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List of autobiographies by date


Note: Taken from List of autobiographies

Name of author Name of book Year
Babur Baburnama In the month of Ramadan of the year 899
Marcus Aurelius The Meditations c. 175
Libanius Oration I 374
Augustine of Hippo Confessions 397
Sei Shōnagon The Pillow Book 1002
Peter Abelard Historia Calamitatum 12th century
Al-Ghazali The Deliverer from Error 12th century
Leonor López de Córdoba Memorias (López de Córdoba) early 15th century
Margery Kempe The Book of Margery Kempe 1436
Teresa of Ávila Autobiography of St. Teresa of Ávila 1567
Benvenuto Cellini The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini c. 1570, published 1728
Girolamo Cardano The Book of My Life 1576
Michel de Montaigne Of the Education of Children 1580
Abraham Cowley Of Myself 1668
Colley Cibber An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Written by Himself 1740
Elizabeth Ashbridge Some Account of the Fore-Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge 1755
Charlotte Charke A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq.) 1755
Jonathan Edwards Personal Narrative 1768
David Hume The Life of David Hume, Esq., Written By Himself 1777
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Confessions (Les Confessions) 1770, published 1782
Olaudah Equiano The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself 1789
Thomas Jefferson Autobiography 1743-1790 published posthumously in 1821
Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 1791
Edward Gibbon Memoirs of My Life and Writings 1796
Mary Darby Robinson Memoirs of the Late Mrs. Robinson, Written by Herself, published in 2 volumes 1801-1803
Shen Fu Six Records of a Floating Life c. 1808
Manuel Belgrano Autobiography of Manuel Belgrano 1814
William Cowper Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper, Esq., Written by Himself 1816
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Italian Journey 1817
Thomas de Quincey Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 1821
Harriette Wilson Memoirs by Harriette Wilson 1825
Giacomo Casanova Histoire de ma vie published posthumously in 1826
Cornelio Saavedra Memoria autógrafa 1829
James Hogg Memoir of the Author's Life, published in Altrive Tales 1832
Stendhal Memoirs of an Egotist 1832, published posthumously in 1892
Charles Dickens Autobiographical Fragment 1847
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Autobiography Of Goethe: Truth And Poetry, From My Own Life 1848
P. T. Barnum The Life of P.T. Barnum, Written by Himself 1855
Frederick Douglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 1845
Frederick Douglass My Bondage and My Freedom 1855
Frederick Douglass Life and Times of Frederick Douglass 1881 (expanded and revised, 1892)
George Sand Histoire de ma vie 1855
Kit Carson Kit Carson's Autobiography 1856
Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 1861
Sara Coleridge Memoir 1874
John Stuart Mill Autobiography 1874
Charles Darwin The Recollections of the Development of My Mind and Character 1876. Published posthumously in 1887
Ambrose Bierce What I Saw of Shiloh 1881
Ion Creangă Memories of Boyhood 1883
Anthony Trollope An Autobiography 1883
Walt Whitman Specimen Days 1883
Leo Tolstoy My Confession 1884
Ulysses S. Grant Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant 1885
John Ruskin Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts Perhaps Worthy of Memory in My Past Life 1885
Harriet Martineau Harriet Martineau's Autobiography 1887
Thomas Henry Huxley Autobiography 1890
Oscar Wilde De Profundis 1897
Margaret Oliphant The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant 1899
Claude Monet An Interview 1900
Joaquim Nabuco Minha formação 1900
Booker T. Washington Up from Slavery 1901
Helen Keller The Story of My Life 1903
Geronimo Geronimo's Story of His Life 1906
Henry Adams The Education of Henry Adams 1907
Edmund Gosse Father and Son 1907
Victor Hugo Victor Hugo's Intellectual Autobiography 1907
Mark Twain Mark Twain's Autobiography, posthumous 1907
Annie Besant Annie Besant: An Autobiography 1908
