1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June/AF

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1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June
the United States Copyright Office
20561031977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June — AFthe United States Copyright Office



Dietary management control manual- Prepared by John Crysler. Canada. 1 v. 6 John Crysler; 29Aug75; 4F42421.


Diversos tipos das principals pecas usadas em selos mecanicos- Brazil. 53 p. (Selos mecanicos. unidade 02) Appl. au: Petroleo Brasileiro, S. A. NM: tran- slation. E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 31Mar75 (in notice: 1976); 4F43824.


Bernie Taupin: the one who writes the words for Elton John; complete lyrics from 1968 through to Goodbye. Yellow Brick fload, with an introd. by Elton John, edited by Alan ildridqe 6 Milce Dempsey. Great Britain. 1H3 p. Ippl. au; Bernie Taupin 6 Dick James Music, Ltd. 6 on tent 6 illus. ; Cick James Music, Ltd.; 17Mar76; AF44239.


5788-DHK. France. Printout. 6 IBK Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 7Jul76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44605.


5788-DGE. France. Printout. S IBH Deutschland, G.Cl.B.H.; 2Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44606.


The Uncertain future of the Lower Fraser. Edited by Anthony H. J. Dorcey. issued by yestwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia. Canada. 202 p. NH: integrated summary of project for which technical reports pub. © Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia; 13iuq76; AF44693.


The Road home: sketches of rural Canada. By Philip Barber, te:£t by Brian Suarbrick. Canada. 1 v. © Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 10MOV76; AF44694.


5788-DGG; DOS-ABSIS. Ablauf -Sicher unqs- System fuec das D0S/V3. France. Printout. e IBM Deutschland, G. M. B. H. ; 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF44695.


57a8-ABU; pcoqcamme de tci sur 3790. France. Printout. Sppl. au: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBB Corporation; Ia0ct76; AF44696.


5797-NDC; qenecal ledqer. United Kinqdom- Printout. N«: revision 6 country adaptation. a IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; AFt'4697.


5797-NDD; costing. United Kinqdom. Printout. NM: revision 6 country adaptation. (5 IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. a.a.d.; IBS UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; AFt^egs.


5797-liCX; payroll. United Kinqdom. Printout. 6 IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; AFitit699.


5797-NCY; purchase ledger. United Kingdom. Printout. e IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75: AF44700.


3750 switching system. Vol. 1; system, book 4: maintenance. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SB 19-6161, Aug. 15. 1976) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions & updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a..d.: IBM Corporation; 12Qct76; AF44701.


3750 switching system. Vol. 2: 3751 controller unit, book 2: switching control adapter theory of operation. Denmark. 3 p. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN19-6163, Aug. 15, 1976) Appl. au: IBM France. SH: revisions 6 updating. ^ International Business Machines Corporation a.d. : IBM Corporation; 120ct76; AF44702.

ntout. a IBM de Venezuela, S.A.; 20Apr76 (io notice: 1975) ; AF44703.


3750 switching system. Vol. 1: system, book 1: fundamentals. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SH19-6156, Aug. 5, 1976) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions S updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a.d.: IBM Corporation; 220ct76; AF44704.


5797-NPJ. The Netherlands. Printout. 6 IBM Nederland, N.V.; 1Jun76; AF44705.


5797-NDE; subcontractors ledger. United Kinqdom. Printout. 8 IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; 4F44706.


5797-(14X; wholesale food. United Kinqdom. Printout. 5 IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. a. a.: IBM UK, Ltd.; SOct75; 4F4470 7.


Pirates. By David Mitchell. England. 208 p. NM: text e compilation of pictures & illus. e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 10Bay76; 4F4470a.


The Splendour of Scotland. By H. V. Morton. England. 160 p. Based on extracts taken from In search of Scotland 6 In Scotland again. NM: compilation, additional text S photos. 6 H. V. Morton; l'1Nov76; 4F44709.


Lambert's Birds of garden and woodland. Paintings by Terence Lambert, text by 41an Mitchell. United Kinqdom. 128 p. a Terence Lambert £ Alan Mitchell; 18Cct76; AF44710.


Dark guartet; the story of the Brontes. By Lynne field Banks. England. 374 p. a Lynne Eeid Banks; 23Sep76; 4F44711.


Beadinq companion- By Doris Kerr £ Patricia Parry, illus. by Sue Uilkinson. Canada. 173 p. (Ici on parle francais, level 1) 4dapted £ expanded from Ici on parle francais, level 1, by Doris Kerr & Morgan Kenney. 9 Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 20Sep76; AF44712.


Reading companion; teacher's resource book. By Doris Kerr S Patricia Parry, illus. by Sue Uilkinson. Canada. 104 p. (Ici on parle francais, level 1) e Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 25oct76; 4F44713.


Message and meaning; teacher's key. By Lillian Perigoe. Canada. 17 p. e Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 21Sep76; AF44714.


Livre de lecture, livre du maitre. By Doris Kerr 6 Patricia Parry, traduit par Claude Tatilon S Genevieve Quillard, illustre par Sue ailkinson. Canada. 120 p. (Ici on parle francais, 1. niveau) e Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 10ct76; AF44715.


Natural resource revenues: a test of federalism. Edited by Anthony Scott. Canada. 261 p. & The University of British Columbia; 30Nov76; AF44716.


This is a method of calculating your position from a radio direction finder bearing (fi.D-F. great circle bearing) with new formula. England. 1 v. S wall chart. Appl. au: Robert B. Commons. S Robert B. Commons: 22Dec75: 4F44717.


4 Man and his mission: Cardinal Leger in 4frica. By George Kenneth Bell, text by Henriette Major, translation by Jane Springer- Canada. 190 p. Translation of Un Homme et sa mission: le cardinal Leger en 4frique. NM: translation. e Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 2Nov76; 4F44718.


4plicacion proqramada inventario en el sistema/32; manual de descripcion de la aplicacion. Venezuela. 1 v. 6 IBM Venezuela; 204pr76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44719.


Military vehicles of the world. By Christopher F. Foss. United Kinqdom. 192 p. © Christopher F. Foss; 10Jun76;



Advances in ready mixed concrete technology. Edited by Ravindra K. Dhir. Great Britain. 492 p. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Ready-Mixed Concrete held at Dundee University, Dundee, Scotland, 29th Sept.- 1st Oct. 1975. Appl. au: E. S. Armitage £ R. Astbury; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. 6 H. K. Dhir; 250ct76; 4F44721.


The Professions in 4ustralia; a critical appraisal. Edited by Paul Boreham, 41ec Pemberton £ Paul Richard Wilson. 4ustralia. 290 p. O University of Queensland Press; 44ug76; AF44722.


Three decades in Shiwa; economic development £ social change in a Japanese farming community. By Mitsuru Shimpo. Canada. 14 1 p. e University of British Columbia; 15Nov76; 4F44723.


Birds in Bermuda. By Richard 4. Slaughter. Bermuda. 58 p. © Richard 4.

Slaughter: 1Sep75; 4F44724.


Political economy: past and present; a review of leading theories of economic policy. By Lionel Charles Bobbins. England. 202 p. 6 Lord fiobbins; 24Jun76; AF44725.


Player queen. By Constance Fecher, pseud, of Constance Heaven. England. 270 p. © Constance Fecher, a pseud, of Constance Heaven; 19Jun68; 4f 44726.


There is a season. By Barbara Bennett. England. 173 p. e Barbara Bennett; 9Sep76; AF44727.


Not all in the mind. By Richard MackarnesE. England. 158 p. 4dd. ti: These can make you ill! 6 Richard Mackarness; 16Jan76; Ar44728.


Moments of being; unpub. autobioq- raphical writings. By Virginia Hoolf, edited with an introd. £ notes by Jeanne Schulkind. England. 207 p. e on text; Quentin Bell £ Angelica Garnett, literary executors; 3Jun76; AF44729. AF44730.

BaneDts of being: UDpub. autobiog- raphical ucitings. By Virginia HooXf, edited with an introd, 6 notes by Jeanne Schulkind. England. 207 p. KM: editing, footnotes £ p. 6-27, 61-63. 139-1<t1, 157-8 £ 181. e Jeanne Schulkind: JJun76: iF«ll730.


A Pair of blue eyes. By Thoaas Hardy, introd. by fionald Blythe, co-ordinating editors: Caroline Hobhouse £ Edward Leeson. England. t27 p. O on introd., notes £ all editorial matter: HacBillan London, Ltd.; 300ct75; AFitU731.


Progress in the cheaistry of organic natural products. »ol. 33. Edited by B. Herz, H. Grisebach £ G. H. Kirby. Austria. 581 p. Add. t i: Fortschritte der Cbeaie organiscber Naturstoffe. Appl. au: Uilhelu Schwabl, eiployer for hire, e Springer-verlag; 29Sep76; AF4I1732.


ny son Charles. By Elizabetii Hayhew, pseud, of Joan Bear. Great Britain. 239 p. O Elizabeth Hayhew (pseud, of the author Joan Bear); 11No»73; AF'414733.


Stereotactic Treatment of Epilepsy. Edited by Francis John Gillinghaa, Edward Robert Hitchcock £ Pavel Nadvornik. Austria. 261 p. (Acta neurocbirurgica, Supplementus 23) Syaposiuo held in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 1975. O Springer-Verlag: 280ct76: AF<4i473i4.

AF14 14735.

Current pcobleos in eleoentary particle and mathematical physics. Edited by Paul Oskar Urban. Austria. 638 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, Supplementum 15) Proceedings of the 15th Internationale Unlversitaetswochen fuer Kernphysik 1976 der Karl-Ftanzens-Universitaet Graz at Schladming (Steieriark, Austria) Feb. 16-27, 1976. Appl. au: L. Streit £ K. Jezuita. S pringer-Verlag ; 260ct76; AF14 14735.


The Question of things happening: the letters of Virginia Soolf. Vol. 2: 1912-1922. Editor: Nigel Nicolson, assistant editor: Joanne Trautaanu. England. 627 p. MM: editing, editorial note £ introd. Nigel Hicolsoo; 23Sep76: AF414736.


The Question of things happening: the letters of Virginia Hoolf. Vol. 2: 1912-1922. Editor: Nigel Nicolson, assistant editor: Joanne Trautmann. England. 627 p. NM: all the letters eicept. no. 1337. Quentin Bell £ Angelica Garnett; 23Sep76; AF44737.


Fundamental and clinical studies of bleomycin. Edited by Stephen K. Carter, ToKu-ji Ichikawa, Georges Hathe £ Haaao Japan. 320 p. (GANN monograph on cancer research, --, 19. Issued by Japanese Cancer Ass ation) & University of Tokyo Press; 10ct76; AF44738.


Fundamentals in cancer prevention: proceedings of the 6th international symposiua of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Sesearch Fund, Tokyo, 1975. Edited by Peter N. Hagee, Shozo Takayama, Takahasbi Sugifflura £ Taijiro Hatsushima. Japan. 433 p. e University of Tokyo Press; 8Nov76; AF44739.


Neuro-otological examination: with special reference to eguilibrium function tests. By Takuya Uemura, Jun-ichi Suzuki, Jiro Hozawa £ Stephen H. Highstein. Japan. 178 p. 6 Igaku Shoin, Ltd.; 15NOV76 (in notice: 1977); AF44740.


Nothing but the truth. By Poul Oerum, translated from the Danish by Kenneth Barclay. Great Britain. 253 p. Translation of Kun sandheden. e on translation; Victor Gollancz, Ltd.; 17Jun76; AF44741.


The Glory boys. By Gerald Seyaour. Great Britain. 287 p. 6 Gerald Seymour; 2Sep76; AF44742.


Play — its role in development and evolution. Edited by Jeroae S. Bruner, Alison Jolly £ Kathy Sylva. Great Britain. 716 p. BB: compilation, introd. £ notes. Jeroae Bruner, Kathy Sylva £ Alison Jolly; 2711ay76; AF44743.


Hore Borgan: a pictorial history of the Borgan sports cat. By Gregory Houston Bowden. England. 223 p. Gregory Houston Bowden; 29llov76; AF44744.


A Shadow of death. By John Creasey as Gordon Ashe. England. 142 p. John creasey: 25Nov68; AF44745.


A Plaque of deaons. By John creasey as Gordon Ashe. England. 184 p. Estate of John creasey: I6reb76: AF44746.


An Evolution of siuqlehander s. By D. H. Clarke. Great Britain. 20b p. C D. H. Clarke; 2bFeb76 (in notice: 1975); AF44747.


The Last days of imperial Russia. By Hiriaa Kochan. England. 224 p. NB : text £ coapilatiou of illus. C lliriaa Kochan: 19Aug76; AF44748.


yeats. By frank Tuohy. England. 232 p. NH: text £ coapilation of illus. frank Tuohy: 280ct76; AF44749.


The Liaison. By Baria Batray £ Answald Krueger, translated by Bicbard Sharp. Great Britain. 346 p. 1st pub. as Die Liaison, 1973. O on translation; Cassell and Company, Ltd.; 230ct75; AF44751.


Dolores. By Jacqueline Susann, traduit de I'americain par Florent B. Peire. France. 188 p. French. on tran- slation; Belfond a. a. d. o. Editions Pierre Belfond; 15Jun76: Af44752.


Come home, Charlie, and face thea. By E. f. Delderfield. Great Britain. 255 p. O E. f. Delderfield; 21Apr69; AF44753. (3td impression, 1975, deposited)


Bission for Hammarsk jold: the Congo crisis. By Bajeshwar Oayal. England. 335 p. e Sajeshwar Dayal; 8Jttl76; AF44754.


All Paris in 130 photos in colour. By Giovanna Bagi, photos, by Jacqueline Guillot, translated from the Italian by Hichael Hollingworth . Italy. 126 p. e on text £ photos.; Casa Editrice Bonechi; 31Dec75; AF44755.


Uandfehlbildungen: Atlas ihrer operativen Behandlung. By Walter Blauth £ Frank B. Schneider-Sickert . West Germany. 394 p. Springer-Verlag: 15Nov76: Af44756.


Gleichgewicht der Absorption von Gasen in Fluessigkeiten. Bearb. von A. Kruis, hrsg. von Helmuth Hansen. 6. Aufl. West Germany. 479 p. (Landolt-Boer nstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geophysik und Technik, Bd. 4: Technik, T. 4: Uaermetechnik, Bandteil c) Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. 6 Springer-Verlag; 3NOV76; AF44757.


Bakroskopische uod technische Eigen- schaften der Baterie. B. 2: Bischungs und Loesungswaeraen. By G. Beggerow, Herausgeber: Kl . Schaefer. West Germany. 695 p. (Landolt-Boernstein nuaerical data and functional relationships in science and technology, new series, group 4, vol. 2. Landolt-Boernstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaf ten und Technik, neue Serie, Gruppe 4, B. 2) Add. ti: Macroscopic and technical properties of matter. Vol. 2: heats of mixing and solution. English £ German. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. e Springer-Verlag; 2Nov76; AF44758.


Advent, christaastide and weeks 1-9 of the year. Iceland £ United Kingdom. 1 v. (The Divine Office, 1) O on compilation £ English translation of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings £ rubrics: The Hierarchies of Australia, Euqland and Wales, Ireland a.a.d.o. the Episcopal Conferences o£ Australia, England and Wales, Ireland; 25Jan74; AF44759.


Lent and Eastertide. Ireland 6 United Kingdom. 1 v. (The Divine office, 2) O on compilation £ English translation of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings £ rubrics; The Hie- rarchies of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland a.a.d.o. the Episcopal conferences of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland; 18Mar74; AF44760.


Weeks of the year, 6-34. Ireland £ U.iited Kingdom. 1 v. (The Divine office, 3) e on compilation £ English translation of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings £ rubrics; The Hie- rarchies of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland a.a.d.o. the Episcopal Conferences of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland; 28Aug74; Ar44761.


IBB system/370 las/VS data base analyzer; general information manual, program product 5740-XXS (OS/VS) Denmark. 13 p. (Program product) Appl- au; IBM Geraany. 6 International Business Bachines Corporation: 3Dec76; AF44762.


Managing the data processing orga- nization. Denmark. 133 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. International Business Bachines Corporation; 22Nov76; AF44763.


IBM 3600 finance communication system; 3601 host support, 5986-B03 document, inscriber adapter EPQs, programming installation guide suppl. , program numbers 5799-HKB DOS/VS, 5799-BKE OS/VS. Denmark. 9 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hacbines Corporation; 10Dec76; AF44764.


IBM 3600 finance communication system: backward display, BPQ 7B0II12, proqramming installation guide suppl. , program numbers 5799-aHK DOS/VS, 5799-HKK OS/VS. Denmark. 9 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBB Germany. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 10Dec76; iP'*1765.


IBM 3660 supermarket systems; scanning system, larger price description record, file RPQ X6U075, programmer's guide suppl. Denmark. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 7Dec76; 4F't1766.


IBM 3600 finance communication system; 3601 host support, backward display, BPQ 7B0yi2, instructions and macros reference suppl. Denmark. 8 p. (Systems) Appl. au; IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 7Dec76; AF44767.


IBM 3600 finance com oi- system; 3601 host support, mov e, RPQ 7B0192, instructions a s referenc suppl. Denmark. 5 p. (Systems) Appl. Q International Bu corporation; 7Dec76: AF44768.


IBM 3660 supermarket systems; scanning system, larger price description record, file BPQ X6a0745. introd. suppl. Denmark.

2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. C International Business Machines Corporation; 7Dec76; AFlia769.


IBM 3600 finance communication system; 3601 host support, backyard display. BPQ 7B0<412, configurator suppl. Denmark. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 7Dec76 ; AFit4770.


IBM 3600 finance communication system: 3601 host support, move inverse, BPQ 7B0192, configurator suppl. Denmark. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 3 International Business Machines Corporation; 7Dec76; AF41771.


