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my name is Nicolas Le Guen

and i'm French.

I'm Breton, that's why my watchlist contain :

I'm not longer interested in this manga.

what I wrote a long time ago

I love the manga Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind but I readed the French version but not the English version.

fr en
Characters :
Asbel Asbel
Chalka Charuka
Chikuku Chikuku
gardien du cimetière (or du tombeau) de Shuwa Crypt
gardien du jardin de Shuwa master of the garden
Jill Jihl
Kecha Ketcha
Kui Kui
Kurotowa Kurotowa
Lastel Lastel / Rastel
Miralupa Miralupa
Mito Mito
Namuris Namulith / Namulith
Nausicaä Nausicaä
Ôma Ohma
Qesto kest
Sélaïné Ceraine
Selm Selm
Tepa Tepa
Teto Teto
Yupa Miralda Yupamiralda
fr en
ceux de la forêt Forest People
dork Dorok
maîtres-vers Wormhandlers
tribu de Mani Mani tribe
tolmèque torumekian

fr en
fongus fungus
hidolas heedra
Ômu Ohmu
renard-écureuil fox-squirrel
vers apprivoisés slug worms
yanma royal royal yanma
fr en
Eftar Eftal
Mer de décomposition Sea of Corruption
Tolmèque / Empire tolmèque Torumekia



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In progress




(no one for now)

About the word "freedom"


As said in the page Gratis versus libre, the word free have two meanings :

  • for zero price(gratis)
  • with no or few restrictions (libre)

However, the words libre and gratis are exotic for most anglo saxons. This is why free software fanboys invented the terms free as in freedom" and "free as freedom to refer to the second meaning (libre / with no or few restrictions) because, for them, the word freedom only refer to this meaning.

Unfortunately, there is a problem : there are people who doesn't think that way, and believe the word freedom can refer as well the two meanings.