Stephen A. Douglas Autobiography of Stephen A. Douglas 1913
Maxim Gorky My Childhood 1913
Henry James A Small Boy and Others 1913
John Muir The Story of My Boyhood and Youth 1913
Emmeline Pankhurst My Own Story 1914
William Butler Yeats Reveries Over Childhood and Youth 1916
Buffalo Bill Cody Buffalo Bill's Own Story of His Life and Deeds 1917
Manfred von Richthofen The Red Baron (Der rote Kampfflieger) 1917
Mary Augusta Ward A Writer's Recollections 1918
Nikola Tesla My Inventions c. 1919
Andrew Carnegie Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie: with Illustrations 1920
Zitkala-Sa Impressions of an Indian Childhood 1921
Sigmund Freud An Autobiographical Study 1925
Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (My Struggle) 1925
Mary Harris Jones Autobiography of Mother Jones 1925
Isadora Duncan My Life 1927
Benito Mussolini My Autobiography: With the Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism 1928
Mahatma Gandhi The Story of My Experiments with Truth 1927 and 1929
Robert Graves Good-Bye to All That: An Autobiography 1929
Winston Churchill My Early Life: 1874-1904 1930
Walter Benjamin Unpacking My Library 1931
Black Elk and John J. Neihardt Black Elk Speaks 1931
Lincoln Steffens The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens 1931
Vera Brittain Testament of Youth 1933
Gertrude Stein The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas 1933
G. K. Chesterton The Autobiography of G.K. Chesterton 1936
Jawaharlal Nehru An Autobiography 1936
Noël Coward Present Indicative 1937
Virginia Woolf Moments of Being. Collection of autobiographical essays published posthumously in 1976, including "Reminiscences," 1907; "22 Hyde Park Gate," 1920-1921; "Old Bloomsbury," 1921-1922; "Am I a Snob?", 1936; and "A Sketch of the Past," 1938. 1938
F. Scott Fitzgerald A Short Autobiography 1940
Salvador Dalí The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí 1942
Dylan Thomas Holiday Memory 1942
Richard Wright Black Boy 1945
Albert Einstein Autobiographical Notes 1945; published 1949
Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl 1947
Primo Levi If This Is a Man 1947
George Orwell Such, Such Were the Joys 1947. Published posthumously in 1953
William Carlos Williams The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams 1948
Nirad C. Chaudhuri The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian 1951
Bertrand Russell The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 1951, published in 3 volumes 1951-1969
Gwen Raverat Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood 1952
Christy Brown My Left Foot 1954
Gerald Durrell My Family and Other Animals 1956
Billie Holiday Lady Sings the Blues 1956
P. G. Wodehouse Over Seventy: An Autobiography with Digressions 1957
Winston Churchill Memoirs of the Second World War 1959
Fred Astaire Steps in Time 1960
Simone de Beauvoir The Prime of Life 1960
Ken Murray Life On a Pogo Stick 1960
Harpo Marx Harpo Speaks 1961
Dalai Lama My Land and My People 1962
Carl Jung Memories, Dreams, Reflections 1962
Margaret Murray My First Hundred Years 1963
Charlie Chaplin My Autobiography 1964
Dick Gregory Nigger 1964
Jean-Paul Sartre The Words 1964
Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X 1965
P. J. Kavanagh The Perfect Stranger 1966
Vladimir Nabokov Speak, Memory 1966
Rosamond Lehmann The Swan in the Evening: Fragments of an Inner Life 1967
Edward Abbey Desert Solitaire 1968
J. R. Ackerley My Father and Myself 1968
Quentin Crisp The Naked Civil Servant 1968
Czesław Miłosz Native Realm: A Search for Self-Definition 1968
Florida Scott-Maxwell The Measure of My Days 1968
Maya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 1969
Brian Aherne A Proper Job 1969
Pat Boone A New Song 1970
Pablo Casals Joys and Sorrows: Reflections 1970
Graham Greene A Sort of Life 1971
Paul Bowles Without Stopping 1972
Margaret Mead Blackberry Winter: My Earlier Years 1972
Muhammad Ali The Greatest: My Own Story 1975
James Baldwin The Devil Finds Work 1976
Anaïs Nin The Diary of Anaïs Nin 1966–76
Agatha Christie An Autobiography 1977
Pablo Neruda Memoirs (Confieso que he vivido: Memorias) 1977