3750 switching system; supervisor's reference: operating instructions. 6th ed. Denmark. 34 p. Appl. au: IBM France. iS International Business Machines Corporation; 2Dec76 ; APil4772.


IBM 3767 communication terminal; operator's guide, BPQ X71429. document insertion device. 2nd ed. Denmark. 13 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sueden. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 7Dec76; AF44773.


IBM 3740 data entry system; special self-check number device (compatible with Hebrew language feature) custom unit description, BPQ X15169 (3741 6 3742, 128-character machine) Denmark. 17 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Onited Kingdom, Ltd. Q International Business Machines corporation; 23Nov76: AF44774.


IBM 3740 data entry system; bar-code reader/printer data station, custom unit description, BPQs 7B0215 6 others. Denmark. 34 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. e International Business Machines Corporation; 23Hov76: AF44775.


The Politics of the Italian Army, 1861-1918. By John Whittam. Great Britain. 216 p. e John Uhittam; 23BOV76 (in notice: 1977); AF44776.


The Power game; an examination of decision-making in government. By Jock Bruce-Gardyne £ Nigel Lawson. Great Britain. 204 p. 6 Jock Bruce-Gardyne 6 Uigel Laws 231IOV76; AF44777.


The Nature of knowledge: an introduction for librarians. By D. Alasdair Kemp. Great Britain. 199 p. 3 D. A. Kemp; 26IIOV76; AF44778.


Die Anorectalen Fisteln. By Friedrich Stelzner. 2. voellig neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 267 p. 3 Springer- Verlag ; 280ct76; AP44779.


Spezielle pathologlsche Anatomie: ein Lehr- und Nachschlagewerk. Bd. 2, I. 2. Hrsg. von Uilhelm Doerr, Gerhard Seifert & Erwin A. Uehlinger. Best Germany. 989 p. O Springer-Verlag; 9Nov76; AF44780.


Gicht. Bearb. von A. Goeb £ others. 5. voellig neubearb. & erweiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 661 p. (Bandbuch der inneren Hedizin, 7. Bd. Stoff wecbselkrankheiten, T. 3) German £ English. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 5Nov76; AF44781.


Explosion seismology in Central Europe: data and results. Edited by Peter Giese, Claus Prodehl £ Albert Stein. Best Germany. 429 p. £ 3 wall charts. (Crust and upper mantle stucture in Europe, monograph no. 1) © Springer-Verlag; 5NOV76; AF44782.


5788-DBH. France. Printout. 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Jul74; AF44783.


Facturation de pieces detachees automobiles sur IBM 3741. France. Printout. Add. ti: 5797-NHN. 3 IBB France; 8Mar76 (in notice: 1975); AF44784.


5788-EBL. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Onited Kingdom, Ltd. NM: additions £ revisions. Q International Business Machine (i.e. Machines) Corporation a.a.d. : IBM Corporation; 22Nov76; AF44785.


578-EAY. France. Printout. Add. ti: 5788-EAy. Appl. au: IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. IBM Corporation; 27May75; AF44786.

AF 44787.

5788-DGF. France. Printout. 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.U.; 29Nov76 (in notice; 1975) ; AF44787.


5788-DJA. France. Printout. 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 6Sep76 (in notice: 1975); AF44788.


5788-DDP. France. Printout, e IBM Deutschland, G.M. B.U. ; 10Feb7S (in notice: 1974); 4F44789.


5788-DJF. Autor: V. Alt. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H. IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 12Apr76 (in notice: 1975); AF44790.


57a8-FBD. France. Printout. Appl. au: S.A. International Business Machines of Belgium, N. V. e International Business Machines Corporation a.d.: IBM Corpo- ration: 13Aug74; 4F44791.


5788-DKH. Autor: Dieter Bosenfeld. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H. O IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 20Dec76; 4F44792.


5788-FBE. France. Printout. Appl. au: S.A. International Business Machines of Belgium, B. V. 6 International Business Machines Corporation, a.d.: IBM Cor- poration; 7Aug74: AF44793.


5797-NAL. Israel. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Israel, Ltd. 6 IBM Israel; 26Jan76i AF44794.


5788-DBE. France. Printout. 6 IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 30Jun75 (in notice: 1974); 4F44795.

AF4 4796.

5788-DBF. France. Printout. 3 IBM Deutschland, G. H. B. H. ; 8Jul74 (in notice: 1973) ; AF44796.


5788-DFQ. France. Printout. S IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 11Feb76 (in notice: 1974); AF44797.


5799-APA. France. Printout. 8 IBM Germany; 29Nov76; AF44798.


5788-DGH. France. Printout, e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 6Sep76 (in notice: 1975); AF44799.


5797-NFP. France. Printout. e IBB France; 24Feb76 (in notice: 1975); AF44800.


5799-AaH. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Svenska, 4.B. 6 IBM Corporation; 20Dec76; AF44801.


5797-APB. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: adaptation. 3 IBH Corporation; 29Nov76; AF44802.


Pulsed high beta plasmas; proceedings of the third topical conference held at UK4EA Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, O.K., Sept. 9-12, 1975. Edited by D. E. Evans. Great Britain. 625 p. Suppl. to the journal Plasma physics; papers presented at the Third Topical Conference on High Beta Plasmas. Appl. au: H. Kaufmann £ H. A. B. Bodin ; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 8Nov76; AF44803.


The Eye of the beholder. By Philip Glazebrook. Great Britain. 253 p. 9 Philip Glazebrook; 24Aug75; 4F44804.


Fives wild- By Baiter Binward. Great Britain. 246 p. 3 Baiter Binward; 214ug75; 4F44805. AF44806. OD the psychology o£ fflilitary incom- petence. By Nocman F. Dixon, witii a focewocd by Shelfocd Bidvell. Sceat Britain. t"*? p. C N. F. Dixon; 17Jun76; AF44806.


Dead weight. By Bcian Lecomber. Eaglaad. 265 p. C Bcian Leconbec; 6Sep76: AFlt4807.


The Buigaciao exclusive. By Anthony Gcey. Euglaod. 220 p. Anthony Grey; 10Apr76; AF14IJ8O8.


Koths. By Hosaliod Ashe. England. 239 p. Sosalind Ashe; 14Juo76: AF<ll|8a9.


Jack the Bippec: the final solution. By Stephen Knight. Great Britain. 284 p. O Stephen Knight; SJul76; AFUUSIO.


Bozart: the man, the musician. By Arthur Hutchings. England. 131 p. Nil: text except for scattered quotations £ coapilation of illus. Phonograa Int.* B. V. ; 1Nov76; AFUHBIL


The Bitch-finder. By Mary Hayner. Great Britain. 126 p. Mary Bayner; 17Apr75; AF4I4812.


The Stoics. By F. H. Sandbach. Great Britain. 190 p. (Ancient culture and society) O F. H. Sandbach; 30Jan75;



Action for huaan settlenents. By C. A. Doxiadis. Greece. 207 p. O Athens Center of Eltistics; 15Dec76; AFUUSIK.


Metrics in the home. Canada. 20 p. 6 Mrln-Bingham, Ltd., sometimes carrying on business as Metric Promotions; 25BOV76; AF4»e21.


Book 114 dictionary. Compiled by the editors. England. 30 p. Appl. au: Anne Boberts. MM: editorial revision. O L. Bon Hubbard; 1Jul76; AFlia822.


Book 13 practice. England. 19 p. Appl. au: Anne Boberts. NH: editorial revision. O L. Bon Hubbard; 1Jul76; AFII4823.


Teachers manual. England. 1 v. From the works of L. fion Hubbard. Appl. au: Anne Boberts. SH: editorial revision. e L. Bon Hubbard; 1Jul76; AF'J4824.


Modern Britain; an introduction. By John Irwin. Great Britain. 173 p. George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.; 31Dec76; AFIt<t825.


The complete poems of Thomas Hardy; the Hew Uessex ed. Edited e with an introd. by James Gibson. England. 1002 p. Add. ti: Thomas Hardy: the complete poems. O on poems 1-9 19, 925-6, 929-34, 943 t Thomas Hardy's prefaces i notes; Hacmillan London, Ltd.; nnar76; AF44826.


The Complete poems of Thomas Hardy; the new blessex ed. Edited 6 with an lutcod. by James Gibson. England. 1002 p. Add. ti: Thomas Hardy: the complete poems. O on editorial arr., introd. £ notes; Hacmillan London. Ltd.; 1tnar76; AF44827.

Marshall, 1867-1890. Vol. 1. Edited fi introduced by J. K. vhitaker. England. 296 p. C on Alfred Marshall's writings; Boyal Economic Society; 51lo»75; AF44834.


The Early economic writings of Alfred Marshall, 1867-1890. Vol. 1. Edited £ introduced by J. K. Uhitaker. England. 296 p. O on introd., selection £ editorial matter; J. K. Ihitaker; 5HOV75; AF44835.


The Early economic writings of Alfred Marshall, 1867-1890. Vol. 2. Edited £ introduced by J. K. Uhitaker. England. 404 p. O on Alfred Marshall's writings; Boyal Economic Society; 5Hov75; AF44836.


The Early economic writings of Alfred Marshall, 1867-1890. Vol. 2. Edited £ introduced by J. K. uhitaker. England. 404 p. C on introd., selection £ editorial matter; J. K. Uhitaker; 5110V75; Ar44837.


Dante Gabriel Bossetti. By John Nicoll. England. 175 p. MM: text new except for scattered quotations £ compilation of illus. O John Micoll; 160ct75; AF4483U.


Bosa Luxemburg: ideas in action. By Paul Froelich, translated by Joanna Hoornweq. Great Britain. J29 p. Appl. au: Pluto Press. O on translation; Pluto Press; 30JU172; AF448J9.


Lenin's Moscow. By Alfred Bosmer, translated by Ian H. Birchall. Great Britain. 2 53 p. Appl. au: Pluto Press. Translation of Moscou sous Leniue pub. 1953. O on translation; Pluto Press, Ltd.; 30Oct71; AF44840.


The Idea of a town: the anthropology of urban form in Bome, Italy and the ancient world. By Joseph Rykwert. Great Britain. 242 p. Prev. pub. in Forum. MM: revisions £ additions. O Joseph Bykwert; 17May76; AF44815.


The Plays. Vol. 2. By August Strindberq. introduced £ translated from the Swedish by Michael Meyer. Great Britain. 644 p. C on translation, compilation, revision, foreword £ note; Michael Meyer; 24llov75: AF44316.


Opposites. By Iris Grender, designed £ illustrated by Geoffrey A. J. Butcher. Great Britain. 1 v. Appl. au: Three Four Five, Ltd., employer for hire of illus. Three Four Five, Ltd.; 15Jun75; AF44ai7.


Measuring things. By Iris Gcender, designed £ illustrated by Geoffrey A. J. Butcher. Great Britain. 1 v. Appl. au: Three Four Five, Ltd., employer for hire of illus. O Three Four Five, Ltd.; 1SJun75: AF44818.


So much blood; a crime novel. By Simon Brett. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. O Simon Brett; 18Jun76; AF44819.


Italy in colour. Editor: Marco Banti, assistant editor: Simonetta Giorqi, translation from the Italian by Michael Hollingwocth, regional maps by Osvaldo Montelatici. Italy. 254 p. e Bonechi Editore Firenze; 31Dec72; AF44820.


The Complete poems of Thomas Hardy; the new Uessex ed. Edited £ with an introd. by James Gibson. England. 1002 p. Add. ti: Thomas Hardy: the complete poems. on poems 920-4, 927-8, 935-42 £ 944-7; Trustees of the Hardy Estate; 1laar76; AF44a28.


The Flayer queens. By fiichard Findlater. Great Britain. 250 p. O fiichard Findlater; 11llov76: AF44829.


Professional world of soccer; Scottish League ed. , division 1 teams (1974-75 season) basic rules book. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: John C. Smart. Simulation Game Company; 30Apc76; AF44630.


Stoma- Symbolsystem fuer Bef undauf nahme, Planunq und Behandlungsverlauf , von Anton Kratschmar. AbbilJungsband zum Stoma- Symbolsystem fuer Befundauf nahme, Planung und Behandlungsverlauf. Austria. 2 v. Summaries in German, English, fiussian £ other languages. Anton Kratschmar (in notice: Verlag Doktor A. Kratschmar) ; 10Oct75; AF44831.


The Far East and Australasia, 1976-77. 8th ed. England. 1331 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 17Nov76; AF44832.


5799-ABB. France. printout. Appl. au: IBM Sveuska. A.B. O IBM corporation: 20Dec76; AF44833.


class struggles in Tanzania. By Issa G. Shivji. Great Britain. 182 p. u Issa G. Shivji; 26Apr76; AF44841.


Transportation planning, policy and analysis. By David Nicholas Martin Starkie. Great Britain. 147 p. D. N. M. Starkie: 22Hov76; Ai'44842.


Mechanics. By Lev Davidovich Landau fi Evgenii Mikhailovich Lifshitz, translated from the Bussian by J. B. Sykes £ J. S. Bell. 3td ed. Great Britain. 169 p. (Course of theoretical physics, vol. 1) Appl. au: Pergamon Press. Ltd., employer for hire of translators. Translation from the 3rd rev. £ enl. ed. of Mekhanika. MM: translation, e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF44843.


The Sociology of literary taste. By Levin L. Schuecking, tr.: Brian Bat- tershaw. England. 112 p. Translation from the German Die Soziologie der literarischen Geschmacks-Bildung. C on translation; Boutledqe and Keqan Paul, Ltd.; 1Jun66; AF44844.


Essays on money and inflation. By David E. U. Laidler. England. 246 p. 0. E. U. Laidler; lJun75; AF44845.


Montgomery of Alamein. By Alun Chalfont. United Kingdom of Great Britain. 365 p. Alun Chalfont; 22Apc76: AF44846. AF44847.

IMS/VS interface for IBM 7770-3 audio response unit support through the IBM 3750 program description and operation manual; programming EPQ sa0073, program no. 5799-APG. France. 17 p. (Systems) 4ppl. au: IBM Prance 9 International Business Machines corporation; 6Sep76; AF44847.


IMS/VS interface for IBM 7770-3 audio response unit support through the IBM 3750 program logic manual; programming KPQ SU0073, program no. 5799-APG. France. tO p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM France e International Business Machines corporation: 6Sep76; AF44848.


Untersuchungsverf ahren in Dermatologie und Venerologie. By Sandor Marghescu G Helmut H. Uolff, Geleitviort von 0. Braun-Falco. Best Germany. 170 p. J. F. Bergmann-yerlag; 240ct75; Af44849.


Werkstoffe ihre Eignung und Wirts- chaftlichkeit im Fensterbau. Verfasser: Holf Zinn. 3. Aufl. West Germany. 72 p. Appl. au: Aluminium-Verlag, G.M.B.H. Aluminium-yerlag, G.M.B.H.; 31May76; AF44850.


Un Beqard a l*interieur de l*aluminium. By Dietrich Altcnpohl. Best Germany. 273 p. Appi. aa: Aluminium- Verlaq, G.M.B.H. O Aluminium-Verlag, G.H. B-H. ; 11Jun76; AF44851.


Aluminium^Automobil; international conference, Duesseldorf, 1976-03-22/23. Best Germany. 1 v. e Aluminium-Verlag, G.M.B.H.: 7May76: AF44852.


History of Best Africa. Vol. 1. Edited by J. F. Ade Ajayi £ Michael Crouder. 2nd ed. England. 649 p. 6 Longman Group, Ltd.; 28Jun76; AF44853.


Cicero: In Catilinam 1-4, Pro Murena, Pro Sulla, Pro Flacco. Vol. 10. Bith an English translation by Coll MacDonald. Great Britain. 595 p. English 6 Latin. Prev. pub. 1937. NH: pref., introd. , notes, index 6 appendixes A 6 B. © The President and Fellous of Harvard College: 12Jan77; AF44854.


The Sunflower. By Simoa Hiesenthal, German translated by H. A. Eiehler, French translated by Carol Pimentel Pinto. England. 190 p. NM: translation. e Opera Muadi; 15Jun70; AF44855. (3rd print., 1972, deposited)


Carpentry: male Britten by McPhe- illustrated by D Sustrali Australi g things with wood. Gribble Publishers, id Lancashire. 1 V. e Penguin Books Ltd.; 2Jua76: AF44856.


You and I. and love. By Terry Boue. Canada. 108 p. 6 Lester and Orpen, Ltd. 20Jan75; AF44857.


Black-jack gold: a new approach to winning at "21." By Lancelot Humble, pseud, of Igor Kusyszyn. Canada. 121 p. 9 International Gaming, Inc. ; 30Oct76; AF44858.

3y Anthony L. Belnikoff. 3rd ed. England. 78 p. O Anthony Melnikoff; 3Nov76; AF44859.


Bugsy Malone. By Alan Parker. Great Britain. 126 p. NB; noyelizatioo ot screenplay, d National Film Trustee Company, Ltd.; 16Aug76; iF44860.


Blood and guts is going nuts. By Christopher Leopold. England. 300 p. e Christopher Leopold; 16Sep76; AF44861.


Prusskie nochi. By A. I. Solzhenitsyn. France. 64 p. Add. ti: Prussian nights. Russian. 9 on Bussian edition; YMCA-Press; 17Aug74; AF44862.

AF4486 3.

Musical thoughts and after-thoughts. By Alfred Brendel. England. 168 p. Appl. au: Eobson Books, Ltd. Appl. states all new material except some parts being translations 6 prev. pub. material. 9 Alfred Brendel; 2Sep76; AF 44863.


Boman roads. By Raymond Chevallier, translated by N. H. Field. Dnited Kingdom. 272 p. 6 on translation; B. I. Batsford, Ltd.; 30Jan76; AF44864.


