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Uploads by Kingrattus

This special page shows all files uploaded to the English Wikipedia. (See also the list for Wikimedia Commons.) By default, the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list, but clicking on a column header will change the sorting.

Deleted files are not shown here but are included in the upload log.

Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
19:31, 15 April 2009 Lorextechnology.JPG (file) 10 KB Where did it come from? My camera. The origional is in my gallery. http://kingrattus.net/gallery/v/Random/IMG_4674.JPG.html My gallery auto reads the tag on the image & displays.. All my images have the same tag. If you see an HP tag in my gallery thats f
16:55, 6 April 2009 Intergrated LCD DVR3.JPG (file) 2.48 MB Where did it come from? I took it with my camera. My gallery shows the tags from my camera http://kingrattus.net/gallery/v/Random/IMG_4357.JPG.html Who created it and when? Me, Apr 2nd '09. The tags from my gallery show its mine http://kingrattus.net/g
16:37, 6 April 2009 Intergrated LCD DVR2.JPG (file) 5.29 MB Where did it come from? It came from my camera. You can see the tag that my gallery displays of the image here http://kingrattus.net/gallery/v/Random/IMG_4348.JPG.html All my images have the same tag. There is a different camera used elsewhere in my gal
14:36, 6 April 2009 VESA Compatible DVR.JPG (file) 201 KB Where did it come from? It came from my camera. Here is a link to my gallery http://kingrattus.net/gallery/v/Random/IMG_4363.JPG.html All my images have the same auto generated tag by my camera that my gallery auto displays. Some images will show they ar