Lauren Hutton

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Lauren Hutton in 2011

Mary Laurence "Lauren" Hutton (born November 17, 1943) is an American model and actress.


  • …I looked the word up in the dictionary – I have had little formal instruction, what I know I have learned by reading, travelling, picking the right friends and the right lovers – and I told myself that I have always persevered...
  • …When I was 47 I returned to modelling (Ed: for Revlon as well) and I asked that my photos shouldn’t be retouched. Women stopped me on the street and told me that for a long time they felt ignored and invisible and seeing me in magazines made them feel that they weren’t invisible anymore…
  • I was attracted to money. I was attracted to the idea of doing what I wanted to do, which was not being a little Southern girl like little Southern girls were for the last, you know, 300 years, but to instead see what it was like to go all over the world and what it was like to be with different people in different places and to see what their lives were like...
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