Commentaries in plant science. Edited by Harry Smith. Great Britain. 286 p. Appl. au: D. Boulter 5 B. K. Downey; 6 Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. 9 Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF44865.


Scenes for the tourist. Von Alan Stuart Bussell uuter Mitwirkung von Ann Baker, G. Bussell 6 den Schuelern der Oxford School. Goeppingen. Best Germany. 32 p. English t German. 9 Alan Stuart Bussell; 9Nov76; AF44866.


Guida alia speleologia deli'Italia. Di Edo Prando. Italy. 228 p. 9 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S. P. A. ; 30May73; AF44867.


Calme di luglio. By Vittorio G. Eossi. Italy. 294 p. 9 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30May73; AF44868.


Geografia Dominicana (para Bachillerato) By Santiago De La Fuente Garcia. Dominican Republic. 266 p. 9 Santiago De La Fuente Garcia; 27Sep76; AF44869.


An Eye to China. By David Selbourne, introd.: Stuart Ball, photos.: Charles Parker. England. 215 p. 9 David selbourne; 1Dec75: iF44870.


The Loneliness of Mia. By Gunnel Beckman, translated from the Swedish by Joan Tate. United Kingdom. 125 p. Appl. au; The Bodley Head, Ltd- Translation of Vaaren daa anting haende., prev. pub. 1974. 9 on translation; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 8May75: AF44871.


The Penguin book of the physical world. Editorial consultant: Alan Isaacs, co-ordinatiug editors: Sonya Larkin 6 Louise Bernbaum. United Kingdom. 1 v- Appl. au: Penguin Books, Ltd. 9 Penguin Books, Ltd.; 29Apr76: AF44872.


The Penguin book of the natural world. Editorial consultant: Elizabeth Martin, co-ordinating editors: Sonya Larkin & Louise Bernbaum. Dnited Kingdom. 1 v. Appl. au: Penguin Books, Ltd. 9 Penguin Books, Ltd. ; 29Apr76; AF44873.


The Anglo-Irish tradition. By J. C. Beckett. Great Britain. 158 p. 9 J. C. Beckett; 15Nov76: AF44874.


Cry wolf. By Bilbur Smith. England. 388 p. 9 Bilbur Smith; 12Apr76; AF44875.


Bhy poor people stay poor; a study of urban bias in world development. By Michael Lipton. Great Britain. 467 p. a Michael Lipton; 3Jan77 (in notice; 1976); AF44876.


The Origin of the Communist autocracy: political opposition in the Soviet State, first phase, 1917-1922. By Leonard Bertram Schapiro. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 397 p. Originally pub. 1955. 9 on pref. to 2nd ed-; Leonard Schapiro; JJan77; AF44877.


The Diaries of Evelyn Baugh- Edited by Michael Davie- England. 814 p. 9 The Estate of Evelyn Baugh; 2Sep76; Ai'44878.


The Diaries of Evelyn Baugh. Edited by Michael Davie. England. 814 p. 9 on introd. 6 compilation; Michael Davie; 2Sep76; AF44879.


Attention and memory- By Geoffrey Underwood- Great Britain- 280 p. 9 Geoffrey Underwood; 22Hov76; AF44880.


International thermodynamic tables of the fluid state. Vol. 3: Carbon dioxide. Issued by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Division of Physical Chemistry, commission on Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry, Thermodynamic Tables Project; edited G compiled by S- Angus, B- Armstrong & K- a. De Reuck. Great Britain- 385 p- Appl- au: Pergamon Press Ltd., employer for hire- SM: compilation- 9 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; 8Bov76; AF44881.


X-ray diffraction topography. By Brian Keith Tanner. Great Britain. 174 p. (International series in the science of the solid state, vol. 10) 9 B. K. Tanner; 8NOV76; Af44882.


The Human aspects of management; a case study approach. By Joseph B. Chilver. Great Britain. 103 p. 9 J. B- Chilver; 11NOV76; AF44883-


Spatial dimensions of public policy. Edited by John Terence Coppock 6 B. B. Derrick Sewell. Great Britain. 271 p. Appl- au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. 9 Pergamon Press, Ltd., J- T- Coppock £ B- R- D- Sewell; 11NOV76; AF44884.


The Jews of Palestine: a political history from the Bar Kokhba Bar to the Arab conquest. By M. Avi-Yonah. England- 286 p- Translated S adapted from Geschichte der Juden in ZeitaTter des Talmud- MM: translation- 9 Basil Blackwell, Publisher (in notice: Basil Blackwell); 21Jun76; AF44885. AF44886.

Waermeuebertragung im Geqenstrooi Gleichstron UDd KreuzstroD. By Helouth Hausen. 2., neubeacb. iufl. Uest Secianv- 129 p. frev. pub. 1950 as Technische Physik io Einzeldarstellung, Bd. 8. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 23»o»76; AF44886.


Coupes seciees du corps humain: aoatooile, cadioloqie, scannec. By Joseph Ga&barelli, Gerard Guerinel, Laurent Chevrot G Hathieu Hattei, avec la collaboration technique de fi. Galliano & S. Mazarian, dessins de J. P. Jacomy, photos de D. Imy & a. Soler. Best Germany. 286 p. 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29No»76 (in notice: 1977) ; AF44887.


Le Paris secret des annees 30. Par Brassai. France. 192 p. NH: text & cODpilation of photos. 6 Editions Galliaard (in notice: Gallimard) ; 30Sep76: AF44888.


Le Paris secret des annees 30. Par Brassai. Prance. 192 p. O on photos. ; Brassai: 30Sep76: AF449889.


London 800-1216: the shaping of a city. By Cbristoher N. L. Brooke, assisted by Gillian Keir, laps by Gillian Keir G Cartographic Enterprises. United Kingdaa. 1*211 p. O Christopher M. L. Brooke £ Gillian Keir; 22llay75; AF1t890.


'sensory functions of the Skin in Prliates; Kith special reference to nan. Edited by tngve Zotteraan. Great Britain. 607 p. (Uenner-Gren center international symposiuD series, vol. 27) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sensory Functions of the Skin in Primates held at the Uenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, Jan. 13-15. 1976. Appl. au: J. Boivie £ A. Brown; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 250ct76: AF44891.


Consensus on menopause research: a summary of international opinion. Edited by P. A. Van Keep, 8. B. Greenblatt t H. Albeaux-Fernet. England. 183 p- Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Menopause held at La Grande Hotte, France, in June 1976. Appl. au: «. a. Otian. MTP Press, Ltd.; 30Dec76; AF44892.


Ohta*s Creative oriental brush painting: fundamental techniques. Photos, by Jim Goss, calligraphy by the author. Japan. 1148 p. Prev. pub. 13Feb72. NH: abridgment e additions. Hisashi Ohta; 103ep75; AF44893.


El Uso y la aplicacion de los simbolos de la soldadura al arco y a flama. Por Suben F. Isunza E., los dibujos fueron eiecutados por el autor. Heiico. 168 p Buben F. Isunza; 210ct76; AF44894.


Biological effects of microwaves. By Stanislaw Baranski 6 Przenyslaw czerski. Poland. 23<t p. e Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 290ct76; AF44895.


To Daiaonio, by G. Theotocas. By Anne Farmakides. 2nd ed. Canada. 212 p. Anne Farmakides; 28Jun7it; AF44896.

AF44897. Eekhof -stork, English language ed. edited by Adrian Bailey. The Netherlands. 210 p. on English-language ed.; Paddington Press, Ltd.; 20Sep76; AF44897.


Traed i Europa. Sweden. 1 v. Add. ti: European trees; Trad i Europa. Prev. pub. in France, 1967. NK: Swedish translation. O Bender's Digest AB; li|0ct76; AF44898.


Hitlers Tischgespraeche im Puehrer- hauptguartier. By Henry Picker. Best Germany. 548 p. MH: introd. additions. Seewald Verlag, Doktor Heinrich Seewald; 27Apr76; AF44899.


Maya of Guatemala; life and dress. By Carmen L. Pettersen. Guatemala. 274 p. Add. ti: Haya de Guatemala: vida y traje. English £ Spanish. O Carmen L. Pettersen; 9NOV76; AF44900.


The aevels, history of drama in English. Vol. 5: 1660-1750. By John Loftis, Bichard Southern, Harion Jones G A. H. Scouten. Great Britain. 331 p. Appl. states all new except some text £ all illus. which have been prev. pub. C John Loftis, Richard Southern, Hariou Jones £ A. a. Scouten; lUec76; AF44901.


Operations planning and control-entry (OPC-entryJ scheduler's guide; program product 5740-XT7. Denmark. 189 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. O International Business Machines Corporation; 5Jan77; AF44902.


5986-803 document inscriber adapter BPu 7B0414 maintenance information. Denmark.

1 V. Appl. au: IBM Germany. O Inter- national Business Hachiues Corporation; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF44903.


3604 keyboard display special expanded keyboard BPQs parts catalog supplement. Denmark. 6 p. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM Germany. C International Business Machines Corporation; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF44904.


3750 switching system. Vol. 3: switching subsystem, book 2: 3 753 line units models 1 and 2 theory of operation. 4th ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 4Jan77 (in notice; 1973, 1974, 1976) ; AF44905.


IBM 3600 finance communication system national requirement display £PQs instructions and macros reference supplement; program no. 5799 tUK OOS/VS, 5799 UKK OS/VS. Denmark. 12 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines corporation; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF44906.


Operations planning and control-entry (OPC -entry) general information manual; program product 5740-XT7. Denmark. 4 1 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. International Business Machines Corporation; 10Jan76 (in notice: 1977) ; AF44907.


IBM 3750 switching system 3223 entry/exit reporter installation and testing instructions. 3rd ed. Denmark. Folder (8 p.) Appl. au; IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 29Dec76 (in notice: 1975); AF44908.


Easyfix OS/VS-Proqram»- und JCL Editor; Lizenzprogramm Systemiiandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DGF. France. 21 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprograam SAP) e IBM Deut- schland, S.M.B.H.; 29llov76: AF44909.


Telef on-Gebuehren-Abr echnung; Lizen- zprogramm Programm-/6edienernandbuch Programm-Kr. 5788-DKH. France. 69 p. (Spezxelles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 20Dec76; AF44910.


Telef on -Gebuehr en- Abr echnung; Lizen- zprogramm Systeohandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKH. France. 81 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAf) O IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.; 20Dec76; AF44911.


Blockdia Volimaschinelle Flussdiagramm- Erstellung fuer DCS-Assembler-Progr amme; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbucb Programm-Nr. 5788-DJF. France. 6 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 12Apr76. AF44912.


Blockdia Volimaschinelle Flussdiagr amm- Erstellung fuer DOS-Assembler-Programme; Lizenzprogramm Bedienerhandbuch Piogramm- »r. 57a8-DJF. Prance. 11 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBM Deut- schland, G. M. B. H. ; 12Apr76; AF449I3.


Easyfix OS/VS-Proglamm- und JLL Editor; Lizenzprogramm Prgraam-/Bed lenerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 57aa-UGf. France. 37 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 29Nov76; AF44914.


Programmes speciaux programme de tri 3790 guide systeme code dispositif 8302; programme special no 5788-ABD. France. 7 p. O IBM France; 180ct76; AF44915.

AF449 16.

Change management/tracking (CM/T) DP accounting for MS/VS (DPA) service level reporter (SLB) general information manual; program products 5740-DCl £ others. Denmark. 64 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. International Business Machines corporation; 13Jan77; AF44916.


IBM system/370 interactive financial system 1 operations guide; program no. 5746-F52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 186 p. (Program product) Appl- au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 13Jan77; AF449 17.

AF449 18.

No time on our side. By fioger B. Chapman, drawings by Peter A. G. Milne. Great Britain. 168 p. NB: text. Boger B. Chapman; 26Jun75; AF44918.


No time on our side. By Boger £. Chapman, drawings by Peter A. G. Milne. Great Britain. 168 p. O on maps £ drawings; Nautical Publishing Company, Ltd.; 26Jun75; AF44919.


Electronic inventions, 1745-1976. By Geoffrey Uilliam Arnold Dummer. Great Britain. 158 p. C G. M. A. Dummer; 24Jan77; AF44920. England. 128 p. NH: text £ some photos. Orbis Publishinq, Ltd.: 10May76; AF44921.


The Living sea: an illustrated encyclopedia of marine life- By Robert Burton, Carole Devaney S Tony Long. England. 240 p. Appl. au: Orbis Publishing, Ltd., employer for hire. NH: text & compilation of photos, 3 orbis Publishing, Ltd.; 22Jul76: AF44922.


Man and uater; a history of hydro- technology. By Norman Smith. Great Britain. 239 p. 6 Norman Smith; 12Apr76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44923.


Bail gun. By John Batchelor & Ian Hogg. Great Britain. 60 p. Add. ti: Bail guns. 6 John Batchelor, Ltd.; 1Apr72 (in notice: 1973) ; AF44924.


Programme de tri 3790: description de !• application et guide de 1* utilisateur; programme special numero 5788-ABD- France. 18 p. (PLogrammes speciaux) e IBM France; 180ct76; AF44925.


Deux coeurs de femmes. By Franlc G. Slaughter, traduction de Edmoud Michel- Tyl, illus oriqinales de Annemarie vontobel. Switzerland. 376 p. Original ti. : In a dark garden. O on illus.; Edito-Service, S. A. ; 6Auq76; AF44926.


Hirabelle au bois. By Bomain Simon. France. 23 p. Librairie Hachette; J0Mar76; AF44927.


Hon chaton. By Bomain Simon. France. 23 p. C Librairie Hachette: 30Har76; AF44928.

AFIt 1)929.

Vive le Eoi Babar. By Laurent De Brunhoff. France. 23 p. © Librairie Hachette; 30Har76; AF44929.


Babar aux sports d"hiver. By Jean De Brunhoff e Laurent Oe Brunboff. France. 23 p. Librairie Hachette: 30Mar76; AF44930.


J'apprends a reconnaitre les fleurs. By Alain Gree. France. 23 p. Q Librairie Hachette; 30Mar76; AF'1H931.


Caroline et son c Probst. France. 2 Hachette; 30Mar76;

Asin. By Pierr p. @ Librairi AFt 11932.


Nenuphar et Picotiu. By fiomain Simon. France. 23 p. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30Mar76; AFtlt933.


Halt Disney presente Les Amis de Bambi. Edition francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 23 p. NH: translation. C Walt Disney Productions; 30Mar76; AFi4U93it.


IBM system/370 storage and information retrieval system/virtual storage; thesaurus and linguistic integrated system online retrieval; program BPC P7 104't, program description and operations manual, program number 57 99-AQK (OS/VS) Denmarlt. 291 p. (Systems) English, French £ German. Appl. au: IBM Germany.

6 International Business Machines Corporation; 16Nov76; AF 44935.


IBM system/370 direct S.W.I. F.I. linJi: customer information control systeo- /virtual storage; programming flPQ P71 038, description and operations manual, program number 5799-APB (CICS/OS/VS) Denmark. 357 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. e International Business Machines Corporation; 17Nov76; AF44936.


Janus DL/1 description de 1* application et guide de 1* utilisateur ; programme special numero 5786-AAG. France. 461 p. (Programmes speciaux) Appl. au: IBM France. 3 International Business Machines Corporation; 19Jul76: AF4493 7.


Janus DL/1 guide systeme; programme special numero 57a6-AAG. France. 236 p. (Programmes speciaux) Appl. a u: IBM France. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 19Jul76: AF4493B.


Praise in all our days: common prayer at Taize, liturgies for the entire year in modern English. Translated by Emily Chisholm. England. 318 p. Appl. au: Les Presses de Taize, employer for hire. Pub. in French as La Louange des jours. URl translation. @ Les Presses de Taize; 1No»75; AF44939.


Betinas of fishes: an atlas. By Mohamed Ather Ali £ Michael C. Anctil. Best Germany. 284 p. e Springer- Verlag; 19NOV76; AF44940.

AF44 94 1.

The Bise of German industrial pover, 1834-1914. By W. O. Henderson, maps dravn by T. A. Bicknell. United Kingdom. 264 p. O U. 0. Henderson; 160ec75: AF44941.


Marxism and literary criticism. By Terry Eagleton. United Kingdom. 87 p- e Terry Eagleton: 24Aug76: AF44942.

AF4494 3.

Imagination. By Mary Harnoclc. United Kingdom. 213 p. e Mary Warnoclc; 11Mar76; AF44943.


The Snou valker. By Farley Movat. Canada. 222 p. Portions prev. pub. in Saturday evening post £ others. NM; p. 143-182 £ compilation. McClelland and Steuart, Ltd.; 27Sep75; AF44944.


Cost-benefit analysis: a case study of the Batnagiri fisheries project. By S. N. Mishra £ John Beyer. India. 171 p. e Institute of Economic Growth; 15Jul76; AF44945.


Nineteenth century ornamented typefaces. By Nicolete Gray, uith a chapter on ornamented types in America by Bay Nash. United Kingdom. 238 p. Prev. pub. as 19th century ornamented types and title pages, 1938. NM: ch. 8 fi 10, part of chap. 7, all new illus. 6 chart of ornamented typefaces. 3 Nicolete Gray; 30NOV76; AF44946.


Diabete e diabetici. By Boberto

Klinger. Italy. 166 p. O Arnoldo

Mondadori Editore; 30May76; AF44947.


Science and technology; an introduction to the literature. By Denis Joseph

Grogan. 3rd ed. , rev. Great Britain- 343 p. e Denis Joseph Grogan; 23Nov76; AF44948.


The Art of decorating Kith floners. By Pamela Uestland. Great Britain. 128 p. Pamela Uestland; 6Aug76; AF44949.


IBM system/370 interactive financial system 1, program messages: program no. 5746-F52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 57 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 3 International Business Machines corporation; 13Jan77; AF44950.


