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User:Erik van Elten/Demonic Fogs Syndrome

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Demonic Fogs Syndrome (DFS) also known as Fogs Syndrome (FS) is a syndrome which occurs by people who play the online game Osu!. This Syndrome is characterized by often getting misses which can be easily avoided, and are not a matter of lack of skill. This topic has been discussed for a long, and will now be called the Demonic Fogs Syndrome. Oficially founded in 2014, by the people with the usernames: Fogsfles and Demon



Missing notes you shouldn't miss This is the most characterizing symptom of DFS. However, there is a difference between missing continuous, and sometimes missing a note, Aswell as missing on maps you struggle on, and missing on maps that are way to easy for you.

Having a hard time getting S rank on song With the DFS, you most of the times have a hard time S ranking a song. you will always get that one miss, eventhough you're getting 99% accuracy.

Having high accuracy, but low combo's Quite the same as the second symtpom. since you're easily able to pass and S rank the map, you'll get high accuracy. but DFS will kick in every now and then.

Being able to pass way harder songs than the other people of your rank You are able to pass very hard songs, which other people of your rank can't. Purely because you can't get any PP without S ranking

  • [1] official launching of DFS