Thomas & Friends/Season 15

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Thomas & Friends Season 15

Season 15


Gordon and Ferdinand [15.1]

Gordon: I don't want anyone to see me with funny, frumpy Ferdinand! I am Gordon! I am fastest and best, and I pull the express!

Toby and Bash [15.2]

Bash: [to Toby] I want to go… I want to go... home!

Emily and Dash [15.3]

Charlie: Trembling tracks, Emily! What's happened to your face? You look very funny!

Percy's New Friends [15.4]

Cranky: Not so loud, Percy! You scared Seagull!

Edward the Hero [15.5]

Dowager Hatt: [to his son, Sir Bertram Topham Hatt] There he is, Bertram! Edward the hero!

James to the Rescue [15.6]

James: (after he and Gordon fell into the muddy fen) I'm not a rescue engine, i'm not a hero engine, i'm not the shiniest red engine on Sodor, i'm the silliest and muddiest engine...

Happy Hiro [15.7]

Hiro: Please Thomas, i would like this to stop!

Up, Up and Away [15.8]

Percy: Big balloons make my boiler bubble, Thomas!

The Fat Controller: My hat!
Lady Hatt: My hat!
Dowager Hatt: My hat!
Narrator: All the Hatts... were hatless.
Sir Bertram Topham Hatt: Thomas, what are you doing?!

Henry's Happy Coal [15.9]

Harry: There he is!
Bert: Mr. Special Steam himself!
Victor: Shoo, oily wheels! Go away!

Henry: I'm chuffing, I'm puffing, I feel quite at my best! I don't need special coal! I can steam like all the rest!

Let It Snow [15.10]

Gordon: Stuff and nonsense!

Surprise, Surprise [15.11]

Victor: Rocky, what are you doing with that crate?!
Rocky: Dropping it… boss.

Spencer the Grand [15.12]

Spencer: A little bit of fog won't bother me. I'm Spencer the grand! I can puff perfectly!

Stop That Bus! [15.13]

Dowager Hatt: Ooh, I like Misty Island!

Stuck on You [15.14]

Thomas and Butch: Rescue engines ready for action!

Big Belle [15.15]

Belle: I wanted you to be my friend, I wanted to have fun with you so that you would want to be my friend too, but you didn't have fun at all, now i'm sure you won’t want to be my friend.

Kevin the Steamie [15.16]


Kevin: Biff, Bash, Bosh!

  • Sir Handel, Peter Sam and Duke were set to appear in this episode.

Wonky Whistle [15.17]

Victor: Workmen, fix that whistle. The whistle is clearly wonky!

Percy the Snowman [15.18]

Children: Hooray for Percy, hooray for Thomas!

Tree Trouble [15.19]

Thomas: Happy Christmas holidays, diesels!

Fiery Flynn [15.20]

Flynn: I’m sorry, Thomas, i wanted to show the diesels i was Fiery Flynn the firefighter, so I didn't wait to listen to which blue engine needed saving and now I can't save you.