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User:Whaleyland/Monarch Wars

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Current list of countries to be considered, with numbers designating their placement and dates notating the time of their independent existence.

Current lists[edit]

Currently in the process of re-doing lists. The following are current and in sequence:

1500 – Changing Tides[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Western Europe
1 Henry VII King of England 1485 – 1509
2 James IV King of Scots 1488 – 1513
3 Isabella I & Ferdinand II Queen of Castile & King of Aragon 1574 – 1516
4 Manuel King of Portugal 1495 – 1521
5 Philip IV Duke of Burgundy 1482 – 1506
6 Louis XII King of France 1498 – 1515
7 Catherine & John III Queen & King of Navarre 1483 – 1517
Northern Europe
8 John II King of Sweden, Denmark & Norway 1497 – 1513
9 Frederick Grand Master of Teutonic Order of Knights 1497 – 1510
Central Europe
10 Maximilian I Archduke of Austria 1486 – 1519
11 Albert IV Duke of Bavaria 1463 – 1508
12 Frederick III Duke of Saxony 1486 – 1525 Elector
13 Joachim I Nestor Margrave of Brandenburg 1499 – 1535 Elector
14 Philip Count Palatine of the Rhine 1476 – 1508 Elector
15 Herman IV Archbishop of Cologne 1480 – 1508 Elector
16 John II Archbishop of Trier 1456 – 1503 Elector
17 Berthold Archbishop of Mainz 1484 – 1504 Elector
Southern Europe
18 Frederick IV King of Naples 1496 – 1501
19 Agostino Barbarigo Doge of the Venetian Republic 1486 – 1501
20 Philibert II Duke of Savoy 1497 – 1504
21 Ercole I Duke of Modena, Ferrara & Reggio 1471 – 1505
22 Francis II Duke of Mantua & Montferrat 1484 – 1519
23 Pierre d'Aubusson Grand Master of the Order of St. John 1476 – 1503
24 Alexander VI Roman Catholic Patriarch 1492 – 1503 Cardinal
Eastern Europe
25 Vladislas II King of Bohemia & Hungary 1490 – 1516 Elector
26 John I Albert King of Poland 1492 – 1501
27 Alexander Grand Duke of Lithuania 1492 – 1501 Same as Alexander • King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania
28 Ivan III Grand Prince of Moscow 1462 – 1505
29 Beyezid II Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1481 – 1512

1500 – 1520 Rough Inbetweeners[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign
Joanna & Philip I Queen & King of Castile 1504 – 1506
Joanna & Ferdinand V Queen & King of Castille 1506 – 1516
Giovanni Patriarch of the Florentine Republic 1512 – 1513 Cardinal. Same as Leo X • Roman Catholic Patriarch
Lorenzo II Patriarch of the Florentine Republic 1513 – 1519
Pius II Roman Catholic Patriarch 1503 Cardinal
Julius II Roman Catholic Patriarch 1503 – 1513 Cardinal
Alexander King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania 1501 – 1506

1520 – The New Order[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Western Europe
1 Henry VIII King of England 1509 – 1547
2 James V King of Scots 1513 – 1542
3 Joanna Queen of Spain 1504 – 1555 With Charles I • Archduke of Austria or Charles V • King of Italy. Same as Joanna & Philip I • Queen & King of Spain and Joanna & Ferdinand V • Queen & King of Spain
4 Manuel King of Portugal 1495 – 1521
5 Henry III Stadholder of Holland & Zeeland 1515 – 1521
6 Francis I King of France 1515 – 1547
7 Henry II King of Navarre 1517 – 1555
Northern Europe
8 Christian II King of Sweden, Denmark & Norway 1513 – 1523
9 Albert Grand Master of Teutonic Order of Knights 1510 – 1525
Central Europe
10 Charles I Archduke of Austria 1519 – 1521 Same as Charles I • King of Italy
11 William IV Duke of Bavaria 1508 – 1550
12 Frederick III Duke of Saxony 1486 – 1525 Elector
13 Joachim I Nestor Margrave of Brandenburg 1499 – 1535 Elector
14 Louis V Count Palatine of the Rhine 1508 – 1544 Elector
Southern Europe
15 Leonardo Loredan Doge of the Venetian Republic 1501 – 1521
16 Giulio Patriarch of the Florentine Republic 1519 – 1523 Cardinal. Same as Clement VII • Roman Catholic Patriarch
18 Alfonso I Duke of Modena, Ferrara & Reggio 1505 – 1534
17 Charles III Duke of Savoy 1504 – 1553
19 Frederick II Duke of Mantua 1519 – 1540
20 Leo X Roman Catholic Patriarch 1513 – 1521 Cardinal. Same as Giovanni • Patriarch of the Florentine Republic
Eastern Europe
21 Louis King of Bohemia & Hungary 1516 – 1526 Elector
22 Sigismund I King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania 1506 – 1548
23 Vasili III Grand Prince of Moscow 1505 – 1533
24 Selim I Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1512 – 1520

