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Sustainability by numbers

Forest products at FAO

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    Last updated date 16/01/2024

    FAO. 2023. Sustainability by numbers – Forest products at FAO. Rome.

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      La durabilité en chiffres
      Les produits forestiers à la FAO
      Tant que les modes de production et le commerce des produits forestiers resteront méconnus et ne seront pas évalués de manière adéquate, il nous sera impossible de bâtir la bioéconomie transparente et dynamique dont la planète a besoin pour prospérer. Les données relatives aux produits forestiers sont essentielles pour suivre les incidences et les innovations dans l’industrie mondiale du bois, lutter contre le changement climatique grâce au calcul des émissions de carbone et mettre au point des politiques équitables qui permettent de maintenir les services écosystémiques et de préserver les valeurs forestières indispensables aux populations. Autrement dit, les produits forestiers – et les données qui leur sont associées – constituent les piliers d’un avenir durable.
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      Book (stand-alone)
      Forest products in the global bioeconomy
      Enabling substitution by wood-based products and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals
      Also available in:
      No results found.

      This report addresses the role of forest products in replacing fossil-based and GHG-intensive products. The overarching objective is to provide recommendations to strengthen the contribution of substitution by forest products to sustainable development. To that end, this report firstly provides an overview of the understanding of the bioeconomy and the role of forest products across the world. Secondly, we present examples of conventional and innovative forest products and describe their role in the bioeconomy. Thirdly, we present a review of the quantitative and qualitative understanding of the environmental impacts and benefits of substituting fossil fuel-based or -intensive products with forest-based products, and of the contribution of substitution to SDGs. Fourthly, we outline the current understanding of the future global demand and supply dynamics of forest products and the potential impact that increased substitution may have on these dynamics. Fifthly, we identify gaps in the global forest product value chain. Finally, it provides recommendations and conclusions, respectively.
    • Thumbnail Image
      Book (series)
      Global forest sector outlook 2050: Assessing future demand and sources of timber for a sustainable economy
      Background paper for The State of the World’s Forests 2022
      Also available in:
      No results found.

      The global threats to climate, biodiversity and a healthy environment are mainly caused by the excessive use of non-renewable materials. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and Unique Consultancy, elaborated a Global Forest Sector Outlook 2050 to assess the capacity of wood supply to support a sustainable bioeconomy. The report presents a business-as-usual scenario, based on the Global Forest Products Model (GFPM), and a bioeconomy scenario based on the impact of increased consumption of two wood products consolidated in the market: mass timber and manmade cellulose fiber. The publication assesses the market outlook for demand for primary processed wood products, demand and supply of industrial roundwood, wood energy, and forest employment and investments. From a deman-driven perspective, it discusses the actual forest resource base and production needs to supply future demand by factoring in the use of wood residues and enhanced productivity in the forest sector, as well as the influence of megatrends and policy objectives.
    • Thumbnail Image
      La durabilité en chiffres
      Les produits forestiers à la FAO
      Tant que les modes de production et le commerce des produits forestiers resteront méconnus et ne seront pas évalués de manière adéquate, il nous sera impossible de bâtir la bioéconomie transparente et dynamique dont la planète a besoin pour prospérer. Les données relatives aux produits forestiers sont essentielles pour suivre les incidences et les innovations dans l’industrie mondiale du bois, lutter contre le changement climatique grâce au calcul des émissions de carbone et mettre au point des politiques équitables qui permettent de maintenir les services écosystémiques et de préserver les valeurs forestières indispensables aux populations. Autrement dit, les produits forestiers – et les données qui leur sont associées – constituent les piliers d’un avenir durable.
    • Thumbnail Image
      Book (stand-alone)
      Forest products in the global bioeconomy
      Enabling substitution by wood-based products and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals
      Also available in:
      No results found.

      This report addresses the role of forest products in replacing fossil-based and GHG-intensive products. The overarching objective is to provide recommendations to strengthen the contribution of substitution by forest products to sustainable development. To that end, this report firstly provides an overview of the understanding of the bioeconomy and the role of forest products across the world. Secondly, we present examples of conventional and innovative forest products and describe their role in the bioeconomy. Thirdly, we present a review of the quantitative and qualitative understanding of the environmental impacts and benefits of substituting fossil fuel-based or -intensive products with forest-based products, and of the contribution of substitution to SDGs. Fourthly, we outline the current understanding of the future global demand and supply dynamics of forest products and the potential impact that increased substitution may have on these dynamics. Fifthly, we identify gaps in the global forest product value chain. Finally, it provides recommendations and conclusions, respectively.
    • Thumbnail Image
      Book (series)
      Global forest sector outlook 2050: Assessing future demand and sources of timber for a sustainable economy
      Background paper for The State of the World’s Forests 2022
      Also available in:
      No results found.

      The global threats to climate, biodiversity and a healthy environment are mainly caused by the excessive use of non-renewable materials. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and Unique Consultancy, elaborated a Global Forest Sector Outlook 2050 to assess the capacity of wood supply to support a sustainable bioeconomy. The report presents a business-as-usual scenario, based on the Global Forest Products Model (GFPM), and a bioeconomy scenario based on the impact of increased consumption of two wood products consolidated in the market: mass timber and manmade cellulose fiber. The publication assesses the market outlook for demand for primary processed wood products, demand and supply of industrial roundwood, wood energy, and forest employment and investments. From a deman-driven perspective, it discusses the actual forest resource base and production needs to supply future demand by factoring in the use of wood residues and enhanced productivity in the forest sector, as well as the influence of megatrends and policy objectives.

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