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VEL-101, formerly FR104, is an experimental monovalent, pegylated fab' antibody against CD28. It is developed for transplant rejection and autoimmune diseases.[1][2][3][4][5]


  1. ^ Ville, Simon; Poirier, Nicolas; Branchereau, Julien; Charpy, Vianney; Pengam, Sabrina; Nerriere-Daguin, Véronique; Le Bas-Bernardet, Stéphanie; Coulon, Flora; Mary, Caroline; Chenouard, Alexis; Hervouet, Jeremy; Minault, David; Nedellec, Steven; Renaudin, Karine; Vanhove, Bernard; Blancho, Gilles (December 2016). "Anti-CD28 Antibody and Belatacept Exert Differential Effects on Mechanisms of Renal Allograft Rejection". Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 27 (12): 3577–3588. doi:10.1681/ASN.2015070774. PMC 5118475.
  2. ^ Zhang, T.; Gheorghe, B.; Sun, W.; Rybak, E.; Harris, D.; Sievert, E.; Burdorf, L.; Cheng, X.; Vanhove, B.; Azimzadeh, A.; Pierson, R. Iii (15 July 2014). "Effect of FR104, a Novel Anti-CD28 Fab, in Monkey Cardiac Allograft Transplantation.: Abstract# 1490". Transplantation. 98: 33. ISSN 0041-1337.
  3. ^ Poirier, N.; Mary, C.; Dilek, N.; Hervouet, J.; Minault, D.; Blancho, G.; Vanhove, B. (October 2012). "Preclinical Efficacy and Immunological Safety of FR104, an Antagonist Anti-CD28 Monovalent Fab′ Antibody". American Journal of Transplantation. 12 (10): 2630–2640. doi:10.1111/j.1600-6143.2012.04164.x.
  4. ^ Poirier, N.; Dilek, N.; Mary, C.; Ville, S.; Coulon, F.; Branchereau, J.; Tillou, X.; Charpy, V.; Pengam, S.; Nerriere-Daguin, V.; Hervouet, J.; Minault, D.; Le Bas-Bernardet, S.; Renaudin, K.; Vanhove, B.; Blancho, G. (February 2015). "FR104, an Antagonist Anti-CD28 Monovalent Fab' Antibody, Prevents Alloimmunization and Allows Calcineurin Inhibitor Minimization in Nonhuman Primate Renal Allograft". American Journal of Transplantation. 15 (1): 88–100. doi:10.1111/ajt.12964.
  5. ^ Poirier, Nicolas; Blancho, Gilles; Hiance, Maryvonne; Mary, Caroline; Van Assche, Tim; Lempoels, Jos; Ramael, Steven; Wang, Weirong; Thepenier, Virginie; Braudeau, Cecile; Salabert, Nina; Josien, Regis; Anderson, Ian; Gourley, Ian; Soulillou, Jean-Paul; Coquoz, Didier; Vanhove, Bernard (15 December 2016). "First-in-Human Study in Healthy Subjects with FR104, a Pegylated Monoclonal Antibody Fragment Antagonist of CD28". The Journal of Immunology. 197 (12): 4593–4602. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1601538.