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User:Wikitiki89/Polish Cyrillic Alphabet

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I am writing this page because I came across this page and strongly disliked certain aspects of what I saw (although I liked most of it). The reason I disliked it was because BalkanFever is more familiar with Macedonian than he is with Russian and Polish is genetically much closer to Russian than to Macedonian (which explains why I understand Polish better than I do Macedonian). Another reason is that I completely disagree with the saying, "Write as you speak and speak as is written," and therefore do not like the one-to-one phoneme-grapheme relationship. I have therefore decided to modify BalkanFever's version to make my own version which I think would have been closer to what Polish would actually look like had the majority of Poland been Orthodox rather than Catholic.


The Polish Cyrillic Alphabet
А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е (Ё ё) (Е́ е́) Ж ж Ѕ ѕ З з
И и Й й І і К к Л л М м Н н О о О́ о́ П п Р р
С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы
Ь ь Я я Э э Ю ю Ѧ ѧ Ѫ ѫ Ѩ ѩ Ѭ ѭ


Polish Latin Letter Polish Cyrillic Character Phoneme
A a А а /a/
Ą ą Ѫ ѫ /ɔ̃/
B b Б б /b/
C c Ц ц / Т т1 /ts/
Ć ć Ть ть / Ць ць1 2 /tɕ/
Cz cz Ч ч /tʂ/
D d Д д /d/
Dz dz Ѕ ѕ / Д д1 /dz/
Dź dź Дь дь / Ѕь ѕь1 2 /dʑ/
Dż dż Дж дж /dʐ/
E e Э э /ɛ/
Ę ę Ѧ ѧ /ɛ̃/
F f Ф ф /f/
G g Г г /g/
H h X x /x/, /ç/
Ch ch X x /x/, /ç/
I i І і / И и3 /i/
J j Й й4 /j/
Ja ja / ia Я я4 /ja/, /ʲa/
Ją ją / ią Ѭ ѭ4 /jɔ̃/, /ʲɔ̃/
Je je / ie Е е4 /jɛ/, /ʲɛ/
Ję ję / ię Ѩ ѩ4 /jɛ̃/, /ʲɛ̃/
Ji ji И и4 /ji/
Jo jo / io Ё ё / Йо йо / ьо4 5 6 /jɔ/, /ʲɔ/
Jó jó / ió Е́ е́ / Йо́ йо́ / ьо́4 5 6 /ju/, /ʲu/
Ju ju / iu Ю ю4 /ju/, /ʲu/
K k К к /k/
L l Ль ль / Л л2 /l/, /lʲ/7
Ł ł Л л /w/, /ɫ/7
M m М м /m/
N n Н н /n/
Ń ń Нь нь2 /nʲ/
O o О о /ɔ/
Ó ó О́ о́5 /u/
P p П п /p/
R r Р р /r/
Rz rz Рь рь / Р р2 /ʐ/, /rʲ/7
S s С с /s/
Ś ś Сь сь2 /ɕ/
Sz sz Ш ш /ʂ/
Szcz szcz Щ щ /ʂtʂ/
T t Т т /t/
U u У у /u/
W w В в /v/
Y y Ы ы /ɨ/
Z z З з /z/
Ź ź Зь зь2 /ʑ/
Ż ż Ж ж /ʐ/


  1. If the c or dz was historically an affricate, it would be represented by ц and ѕ. However, if the sound was historically a plosive that went through affrication, it would be represented by д or т.
  2. Rules for palatalization of consonants are much the same as in Russian orthography.
  3. The sound /i/ is represented by і when it comes after a consonant or when it represents Greek iota in a Greek loanword. In other locations or when representing Greek eta, и is used.
  4. Where in standard Polish orthography a j follows a non-palatalized consonant, the letter ъ should be placed between the consonant and the /j/ sound. In the case of a palatalized consonant, ь should be used instead. The letters ъ and ь should be thought of as silent vowels in these situations. The letter ъ should also be used at the end of words and prefixes that end in an non-palatalized consonant.
  5. Diacritical marks are always optional. They are discouraged except to clarify ambiguity in which case they are preferable.
  6. The letters ё and е́ are used only when the sound was historically /jɛ/ or /ʲɛ/ or from French eu, German ö, or the sound /ø ~ œ ~ ɜ/ from any other language. Otherwise йо or йо́ is used (ьо or ьо́ after consonants). The letter ю would be used rather than е́, йо́, or ьо́ if the sound is unrelated to the standard Polish letter ó.
  7. The sounds /lʲ/, /ɫ/, and /rʲ/ are obsolete standard Polish and are included merely to explain the Cyrillic letter chosen to represent it.

Sample text

Standard Polish Polish Cyrillic English Translation
Wszyscy ludzie rodzą się wolni i równi pod względem swej godności i swych praw. Są oni obdarzeni rozumem i sumieniem i powinni postępować wobec innych w duchu braterstwa. Вшисцы люде роѕѫ сѩ вольни и ро́вни под възглѩдэм свэй годности и свых правъ. Сѫ они обдарени розумэм и суменем и повинни постѧповать вобэц инных в духу братэрства. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Przysięgam Panu Bogu Wszechmogącemu, że Ojczyźnie mojej, Polskiemu Królestwu, i memu przyszłemu Królowi na lądzie i wodzie i na każdym miejscu wiernie i uczciwie służyć będę; że w wojnie obecnej dotrzymam wiernie braterstwa broni wojskom Niemiec i Austro-Węgier oraz państw z nimi sprzymierzonych; że będę przełożonych swych i dowódców słuchał, dawane mi rozkazy i przepisy wykonywał i w ogóle tak się zachowywał, abym mógł żyć i umierać jako mężny prawy żołnierz polski. Tak mi, Boże, dopomóż! Присѩгам Пану Богу Вшехмогѫцэму, же Ойчизне моей, Польскему Кро́леству, и мэму пришлэму Кро́лёви на лѭде и воде и на каждымъ мейсцу верне и учтиве служить бѧдѧ; же в войне обэцнэй дотримам верне вратэрства брони войском Немец и Аустро-Вѧгер ораз паньств з ними спримерёныхъ; же бѧдѧ преложоных свых и дово́дцо́в слухалъ, даванэ ми розказы и препѹсы выконывал и в ого́ле так сѩ заховывалъ, абым мо́гл жить и умерать яко мѧжны правы жолнерь польский. Так ми, Боже, допомо́жь! I hereby swear to the God Almighty, that I shall loyally serve my Fatherland, Kingdom of Poland and my future King, both on water and on land, and in any circumstances; that during this war I shall remain a loyal brother in arm of the soldiers of Germany and Austria-Hungary and of the states allied to them; that I shall obey my superiors and commanders, fulfil the orders and generally behave so as to be able to live and die as a brave and just Polish soldier. So help me God!