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I am a lifelong resident of Oregon. I am able to contribute to Wikipedia with a native level of English, a professional understanding of Spanish and a basic level of French. Religion and political standpoint is the first thing I want to clear with people when I meet them so: I am a strong Catholic and conservative Republican (I know they sound contradictory). I have only made four contributions, though I am committing to making at least ten by the end of January. Computers hate me so I'm unable to find out how to put userboxes on my page so I apologize if it sounds boring and/or monotonous.



I grew up speaking both Spanish and English (every once in a while I slur back into Spanish). I aspire to be an actress and a singer. I participated in a summer acting program where last year, I landed the roll as Anita in West Side Story and this summer played the roll of Demeter in the former Broadway musical CATS. I also aspire to become a comedian.



I am a member of Wikiproject Catholicism, Christianity, Songs, Television, Waterfalls, Oregon, United States, Polynesia, Nickelodeon, Martial arts, Equine, History, Comedy, and Userboxes.



My favorite animals are the horse and the blobfish. I currently have a standard poodle and a kingsnake. I don't really have an interest in transportation (i.e. planes and cars) though I do like Maseratis and Ferraris.

My favorite colors are candy apple red, any shade of pink, bright sunny yellow, baby blue, and violet. I can't seem to understand why there's a debate among artists whether black and white are colors. Honestly, who cares if they're color or neutralities our whatever, I don't.

I can contribute with a professorial comedic level, I could teach a college comedy class if there was such a thing (not to boast). I like improvisational comedy as well as stand-up comedy. I aspire to be a comedian like my favorites who include, Larry the Cable Guy, Ellen Degeneres, Bill Cosby, Jeff Foxworthy, and others.

Computers hate me so I am not exactly going for a job as a computer technician. I enjoy going on Wikipedia though. I am angered that the teachers at school say that you can't use because it's biased when I've been using Wikipedia for five years and I have yet to read an article that was particularly biased or untrustworthy.

My favorite hot beverages are hot chocolate, coffee, and frappuccino. My favorite teas are Arizona, green, sweet, Thai, mint, and iced tea. My favorite sodas are root beer, birch beer, cream soda, Dr. Pepper, Fanta Lemon, Fanta Orange, Fanta Grape, Fanta Strawberry, ginger ale, Mountain Dew, Seven Up, Snapple and Cola (so just about every soda under the sun. I'm under 21 so I don't consume alcoholic beverages, I've tasted them and trust me when I turned 21 I won't exactly be lining up at the Budweiser store.

I don't have any eating ethics like being a raw vegan or something. I like spicy food, meat, seafood, Jersey-style pepperoni pizza, veal, chicken parmesan, hamburgers (with NO cheese), hot dogs, saurkraut, Philly-style cheesesteak (I am a Geno's girl), chili, fries, chips, marmalade, granny smith apples, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupes, dates, figs, red grapes, oranges, pineapples, lemons, limes, all berries, bagels, bread, cereal, muffins, pancakes, waffles, pasta, cabbages, carrots, Kosher dills, iceberg lettuce, potatoes, peppers, spinach, mushrooms, chicken, bacon, beef, ham, I like my steak medium rare, brownies, cake, jelly beans, candy, peeps, Swedish fish, Reese's Pieces, pies, doughnuts, and chocolate. I know tomato is a vegetable. I enjoy Chinese, Greek, Hawaiian, Indian, Filipino, French, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, Estonian, Mexican, and Spanish cuisine.

General games I enjoy are Twister and Rubik's Cube. Board games I like are checkers, chess, Jenga, mahjong, Monopoly and Parcheesi. I will own you at blackjack and blackjack. As for electronic games, I hate video games and I don't know why everyone raved over Angry Birds but I particularly enjoy Temple Run (for those of you who don't know it's the knew "Angry Birds").

History is my favorite subject. I am interested in tracing my lineage, evidence says I'm related to Juan Ponce de Leon on my mother's side and Marie Antoinette on my father's side. I am interested in the history of Christianity, the United States, Catholicism and US politics. I am interested in the Victorian period, colonial period, and the modern era.

I am a songwriter and I enjoy music a lot. I am a mezzo-soprano singer. I can play the piano and guitar. My favorite singers include many people from Glee, Adele and Katy Perry. My favorite songs are Set Fire to the Rain, Someone Like You, and Firework. My favorite songs by Glee include America, Rumor Has It, and Loser Like Me.