Schubert: a biographical study of his songs. By Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, translated £ edited by Kenneth S. Whitton. Great Britaiii. 331 p. Translation of Auf den Spuren dec Schubert-Lieder, pub. in 1971. NM: translation S explanatory biographical 6 historical notes. 3 Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau £ Kenneth S. Whitton; 24Jun76: AF44951.


The Life of Noel Couard. By Cole Lesley. Great Britain. 499 p. 3 Cole Lesley; 210ct76; AF44952.


The World atlas of golf. Edited £ designed by Mitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd., introduced by Alistair Cooke. Great Britain. 280 p. 3 on neu text fi photos., editing £ compilation; Mitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd.; 250ct76; AP44953.


Auf den Spuren der Schubert-Lieder; Herden, Uesen, wirkung. By Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. West Germany. 371 p. 3 F. A. Brockhaus; 3Sep71; Ar44955.


Anti-chance; a reply to Monod's Chance and necessity. By Ernest Schof f eniels, translated by B. L. £eid. Great Britain. 123 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, employer for hire of translator. Translation of L* Anti-hasard« second edition. NM: translation. 3 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF44956.


The Proud princess. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 158 p. 3 Barbara Cartland; 27Aug76: AF44957.

AF44 958.

The Secret of the glen. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 144 p. 8 Barbara Cartland; 27Aug76: AF44958.


Hungry for love. By Barbara Cartland.

Great Britain. 159 p. 3 Barbara Cartland; 24Sep76; AF44959.


The Heart triumphant. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 142 p. 3 Barbara Cartland; 24Sep76: AF44960.


Festivals of the Athenians. By H. W. Parke. Great Britain. 208 p. 3 Thames and Hudson. Ltd.; 2Feb77; AF44961.


The Pallisers. By Tony Bussey, pseud, of John Garforth. England. 255 p. Adaptation of story by Anthony Trollope. NM: adaptation. 3 Tony Hussey, a pseud, of John Garforth; 28Nov75; AF44962.


Pilot error; a Thane and Moss case. By Bill Knox. England. 184 p. 3 Bill Knox; 7Feb77; AF44963. AF44964.

Syl»ia Platb: a dcamatic portrait. CODceived C adaptated from her writiaq by Carry Kyle. Great Britain. 70 p. UH: adaptation C additionaX text. Barry Kyle: 1itApr76: AF4464.


Wallpaper. By Breoda Greysmith. England. 208 p. NH: conpilation of illus., £ text« except for scattered quotes. O Brenda Greysaitb; 20tlay76; AF44965.


Uoodworic Id easy steps. Uritten by Alf HartenssoD, photos, by Peter Kibbles, enqland. 64 p. Studio Vista; 21uct76;


Actas de la Consulta Huadial sobre Paneles a Base de nadeca« celebrada en Nueva Delhi, India, Febrero 1975. Belqiun. <t5u p. Actas de la Consulta tercera. NH: Spanish translation. O Food and Aqriculture organization of the United nations d.b.a. FAO; 120ct76; AF44967.


The Politics of African and diddle Eastern states; an annotated bibliography. Compiled by Anne Gordon Drabek C Uilfrid Knapp. Great Britain. 192 p. O Institute of Coaionvealth Studies; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF44968.


Oictionnaire orthoqraphique, suivi d'une liste des verbes irreguliers et de reaargues sur certaines difficultes orthoqrapbiques et qramaaticales. Par Bolana Lamizet 6 B4;rnard Lamizet. France, nil p. O Garniec Freces; 30Uoc7ll; AP44969.


Vlelllards et seniles. By Boqer Gentis. France. 60 p. O Editions du Scarabee; 30Dec66; AF44970.


Les Alcoolrques. By Soger Geotis. France. 75 p. O Editions du Scarabee; 30Sep6a: AF44971.


Les Schizophrenes. By Boqer Gentis. Prance. 91 p. O Editions du Scarabee; 30Dec69; AF44972.


Le Boustrophedon leux de pleine nature qrands 1eux. By Andre Boulogne, Gerard Guilleaard. Jean-Claude Harchal E A. Schaitt, dessins de B. Lelarge, le tezte sur les natheaatiques a ete rediqe par P. L. Schmitt en collaboration atec G. Gribonyal. France. 210 p. O Editions du Scarabee; 30l)ar7it; AFUit973.


Jeunes enfants en yacances collectiyes. France. 166 p. Adapted from La Vie a la colonie maternelle. Appl. au: Siaone Barrabino, Gisele Coatanroc*h & Huquette David. NH: revisions e additions. Editions du Scarabee; 30Dec7lt; AF44974.


Est-ce gu*on pent jouer sur les pelouses? Trois enfants en colonie de vacances. Bediqe par Siaone Barrabino, Annie Ducloux, Alain Griaont, Bertin Leizerovici, Haurice Hassuet, Francois«  Nouhet, Francis Xourigny 6 Lucie Varier«  pref. de Gisele De Failly, postface de Denis Bordat, photos: instructeurs des CEHEA. France. 167 p. Editions du Scarabee: 30flay76; AFilt975.

AF44976. Avenic de la poesie. By 2. trraqe, levu & 57 p. o Christian 30Sep75; AF44976.


Loczy; ou. Lb Haternaqe insolite. By Hyrraa David 6 Genevreve Appell, avec le concours d'Eoai PiJcler, Judit Falk, le personnel de Loczy t les enfants. France 172 p. U Editions du Scarabee; 30Har7J; AF44977.

AF44978. Construire des instruaei jouer en inventer d'autres. By Jean Hauae Gerard Pineau, ilius de Gerard Sur-)ous. France. 117 p. Editions du Scarabee; 30llar75; AF44978.


L'Eutonie de Gecda Alexander. By Denise Diqelmann. France. 135 p. Hb: ne» text e compilation. O Editions du Scarabee; 3ajun71: AF44979.


Bistoire et legende du Grand tfonarque; celui qui vient des tenebres. By Eric Huraise, pseud, de aauiice Suire. France. 254 p. HH: nev text C coapilation. O Editions Albiu Michel; 1bJuu76; AF4498O.


Baudelaire les poisons et 1* inconou. By Christian Honcel. 2. tirage, revu corriqe. France. 73 p. O christian Noncel, C. Bony: 30Jan7l|; AF4'I981.


La Relaxation psycho-syutonigue. By Jean-Claude Caste. France. 236 p. Nil: nea text £ coapilation. O Editions Universitaires; J0Jun76: AFII4982. Pour etL'f; chaapion le tenuis en equations. France. 72 p. Appl. au: Itoqer Philip. O boqer Philip; 250ec76; AF«1983.


Oeuvres completes. Vol. 1. By Kafka, traductions par Alexandre Vialatte, ed. presente £ annotee par Claude David, pseud, of Claude Cahen. France. 135U p. O on coapilation £ critical a^jparatus; Editions sallimard; 30Sep76; AF44984.


Le Miroir des liabes. By Andre Halraux. France. 1014 p. NM: revisions^ additions £ compilation. O Editions Galliaard; 30Sep76: AF44985.


Oictionnaire critique et docuaentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. T. 1. By Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, nouvelle ed. entierement rcfondue, revue £ corriqee par Emmanuel- Charles Benezit, Henri Benezit £ Suzanne Boucheuy. France. 718 p. Add. ti: Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. tin: compilation £ revisions. O Librairie Grund; 30Har76; AF44986.


Dictionnaire critique et docuoentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. T. 6. By Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, nouvelle ed. entierement refondue, revue £ corriqee par Emmanuel- Charles Benezit, Henri Benezit £ Suzanne Boucheny. France. 760 p. Add. ti: Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. HU: compilation £ revisions. Librairie Grund; 30Jun76: AF44987.


Dictionnaire critique et docuaentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. T. 5. By Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, nouvelle ed. entierement refondue* revue £ corriqee par Emmanuel- Charles Benezit, Henri Benezit £ Suzanne Boucheuy. France. 760 p. Add. ti: Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. UH: compilation E revisions. Librairie Grund; 30Jun76; AF44988.


Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres* sculpteurs* dessinateurs et qraveurs. T. 3. By Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, nouvelle ed. entierement refondue, revue £ corriqee par Emmanuel- Charles Benezit, Henri Benezit £ Suzanne Boucheny. France. 728 p. Add. ti: Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. UM: compilation £ revisions. O Librairie Grund; 30flar76; AF44989.


Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres* sculpteurs* dessinateurs et qraveurs. T. 4: Ouqhet-Gille t. By Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, nouvelle eu. entierement refondue, revue 6 corriqee par Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, Henri Benezit £ Suzanne Boucheny. Fiance. 728 p. Aod. tl: Dictionnaire des peintres* sculpteurs, dessinateurs et qraveurs. Prev. editions pub. 1911-1923 £ 1948-1955. UB: revisions. O Librairie Grund; J0aar7b; AF44990.


Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintles* sculpteurs* dessinateurs et qraveur:;. T. 2^ Be tto-ChilluqovsAy . Uy Emmanuel-Charles Benezit, nouvelle ed. entierement retondue, tevue £ curiiq<;e par Emmanuel-Charles Benezit* Henri Benezit £ Suzanne Boucheny. Fiance. 728 p. Add. ti: Oictiouuaire des peintres, sculpteuis, dessinateurs et qraveurs- Prev. editions pub. 1911-1923 £ 1948-1955. MM: revisions. O Librairie Grund; 30l1ar76; AF44991.


Nouvelle encyclopedie autodidactique Quillet. T. 3-4. Nouvelle ed. revue £ auqmentee par Jean Bocaut, Christian Bocaut £ Guy Bocaut. France. 2 v. NM: revisions E additions. O Librairie Aristide Quillet; j0Dec76; AF44992.


Hand weavinq and cloth design. By Marianne Straub. United Kinqdom. 152 p. Marianne Straub; 14Jan77; AF4499J.


The Second Penguin book of Sunday times crosswords. Compiled by Elizabeth Jewell e Derek Jewell. United Kingdom. 22j p. Appl. au: Times Newspaper* Ltd. £ Derek Jewell, Ltd. NH: compilation £ additions. O Times Newspaper, Ltd. £ Derek Jewell, Ltd. (in notice: Times Newspapers* Ltd. £ Derek Jewell, Ltd.); 280ct76: AF44994.


The Aspern papers and other stories. By Henry James, introduced £ selected by S. Gorley Putt. United Kingdom. 231 p. Appl. au: Penguin Books, Ltd. on selection; Penguin Books* Ltd.; 280ct76; AF44995.


The Aspern papers and other stories. By Henry James* introduced E selected by s. Goriey Putt. United Kingdom. 231 p. O on introd.; S. Gorley Putt; 280ct76: AF44996. AF45997.

Slim: the standardbearer; a biography of Field-Marshal the viscount Slim, KG, GCB, GCHG, GCVO, GEE, DSO, HC. By Bonald Lenin. Great Britain. 350 p. © Bonald Lewin; 8Dec76; AF45997.


The Russian version of the Second Uorld Har; the history of the yar as taught to Soviet schoolchildren. Edited by Graham Lyons. Great Britain. 142 p. Graham Lyons; 8Dec76; AF45998.


Middle class housing in Britain. Edited by Michael A. Simpson 6 lerrence H. Lloyd. Great Britain. 217 p. S on selection S editorial matter: T. H. Lloyd 6 M. A. Simpson: 26Jan77: AF45999.


Eesponses to industrialism: the British experience, 1780-1850. By Halcolm I. Thomis. Great Britain. 19i4 p. O Malcolm I. Thomis; 26Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1F45000.


History: a reference handbook. By Alan Edwin Day. Great Britain. SSU p. 6 Alan Edwin Day; 26Jan77; AF45001.


The Malting of Lloyd George. By U. K. P. George. Great Britain. 184 p. H. E. P. George; 3Nov76; AFIJ5002.


Gastronomy: the anthropology of food and food habits. Editor; Margaret L. Arnott. The Netherlands. 354 p. (Uorld anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company a.a.d.o. nouton Publishers; 21Sep7fa (in notice: 1975) ; AF45003.


Discussions on war and human aggression. Editors: H. Dale Givens 6 Martin A. Nettleship. The Netherlands. 231 p. (Uorld anthropology) Appl. au: Inter- national Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Houton and company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 15Sep76; AF45004.


The Anthropological study of education. Editors: Craig J. Calhoun S Francis A. J. lanni. The Netherlands. 360 p. (Horld anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. © Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 29Sep76; AF45005.


Cross-cultural approaches to the study of alcohol: an interdisciplinary perspective. Editors: Michael N. Everett, Jack 0. Baddell S Dwight B. Heath. The Netherlands. 432 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. e Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers: 15Sep76: AF45006.


Youth in a changing world: cross- cultural perspectives on adolescence. Editor: Estelle Fuchs. The Netherlands. 346 p. (Uorld anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological sciences. 6 Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton publishers; 15JU176; AF45007.


Ethnicity in the Americas. Editor: Frances Henry. The Netherlands. 456 p- (World anthropology) Appl. au: Inter- national Union of Anthropological and Ethnologii :al Sciences. iS Mouton and Company a .a.d. o. Mouton Publishers; 15Sep76; AF45008.


Language and man: anthropological issues. Editors: yilliam C. BcCormack 6 Stephen A. Wurm. The Netherlands. 393 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: Inter- national Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Issues (i.e. Sciences) © Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 29Sep76; AF45009.


Ancestors. Editor: William H. Neuell. The Netherlands. 403 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 29Sep76; AF45010.


Development from below: anthropologists and development situations. Editor: David C. Pitt. The Netherlands. 277 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Houton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 15Sep76; Ar45011.


Medical anthropology. Editors: Francis X. Grollig 6 Harold B. Haley. The Netherlands. 485 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. © Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 21Sep7o; AF45012.


Prehistoric maritioie adaptations of the circumpolar zone. Editor: William Fitzhugh. The Netherlands. 405 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: Inter- national Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences- © Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 30Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF45013.


Cannabis and culture. Editor: Vera Bubin. The Netherlands. 598 p. (World anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. © Mouton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 30Jan76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF45014.


Three essays on political violence. By led Honderich. Great Britain. 118 p. NM: introd., index, compilation S revision of p. 45-116. e Basil Blackwell; 31Dec76; AF45015.


Famous bombers of the Second Uorld War. By William Green, illustrated by G. B. Heumann 6 Peter Endsleigh Castle. 2nd rev. ed. England. 282 p. © William Green; 11Dec75; AF45016.


A Nice way to die. By Mignon Warner. Great Britain. 192 p. O Mignon Warner; 20May76; AF45017.


Teacher's guide for A Guide to urban studies. Editor: William A. Andrews. Canada. 122 p. Add. ti: Urban studies: teacher's guide. © Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 4Jan77; AF45018.


The Twelve Caesars. By Michael Grant. Great Britain. 282 p. O Michael Grant Publications, Ltd.; 10JU175: AF45019.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 38: Transurane, T. B2: binaere Legierungssysteme 1. Von Guenter Koch, Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Hubert Blank £ Cornelius Keller, Bedakteur dieses Bandes: Karl-Christian Buschbeck. West Germany. 241 p. German £ English. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. C Springer-Verlag ; 19NOV76; AF45020.


The Social psychology of mental disorder. By Jim Orford. United Kingdom. 266 p. NH: all text by orford. Jim Orford; 30Aug76; AF45021.


The science fiction of Edgar Allan Poe. Collected £ edited with an introd. £ commentary by Harold Beaver. United Kingdom. 4 29 p. o on introd. 6 commentary; Harold Beaver; 30Sep76; AF4S022.


Ursule Hirouet. By Honore De Balzac, translated £ with an introd. by Donald Adamson. United Kingdom. 265 p. NH: translation £ introd. © Donald Adamson; 30Sep76; 4F45023.


The Anatomy of decisions. By P. G. Moore £ H. Thomas. United Kingdom. 243 p. © P. G. Moore 6 H. Thomas; 30Sep76; AF45024.


Understanding organizations. By Charles B. Handy. United Kingdom. 447 p. NH: all text by author. © Charles B. Handy; 29Jun76; AF45025.


Le Livre de Leonor Fini. Avec la collaboration de Jose Alvarez, peintures, dessins, ecrits, notes de Leonor Fini. Switzerland. 245 p. O on French language fi illus.; La Guilde du Livre et Editions Clairefontaine £ Leonor Fini; 30ct75; AF45026.


What about me? By Gertie Evenhuis, translated from the Dutch by lance Salway, illustrated by Bon Stenberg. England. 95 p. Prev. pub. 1970 as En waarom ik niet? © on English translation; Kestrel Books; 18Apr74; AF45027. (Beprint copies, 2nd impression, 1975, deposited.)


Mankind's future in the Pacific; the plenary £ special lectures of the thirteenth Pacific Science Congress, Aug. 1975. Edited by Eobert F. Scagel, introd. by William S. Hoar. Canada. 198 p. Held at the University of British Columbia. © The University of British Columbia; 10Feb77 (in notice; 1976); AF45026.


Abend mit Goldrand; eine MaercheuPosse, 55 Bilder aus der Laendlichkeit fuer Goenner der Verschreibkunst. By Arno Schmidt. Uest Germany. 215 p. © S. Fischer Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 10Oct7S; AF45029.

AF4 503 0.

I Viaggiatori della sera. By Umberto Simonetta. Italy. 175 p. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore; 30Apr76; AF45030.


Scienziati e tecnologi contemporanei. Vol. 3. Italy. 738 p. Appl. au: Caldirola Piero, ludovico Geymonat £ Adolfo Quilico. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore; 30Aug74; AF45031.

AF45032. tecnologi dalle origini al 1875. Vol. 2. Italy. 575 p. ippl. au: EvaDdco igazzl. Ludovico Geymonat e Idolfo Quilico. Arnoldo Hondadorx Editoce; 30Mar76 {in notice: 1975); AF45032.