1520 – 1540 Rough Inbetweeners[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
John Duke of Saxony 1525 – 1532 Elector
Antonio Grimani Doge of the Venetian Republic 1521 – 1523
Andrea Gritti Doge of the Venetian Republic 1523 – 1538
Ippolito Patriarch of the Florentine Republic 1523 – 1530
Alexander Duke of the Florentine Republic 1530 – 1537
Adrian VI Roman Catholic Patriarch 1522 – 1523 Cardinal
Clement VII Roman Catholic Patriarch 1523 – 1534 Cardinal. Same as Giulio • Patriarch of the Florentine Republic

1540 – Fervor & Fury[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Western Europe
1 Henry VIII King of England 1509 – 1547
2 James V King of Scots 1513 – 1542
3 Joanna Queen & King of Spain 1516 – 1556 With Charles V • King of Italy or Charles I • Archduke of Austria
4 John III King of Portugal 1521 – 1557
5 René Stadholder of Holland & Zeeland 1540 – 1544
6 Francis I King of France 1515 – 1547
7 Henry II King of Navarre 1517 – 1555
Northern Europe
8 Christian III King of Denmark & Norway 1533 – 1559
9 Gustav I King of Sweden 1523 – 1560
Central Europe
10 Ferdinand I Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary & Bohemia 1521 – 1564 Elector
11 William IV Duke of Bavaria 1508 – 1550
12 John Frederick I Duke of Saxony 1532 – 1547 Elector
13 Joachim II Hector Margrave of Brandenburg 1535 – 1571 Elector
14 Louis V Count Palatine of the Rhine 1508 – 1544 Elector
15 Albert Duke of Prussia 1525 – 1568 Same as Albert • Grand Master of Teutonic Order of Knights
Southern Europe
16 Charles V King of Italy 1530 – 1556 Same as Charles I • Archduke of Austria
17 Pietro Lando Doge of the Venetian Republic 1538 – 1545
18 Cosimo I Duke of Florence 1537 – 1574
19 Ercole II Duke of Modena, Ferrara & Reggio 1534 – 1559
20 Charles III Duke of Savoy 1504 – 1553
21 Francis III Duke of Mantua 1540 – 1550
22 Paul III Roman Catholic Patriarch 1534 – 1549 Cardinal
Eastern Europe
23 Sigismund I King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania 1506 – 1548
24 Ivan IV Grand Duke of Moscow 1533 – 1547 Same as Ivan IV • Tsar & Autocrat of All Russia
24 Suleyman I Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1520 – 1566

