Community indifference curve

A community indifference curve is an illustration of different combinations of commodity quantities that would bring a whole community the same level of utility. The model can be used to describe any community, such as a town or an entire nation. In a community indifference curve, the indifference curves of all those individuals are aggregated and held at an equal and constant level of utility.



Invented by Tibor Scitovsky, a Hungarian born economist, in 1941.

Solving for a CIC


A community indifference curve (CIC) provides the set of all aggregate endowments   needed to achieve a given distribution of utilities,  . The community indifference curve can be found by solving for the following minimization problem:


CICs assume allocative efficiency amongst members of the community. Allocative Efficiency provides that  . The CIC comes from solving for   in terms of  ,  .

Community indifference curves are an aggregate of individual indifference curves.

See also




Albouy, David. "Welfare Economics with a Full Production Economy." Economics 481. Fall 2007.

Deardorff's Glossary of International Economics.