Crystal Rings

Elements of Avebury

Seraphinite Ring


Elements of Avebury

USA Turquoise Ring


Elements of Avebury

Galaxite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Shungite Elite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Kyanite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Moonstone Ring


Elements of Avebury

Garnet Ring


Elements of Avebury

Labradorite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Shungite Elite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Moonstone Ring


Elements of Avebury

Septarian Ring


Elements of Avebury

Dendritic Agate Ring


Elements of Avebury

Seraphanite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Mookaite Ring


Elements of Avebury

Mookaite Ring
