

WebRocketX is a free ajax web application development framework written in javascript. It is a Single Page Application framework and implements a structured HTML injection model that runs in the browser. The developer uses a javascript utility called the Webapi through which all interaction with the server is organized. Content delivered from the server is contained in a capsule which contains meta attributes that instruct the framework on what to do with the returned text. By channeling all communication through the Webapi and structuring the returned content with meta data, WebRocketX is able to provide the developer with:

  1. Clean handling of server side errors
  2. A stack of views that can be navigated client side without interacting with the server
  3. Control of user interaction during asynchronous calls
  4. Modal dialogs on multiple levels
  5. Browser back button usage without breaking the single page functionality

Unlike more common JSMVC applications, like AngularJS, WebRocketX does not separate layout and data but expects all input coming from the server to be HTML with the data already in the layout. However, unlike traditional full page refresh web applications, only parts of the page are refreshed on each round trip. This means that WebRocketX exists in a middle ground between full page refresh architecture and json-JSMVC architecture. WebRocketX still can be used to deliver json if needed for widgets such as autocompleters, but this is not its expected mode of operation.



Category:Ajax (programming) Category:JavaScript libraries Category:Rich Internet application frameworks