Ralph Bellamy When the Smoke Hit the Fan 1979
Robert Stack Straight Shooting 1980
Manny Shinwell Conflict Without Malice 1955
Manny Shinwell I've Lived Through It All 1973
Manny Shinwell Lead With the Left: My First Ninety-Six Years 1981
James Mason Before I Forget 1982
John Mortimer Clinging to the Wreckage: A Part of Life 1982
Michael Ondaatje Running in the Family 1982
Dirk Bogarde An Orderly Man 1983
Roy Hattersley A Yorkshire Boyhood 1983
Akira Kurosawa Something Like an Autobiography 1983
Eudora Welty One Writer's Beginnings 1983
Ingmar Bergman The Magic Lantern 1987
Annie Dillard An American Childhood 1987
Mary McCarthy Memories of a Catholic Girlhood 1957
Mary McCarthy How I Grew 1987
Arthur Miller Timebends: A Life 1987
Michael Jackson Moonwalk 1988
Orson Bean Me and the Orgone: One Man's Sexual Revolution 1971
Orson Bean Too Much Is Not Enough 1988
Mel Blanc That's NOT All, Folks! 1988
Drew Barrymore Little Girl Lost 1989
Janet Frame To the Is-land 1982
Janet Frame An Angel at My Table and The Envoy From Mirror City 1984
Janet Frame An Autobiography 1989
Eva Hoffman Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language 1989
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Giant Steps Kareem 1990
Anthony Burgess Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess 1986
Anthony Burgess You've Had Your Time, Being the Second Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess 1990
Ronald Reagan An American Life 1990
Ronald Reagan The Reagan Diaries published posthumously in 2007
William Styron Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness 1990
Sonny Bono And the Beat Goes On 1991
Katharine Hepburn Me: Stories of My Life 1991
La Toya Jackson La Toya: Growing Up in the Jackson Family 1991
Brian Keenan An Evil Calling 1991
Laurie Lee Cider with Rosie 1959, published in the U.S. as The Edge of Day, 1960
Laurie Lee As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning 1969
Laurie Lee A Moment of War 1991
Kurt Vonnegut Fates Worse Than Death: An Autobiographical Collage 1991
Reinaldo Arenas Before Night Falls: A Memoir 1992
Chang Jung Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China 1992
Peter O'Toole Loitering with Intent: The Child 1992
Blake Morrison And When Did You Last See Your Father? 1993
Naguib Mahfouz Echoes of an Autobiography 1994
Nelson Mandela A Long Walk to Freedom 1994
Ann-Margret My Story 1994
Tobias Wolff In Pharaoh's Army: Memories of a Lost War 1994
Loni Anderson My Life in High Heels 1995
Marlon Brando Songs My Mother Taught Me 1995
M. F. K. Fisher Long Ago in France: The Years in Dijon||1991
M. F. K. Fisher To Begin Again: Stories and Memoirs 1908-1929 1992
M. F. K. Fisher Stay Me, Oh Comfort Me: Journals and Stories 1933-1941 1993
M. F. K. Fisher Last House: Reflections, Dreams and Observations 1943-1991 1995
Boy George Taking It Like a Man 1995
Mary Karr The Liars' Club 1995
Margaret Thatcher The Path to Power 1995
Gore Vidal Palimpsest: A Memoir 1995
Harold Brodkey The Wild Darkness: The Story of My Death 1996
Patrick Chamoiseau Une enfance Créole 1996
Frank McCourt Angela's Ashes 1996
Barack Obama Dreams from My Father 1996
Aerosmith Walk This Way 1997
Spalding Gray It's a Slippery Slope 1997
David Sedaris Naked 1997
Sandra Bernhard Confessions of a Pretty Lady; Love, Love and Love; May I Kiss You On the Lips, Miss Sandra? 1998
Kenneth Branagh Beginning 1998
Jimmy Buffett Where Is Joe Merchant?; Tales From Margueritaville; A Pirate Looks At 50 1998
Jesse Lee Kercheval Space: A Memoir 1998
Carroll O'Connor I Think I'm Outta Here 1998
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Wings of Fire 1999
Ariel Dorfman Heading South, Looking North: A Bilingual Journey 1999
Alec Guinness Blessings in Disguise 1985
Alec Guinness My Name Escapes Me 1996
Alec Guinness A Positively Final Appearance 1999
Taslima Nasrin My Girlhood 1999
Elie Wiesel Night 1955
Elie Wiesel All Rivers Run to the Sea: Memoirs Vol. 1, 1928-1969 1995
Elie Wiesel And the Sea is Never Full: Memoirs Vol. II, 1969- 1999
Dave Eggers A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story 2000