1540 – 1560 Rough Inbetweeners[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Edward VI King of England & Ireland 1547 – 1553
Jane Queen of England & Ireland 1553
Mary I Queen of England & Ireland 1553 – 1558
Henry II King of France 1547 – 1559
Francis II King of France 1559 – 1560
Maurice Duke of Saxony 1547 – 1553 Elector
Frederick II Count Palatinate of the Rhine 1544 – 1556 Elector
Otto Henry Count Palatinate of the Rhine 1556 – 1559 Elector
Francesco Donato Doge of the Venetian Republic 1545 – 1553
Marcantonio Trivisan Doge of the Venetian Republic 1553 – 1554
Francesco Venier Doge of the Venetian Republic 1554 – 1556
Lorenzo Priuli Doge of the Venetian Republic 1556 – 1559
Pier Luigi Duke of Parma & Piacenza 1545 – 1547
Julius III Roman Catholic Patriarch 1550 – 1555 Cardinal
Marcellus II Roman Catholic Patriarch 1555 Cardinal
Paul IV Roman Catholic Patriarch 1555 – 1559 Cardinal

1560 – The Silent War[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Western Europe
1 Elizabeth I Queen of England & Ireland 1558 – 1603
2 Mary I Queen of Scots 1542 – 1567
3 Philip II King of Spain 1556 – 1580 Same as Philip II • King of Spain & Portugal
4 Sebastian King of Portugal 1557 – 1578
5 William I Stadholder of Holland & Zeeland 1559 – 1584
6 Charles IX King of France 1560 – 1574
7 Joan III & Anthony King & Queen of Navarre 1555 – 1572
Northern Europe
8 Frederick II King of Denmark & Norway 1559 – 1588
9 Eric XIV King of Sweden 1560 – 1568
Central Europe
10 Ferdinand I Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary & Bohemia 1521 – 1564 Elector
11 Albert V Duke of Bavaria 1550 – 1579
12 Augustus Duke of Saxony 1553 – 1586 Elector
13 Joachim II Hector Margrave of Brandenburg 1535 – 1571 Elector
14 Frederick III Count Palatine of the Rhine 1559 – 1576 Elector
15 Albert Duke of Prussia 1525 – 1568 Same as Albert • Grand Master of Teutonic Order of Knights
Southern Europe
16 Girolamo Priuli Doge of the Venetian Republic 1559 – 1567
17 Cosimo I Duke of Florence 1537 – 1574
18 Ottavio Duke of Parma & Piacenza 1556 – 1586
19 Alfonso II Duke of Modena, Ferrara & Reggio 1559 – 1597
20 Emmanuel Philibert Duke of Savoy 1553 – 1580
21 William Duke of Mantua 1550 – 1574
22 Pius IV Roman Catholic Patriarch 1559 – 1565 Cardinal
Eastern Europe
23 Sigismund II King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania 1548 – 1572
24 Ivan IV Tsar & Autocrat of All Russia 1547 – 1584
25 Suleyman I Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1520 – 1566

1560 – 1580 Rough Inbetweeners[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Maximilian II Archduke of Austria, King of Bohemia & Hungary 1564 – 1576 Elector
Pietro Loredan Doge of the Venetian Republic 1567 – 1570
Alvise I Mocenigo Doge of the Venetian Republic 1570 – 1577
Sebastiano Venier Doge of the Venetian Republic 1577 – 1578
Pius V Roman Catholic Patriarch 1566 – 1572 Cardinal
Henry King of Poland & Grand Duke of Luthuania 1573 – 1574 Same as Henry III • King of France
Selim II Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1566 – 1574

