to impress! 🚴♂️ Explore the enhanced capabilities of our modular sensor building system at EUROBIKE Show 2024! 🌟 MidSense has received an update, now featuring a digital output signal. This digital output signal directly on the board provides users with increased accuracy, reliability, and easier integration into digital systems. Our modular concept MidSense ensures a short time to market, allowing for swift integration into your designs. With an extremely compact design, MidSense utilizes your shaft as the primary sensor, ensuring seamless integration and true contactless, maintenance-free operation. Visit us at Hall 8, Booth G30, and discover how MidSense is revolutionizing the E-bike industry! #Eurobike2024 #MidSense #CyclingInnovation 🚀🔧

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  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    The NCTE team is ready to showcase our latest innovations at EUROBIKE Show 2024! 🚀 Experience the future of E-bikes with our cutting-edge Contactless Torque Sensor Solutions! ⚡ Real-time measurement, maintenance-free technology, and easy integration make our sensors stand out. Designed for all E-bike types and built to thrive in harsh environments, they boast an exceptionally long lifespan. Proudly made in Germany! 🇩🇪 Visit us at Hall 8, Booth G30. #Eurobike2024 #SensorInnovation #MadeInGermany #CyclingTech 🌟🚴♂️

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  • Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    🚴♂️ Introducing HubSense by NCTE at Eurobike 2024! 🚴♀️ Join us from July 3-7, 2024, in Hall 8.0, Stand G30 at EUROBIKE Show in Frankfurt am Main to discover our latest innovation: HubSense. For the first time, this sensor enables simultaneous measurement of torque and cadence on both pedals, enhancing the starting performance of E-bikes by allowing the motor to respond immediately to force applied on either pedal. This feature is especially critical for cargo E-bikes, ensuring smooth power distribution for better ride safety and comfort. 🚲🔧 HubSense is compatible with front and rear motors, offering higher sensitivity, faster response times, and integrated speed measurement. This robust, non-contact sensor technology, based on magnetostriction, guarantees precision and maintenance-free operation even under demanding conditions. 🌟🔩 Experience the future of E-bike technology with NCTE! 🌍🚀 Read more in our news: 🇬🇧 👉🏻 🇩🇪 👉🏻 #NCTE #HubSense #Eurobike2024 #EbikeTechnology #Innovation #SustainableMobility

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  • NCTE AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Florian Rappsilber anzeigen, Grafik

    Project Manager R&D

    Der Countdown läuft! #Eurobikeshow

    Unternehmensseite von NCTE AG anzeigen, Grafik

    930 Follower:innen

    🚴♂️✨ Unveiling the Impact of Contactless Sensor Technology in E-Bikes at Eurobike 2024! In the realm of E-bikes and pedelecs, every gram matters, influencing both rider exertion and battery longevity. This is precisely where our compact torque sensors shine, delivering a featherweight and space-efficient solution. 🏔️ E-mountain bike: Conquer any terrain with seamless e-drive engagement. 🏙️ City E-bike: Enjoy effortless, harmonious rides with zero maintenance hassles. 🛣️ Road E-bike: Experience lightning-fast responses, no delays, and zero maintenance. 📦 Cargo E-bike: Transport cargo with stability, safety, and comfort, all without maintenance headaches. Visit us at Eurobike in Hall 8, Booth G30 & learn more in our Blog Post 👉🏻 #EBikeTech #Innovation #ContactlessSensors #RidingExperience 🌟🔧

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