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User:Marialeon0926/Books/WMIDMUN XIV Research

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WMIDMUN XIV Research[edit]

Congress of Vienna, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars[edit]

Chapter 1 - The Congress of Vienna & Its Major Players
Congress of Vienna
Hundred Days
Klemens von Metternich
Alexander I of Russia
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Pedro Gómez Labrador
Pedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Duke of Palmela
Karl August von Hardenberg
Karl Nesselrode
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh
Ercole Consalvi
Jean de Noailles
Chapter 2 - Countries in the Congress of Vienna
United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves
Austrian Empire
Kingdom of Saxony
Russian Empire
United Kingdom of the Netherlands
Duchy of Warsaw
Kingdom of Prussia
United Kingdom
Republic of Genoa
Chapter 3 - The Outcomes of the Congress of Vienna
German Confederation
Concert of Europe
Bourbon Restoration
Holy Alliance
Restoration and Regeneration in Switzerland
Chapter 4 - The Napoleonic Wars
Napoleonic Wars
Battle of Waterloo
Chapter 5 - The French Revolution
French Revolution
French Revolutionary Wars
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Richard Trench, 2nd Earl of Clancarty
Baron Johann von Wessenberg-Ampringen
Friedrich von Gentz