1580 – Rebellion & Revolt[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Western Europe
1 Elizabeth I Queen of England & Ireland 1558 – 1603
2 James IV King of Scots 1567 – 1625 Same as James I • King of England & Scotland
3 Philip II King of Spain 1556 – 1580 Same as Philip II • King of Spain & Portugal
4 Henry King of Portugal 1578 – 1580 Cardinal
5 William I Stadholder of Holland & Zeeland 1559 – 1584
6 Henry III King of France 1574 – 1589 Same as Henry I • King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania
7 Henry III King of Navarre 1572 – 1589 Same as Henry IV • King of France & Navarre
Northern Europe
8 Frederick II King of Denmark & Norway 1559 – 1588
9 John III King of Sweden 1568 – 1592
Central Europe
10 Rudolf II Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary & Bohemia 1564 – 1612 Elector
11 William V Duke of Bavaria 1579 – 1597
12 Augustus Duke of Saxony 1553 – 1586 Elector
13 John George Margrave of Brandenburg 1571 – 1598 Elector
14 Louis VI Count Palatine of the Rhine 1576 – 1583 Elector
15 Albert II Frederick Duke of Prussia 1568 – 1618
Southern Europe
16 Nicolò da Ponte Doge of the Venetian Republic 1578 – 1585
17 Francis I Grand Duke of Tuscany 1574 – 1587
18 Ottavio Duke of Parma & Piacenza 1556 – 1586
19 Alfonso II Duke of Modena, Ferrara & Reggio 1559 – 1597
20 Charles Emmanuel I Duke of Savoy 1580 – 1630
21 William Duke of Mantua & Montferrat 1574 – 1587 Same as William • Duke of Mantua
22 Gregory XIII Roman Catholic Patriarch 1572 – 1585 Cardinal
Eastern Europe
23 Anna & Stephen Joint-Kings of Poland & Grand Dukes of Lithuania 1575 – 1786
24 Ivan IV Tsar & Autocrat of All Russia 1547 – 1584 Same as Ivan IV • Grand Prince of Moscow
25 Murad III Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1574 – 1595

1580 – 1600 Rough Inbetweeners[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Philip II King of Spain & Portugal 1580 – 1598 Same as Philip II • King of Spain
Sigismund King of Sweden 1592 – 1599 Same as Sigismund III • King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania
Christian I Duke of Saxony 1586 – 1591 Elector
Julius Duke of Brunswick & Calenburg 1584 – 1589
Pasqual Cicogna Doge of the Venetian Republic 1585 – 1595
Sixtus V Roman Catholic Patriarch 1585 – 1590 Cardinal
Urban VII Roman Catholic Patriarch 1590 Cardinal
Gregory XIV Roman Catholic Patriarch 1590 – 1591 Cardinal
Innocent IX Roman Catholic Patriarch 1591 Cardinal
Feodor I Tsar & Autocrat of All Russia 1584 – 1598

1600 – New Alliances[edit]

# Monarch Title Reign Bonus
Western Europe
1 Elizabeth I Queen of England & Ireland 1558 – 1603
2 James IV King of Scots 1567 – 1625 Same as James I • King of England & Scotland
3 Philip III King of Spain & Portugal 1598 – 1621
4 Maurice Stadholder of Holland & Zeeland 1585 – 1625
5 Henry IV King of France & King of Navarre 1589 – 1611 Same as Henry III • King of Navarre
Northern Europe
6 Christian IV King of Denmark & Norway 1588 – 1648
7 Charles IX King of Sweden 1600 – 1611
Central Europe
8 Rudolf II Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary & Bohemia 1564 – 1612 Elector
9 Maximilian I Duke of Bavaria 1597 – 1623
10 Christian II Duke of Saxony 1591 – 1611 Elector
11 Joachim Frederick Margrave of Brandenburg 1598 – 1608 Elector
12 Frederick IV Count Palatine of the Rhine 1583 – 1610 Elector
13 Albert II Frederick Duke of Prussia 1568 – 1618
14 Frederick I Duke of Württemberg 1593 - 1608
15 Henry Julius Duke of Brunswick & Calenberg 1589 - 1613
Southern Europe
16 Marino Grimani Doge of the Venetian Republic 1595 – 1606
17 Ferdinand I Grand Duke of Tuscany 1587 – 1609
18 Ranuccio I Duke of Parma & Piacenza 1592 – 1622
19 Cesare Duke of Modena, Ferrara & Reggio 1597 – 1628
20 Charles Emmanuel I Duke of Savoy 1580 – 1630
21 Vincent I Duke of Mantua & Montferrat 1587 – 1612
22 Clement VIII Roman Catholic Patriarch 1592 – 1605 Cardinal
Eastern Europe
23 Sigismund III King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania 1587 – 1632 Same as Sigismund • King of Sweden
24 Boris Tsar & Autocrat of All Russia 1598 – 1605
25 Mehmed III Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 1595 – 1603