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(a.), sodomy. There does exist in Arabic a verb lāṭa meaning “to attach oneself, to join oneself to”, but liwāṭ appears to be rather a maṣdar of lāṭa or lāwaṭa , denominative of Lūṭ [q.v.], i.e. Lot; in modern Arabic there are also the terms liwāṭa , mulāwaṭa , talawwuṭ , etc., as well as a large number of euphemisms and of dialectical and slang terms. The homosexual is called lūṭī or lāʾiṭ (pl. lāṭa), or mulāwiṭ , when he is the active partner, although the distinction is often difficult to establish; the passive is maʾbūn , and his perversion, ubna ; among the synonyms, the most common is muk̲h̲annat̲h̲ , generally translated as “effeminate”, although in normal usage it refers to the genuine hermaphrodite (see A. Bouhdiba, La sexualité en Islam , Paris 1975, 55-7). In the Muslim West in the Middle Ages, a special term, ḥāwī (pl. ḥiwā ) was used in reference to professional male prostitutes (see below).

Encyclopaedia of Islam New Edition Online (EI-2 English)

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