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Kurs:Wirtschaftsinformatik WS08 09 PROGRAMMIERUNG/Tools

Aus Wikiversity





Code Search Engine




About: Saros is a Eclipse plugin for collaborative text editing that in particular targets distributed pair programming (also called remote pair programming), but can support arbitrarily many participants at once. All members of a session have an identical copy of an Eclipse project and Saros keeps these copies in sync as editing progresses.

News: Changes: The plugin now sends XMPP presence information so participants can see when others leave the Eclipse window for more than five seconds. Users can give a pseudonym for submitting... error logs and statistical data so the developers can link this information from different Saros sessions without knowing the user's identity. In good news for Windows users, Saros no longer converts line delimiters to Unix style, instead using the delimiter style of the host


@freshmeat: Saros

  • codeBeamer 5.4

About: codeBeamer is a Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution for distributed software development. codeBeamer provides project management, wikis and knowledge management, document management, task, requirement and defect management, configuration management (ITIL), continuous integration, version control, source code analysis and forums through a single and secure environment.

News: Version highlights: - Issue escalation with hierarchic working calendars - Calculated tracker fields with rich formula - Wiki page editing directly in Microsoft Word - Scalable version control management - Major enhancements in supporting Git(http://git-scm.com/) and Mercurial(http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/) - Revised search: more relevancy, richer query syntax, friendlier interface

Source: JavaLobby [http://java.dzone.com/announcements/codebeamer-54-collaborative) @javadzone: codeBeamer