Le Theatre de Jean Anouilh. By Jacques Viec. France. 136 p. va: neu text & cospilatloD of tents. CDU et SEDES, Beunis (Centre de Documentation Uni- yersitaire et Societe d' Edition d'En- seiqnemcnt Superieur, Beunis); J0Aug76; API450 33.


La COBedie huaaine. T. 1: etudes de Boeurs, scenes de la vie de province. By Balzac, ed. publiee sous la direction de Pierre-Georqes Castex. France. 1581 p. O Editions Gallijgard; 30Sep76; AF45034.


L’lntemporel. By Andre flalraux. France. il2t p. (La aetaaorpbose des dieux. 2) NH: new text £ coapilation of illus. O Editions Galliiard; 30Jun76; AF45035.


Codification grapholoqique; manuel d'utilisation. T. 1-2. By Carlos Pedreqal 6 Sabine Gueritault. France. 2 V. Pedreqal; 30Jun76; AF45036.


5788-AflF. France. Printout. Appl. au; IBfl France. O International Business Bachines corporation accepted alternative: IBB corporation; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45037.


5.788-OBII. France. Printout. C IBH Oeutschland. G.a.B.H.; 70ct7<l; AF45038.


5799-AaC. France. Printout. Appl. au; IBH Prance. C IBM Corporation; l7Jdn77

(in notice: 1976); AF45039.


5799-AUF VI LO. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. IBn Corporation; 3NOV76; AF45040.


57e6-DBA. France. Printout. C IBH oeutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 22Apr7a (in notice: 1973) ; AF4504l.


5799-AQE VILO. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. NB: adaptation. O IBB Corporation; 3Nov76; AFil50it2.


5788-DGJ. France. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 'tOct76: AFIt50<l3.


Psycholinquistics series. No. 1: developaeutal and patholoqical. By Eve V. Clark, David Bloor, Joanna Byan t, John C. Barshall, edited by John Horton e John C. Barshall. Great Britain. 160 p. O Paul Elek (Scientific Books) Ltd.; 10Feb77; AF45044.


Lectures on solid state physics. By Georq Busch £ Uorst Schade, translated by Ferdinand Cap, translation editor: D. Ter Haar. Great Britain. 538 p. Appl. au: Perqaaon Press, Ltd,, employer for hire of editor £ translator. Translation of Vorlesunqen ueber festkoerperphysik. MB: translation. Perqamon Press. Ltd.; 8NOV76; AF45045.


Protides of the bioloqical fluids; proceedinqs of the twenty-fourth colloquium, Bruqqe, 1976. Edited by H. Peeters. Great Britarn. 836 p. Papers from the 24th Colloquium on Protides of the Bioloqical Fluids. Appl. au: J. £. Olsson £ D. J. H. Brock; Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. O Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 20D€c76; AF45046.


Terminal business system/VS to CICS/VS conversion quide. 2nd ed. Denmark. 70 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBB United Kiuqdom, Ltd. International Business Machines; 20Jan77; AF45047.


Operations planninq and control-entry (OPC -entry) installation and proqram loqic; proqram product 5740-XI7. Denmark. 63 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. International Business Bachines Corporation; 5Jan77; AF45048.


IBH system/370 interactive financial system 1, proqram reference manaual; proqram no. 5746-r52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 249 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 13Jan77; AF45049.


Cranford and cousin Phillis. By Elizabeth Gaskell, edited by Peter Keatinq. United Kinqdom. 362 p. UH: introd. £ notes. C Peter Keatinq; 280ct76; AF45050.


A Dream from the niqht. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 157 p. O Barbara Cartland; 21Jun7b; At45051.


The Sleepinq beauty. By Charles Pecrault, translated £ illustrated by David Ualker. Great Britain. 1 >. O on translation £ illus. ; David Ualker; 250ct76; AF45052.


Baiqret and the qhost. By Georqes Sifflenon, translated from the French by Eileen Ellenboqen. England. 156 p. Oriqinal ti. : Baiqret et le fautome. on translation; Georqes Simenon; 29Jul76; AF45053.


The Hatchet man; a Yellowthread Street mystery. By iilllam L. Marshall. Enqland. 186 p. William L. Marshall; 26Feb76; AF45054.


Falstaff. Transcribed, arr. £ edited by Bobert Nye. Enqland. 450 p. C Bobert Nye; 2Sep76; AF45055.


Geophysik 3. T. 5. Bandherausgeber: Karl Bawec. Best Germany. 407 p. (Encyclopedia of physics, vol. 49/5. Uandbuch der Physik. Bd. 49/5) Add. ti: Geophysics 3. English £ French; subject index iii German £ Enqlish. Appl. au: Sprinqer- Verlaq , employer for hire. O Sprinqer-Verlag; 3Dec76; AF45056.


Leukocytaeres und retikuiaeres System 1. Ursq. von Herbert Beqemann. 5. voellig neu bearb. £ erweiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 503 p. (Uandbuch der inneren Bedizin, 2. Bd. Blut und Blutkrankheiten, T. 3) Appl. au; Springer Verlag, employer for hire. o Springe:^ Verlag ; 10Dec76: AF45057.


Experimental production of diseases. Pt. 5: liver. Edited by Oskar Eichler. west Germany. 377 p. (Handbook of experimental pharmacology, vol. 16/5. Handbuch der experimentellen Pharma- kologie, Bd . 16/5) Appl- au: Springcr- Verlaq, employer for hire. O Springer- Verlag; 90ec76; AF45058.


Boentqendiagnostik der Leber und der Gailenwege. fiediqiert von Friedrich Ueuck. Uest Germany. 751 p. (Enc- yclopedia of medical radiology, vol. 12, pt. 1. Uandbuch der medizinischen Eadiologic, Bd. 12, T. 1) Add. ti: Boentgen diagnosis of the liver and biliary system. German; pref. £ subject index in German £ English. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer tor hire. C Springer-Verlag; 26Nov76; AF450 59.


Neuroradiologie auf neuropatholoqischer Grundlage. By Budolph Kautzky, K. J. Zuelch, S. Wende £ A. Taeuzer. 2., neubearb. £ erweiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 335 p. O Springer- Verlaq; 30NOV76; AF45060.


Berveillcs des chateaux royaux. Textes de Claude Freqnac, pref. de Pierre Gaxotte, redaction, illus £ correction des editions Hachette Bealites, realise par Pierre Faucheux. France. 255 p. NH: new text £ compilation of illus. O Librairie Uachette; 30Sep76; AF45061.


On quilt, responsibility and punishment. By Alf Boss. United Kingdom. 183 p. NH: chap. 1, 2 £ 5, pref. £ index. Alf Boss; 21teb75; AF450b2.

AF4 5 06 3.

Philosophy of logic. Edited by Stt-plian Koc'rucr. United Kingdom. 273 p. C ba^il Dlackwell; 29Jun76; AF450o3.


The Great universe of Kota: stress, change and mental disorder lu an Indian village. By G. M. Carstairs £ B. L. Kapur. United Kinqdom. 176 p. o a. H. Carstairs £ 8. L. Kapur; 1Har76; AF4 5064.


Beilsteius Uandbuch der orqanischen Chemie; vierte Auflaqe, drittes £ viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd. 18. T. 7. Ursg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Bolt, unter Bitwirkung von Oskar Ueissbach £ others. Uest Germany, p. 5959-7014. Appl. au: Beilstein-Institut der organischen Chemie, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 19Bov76; AF45065.


Auditory system: clinical and special topics. Edited by Uolf Dieter Keidel £ Hilliam 0. Neff. Uest Germany. 811 p. (Handbook of sensory physiology, vol. 1/31 Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. e Springer-Verlag: 25Sov76; AF45066.


The Diploma disease: education, qualification and development. By Bonald Dore. United Kingdom. 214 p. O George Allen and Unwin. Ltd.; 17Sep76; AF45067.


aiver ecology. Edited by B. A. Uhitton. United Kingdom. 725 p. (Studies in ecoioqy. vol. 2J Blackwell Scientific Publications; 4Nov75; AF45068.


The lowns of Boman Britain. By John Uacher. United Kingdom. it6 p. e John Wacher; 31Dec7«; AF45069.


The Norman fate, 1100-1154. By David c. Douglas. United Kingdom. 258 p. O David C. Douglas; 15Har76: AF45070.


A Social and economic history of the Near East in the Middle Ages. By E. Ashtor. United Kingdom. 384 p. e E. Ashtor; 13Feb76 ; AF45071.


The Genetics of algae. Edited by Baiph A. Levin. United Kingdom. 360 p. (Botanical monographs, vol. 12J e Blackwell Scientific Publications; 12JU176; AFlt5072.


Byzantium and Bulgaria: a comparative study across the early medieval frontier- By Bobert Browning. United Kingdom. 232 p. O Robert BroMuing; 27Har75; AFII5073.


Island biology illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica. By David Lack. United Kingdom. 445 p. (Studies in ecology, vol. 3) e Blackuell Scientific Pub- lications; 4Aug76; AF45074.


Given to praisei An array of pro- vocative metaphysical- philosophical utterances. By Kenneth G. Mills, edited uith pref. C notes by Jaan Koel. Canada. 152 p. e Kenneth G. Hills; 20Nov76; AF45075.


Tinkers and travellers. Text: Sharon Gmelch, photos.: Pat Langan 6 George Gmelch. Ireland. 144 p. o Pat Langan. Sharon Gmelch, George Gmelch £ The O'Brien Press; 21NOV75; AF45076.


The Ban Of the Friday. By O. C. Albert, pseud, of Alberto Ortiz Colina, Spanish translation: Asa Zats. Mexico. 314 p. Translation of El Hombre del viernes. NM; translation. 6 0. c. Albert; 12Dec76 (in notice: 1974); AF45077.


Stations. By Desmond O'Grady, with drawings by Margo Veillon. Egypt. 41 p. on text; Desmond O'Grady; 7Dec76; AF45078.


Spucqeon ainda fala; esbocos de sermoes de C. U. Spurgeon, Genesis ao Apocalipse. 194 esbocos de sermoes, editados e condensados poc David Otis Fuller, translator: Luiz Aparecido Caruso. Brazil. 298 p. Translation of Spurgeon's sermon notes: Genesis to Bevelation. NM: translation. @ Outreach, Inc.; 28Dec75; AF45079.


Die Diebe and der Hahn; Fabeln des Aesop und aesopische Fabeln des Phaedrus. Mit Tusch- und Federzeichnungen von Josef Beqenbarth, hrsg. von Hans Harquardt. East Germany. 126 p. Verlag Philipp Beclam, Jun.; 1Feb76 (in notice: 1975); AF450 80.


Plant engineering management control manual. Prepared by John Crysler. Canada. 1 v. O John Crysler; 27Dec76; AF45081.


SBA Schoolhouse mathematics 2. Project editor: Elma Schemenauec, illustrators: Buth Bagshau, Boy Condy, Tibor Kovalik & others. Canada. Kit. Appl. au: Science Besearch Associates (Canada) Ltd. © Science Besearch Associates (Canada) Ltd.; 15Sep76; AF450a2.


The Australian outback. By lao Boffitt £ the editors of Time- Life Books. The Netherlands. 184 p. (The World's wild places) Appl- au; Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. , employer for hire, e Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. ; 250ct76; Ar45083.


United States Navy aircraft since 1911- By F. Gordon Swanborough & Peter M. Bowers. 2nd ed- Great Britain- 545 p- Add. ti: United States aircraft since 1911- e F- G- Swanborouqh £ P- M- Bowers; 5Dec76; AF45084-


The Cayman Islands holiday guide, 1977- Managing editor: Jim Graves, associate editor/photography: John Bedman. The Cayman Islands, British Hest Indies. 140 p. Appl. au: The Northwester Company, Ltd. e The Northwester Company, Ltd.; 1Feb77; AF45085.


La Parola attiva: poesia come racconto. By Leonida Bepaci. Italy. 228 p. 3 Arnoldo aondadori Editore; 30Har75; AF45086-


Conversion of random motion in floating vessels to rotary motion. England. lip. Appl- au: Thomas Uilliam Shaughnessy. O Thomas U. Shaughnessy; 2Jun76; AF45087-


Troldmanden d jad ja-em-ankfa et oldaeg- yptisk eventyr. Oversat, illustreret og kommenteret af Lise Manniche. Denmark. Folder (8 p.) 6 Lise Manniche; 18Nov76; AF45088.


The Order of death. By Bugh Fleetwood. Great Britain. 183 p. e Hugh Fleetwood; 11Mar76; AF45089.


Herzkrankheiten: Pathophysiologie Diagnostik Therapie. By Herbert Beindell £ others- West Germany. 930 p. e Springer- Verlag; 18Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AF45090.


Cosmic kaleidoscope. By Bob Shaw. England. 187 p. NH: compilation. Bob Shaw: 70ct76: AF45Q91.


Death in darkness; an Armstrong novel. By Alan White. England- 167 p- C Alan White; 27Nov75; AF45092.


The Werewolf trace. By John Gardner. England. 219 p. C John Gardner; 31Jan77; AF45093.


Designing for embroidery from ancient and primitive sources. By Jan Bessent. England. 127 p. 6 Jan Bessent; 23Sep76; AF45095.


Pottery in easy steps- By John Dickerson, photos, by Alain Le Garsmeur. England. 64 p. e Studio Vista; 210ct76; AF45096.

AF45097. crystallography. By Bamachandran Srinivasan £ S- Farthasarathy . Great Britain. 2 48 p. (International series in natural philosophy, vol- 83) 6 E- Srinivasan £ S. Farthasarathy; 22Nov76; AF45097.


Worked examples in engineering field theory. By A. J. Baden Fuller. Great Britain. 321 p. S A. J- Baden Fuller; 11NOV76; AF45098-


The Death of the king's canary- By Dylan Thomas & John Davenport, with an introd. by Constantine FitzGibbon. United Kingdom. 144 p. O on introd.; Constantine FitzGibbon; 27Sep76; AF45099-


The Death of the king's canary- By Dylan Thomas £ John Davenport, with an introd- by Constantine FitzGibbon. United Kingdom. 144 p. Appl. states all new except introd. © The Estates of Dylan Thomas and John Davenport; 27Sep76; AF451O0.


Water for a starving world. By Halin Falkenmark £ Gunnar Lindh, translated by Boger G. Tanner, foreword by Yahia Abdel Mageed, pref- by Ven Te Chow- Sweden- 204 p. Prev. pub- in Sweden 1975- on English language ed-; Westview Press, Inc- ; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45101-


Prehistoire et vestiges gallo-romains. France. 1 v- (Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Francois Engel, Pierre Binvielle e Christian Plume. NB: text £ new illus. £ compilation of illus. O Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45102.


Kit actualites jeunes- France. 153 p. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Moreau & Jean-Louis Boreau. @ Librairie Larousse; 300ct76; AF45103.


La Guerre. Par Elizabeth Niobey. France. 175 p. BB: introd. £ compi- lation. & Librairie Larousse; J0Sep76; AF45104.


L'Art. Par Jean-Bene Gaborit £ others. France. 12 7 p. NB: new text fi com- pilation of texts, some prev- pub- Librairie Larousse; 30Nov76; iF45105.


La Danse. Par Helene Hachard- France- 127 p. NB: new text £ compilation of texts, some prev- pub- 6 Librairie Larousse; 30Nov76; AF45106-


Les Autos- Far Jacques Parisse £ Maurice Lecerf. France. 191 p. NB: introd. £ compilation. @ Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45107.


Le Larousse des grands peintres. Sous la direction de Bichel Laclotte. France. 470 p. NM: introd. fi editing. O Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45108.


Panorama du 20e siecle; encyclopedie du monde contemporain. T- 5- Directeur de la publication; Etienne Gillon- France- p. 1281-1580. Appl. au: Claude Moreau fi Jean-Louis Moreau. Q Societe des Periodigues Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45109. AF45110.

Panoraoa du 20e siecle; eocyclopedie du monde contemporaiD. T. 6. Dicecteur de la publicatiOD: Etienne Gilioc. France. p. 1581-1880. Appl. au: Claude Horcau 6 Jean- Louis Horeau. 6 Societe des feciodiques Larousse: 30Dec76: &fit5110.


L'lcaD. Les teites soot de Claude Seanaz £ others. France. 1S7 p. (noode et Toyaqes. CollectioD diciqee pac Daoiel Horeau) Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76: AF45111.


Larousse des preooos et des saints. By Pierre Pierrard. France. 255 p. The portion of the text, Prenoos du caleudrier ronaia, prev. pub. under the title, Oictionnaire des prenons et des saints. NS: Dew text 6 conpilation of illus. , some prev. pub. O Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; AF45112.


Les Hautes nontagnes. France. 1 v. Appl. au; Jacques Jaubert, Jean-Jacques Leblond & Pierre Hacaigne. Si: neu text & illus. & compilation of texts, soae prev. pub. Librairie Larousse; 3aoct76; AF45113.


La Survivance. By Edouard Boubat. France. 107 p. C Bercure de France 6 Edouard Boubat; 30llov76; AF45114.


Froa a Spanish iail. By Eva Forest, translated by Rosemary Sheed. Great Oritdln. 191 p. Add. t i: From a Spani.sli prison. First pub. 1975. O on English tianslation; Rosemary Sheed; 27Nov75: AF45II5.


Uiario y cartas desde la catcel: Journal et lettces de prison. By Eva Forest. France. 538 p. c Editions des Femmes; J0JU175; AF45116.


Nouvelle encyclopedie autodidactique Quillet. I. 1-2. Prance. Appl. au: Jean Bocaut, christian Gocaut £ Guy Bocaut. NH: revisions & additions. Librairie Aristide Quillet; 30Jun7e; AFISII?.


lo, Paperino. By Halt Disney. Italy. 270 p. Appl. au: Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, employer for hire. NM: compilation £ additions. Halt Disney Productions; 10ct71; AF45118.


lo. Topolino. By Walt Disney. Italy. 270 p. Appl. au: Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, employer for hire. MH: compilation £ additions. O Ualt Disney Productions; 10ct70; AFUSIIS.


