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State Junior High School 2 Sempor

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SMP Negeri 2 Sempor is a junior high school in Indonesia. Its address is at the village Kenteng RT. 01/04 Sempor District - Kebumen Region, Central Java, Indonesia. The school is located in a rural, mountainous region, more than 8 km from the capital district, Sempor, and more than 30 km from the capital, Kebumen .



The school began operation in 1998. Then, it did not have its own building so the learning process was done during the day with a ride to the building SDN 1 Kenteng District of Sempor. Teachers when it comes from SMP Negeri 1 assuming that got additional duties of nine people, assisted by 2 Administrative staff with rombel amount of 2 (two) classes.

As of 1999/2000, State Junior High School 2 Sempor had four classes and its own building, but classes were still held past noon because the teachers had to travel from State Junior High School 1 Sempor. For the 2000/2001 school year, teaching and learning activities were able to begin at morning. At this point there was a Master Civil Affairs Officer, and as many as 12 people, 2 master variables, 1 staff administrative civil affairs officer, 2 variable staff officers and 4 school guards.

Today, State Junior High School 2 Sempor has 14 classes from three grade levels, with about 500 students, 35 teachers, and 9 staff.

To date, there have been six principals:

Principal Term
Dra. Watijah 1998 – 2000
Parmin, S.Pd. 2000 – 2002
Drs. H. Robani, MB. 2002 – 2004
Sartono, S.Pd. 2004 – 2006
Suharjana, S.Pd. 2006 – 2011
Sungadi, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2011 – now