I am a strong creationist, humanist, minimalist, and optimist. Though I am for gay rights (we'll never be able change the fact that there are gay people in the world), I am against abortion. I know that it is not anti-feminist to be against abortion and whether or not you believe abortion is murder or not, it is denying someone a life.

Science is not my favorite subject (mainly because of my teacher) but I do enjoy science a little. My favorite department of science is biology and medical science. If being an actress/singer/comedian doesn't work out I'm going to be a nurse.

Computers hate me, I'm not really that good at them.

The sports I do are cross country, track and volleyball. The sports I like but don't do competitively are snowboarding, skiing and surfing. I do martial arts. I am blue belt in jujitsu and a black belt in karate.

My other hobbies are cooking, archery, swimming, and rock climbing. I am self-proclaimed Hispanophile.



I typically don't read that much but there are some books I like. My favorite book is "The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie. I also like the Twilight series but trust me I do NOT like the film adaptions (expect for Vampire Diaries) because Kristin Stewart is a horrible actress and Robert Pattinson is flat out ugly with disgusting, greasy hair. I enjoy the Vampire Diaries series as well. My favorite book as a child was Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.

As for film, my favorite movie is the Glee Concert Movie. Spielberg and Hitchcock are my favorite directors. I like horror films, my favorite modern one is Blair Witch Project and my favorite old horror film is Psycho. I also like romantic comedy, drama and thriller movies. My favorite older romantic comedy is Breakfast at Tiffany's and my favorite newer one is Hitch. As for drama films I like All About Eve, Hawaii, Pursuit of Happiness, and Precious. My favorite thriller is Speed, though I hate Speed 2. I also like the Ocean's films.

My favorite television show is Glee. It's amazing I reccommend it to everyone who reads this page. Its on Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM on Fox. I auditioned even auditioned for the Glee Project. My favorite character is Santana. My favorite news shows are Fox and Friends and the O'Reilly factor on the Fox News Channel. I know Fox News isn't fair and balanced, I prefer it anyway.

My favorite Broadway shows are Wicked and CATS. I have played the Wicked Witch of the West in Wicked and the rolls of Grizabella, Jemima (or Sillabub, which ever one the political correct people prefer), Demeter, Bombalurina, Jellylorum, Et Cetera, and Cassandra...all at the same time (just kidding though).

On the radio, I listen to Q102, the Message, K-Love, and many other stations. My favorite station during the Christmas season is Holly on Sirius XM.

I read the following magazines: Time, National Geographic, Cosmopolitan, J-14, Tiger Beat, People and Us. I like reading those tabloid magazines, even though I know nothing they say is true and the the editors are full of crap, I like reading them.

I hate all comics. I find that Japanese anime and manga stupid and for little kids. Frankly I think anyone who stills likes that kind of stuff past the age of 10 needs to grow up. Sorry, but on the userpages I can share my opinion.



I am allergic to hay and pollen. I am for disability awareness, breast cancer awareness, and against smoking.

God is the center of my life. I am a strong Catholic and believe strongly in Christianity. I believe that the first amendment was made to protect religion NOT TO ABOLISH IT. Putting the Ten Commandments up in my space is not forcing people to bow down to Jesus, therefore is not violated the separation of church and state. I think the world would respect Christianity if they knew that the cross was about the fact that they're something worth dying for. I believe strongly is creation and reject the teaching of evolution in schools. Political correctness against religion that favors atheism and non-Christians REALLY annoys me.

The state of the US I have visited are California, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Florida, George, South Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine and Ohio. I live in Oregon and spend the summer at my cousin's house in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The provinces I have visited are British Columbia, Quebec, British Columbia, and Manitoba. Besides the US and Canada I have visited Mexico, Bahamas, the territory of Puerto Rico, Spain and Portugal.



As I mentioned before, I am bilingual in both Spanish and English (every once in a while I'll slur back into Spanish and my friends will have to remind me that I'm speaking the wrong language). I speak English with my friends and at school and a sort of Spanish-Spanglish at home with my mother. My estimated Spanish vocabulary is 10,000 words and my estimated English vocabulary is 13,000 words. I take a high school-level Spanish class. In college I plan to have minor in Spanish.

