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date: 17 July 2024

Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, fourteenth earl of Derbylocked


Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, fourteenth earl of Derbylocked

  • Angus Hawkins

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Bodleian Library, Oxford
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G. E. C. [G. E. Cokayne], , 8 vols. (1887–98); new edn, ed. V. Gibbs & others, 14 vols. in 15 (1910–98); microprint repr. (1982) and (1987)
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Sheffield Archives
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Balliol College, Oxford
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Centre for Kentish Studies, Maidstone, Kent
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Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast
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University College, London
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University of Nottingham
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Eton College, Berkshire
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Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Hertford
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National Portrait Gallery, London
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National Archives of the United Kingdom, Public Record Office, London
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Parliamentary Archives of the United Kingdom
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West Sussex Record Office, Chichester
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West Yorkshire Archive Service, Calderdale
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Surrey History Centre, Woking
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Cumbria Archive Service, Carlisle
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Lambeth Palace London
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Derbyshire Record Office, Matlock
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John Rylands University Library of Manchester
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Christ Church, Oxford
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Gloucestershire Record Office, Gloucester
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Somerset Archive and Record Service, Taunton
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British Library, London
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Worcestershire Record Office, Worcester
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Durham Record Office
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University of Durham
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West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds
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Camden Society
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Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich
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Trinity College, Dublin
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National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh
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Liverpool Record Office and Local Studies Service
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University of Southampton Library
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, ser. 1–5 (1803–)
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Hampshire Record Office, Winchester
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National Register of Archives, private collection