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date: 03 July 2024

Æthelstan [Athelstan]locked


Æthelstan [Athelstan]locked

  • Sarah Foot

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Page of
D. Whitelock, D. C. Douglas, & S. I. Tucker, eds. and trans., (1961)
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Oxford Medieval Texts
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Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
Page of
S. Mac Airt & G. Mac Niocaill, eds., (1983)
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Early English Text Society
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John of Worcester, ed. R. R. Darlington & P. McGurk, trans. J. Bray & P. McGurk, 2–3; OMT (1995–) [vol. 1 forthcoming]
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T. Arnold, ed., , 2 vols., RS, 75 (1882–5); repr. (1965)
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Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores [in folio]
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Camden Society
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British Library, London
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Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
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P. H. Sawyer, , Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks (1968)