My private editing activities concentrate on Southern African, primarily Namibian topics. Occasionally I stumble across inaccuracies in other subject areas which I then attempt to repair.

I teach computer networking at Namibia University of Science and Technology in Windhoek. In this role I have a few Wikipedia assignments because there currently is no second active Wikipedian at my institution. Among these "official" tasks are:

  • When someone in Namibia requests a public lecture, training, or some general information on Wikipedia it will usually be me to deliver it.
  • I am the inofficial campus ambassador of Namibia University of Science and Technology. I coordinated a mandatory Wikipedia assignment from 2010 to 2012. We had to stop it due to excessive copyright violations; the assignment is now voluntary.
  • I give technical assistance to our translators into OshiNdonga, Juǀ'hoan, Otjiherero, and Khoekhoe.
  • Whenever our research projects lead us to remote rural schools in Namibia I bring an offline Wikipedia with me.

Past and upcoming events: Schedule


Sister projects


I infrequently contribute to Commons, Wikivoyage, German Wikipedia, and the Incubator, and I have some presence on Meta in form of a research project and the preparation of several blog posts.

Alternative accounts


I have created a new account for teaching how to create new accounts, and I might do so again if the look-and-feel of new accounts differs too much from that of established ones. I do not intend to edit much from these:

  • Pg new1 (talk) 18:46, 3 December 2013 (UTC)
  • Pg new2 (talk) 14:02, 28 May 2014 (UTC) for a small video project on getting started with Wikipedia
  • Pg new3 (talk) 05:08, 17 October 2016 (UTC) in preparation of an editathon at our university
  • Pg new4 (talk) 18:46, 14 August 2020 (UTC) for a video editathon during COVID-19 lockdown

Countries I've been to



I was born in  , witnessed (and helped) its reunification into  , and then emigrated for  

Some things I wish I had said


All ripped out of their context, and some emphases or links added. In chronological order.

  • "The theory that I find most credible as an explanation of the decline of the community since 2007 is the end of the 'SoFixIt' culture and its replacement by the templating culture which [...] has lead to hundreds of thousands of articles disfigured by garish templates calling attention to problems that somebody hopes someone else will understand and fix." --- WereSpielChequers, Nov 2011.
  • "The First Law of Holes remains good advice even if you think it is unfair that you are in the hole or you are unsure why you are there [...] if an arbitration case is opened with your username as the casename, you may be in some sort of a hole." --- Newyorkbrad, Aug 2016