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User:The Transhumanist/page2

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current projects

  • JavaScript and user scripts – improving the coverage of JavaScript in the encyclopedia, and the development of user scripts to assist and even automate the development and maintenance of Wikipedia, especially its outlines, and the lists that branch off from them.
  • Outlines and Lists – branches of outlines can be further outlines, or straight lists. Therefore, together, these are growing into a huge comprehensive multi-part outline or topic network summarizing human knowledge as a whole, as well as mapping Wikipedia expanding outward from a central core.
    • Outline creation – filling in the gaps in the knowledge tree.
    • Outline development – as Wikipedia grows, outlines need to be expanded just to keep up. As new articles and topics appear, they need to be added to the relevant outlines.
    • Outline integration – refining the shared format, and adding extensive interlinking (between outlines and between outlines and the rest of the encyclopedia).
    • Outline maintenance – updating out-of-date material, reverting vandalism, cleaning up sloppy work via copy editing, etc.
  • "See also" section clean up – for a great many articles, these sections are a mess, yet they represent vision into the rest of the encyclopedia. I've been improving that vision by streamlining the "See also" sections of major topics to bring them into clearer focus.
  • The Tip of the day department is benefiting from a driving force, in the form of JoeHebda. He's a whirlwind of an editor, and has breathed new life into this project. I support his efforts the best I can.

Topics currently interested in

How Wikipedia compares and relates to other projects
Wikipedia automation

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