Supervisor's reference manual. 6th ed- Denmark. 214 p. (3750 snitching system) Appl. au: IBH France, e International Business Hachines Corporation; 27Sep76; AFit5120.


IBH system/370 storage and information retrieval system/virtual storage- -thesaurus and linguistic integrated system thesaurus generator, program fiPQ: P71045: program description £ operations manual. Program no. 5799-AQL (OS/VS) Denmark. 192 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business aachines Corporation; 16»ov76; AFI45121.

AF45122. Ixnk — customer information control system Airtual storage, programming fiPQ P7 1 038; description & operations manual. Program no. 5799-APA (CICS/DOS/VS) Denmark.. 359 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. o International Business Hachines Corporation; 17Uov76; AF45122.


DOS-ABSIS Ablauf-Sicherungs-System fuer das DCS/VS; Lizenzproqramm, Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DGG. France. 82 p. (Spezielles An»endun- qsproqramm SAP) e XBH Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF115123.


DOS-ABSIS Ablauf-Sicherungs-System fuer das DOS/»S; Lizenzproqramm, Systeahan- dbuch. Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DGG. France. 50 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprograma SAP) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF45124.


IBH 3650 retail store system admi- nistrative operations guide, cash and carry, KPQ 7B0240. Program no. 5799-UJB (OS/VS), 5799-BJB (DOS/WS) Denmark. 27 p. (Systems) Appl. au: XBH Germany. O International Business Machines Corporation; 290ct76; AF45125.


IBH 3774 and 3775 communication terminals reference summary; RPQ 7S0148, BPQ 7S0147, BPQ 7S0119, 1017/1018 paper tape reader/punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 2 p. Appl. au; IBM Sweden. N«; abridqaent. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.d.: IBH Corpo- ration; 28Sep76; AF4512b.


Operating procedures guide: IBM 3774 and 3775 communication terminals: BPQ 7S0I47 and BPQ 7s0 14a, 10 18 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 13 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 2asep76; AF45127.


IBH 3650 retail store system sales operation guide for cash and carry: IBH 3653 point of sale terminal, BPQs 7B0234 to 7B0237. 7B0240 and 7B0241. Denmark. I V. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 260ct76; AF45128.


IBH 3650 retail store system host program logic for cash and carry: BPQ 7B0239. Proqram no. 5799-BJB (OS/VS), 5799-UJB (DOS/VS) Denmark. 42 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. d International Business Hachines Corporation; 270ct76; AF45129.


Increase auober of blocks in data collection messaqes, BPQ X23870 reference. Denmark. 3 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45130.


IBH 3770 data communication system; customer site preparation planning guide. Denmark. 6 p. Appl. au: IBM Sweden. e International Business Machines Corporation; 28Sep76; AF45131.


Proqramming support for tie-line 50, BPu 196304 reference. Denmark. 2 p. (3750 switchinq system) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45132.


Programming support for tie-line 52, uPQ Y96365 reference. Denmark. 2 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Hachines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45133.


Programming support for HFB-2S, BPQ Y96504 reference. Denmark. 5 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Machines corporation; 70ct76; AF45134.


IBH structured Cobol preprocessor (Scobol): program description and operations manual; programming BPQ 7S0208. Program no. 5799-AEk (DOS/VS), 5799-Aaa (OS/VS) Denmark. 1 1 1 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. 6 International Business Hachines corporation; 260ct76; AF45135.


IBH 3650 retail store system, subsystem definition and programmer's guide, cash and carry: SPQ 7B0239 and 7B0240. Program no. 5799-llJB (DOS/VS), 5799-UJB (OS/VS) Denmark. 50 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. O International Business Machines Corporation; 280ct76; AF45136.


Operating procedures guide: IBH 3774 and 3775 communication terminals: BPQ 7S0II9 aid BPg 7S0148, 10 17 paper tape reader attachment to 3774. Denmark. 19 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O International Business Machines Corporation; 2«Sep7b; AF45137.


The IBM 3770 and 3790 communication systems in insurance; industry appli- cation, executive overview. 2nd ed. Denmark. 2 1 p. Appl. au: IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. International eusincs:^ Machines Corporation; 260ct7b; AF45138.


Tuning IMS/VS. Denmark. 15 p. Add. ti: IBH tuning IHS/VS. Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 260ct76; AF45139.


A Systematic approach to installing and managing IHS/VS. Denmark. 9 p. Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 220ct76; AF45140.


IBH 3600 finance communication system; problem, recovery, procedure. Denmark. 59 p. Appl. au: IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. d International Business Machines Corporation: 5oct76; AF45141.


Scobol reference card. Program no. 5799-AaE (OS/VS). 5799-AEB (DOS/VS), BPQ 7S0208. Denmark. Folder. Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. BH: abridgment. O In- ternational Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. : IBM Corporation; 260ct76; AF45142.


IBH 3650 retail store system, int- roduction to cash and carry functions: BPus: 7B0234 to 7B0237. 7B0239 to 7B0244. Program no. 5799-BJE (OS/VS), 5799-UJB (DOS/VS) Denmark. 48 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. Q International Business Hachines Corporation; 270ct7&; AF45143.


IBH 3770 data communication system, system components: BPQ 7S0147 and BPQ 7S0148, 1018 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 16 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sueden. International Business Uachines Corporation; 28Sep76; AF45144.


IBH 3770 data coumunlcation systea, system components: BPQ 7S0119 and EPQ 730148, 1017 paper tape reader attachment to 37 74. Denmark. 14 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sveden. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 28Sep76; AF45145.


Bibliography. 4th ed- Denmark. 1 v- (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France- © International Business Machines corporation; 290ct76; AF45146.


IBM 3750 snitching system interface descriptions: tie line attachments. Denmark. 1 ». (IBH technical neusletter, no. GN 19-6 180) Appl. au: IBM France. NMi revisions & updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a. d.: IBM Corporation: 280ct76; 4145147.


IBH system/370 capacity planning and operation seguencing system — extended; DOS/VS operations guide. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical nensletter, no. SN12-5099) Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions 6 updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a.d. : IBM Corpo- ration: 260ct76; AF45148.


3750 syitching system, system des- cription. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN 19-6185) Appl. au: IBH France. NM; revisions fi updating. O International Business Machines corporation a.d.: IBM corporation; 22uct76; AF45149.


IBH system/370 capacity planning and operation seguencing system — extended; OS/VS operations guide. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN12-5098) Appl. au: IBH Germany. NM: revisions 6 updating. O International Business Machines Corporation a.d.; IBM Corpo- ration; 260ct76; AF45150.


IBH 3600 finance communication system 3619 administrative terminal printer, models A0 1, B01, B02, and B03 reference manual; BPQ: 7B0400, 7B0401, 7B0402, 7B0403, 7B0405, 7B0406, 7B0407, 7B0408, 7B0409, 7B0497, 7B0499, 7B0504, program no. 5799-HKP (DOS/VS), 5799-HKa (OS/VS) Denmark. 63 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. © International Business Machines Corporation; 280ct76; AF45151.


Increase number of data collection prefixes: EPQ ]t23871 reference. Denmark. 3 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France- © International Business Machines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45152.


Valid action expansion, BPQ X19775 reference. Denmark. 4 p. (375 switching system) Appl. au: IBB France. © International Business Machines Corporation: 70ct76 ; AF45153.


The History of anti-Semitism. Vol. 3: from Voltaire to Bagner. By Leon poliakov, translated from the French by Miriam Kochan. England. 582 p. First pub. as Histoire de 1 'an tisemitisme. NM: translation B index. © Eoutledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.; 27Har75; AF45154.


Ladies of Spain. By George Beardmore. England. 117 p. © George Beardmore; 25Sep75: AF45155.


Black madonna. By Jacynth Hope-Simpson. England. 123 p. © Jacynth Hope-Simpson; 2Feb76; AF451S6.


The Golden future. By Ihorsteinn Stefansson, illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus. England. 165 p. © Thorsteinn Stefansson; 14Nov74; 4F45157.


Dictionnaire des locutions francais- allemand. Par Paul Uerny & Alexandre Snyckers, France. 636 p. Add. ti: Dictionnaire francais allemand des locutions. © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45158.


Petite encyclopedie Larousse- France. 1487 p. Appl. au: Etieune Gillon, Claude Moreau & Jean-Louis Moreau. NM: editing. 9 Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76 ; AF4515S.


Diccionario moderno espanol- ingles. Dirigido & realizado por Bamon Garcia- Pelayo y Gross & Micheline Durand. France. 1487 p. Add- ti: Diccionario moderno English-Spanish- © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45160.


Soudage des fontes; etude bibliog- raphigue. Par Marie-Therese Morelle. 2. ed., revisee £ completee. France. 143 p. Q Editions Technigues des Industries de la Fonderie; 30May76; AF45161.


Physics in Industry; proceedings of the international conference held in Dublin, March 9-13, 1976. Edited by E. O'Mongain £ C. P. 0' Toole. Great Britain. 595 p. Appl. au: J. H. Ziman £ 5. G. Lipson; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of the editor. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 11NOV76; 4F45162.


Schizophrenia today. Edited by D. Kemali, G. Bartholini £ D. Bichter. Great Britain. 282 p. Appl. au: G. Abbate 6 £. Bartholini; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 22NOV76: AF45163.


Non-commutative harmonic analysis; actes du Collogue d* Analyse Harmonigue liou Commutative, Marseiile-Luminy, 1 au 5 juillet 1974. Edited by Jacgues Carmona, Jacgues Dixmier £ Michele Vergne. Hest Germany. 231 p. (lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 466) English fi French. Appl. au; Nicole Conze-Berline. © Springer-Verlag; 2ajul75; AF45164.


Mathematical foundations of computer science 1975; 4th symposium, Harianske Lazne, Sept. 1-5, 1975. Edited by Jiri Becvar. Best Germany. 476 p- (Lecture notes in computer science, vol- 32) 4th Symposium on Hathematical Foundations of Computer Science, held in Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia. ippl. au: J. M. Barzdin £ J. J. Bicevskis. © Springer-Verlag; 6Aug75; AF45165.


Variable structure systems with application to economics and biology; proceedings of the 2nd US-Italy Seminar on Variable Structure Systems, May 1974. Edited by A. Huberti £ fl. B. Hohler. Best Germany. 321 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. Ill) Appl. au: A. Isidori. © Springer- Verlag; 31JU175; AF45166.


Fourier integral operators and partial differential equations; collogue international, Universite de Nice, 1974. Edited by Jacgues Chazarain. Hest Germany. 372 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 459) French fi English; proceedings of a conference entitled: Operateurs Integraux de Fourier. Appl. au: L. Boutet De Honvel fi J. J. Ouis- termaat. O Springer-Verlag; 28Jul75; AF45167.


Chinese seals. By T. C. Lai, introd. by Jiu-fong L. Chang. Hong Kong. 200 p. I. C. Lai; 2Jun76; AF45168.

AF45 169.

Durcb Gleichberechtigung geht der Staat zu Grunde- By Bilhela Altheimer- Best Germany- 6 p- © Bilhelm Altheimer; llJun76; 4F45169.


Population et demographie. Par Paul claval £ others. France. 127 p. Librairie Larousse; 301io¥76; AF45170.


Bene Guy Cadou: choiz de poemes. Par Michel Dansel. France. 127 p. NM: introd. £ compilation- © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45171-


Le Japon. Par Nicole Delaine £ others. France. 255 p. NH: additions £ compilation. 6 Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; 4F45172.


Les Sports. Par Jean Bobet fi others. France. 255 p. NM: additions £ compilation. © Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; 4F45173.


Le Systeme social. Par Francis Balle, Francois Bourricaud fi Claude Biviere. France. 12 7 p. Nfl: additions £ compilation. © Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; 4F45174.


Paris et sa region. By Jean Bastie £ others. France. 255 p. NM: additions fi compilation. © Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; AF4517S.


La Linguistigue structurale; sa portee, ses limites. Par Jean-Pierre Corneille. France. 255 p. NM : additions £ compilation. 3 Librairie Larousse; 300ct76; 4F45176.


Encyclopedie de la civilisation britannigue. Sous la direction de Monica Chariot. France. 606 p. NM: additions £ compilation- © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45177-


At aillie Tucker's place. By Alison Morgan, illustrated by Trevor Stubley- England. 96 p. © on text; Alison Morgan; 160ct75; AF45178-


The Pilgrimage. By Joan Lingard. England. 159 p. © Joan Lingard; 29JU176; AF45179.


The works of Charles Darwin: an annotated bibliographical handlist. By Brchard Broke Freeman. 2nd ed. , revised fi enl. Great BritaiD. 235 p. Add. ti: Darwin bibliographical handlist. O B. B. Freeman: 23Feb77; AF45180.


Theses and dissertations as infornation sources. By Donald Edward Davinson. Great Britain. 88 p. NB: revisions e additions. e Donald Edward Davinson; 23Feb77; AF4S181.


Television and children. By Dichael J. A. Howe. Great Britain. 157 p. e Hichael J. A. Howe; 23Feb77; AF45182.


Youth, Empire and society: British youth movements, 1883-1940. By John Sprinqhail. Great Britain. 163 p. 6 John Sprinqhail; 23Feb77; AF45183.


fiural settlement in Britain. By BriaA K. Boberts. Great Britain. 221 p. (Studies in historical geography series) Brian K. Bobects; 23Feb77; AF45184.


Finland: daughter of the sea. By Hrchael Jones. Great Britain. 247 p. (Studies in histoirical geography series) O nichael Jones; 23Feb77; AF45185.


The nixing and spreading phases of BEDOC. 1. By peter D. Killworth. Great Britain. p. 59-510. (Progress in oceanography, vol. 7, no. 2, 1976. Editor: Hary Swallow) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire ot the editor. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.: 25oct76; AF45186.


Progress in energy and combustion science; an international review journal. Vol. 2. no. 2, 1976. Editor: N . A. Chigier. Great Britain. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; t1Oct76; AF45187.


The Communications factor in office decentralization. By J. B. Goddard & Diana Borris. Great Britain. 8 p. (Progress in planning, vol. 6, pt. 1. Editors: D. B. Diamond & J. B. BcLoughlin) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. C Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF45188.


Le Livre de la photographie. Photos de John Uedgecoe, texte de John Bedgecoe & Adrian Bailey, traduction de Bene Bouillot, adaptation francaise de Bene Bouillot 6 Pierre Bontel. France. 256 p. NB: translation. C Librairie Larousse; 30BOV76; AF45189.


Your teeth. Britten £ photographed by Neville John Chipping, drawings by Gerald Laru 6 Bryan Evans. 2nd. ed., completely rev. England. 78 p. N. John Chipping; 10ct75; 4F45190.


La Grande encyclopedie. Mo 57. France, p. 12029-12248. Add. ti: loulouse- Lautrec-Turquie. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Boreau 4 Jean-Louis Boreau. NB: text & editing. Q Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76: AF45191.


La Grande encyclopedie. No 58. France, p. 12249-12472. Add. ti: Tuyau- vegetal. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon. Claude Boreau i

Jean-Louis Boreau. No: text & editing, Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AP45192.


La Grande encyclopedie. No 59. France, p. 12473-12696. Add. ti: yeqetation- voilier. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Boreau 6 Jean-Louis Boreau. NB; text £ editing. e Librairie Larousse; 30llov76; AF45193.


La Grande encyclopedie. No 60. France, p. 12697-12931. Add. ti: loir e- Zw ingli. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Boreau £ Jean-Louis Boreau. NB: text £ editing. Librairie Larousse; 30Dec76; AF45194.


Grand Larousse de la langue francaise en sept volumes. T. 5. 0-PSI. Sous la direction de Louis Guilbert, Bene Lagane £ Georges Niobey, avec ie concours de Henri Bonnard, Louis casati, Jean-Paul Colin £ Alain Lerond. France. p. 3699-4737. e Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45195.


Boss of darlcness brings you gospel blues. Canada. Folder. Add. ti: Boss of darlcness, gospel blues. Appl. au: Henri Boy (Henry Boy) Henry Boy; 310ec76; AF45196.


Cockburn's millennium. By Karl Blller. Great Britain. 322 p. O Karl Biller; 21Dec75; AF45197.


Suitable for children? Controversies in children's literature. Edited £ introduced by Nicholas TucJcei. United Kingdom. 224 p. O on lutrod., notes £ selection; Nicholas Tucker; 16Auq76; Ar45198.


How I became a holy mother. By Suth Prawec Jhabvala. Great Britain. (In Encounter, Feb. 1976, p. 3-13) Buth Prawer Jhabvala; 20Jan7b; AF45 199.


Circus: a world history. By Bupert Croft-Cooke £ Peter Cotes. England. 192 p. NH: text £ compilation of illus. Paul Elek, Ltd.; 40ct76; AF45200.

AF4520 1.

God and all bis angels. By Graham Lord. Onited Kingdom. 216 p. O Graham Lord; 16Sep76; AF4520 1.


4 Fringe of leaves. By Patrick White. United Kingdom. 405 p. O Patrick White; 9Sep76; 4F45202.

AF4520 3.

Kingdoms of Eifin. By Sylvia Townsend Harner. United Kingdom. 221 p. NB: p. 152-168, 169-175, selection £ compilation. Sylvia Townsend Warner; 6Jan77; AF45203.


The Disgraceful duke. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 187 p. e Barbara Cartland; 22Nov76; AF45204.


Bultiple sclerosis: control of the disease. By UiiliaiB Bitchie Bussell. Great Britain. 77 p. C Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 20Dec76; 4F45205.

4F4520 6.

Extractive metallurgy of copper. By 4nil Kumar Biswas £ William George Davenport. Great Britain. 438 p. C 4. K. Biswas £ Patricia Bargaret Davenport; 20Dec76; AF4S206.