Lorna Sage Bad Blood, A Memoir 2000
Edward Said Out of Place: A Memoir 2000
Linda Blair Going Vegan! 2001
Danny Bonaduce Random Acts of Badness 2001
Paula Fox Borrowed Finery 2001
Maya Angelou The Collected Autobiographies of Maya Angelou 1969-2002
J. M. Coetzee Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life 1997
J. M. Coetzee Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II 2002
Michael J. Fox Lucky Man 2002
Ken Kaiser Planet of the Umps: My Life Behind the Plate, with Kevin Fisher 2003
Azar Nafisi Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir of Books 2003
Sherwin Nuland Lost in America: A Journey With My Father 2003
Nuala O'Faolain Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman 2003
Craig Thompson Blankets 2003
Emanuel Derman My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance 2004
Aron Ralston Between a Rock and a Hard Place 2004
Sean Astin There and Back Again: an Actor's Tale 2004
Rodney Dangerfield It's Not Easy Being Me: a Lifetime With No Respect But Plenty of Sex & Drugs 2004
Alan Alda Never Have Your Dog Stuffed And Other Things I've Learned 2005
Dirk Benedict Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy 2005
William F. Buckley, Jr. Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography 2005
Medgar Evers The Autobiography of Medgar Evers published posthumously in 2005
René Galand War hentoù an tremened, 2 vols. 2002–2005
Chelsea Handler My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands 2005
Nena "Do You Want to Go With Me?" (Willst du mit mir gehn?) 2005
Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle 2005
Adrienne Barbeau There Are Worse Things I Could Do 2006
Fidel Castro My Life: A Spoken Autobiography 2006
Wole Soyinka The Man Died: Prison Notes 1971
Wole Soyinka Aké: The Years of Childhood 1981
Wole Soyinka Isara: A Voyage Around Essay 1990
Wole Soyinka Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years: A Memoir 1946-65 1994
Wole Soyinka You Must Set Forth at Dawn 2006
Ishmael Beah A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier 2007
Willie Aames and Maylo McCaslin Grace Is Enough 2007
Ed Begley, Jr. Living Like Ed 2008
Roald Dahl Boy: Tales of Childhood 1984
Roald Dahl Going Solo 1986
Roald Dahl More About Boy 2008
Eminem The Way I Am 2008
Chelsea Handler Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea 2008
Tito Ortiz This Is Gonna Hurt: the Life of a Mixed Martial Arts Champion 2008
Chip St. Clair The Butterfly Garden 2008
Robert Wagner Pieces of My Heart 2008
Bob Barker Priceless Memories 2009
Ernest Borgnine Ernie: the Autobiography 2009
Frankie Boyle My Shit Life So Far 2009
Stephen Fry Moab Is My Washpot 1997
Stephen Fry Ernie: the Autobiography 2009
Taslima Nasrin Gusty Wind 2002
Taslima Nasrin Speak Up or Split into Two 2003
Taslima Nasrin Those Dark Days 2004
Taslima Nasrin I am not fine, but you stay well my beloved country 2006
Taslima Nasrin Nothing is there 2010
Keith Richards Life 2010
Melissa Sue Anderson The Way I See It: a Look Back at My Life 2010
Todd Bridges Killing Willis 2010
Lizzie Velazquez Lizzie Beautiful, The Lizzie Velásquez Story 2010
Andrea Ashworth Once in a House on Fire 2011
Meredith Baxter Untied 2011
Florence Henderson Life Is Not a Stage: From Broadway Baby to a Lovely Lady and Beyond, with Joel Brokaw 2011

A British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement who helped women win the right to vote.

  • My Own Story
  • Entire book [1]
  • Purvis, June (2003). Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography. ISBN 1-1343-4192-X
  • Zacharisa, John C. "Emmeline Pankhurst: An English Suffragette Influences America". Volume 38, Issue 3, 1971. Communications Monographs pp. 198-206 DOI:10.1080/03637757109375711
  • Byles, Joan Montgomery. "Women's experience of world war one: Suffragists, pacifists and poets", Volume 8, Issue 5, 1985 Women's Studies International Forum, pp. 473–487
  • Purvisa, June & Maureen Wrighta. "Writing suffragette history: the contending autobiographical narratives of the Pankhursts". Women's History Review. Volume 14, Issue 3-4, 2005, DOI:10.1080/09612020500200444, pp. 405-433