Religion and Politics


I am a strong conservative (probably because I watch a ton of Fox News). I am strongly against the Occupy Movement, therir sense of entitlement, anti-capitalism and bleif that they're the only people who gets discriminated against (I am also disgusted by the crime, substance, abuse disease and rat population in the Occupy camps). I am very angry that the government was considering shutting down Wikipedia. Not only do school turn their kids off to Wikipedia but it is outrageous that they were ready to shut down the best informational website on the Internet.

I know for a fact that life begins at the moment of conception. I know one day I'll have to go through the pain of birth but it'll be all worth it when I first see the smile on the face of that child. Animal rights are good and all but I think PETA can kind of go over the top sometimes, for instance the "Your Mommy Kills Animals" ad in the 1980s and the picture of the naked lady who says (I'd rather where nothing than where furs and) and the incredibly stupid "Go Vegan" ads they put up around Thanksgiving. I certainly do not condone animal cruelty but I am not exactly a member of PETA (well, I'm a member of People Eatin' Tasty Animals). I support the death penalty because if you murder someone, you should get that in return and if you rape women, you've changed their lives forever, you need to pay a price. I also think that crimes such as stalking and robbery should have harsher punishments. Refference from Miss Congeniality: "That would be stricter punishment for parole violators...and world peace).

I am against cannabis, it is a gateway drug and therefore should banned, people say that there are tons of medical benefits to pot (my liberal teacher once even said it's okay to smoke marijuana), the only thing I can think of that pot does is subjecting you to addiction of cocaine and heroin. DRUGS RUIN LIVES, we conservatives should not be the only ones who care. I believe in public education but not the kind where the teacher's unions dictate every aspect of the school, I also oppose liberal bias in teaching, because I myself have experienced disrcimination by teachers for being a conservative. I oppose euthanasia because like abortion IT IS MURDER. Doctor Kovorkian got what was coming for him and I believe that any doctor who euthanizes anyone should be charged with murder and sentence to death by lethal injection. I oppose gun control, and advocate open carry laws, the Second Amendment was made for us to have firearms, not just the military. My mother and I own guns because we don't have a home security system, what am I suppose to do if an intruder comes in, go off on a long monologue about how violence is unethical while he robs me blind? As a member of the NRA, I have a duty to defend firearms. I'm all for peace and harmony until someone decides they want to take that away from me, then I shove a rifle down their throat and my Texas-style hooker boot up their ---. I am against Universal Health Care because it raises our taxes and has proven to be inadequate (i.e. ObamaCare).

I advocate feminism but not on a misandric level, I am also a masculinist. Though I am a conservative and Christian, I support gay rights because I believe gays are people too and we shouldn't judge them based on sexual orientation. I am for homosexual civil unions and heretosexual marriages. I am straight but not narrow. I am and advocate of youth rights. I find political correctness and I honestly don't care if I offend a Sikh but putting the Ten Commandments on my locker. I don't care if I offend a black person by saying they're black because it's not racist. I am not really white but you don't see me crying to the government. I think affirmative action is stupid, the whole race discrimination thing already happened, why make it happen again only with whites this time? Reverse discrimination does not solve racism. It already happened, you can't change it or make up for it GET OVER IT. I don't like that the left is brainwashing America through CNN and the Rachel Maddow Show.

I believe that the First Amendment gave freedom from atheism. We do not want to end up like the Soviet Union, establishing state atheism and tearing down several beautiful churches. As is Said before, the First Amendment was made to protect religion NOT TO ABOLISH IT, if the left would stop and reread the Bill of Rights, maybe they wouldn't wonder why that I want a moral religious man in office. I should be allowed pray before lunch, If I so choose, i'm not telling everyone to bow down before Jesus, I'm choosing to do it myself.

Sometimes I go on liberal websites just to see what they're saying. Yesterday I went on to www.legalizationofmarijuana.com and a bunch of people were saying that we're idiots for not allowing pot and they listed a whole bunch of fake health benefits, saying that it wasn't addictive. But it is because you might feel pain, do the stuff and then keep coming back because it made you feel good but after the "buzz" of marijuana is done all that's left is reality, pot will never take the place of family and friends.

I am a very strong Catholic and my faith is very important to me. I don't know what I would do if it were taken away from me.

My Contriubtions


Antijoke, Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Edited it), Gleek (fan), History of Klamath Falls, Oregon