The Biology of the Hollusca. By B. D. Purchon. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 560 p. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 6Jan77; Af45207.


A Dark and secret place. By Bargaret Summerton. England. 224 p. UB: additional text. Bargaret Summerton; 14Bar77; 4F45208.


Development support libraries: slide presentation script. 2nd ed. Deboark. 11 p. Accompanied by 48 slides in box. 4ppl. au: IBB Netherlands. Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation alternate designation: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 13Dec76; 4F45209.


The Pastoral Epistles: 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus. By J. L. Houlden. United Kingdom. 166 p. NB: additions. 6 J. L. Houlden; 30Jul76; AF45210.


The Energy question. By Gerald Foley with Charlotte Nassim, consultant: Gerald Leach. United Kingdom. 343 p. O Gerald Foley; 29Bay76; AF45211.


German short stories 2. Edited by David Constautine. United Kingdom. 296 p. Add. ti: Deutsche Kurzgeschichten 2. English £ German. Appl. au: Penguin Books. NH: English translation. O Penguin Books; 29Jun76; AF4S212.


Social anthiopology in perspective: the relevance of social anthropology. By 1. H. Lewis. United Kingdom. 386 p. NB: all text by I. B. Lewis. i; I. H. Lewis; 29Jun76; AF45213.


The Economics of Barx; selected readings of exposition £ criticism. Edited by B. C. Howard & J. E. King. United Kingdom. 277 p. O on introd., notes £ selection; a. C. Howard £ J. £. King: 29Jun76; AF45214.


Volcanoes. By Peter Francis. United Kingdom. 366 p. O Peter Francis; 29JUU76; Ar45215.


The American Indians; their archaeology £ prehistory. By Dean Snow, photos, by Werner Forman. United Kingdom. 272 p. NB: photos. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 5Apr76; AF45216.


Begastructure: urban futures of the recent past. By Beyner Banham. Great Britain. 224 p. C Thames and Hudson, Ltd. ; 1NOV76; AF45217.


Jutland 1916. By John Costello £ Terry Hughes. England. 230 p.' e John Costello £ Terry Hughes; 11Nov7b; AF45218.


5788-DOE (sourcecode) West Germany. Printout. e IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15NOV74; AF45219.


To kill a coconut. By Patricia Boyes. England. 222 p. O Patricia Boyes; 31Jan77; AF45220.


IBB 3600 finance communication system security grid installation manual- -physical planning supplement. Denmark. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germaay. e laternational Business Hachines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4F45221.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquaqe/I (ST4IBS-DL/I) data base administrator's quide. Proqram no. 57fO-XE7. Denmark. 129 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au; IBM Germany. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976, on copies: 1st ed., 1977); 4FIJ5222.


IBM Evstem/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquaqe/I (SI4IES-DL/1) terminal user's quide. Program no. 5740-XR7. Denmark. Sheets (266 p.) (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. € International Business Machines Corporation; 9reb77 (in notice; 1976. on copies: 1st ed.. 1977); AF45223.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data ianquage/I (STAIES-DL/I) system ins- tallation guide. Program no. 57i(0-XE7. Denmark. 69 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au; IBM Germany. © International Business Machines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice; 1976, on copies: 1st ed. . 1977); 4F45224.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquage/I (ST4IRS-DL/I) ; general information manual, proqram number 57ao-XB7. 2n(J ed. Denmark. 50 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. g International Business Machines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF4522S.


Programming support for tie-line type 55 EPU i 9637a logic and service. 3rd ed. Denmark. 12 p. (3750 svitchinq system) Appl. au: IBM France, © International Business Machines Corporation: «Feb77; AF45226.


Programming support for direct call function, logic and service. EPQ Y96556. Denmark. 26 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. an: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45227.


IBM 3750 switching system internal barring BPQ U09835, system partitioning EPQ Y96 382 reference. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN 11-8557) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. Q International Business Machines; 2Feb77; AF4S228.


IBM 3750 switching system internal barring BPQ U09835, system partitioning EPO 196 382 logic and service. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN1 1-8551) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. © International Business Machines; llFeb77; AF45229.


IBM 3750 switchinq system proqramminq support for D20P attachment EPQ Y96379 logic and service. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN 11-8553) Appl. au: IBM France. BH: corrections. @ International Business Machines Corporation; aFeb77; AF45230.


IBM 3750 switchinq system BSC output feature EPQ 196503, basic output feature EPQ Y96513 reference. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN1 1-8556) Appl. au; IBM France. MM; revisions. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45231.


IBM 3750 switching system BSC output feature BPu Y96503, basic output feature EPQ Y96513 logic and service. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. sml-8550) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. S International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45232.


Programming support for tie-line prefix and direction number increase BPQ XtlSIO reference. 2nd ed. Denmark. 8 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au; IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; AF45233.


Programming support for tie-line prefix and direction number increase BPQ X4 1810 logic and service. 2nd ed. Denmark. 14 p. (3750 switchinq system) 4ppl. au: IBM France. <d International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; 4F45234.


Programming support for tie-line type 51 EPQ Y96364 reference. 2nd ed. Denmark. 4 p. (3750 switching system) 4ppl. au; IBM France. S International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45235.


Programming support for tie-line type 51 EPQ Y96364 logic and service. 2nd ed. Denmark. 13 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au; IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; 4F45236.


IBM 3600 finance communication system 36 19 administrative terminal printer; model 401, £ others, BPQ reference manual, program numbers 5799-yKP (DOS/VS), 5799-UKE (OS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 79 p. (Systems) 4ppl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines corporation: 10Feb77; 4F45237.


Programming support for direct call function reference BPQ Y96556. Denmark. 27 p. (3750 switchinq system) 4ppl. au: IBM France, © International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; AF45238.


PL/1 lanquage general information. 3rd ed. Denmark. 111 p. (Call) Appl. au: IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Machines Corporation; 1Feb77; 4F45239.


PL/1 language reference manual. 3rd ed. Denmark. 178 p. (Call) Appl. au: IBB United Kingdom, Ltd. © International Business Machines; 9Feb77; 4F45240.


Burn therapy and research. By Hitold Eudowski. iiieslaw Nasilowski. Uitold Sietkiewicz & Konrad Zienkiewicz. Poland. 332 p. © The Johns Bopkins University Press: 28aar77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4F45241.


Corpuscules: essai sur la forme des globules rouges de I'homme. By Marcel Bessis. yest Germany. 1 v 6 Sprinqer- Verlaq; 30Oct76; AF45242.

of the 3116

Snares, translated from the French by Vincent G. Stuart £ Micheline Stuart. United States of America; Great Britain. 152 p. e on translation; Vincent G. Stuart £ Micheline Stuart: 10Apr7S; 4F4 5243.


The lantric view of life. By Berbert V. Guenther. Great Britain. 168 p. Herbert V. Guenther; 100ct72; AP45244,


Ihe Viaalakirti nirdesa ^utra (wei mo chieh so shuo ching) Translated by Charles Luk. pseud, of Lu K'uan Yu. Great Britain. 157 p. English. © Charles Luk; lD0ct72: 4F45245.


Mudra. By Chogyam Trungpa. Great

Britain. 106 p. 6 Chogyam Trungpa;

154pr72; 4F45246.


4 Bibliography of English conjuring, 1581-1876. By Eaymond loole-Stott. England. 288 p. O Eaymond Toole-Stott; 40ct76; 4F45247.


German aircraft of Horld Bar 2, with colour photographs. By Christopher Shepherd, introduced by Adolf Galland. Great Britain. 143 p. Appl. au: Sidqwick and Jackson, Ltd. 6 on pictorial material, design £ artwork; Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd.; 230ct75: 4F45248.


German aircraft of Uorld Bar 2, with colour photographs. By Christopher Shepherd, introduced by Adolf Galland. Great Britain. 1 43 p. on text; Christopher Shepherd; 230ct75; 4F45249.


British aircraft of Borld Bar 2; with colour photographs. By John Frayii Turner, introduced by Douglas Bader. Great Britain. 143 p. 6 on text; John Frayn Turner; 230ct75: AF45250.


British aircraft of Borld Bar 2; with colour photographs. By John Frayn Turner, introduced by Douglas Bader. Great Britain. 143 p. Appl. au: Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. © on pictorial material, design £ artwork; Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd.; 230ct75: 4F45251.


Le Corps a ses raisous: auto-guerison et anti-gymnastique. By Therese Bertherat avec la collaboration de Carol Bernstein. France. 20 1 p. Q Editions du Seuil: 15Jun76; 4F45252.


Le Coeur d' un autre. By Frank G. Slaughter, traduction de France-Marie Watkins, iilus oriqinales de Kathrin Vanni-Gloor. Switzerland. 407 p. Oriqinal ti. : Surgeon's choice. @ on illus. ; Edito-Service, S.4.: 20Aug76: Af45253.


Man-eater! United Kingdom. Folder. Appl. au: Bichard Brabazon Macrory £ Nicholas Gordon Young. @ Footloose Productions, Ltd.; 24Sep76 ; 4F45254.


Habla el Antiguo lesta Dto. By Samuel J. Schultz, traduccion: Cazarola. Spain. 416 p. Original ti.: The Old Testament speaks. © on tran- slation; outreach. Inc.; 20Nov76: AF45255. AF45256.

contact and conflict: Indian-European relations in Bcitish Coluabia, 177i»-1890. By Bobin Fishec. Canada. 250 p. The University of British Colunhia; 28Feb77; AF45256.


The Crusoe test. By Hark Neisoo. Enqland. 190 p. O Hark Nelson; 10Jun76i AF45257.


Tout I'hoDffle en sante. Par Louis Turqeon. Canada. 674 p. O Louis Turgeon; 31Dec76; AF45258.


Edvard Hunch: Handzeichnungen. Brsg. von Paal Hougen. Hest Geroany. 1 v. Ernest G. Bathenau: 2ajul76: 4F«S259.


fly sister, life, and other poems. By Boris Pasternak, edited 6 vith texts by Olqa Andreyev Carlisle, color photos, by Inqe Horath. Enqland. 119 p. Bussiao £ English. Appl. au: Heich Publishing Company, Ltd. on translation, photos., additions G revisions; Beich Verlaq, A. G. ; 70ct76; AFU5260.


Samuel Pepys* Penny aeasuremen ts. Selected S edited by Boqer Thompson. Enqland. 302 p. on introd. , editorial matter e selection; Boger Thompson; 1NOV76; 4F45261.


Physiology of nematodes. By D. L. Lee & H. J. Atkinson. 2nd ed. England. 215 p. 0. L. Lee C H. J. Atkinson: 6Sep76; AFIt5262.


An Anatomy of drama. By Martin Esslin. Enqland. 125 p. Nactin Esslin; 30Sep76: AF45263.


L'Ordlnateur IBM 32 pour le cabinet comptable; description technique de l*application, programme no 5797 NFP. Brochure LHF3-0005-0. France. 211 p. Appl. au: IBa France. O Compagnie IBH France: 2ilFeb76: 1F45261I.


Facturation de pieces detachees automobiles (Facauto) ; guide systeme, programme no 5797 M.H.H. Brochure LHF3-0012-0. France. 106 p. Appl. au: IBM France. IBH France a.k.a. Compagnie IBH France; 8Har76; AF45265.


L'Ordinateur IBH 32 pour le cabinet comptable; quide d'exploitation sur ordinateur IBH 32. France. 199 p. O Compagnie IBH France a.k.a. IBH France; 24Feb76 (in notice: 19751: iF4S266.


3750 switching system operational program logic. Denmark. Sheets. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SB1 1-8229) Appl. au: IBH France. NH: revisions t, updating. International Business Machines Corporation a.d.: IBH Corpo- ration; 29Dec76; AF45267.


IBH CICS/VS interface for IBH 7770-3 audio response unit support throuqh the IBH 3750 proqran logic manual; programming BPQ SU0075, program no. 5799 — 4QE (CICS/03/V3), proqramminq aPO SU0076, proqram no. 5799— 4QF (CICS/DCS/?S) Denmark. 25 p. (Systems) 4ppl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 15Dec76: AF45268.


3663 models 1 and 2 supermarket terminal 12 column coin dispenser adapters BPQs 7B0435 and 7B0436 maintenance information supplement. Denmark. 4 p. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au : IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 7Dec76; 4F45269.


Proqram description operator manual: GAS/32 5797-BAL. Israel. 1 v. Hebrew only, t) IBH Israel, Ltd.; 26Jan76; 4F45270.


IBH mathematical programming system, extended/370 (HPSX/370) logic manual; program product 5740-Xfl3 (OS/VS) , 5746-XM2 (DOS/»S) Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. LN19-1072) 4ppl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions t, updating. International Business Hachines Corporation; 20Dec76; 4F45271.


IBH system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system/virtual storage (SI4IBS/VS) program reference manual; program product 5740-ial. 3rd ed. Denmark. 237 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 17Nov76; 4F45272.


IBH 5ysteffl/370 storage and information retrieval system/virtual storage- -thesaurus and linguistic integrated system, proqram BPUs: online retrieval- -P71044 thesaurus generator--P71045 general information manual; online retrieval component: 5799-4UK (OS/VS), thesaurus generator: 5799-AuL (OS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 36 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 22Nov76; AF4527J.


Operating procedures guide: IBH 3774 and 3775, BPU 7S0119 and BPU 7S0148, 1017 paper tape reader attachment to 3774. Denmark. 7 p. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GB 19-6287) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. NH: revisions 6 updating. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.d.: IBH Corporation; 10ec76; AF45274.


IBH 3770 data communication system, system components, BPQ 7S0147 and 7S014a, 1018 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN 19-6289) BM: editorial revision. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.d. : IBH Corporation: 2Dec76; AF45275.


3614 consumer transaction facility, models 1, 2, 11 and 12 overlay and status indicator BPQs, parts catalog supplement. Denmark. 6 p. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au: IBH Germany. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation; 3Dec76; AF45276.


Operating procedures guide: IBH 3774 and 3775 communication terminals. BPQ 7S0147 and BPQ 7S0148, 1018 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 8 p. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN19-6288) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. NH: additional text & editorial revision. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.d.: IBH Corporation; 1Dec76; AF45277.


IBM system/3-3270 system full feature optimiser (models 6 and 10); program no.: 5788-EAy. France. 28 p. (Country implemented proqram systems quide) Appl. au: IBH United Kinqdom, Ltd. Inter-


IBH CICS/VS interface for IBH 7770-3 audio response unit support through the IBM 3750 program description and operation manual; programming BPQ SU0075, program no. 5799- AQE (CICS/OS/VS) , programming BPQ S00076, program no. 5799-AQF (CICS/DOS/VS) Denmark. 20 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM France. o International Business Machines Corporation; 20Dec76; AF45279.


IBM system/37 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/stand aid (PLANCODE/S) program reference manual; proqrau no. 5740-XX9 (OS/VS), 5746- IXA (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 237 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 20Dec76; AF45280.


IBM 5930 support under CICS/DOS/VS (customer information control system DOS/VS) systems and logic manual, programming BPQ ¥96303; programming no. 5799-AJP. Denmark. 26 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 21Dec76; AF45281.


IBH system/3-3270 system full feature optimiser (models 8 and 10); program no. 5788-EAY, program description/operations manual. France. 64 p. (Country implemented program) Appl. au: IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 27«ay75; AF452B2.


IBB system/370 IHS/VS data base analyzer user's guide; program no. 5740-XXK (OS/VS) Denmark. 85 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O Interna tiona 1 Business Hachines Corporation; lDec76: AF452U3.


L'Ordinateur IBH 32 pour le cabinet comptable; description geuerale de I'application. France. 179 p. Appl. au: IBH France. Compagnie IBH France; 24Feb76; AF45284.


IBH systeB/37 IHS/VS data base analyzer logic manual; program no. 5740-XXB (OS/VS) Denmark. 44 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 1Dec76; Af45285.


IBH sjstem/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system/virtual storage (STAIBS/VS) operations guide; program product 5740-xal. 5th ed. Denmark. 89 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 17llov76; AF45286.


3750 switching system D20P adapter, BPQ 196381 (D20P rack), BPQ X02065 (D20P module) theory-maintenance- installation- parts catalog. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH maintenance library) 4ppl. au: IBH France. 6 International Business Hachines; 27Dec76; 4F45287.


3750 switching system, special power supplies, BPQ 196380 (special power gate), BPQ Y96370 (tie line signaling tran- sformer) theory-maintenance- ins tail at ion- parts catalog. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 200ec76; AF45288. AF45289

3600 finance comniunication system 5986-B03 document inscriber adapter BPO 7B0414 installation manual supplement. Denmark 4 p. Add. ti: IBH 3600 finance cation system 5986-B03 document er adapter fiPQ 7B0t14 installation supplement. Appl. au: IBI! Germany, national Business Machines tion; 10Dec76; iF45289.


Babyhood: infant development from birth to two years. By Penelope Leach. Great Britain. 481 p. 6 Penelope Leach; 28Ho»7lt: AF45290.


Orphan street. By Andre Langevin, translated by Alan Broun. Canada. 287 p. Prev. pub. as line Chaine dans le pare. NH: translation. 6 HcClelland and SteHart, Ltd.; 230ct76; AFH5291.


The Road to total freedom; a socio- loqical analysis of Scientology. By fioy Hallis. England. 282 p. 3 Soy Uallis; 6Dec76; AFH5292.


La Voie chilienne vers le socialisme. By Salvador Allende, pref. de Bobert Hisrahi, traduit de I'espaqnol par (Sonique Alezra & Martine Leroux. Great Britain. 175 p. Translation of La Via chileoa hacia socialismo. MM: translation. Q Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd. (in notice: Gordon and Breach) ; 5Apr74; AF15293.


