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Natural language processing toolkits


The following natural language processing toolkits are popular collections of natural language processing software. They are suites of libraries, frameworks, and applications for symbolic, statistical natural language and speech processing.

Name Language License Creators Website
Antelope framework C#, VB.net Free for research Proxem [1]
Apertium C++, Java GPL (various) [2]
Cogito Commercial Expert System S.p.A. [3]
Carabao Language Kit Any COM+ compliant language. Customization is via data entry Commercial LinguaSys [4]
ClearTK Java new BSD license The Center for Computational Language and Education Research at the University of Colorado Boulder [5]
DELPH-IN LISP, C++ LGPL, MIT, ... Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG Initiative [6]
Distinguo C++ Commercial Ultralingua Inc. [7]
dkPro Java ASL/GPL tu-darmstadt.de [8]
Ellogon C / C++ LGPL Georgios Petasis [9]
FNLP Java LGPL Fudan University [10]
FreeLing C++ GPL Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya [11]
General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) Java LGPL GATE open source community [12]
Gensim Python LGPL Radim Řehůřek [13]
Graph Expression Java Apache License Startup huti.ru [14]
IceNLP Java LGPL Icelandic Centre for Language Technology (ICLT) [15]
Learning Based Java Java BSD Cognitive Computation Group at the University of Illinois [16]
Lima C++ AGPL or commercial CEA LIST [17]
LingPipe Java royalty free or commercial Alias-i [18]
LinguaStream Java Free for research University of Caen, France [19]
Mallet Java Common Public License University of Massachusetts Amherst [20]
MII nlp toolkit Java LGPL UCLA Medical Imaging Informatics (MII) Group [21]
Modular Audio Recognition Framework Java BSD The MARF Research and Development Group, Concordia University [22]
MontyLingua Python, Java Free for research MIT [23]
Mwetoolkit Python Free Carlos Ramisch [24]
NLP Engine Java Commercial H-Care [25]
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Python Apache 2.0 [26]
NooJ (based on INTEX) .NET Framework-based Free for research University of Franche-Comté, France [27]
Apache OpenNLP Java Apache License 2.0 Online community [28]
Pattern Python BSD Tom De Smedt, CLiPS, University of Antwerp [29]
PSI-Toolkit C++ LGPL Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań [30]
Rosette C, C++, Java, .NET Commercial Basis Technology [31]
Rosoka Java Commercial Rosoka Software [32]
ScalaNLP Scala Apache License David Hall and Daniel Ramage [33]
Stanford NLP Java GPL The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group [34]
Rasp C++ LGPL University of Cambridge, University of Sussex [35]
Natural JavaScript, NodeJs GPL Chris Umbel [36]
Text Engineering Software Laboratory (Tesla) Java Eclipse Public License University of Cologne [37]
Thinktelligence Delegator Java Commercial Thinktelligence Corporation [38]
Treex Perl GPL / Artistic Charles University in Prague [39]
UIMA Java / C++ Apache 2.0 Apache [40]
VisualText NLP++ / compiles to C++ Free or Commercial Text Analysis International, Inc [41]
WebLab-project Java / C++ LGPL OW2 [42]
Unitex/GramLab C++ (Core components) & Java (Visual IDE) LGPL & LGPLLR (Linguistic resources) Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge [43]
The Dragon Toolkit Java GPL Drexel University [44]
Palladian Java Commercial Dresden University of Technology [45]
Factorie Java Apache License University of Massachusetts Amherst [46]
Silpa Indic Language Processing Toolkit Python AGPL Silpa opensource community developers [47]
Text Extraction, Annotation and Retrieval Toolkit Ruby GPL Louis Mullie [48]
Zhihuita NLP API C Free for research Zhihuita.org [49]