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Good day, dude!

When I tried to found my home town, Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia, in Wikipedia, I found that there are not much information in chinese language. Thus, I think that I should contribute to Wikipedia to expand the information about Kota Tinggi in chinese language, since I am a heavy user of Wikipedia.

After having this thought, I am starting try to learn how to contribute in Wikipedia, by browsing aronnd Wikipedia. After that, I found that I might contribute more information, not limit to Kota Tinggi in chinese language, but other that I know.

As I might not the expert of any divisions, I will try my very best to give the correct and appropriate information to public as reference. And as I am a novice to Wikipedia, in term of contribution, I hope to get the support from all of you to correct me, so that I can contribute more and better in the future.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Qiukaihan 30 october 2008

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