The Vienna Medical School of the 19th century. By Erna Lesky, translated by L. ailHams 6 I. S. Levi1. Israel. 604 p. Translation of Die Wiener Medizinische Schule im 19. Jahrhundert. NM: foreword £ translation. O The Johns Hopkins University Press; 31Dec76; AF»5294.


Top of the world. By John £owe lowusend, illustrated by Nikki Jones. Great Britain. 70 p. S John Eowe Townsend; 5Nov76; AF45295.


Jane*s Pocket book of space exploration. By 1. H. Hllding-Hhite. England. 238 p. MM: text S compilation of ill us. O I. H. Bilding-Uhite; 24Jun76: AF45296.


Jane's Pocket book of airship deve- lopment. By Lord Ventry 6 Eugene M. Kolesnik. England. 244 p. NH: text £ compilation of illus. e Lord Ventry & Eugene U. Kolesnik; 210ct7e; AF45297.


Jane*s Pocket book of research and experimental aircraft. Compiled by Michael J. H. Taylor, edited by John H. £. Taylor. England. 259 p. NM: text 6 compilation of illus. 6 Michael J. H. Taylor; 24Jun76 ; AF45298.


Identity and the sacredi a sketch for a new social-scientific theory of religion. By Hans Mol. England. 326 p. Appl. states new except for portions of chap. 8 £ scattered quotations. e Hans Mol; 16Sep76; AF45299.


Louis and the King of Siam. By Hilliam S. Bristowe. England. 156 p. e William S. Bristowe: 210ct76; AF45300.


Progress in botany. Vol. 38: mor- phology, physiology, genetics, taxonomy. geobotany. Editors: Heinz Ellenberg £ other editors. West Germany. 377 p. Add. ti: Fortschtitte der Botanik. English £ German, e Springer- Verlag; 17Dec76; AF45301.


Anabolic-androgenic steroids. Editor: Charles D. Kochakian. Uest Germany. 725 p. (Handbook of experimental pharma- cology, vol. 43. Uandbuch der expe- rimentellen Pharoakologie, Bd. 43) Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. a Springer-Verlag; 20Dec76; Af45302.


Handbuch des Strassenbaus. Bd- 2: Baustoffe, Bauweisen, Baudurchfuehrung. Hrsg. von Bruno Uehner, Peter Siedek £ Karl-Heinz Schulze. Best Germany. 592 p. e Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77; AF45303.


This law of ours. By Patrick Fit- zgerald. Canada. 365 p. © Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 9Feb77; AF4S304.

AF4530 5.

To Caucasus: the end of all the Earth; an illustrated companion to the Caucasus £ Transcaucasia. By Fitzroy Maclean. England. 203 p. Fitzroy Maclean; 210ct76; Af4530 5.


Fuels, furnaces and refractories. By James Duncan Gilchrist. Great Britain. 353 p. MM: coapilatiouy updating £ additional text. 6 J. D . Gilchrist; 21Feb77; AF45306.


Electrical machines and their app- lications. By John Hindmarsh. 3rd ed. Great Britain. 655 p. J. Hindmarsh; 21Feb77; AF45307.


One-dimensional compressible flow. By H. Oaneshyar. Great Britain. 179 p. H. Daneshyar; 24Jan76; AF45308.


A Critigue of urban modelling from regional science to urban and regional political economy. By B. Andrew Sayer. Great Britain. 254 p. (Progress in planning, vol. 6, pt. 3. Editors: D. Diamond £ J. B. McLoughlin) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor, e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 21Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF45309.


Tunnelling and negative resistance phenomena in semiconductors. By Dilip Kumar Boy, edited by B. fi. Pamplin. Great Britain. 213 p. S B. K. Boy; 21Feb77; AF45310.


Vorticism and abstract art in the first machine age. Vol. 1: origins and development. By Richard Cork. United Kingdom. 321 p. e Bichard Cork; 8Dec76; AF45311.


Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, June 14-18, 1976. Great Britain. 925 p. Appl. au: 6. Hass £ J. B. Coupland; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. © European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community £ European Atomic Energy Community a.a.d.o. ECSC, EEC £ EAEC; 20Dec76; AF45312.


Mattie: the story of a hedgehog. By G. D. Griffiths, illustrated by Elsie Urigley. England. 86 p. 6 on text; G. D. Griffiths; 26Nov67; AF45313. (1974 reprint, deposited)


IBM 3660 supermarket systems: IBM 3663 models 1 and 2 supermarket terminal, 12 column coin dispenser adapters fiPQs 7B0435 and 7B0436 scanning system operations guide supplement. Denmark. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 30Jun76; AP45314.


Dogsbody. By Diana Wynne Jones. Great Britain. 190 p. 6 Diana Wynne Jones; 160ct75; AF45315.


Atlas of classical archaeology. Edited by M. I. Finley. Great Britain. 256 p. Appl. au: Bainbird fieference Books, Ltd. Q Bainbird fieference Books, Ltd. ; 17Mar77; AF45316.


Improving human settlements: up with people. Edited by H. Peter Oberlander. Canada. 198 p. MM: 10 articles. @ Oniversity of British Columbia; 10Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45317.


Antarctica; or« Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole. By Otto Mor- denskjoeld £ Johan Gunnar Andersson, with a foreword by Vivian Fuchs. Great Britain. 608 p. Q on foreword; Vivian Fuchs; 15Mar77; AF45318.


Halienstein. His life narrated by Golo Mann, translated by Charles Kessler. England. 909 p. on translation; Andre Deutsch, ltd. 6 Holt, Binehart and Winston, Inc.; 23Sep76; AF45319.


Call them irreplaceable. By John Fisher, drawings by Al Hirschfeld. England. 224 p. Appl. states all new with the exception of songs £ several guotations prev. reg. in addition to prev. pub. drawings £ photos. 3 John Fisher; 12Jun76 (in notice: 1975j ; AF45320.


Psychosurgery — the facts. England. 12 p. Appl. au: Peter Ginever. 3 Freedom Hews service; 20Jun76; AF45321.


Speyerer Huen zgeschichte; Muenzen, Medaillen* Marken £ Banknoten. By Helfried Ehrend. West Germany. 397 p. e Helfried Ehrend; 3011ov76; AF45322.


Art prices current. Vol. 50, Aug. 1972 to July 1973, pt. A £ B. England. 468 p. 3 Hilliam Dawson and Sons, Ltd. ; 8Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45323.


A History of building types; the A. W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts, 1970, the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. By Nikolaus Pevsner. Great Britain. 352 p. 3 The Trustees of the Mational Gallery of Art; 28Jun76; AF45324.


Pneumokoniosen. Bearb. von H. Antweiler £ others, hrsg. von Wolfgang Traugott Ulmer £ Gerhard Eeichel. 5. voeilig neu bearb. fi erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 692 p. (Handbuch der inneren Medizin, 4. Bd. Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane, T. 1) Appl. au; Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. © Springer-Verlag; 6Sep76; AF45325. AF45326.

The TranslatioD of art: essays on Chinese paintinq and poetry. Editor 6 translator: Janes C. 1. Hatt, translator: Kao Saychinq. Hong Kong. 216 p. (Benditioas, no. 6) English £ Chinese. NB: translation, additional teit £ coBpilation. C The Chinese University of Honq Kong; 31Dec76; &F<t5326.


A Dictionary of literary teras. By J. A. Cuddon. England. 7U5 p. O J. A. cuddon; 28Har77; AF45327.


The Fox at Drummers* Darjcness. By Joyce Stranger, illustrated by Billiam Geldart. Great Britain. 80 p. Appl. au: Joyce Stranqer, Ltd. 6 on text; Joyce Stranger, Ltd.; 21Jun7e; AF4S328.


Organization and synaptic physiology of crustacean neuromuscular systems. By B. L. Atnood. Great Britain. p. 291-391. (Progress in neurobioloq y, vol. 7, pt. '4) Appl. au : Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 221iov76; AFli5329.


The Hittites, people of a thousand gods. By Johannes Lehmann, translated by J. Haxvell Bronn-loho. United Kingdom. 317 p. Appl. au: tiilliau Collins Sons and company, Ltd. £ The viking Press. Translation of Die Hethiter, Volk der tausend Goetter. HHi translation. uiliiam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd. £ The Viking Press; 28aar77; Ari45330.


l/nited States Olympic book, 1976. Editor-ln-chlef: c. Bobert Paul, Jr. £ other editors, art director: Uilly Fleckhaus, photographers: Edwin Fieger, Albrecht Gaebele £ Barner Martini. Vest Germany. 327 p. Appl. au: olympische Sport Bibliothek. United States Olympic Committee; 1Dec76; AF45331.


Gfielin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; achte voelliq neu bearb. Aufl. System-Nr. 39: Seltenerdelemente. T. C3. aauptredakteur dieser Lfg.: Uartmut Bergmann, Bedakteure dieser Lfq. : Erich Best, Ingeborg Uinz, Dieter Koschel, Peter Kuhn £ Joachim Hagner, englische Fassung der Stichmoerterneben dem Text: H. J. Kandiuer. Vest Germany. 439 p. Appl. au: Gaelin Institut der (i.e. fuer) Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NH: revisions £ additions. O Springer- Verlaq; 30»ov76; AF45332.


Bun book: G»S/32, 5797-NAL. Israel. 8 p. Hebren. 6 IBD Israel, Ltd. a. k. a. IBH Israel; 26Jan76; AF45333.


A Systematic approach to installing and managing IMS/VS. Denmark. 8 p. Appl. au: IBH France. C International Business Machines Corporation; 13Dec76; AFit533'i.


Tie-dye, batik and candlefflaking in easy steps. Written by Norma Jameson £ Ann Hirst-Smith, photos, by Peter Birst-Smith. England. 64 p. C Studio Tista: 210ct76; AF45335.


Embroidery in easy steps. Edited by Christine Bisley, writteo by Heather Padfield, Margaret Nicholson, Christine Bisley, Helen Harrison E Isabelle Chapman, photos, by Peter Kibbles. England. 64 p. e studio Vista; 210ct76; AF45336.


IBM 3600 finance c 5986-B03 document in 7B0413 and 7B0414 in reference supplement, program numbers 5799-WKB DOS/VS, 5799-UKE OS/VS. Denmark. 3 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. & International Business Machines corporation; 10Dec76; AF4533 7.


IBM 3704/370 5 DOS/VS and OS/VS compatibility RPQ program description and operation manual, programming EPQ Y966 13 DOS/VS, program number 5799-AQY, programming Bpg Y96614 OS/VS, program number 5799-AQB. 2nd ed. Denmark. 21 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 21Dec76; AF45J38.


IBM 3600 finance communication system: 59 14 document inscriber user's guide, program numbers 5799 lilKB DOS/VS, 5799 UKE OS/VS. Denmark. 17 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 10Dec76; Af45339.


Interface descriptions: D20P adapter, apg Y96381 (D20P rack), aPU X02065 (D20P module) Denmark. 16 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 27Dec76; AF45340.

AF4534 1.

IBM 59 30 support under CICS/DOS/VS (customer information control system DOS/VS) PRPU description and operation manual, programming BPg ¥96303, program number 5799-AJP. Denmark. 12 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Uuitcd Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Machines Corporation; 21Dcc75; AF45341.


IBM 3600 finance communication system move inverse BPu 7B0 192 programming installation guide supplement, program numbers 5799 UHK DOS/VS, 5799 UKK OS/VS. Denmark. 9 p. (Systems) Appl. du: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 10Dec76; AP45342.


IBM 2970-5 banking terminal support under control of the IBM 3704/5 NCP programming fiPU X97561 program description and operation manual, program number 5799-Aac. Denmark. 30 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM France. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 14Dec76; AF45343.


IBM 3770 data communication system system components BPQ 7S0119 and BPij 7S0148 1017 paper tape reader attachment to 3774. Denmark. Folder. (IBM technical newsletter, no. Gm9-6290) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. KM: updating. International Business Machines Corporation a.a. d: IBM Corporation; 2Dec76; AF45344.


IBM system/32 installation guide; preliminary ed. Section 3: payroll. United Kingdom. 1 v. IBM United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45345.


IBM system/32 ruubook purchase ledger; preliminary ed. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. IBM United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45346.


IBM system/32 preliminary ed.

.ustallation guide; Section 3: purchase

ledger. United Kingdom. 1 v. IBM United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct7S; AF45347.


IBM system/32 runbook subcontractors ledger; preliminary ed. United Kingdom. 1 V. IBM United Kingdom, Ltd.; ecct75; AF45348.


IBH maintenance information 3612 passbook and document printer. Japan. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. Sm8-i046) Appl. au: IBM Japan, Ltd. e IBM corporation; 23Jul7o; AF45349.


IBM systeB/32 runbook payroll; preliminary ed. United Kingdom. 1 v. e IBM United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45350.


IBH system/32 runbook costing; preliminary ed. United Kingdom. 1 v. O IBM United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45351.


3604 keyboard display maintenance information for "JUCC read on the 3604" (BPQ U95200) Japan. 1 v. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au: IBH Japan, Ltd. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 27Feb76; AF45352.


36 12 passbook and document printer with pedestal feature (BPQ S20553) and parallel print feature (KPU S205S4) maintenance information. Japan. 1 v. Appl. au: IBM Japan, Ltd. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 10Auq76; AF45J53.


IBH system/J2 installation guide;

preliminary ed. Section J; general

ledger. United Kingdom. 1 v. IBM

United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45354.


IBH system/32 installation guide; preliminary ed. Section 3: subcontractors ledger. United Kingdom. 1 v. o I BH United Kingdom. Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45355.


Programmes speciaux, guide systeme, code dispositif 8303: trace de courbes sur imprimante 3800, programme special numero 5788-ABF. France. 12 p. C IBH France; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45356.


JUCC read on the IBM 3604 keyboard display (BPQ U95200) supplementary 3600 component description and programmer's guide information. Japan. 1 v. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Japan, Ltd. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation; 16Har76; AF45357.


IBM 3767 address Jumpering aid EBCDIC. Japan. Appl. au: IBH Japan, Ltd. NH: revisions £ additions. O IBH Corporation; 30Jun76; AF45358.


IBH 3767 communication terminal models 1 and 2 double width character feature (BPQ Z99204) user's guide. Japan. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Japan, Ltd. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 27Feb76; Ar453S9.


IBH system/32 runbook general ledger; preliminary ed. United Kingdom. 1 v. e IBH United Kingdom, Ltd.; 80ct75; AF45360. AF45361.

IBM sy5teQi/32 installation guide; preliminary cd. Section 3; costing- United Kinqdom. 1 v. C IBM Dnited Kinqdom, Ltd.; 80ct75: 4F1I5361.


IBM svstem/370 advanced text management system — 2 (ATMS — 2) general information manual, program numbers 57itO-XXV (OS/VS) , 57U6-XXG (DOS/VS) Denmark. 26 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Netherlands. Q International Business Machines Corporation: 9Dec76: AF15362.


IBM 3600 finance communication system 59B6-B03 document inscriber adapter BPO 7B0414 operating guide supplement. Denmark. 4 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. © International Business Machines Corporation; 10Dec76; AFt5363.


IBM 3600 finance communication system 5986-B03 document inscriber adapter SPQs 780413 and 780414 programmer's guide and component descriptions supplement, program numbers 5799-liKB DOS/VS, 5799-HKE OS/VS. Denmark. 2 p. (Systems) Appl. am IBM Germany. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 10Dec76; AF45364.


IBM PAYE and EEC routines for sys- tems/360 and /370, program number 5788-EBI.. France. 13 p. (Country implemented program systems guide) Appl. au: IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. 9 Inter- national Business Machines Corporation (in notice: IBM Corporation); 22Hoi76; AF45365.


Aretino; selected letters, By Pietro Aretino, tra inslated iiith an introd. George Bull. United Kingdom. 251 p. on tcanslation, introd. & notes; George Bull: 24Jun76; AF45366.


Death cap- By June Thomson. England. 187 p. June Thomson; 16May73: AF45367.


Space and energy; proceedinqs of the 26th International Astronautical Congress, Lisbon, 21-27 Sept- 1975- Edited by L- G- Napolitano. Great Britain. «87 p. flppl- au: &. L- Jaamotte & C. Marchal; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Peb77; AF45368-


Camionnage trucking Canada. Canada. 6 p. English S French- Appl- au: NicJc Flor £ Douglas llacfie- 3 Nick Flor £ Douglas Macfie; 10Jul76; AF45369-


Truckinq America- Canada. 6 p. English £ French. Appl. au: Nick Flor & Douglas Hacfie. @ Nick Flor £ Douglas Hacfie; 10Jul76; AF45370.

AF453 71.

Pneumokoniosen. Bearb. von: H. Antweiler £ others, hrsg. von Wolfgang Traugott Ulmer fi Gerhard fieichel- £., voellig neu bearb. fi erueiterte Aufl. West Germany- 692 p. (Handbuch der inneren fledizin, 4. Bd- Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane, T. 1 ) Appl- au: Springer- Verlag, employer for hire. © Springer- Verlag; 6Sep76; AF45371-


Biochemistry of cutaneous epidermal differentiation; proceedings of the Japan-D. S. Seminar on Biochemistry of Cutaneous Epidermal Differentiation. Edited by Makoto Seiji £ 1- A. Bernstein. Japan. 514 p. Held in Sendai, Japan, June 2-4, 1976- Appl- au: Kazuraasa Kurosumi & Yasumasa Ishibashi. © University of Tokyo Press; 1Apr77; AF45372-


Atlas of colposcopy. By Per Kolstad £ Adolf Stafl. 2nd rev- ed- Norway- 152 p. © Universitets Forlaget; 15Apr77; AF45373-


Nadar. By Nigel Gosling- Great Britain. 298 p- © on neu text £ prev. unpub. photos. ; Nigel Gosling: 6Dec76; AF45374.


Tabellen zur Strukturaufklaerung organischer Verbindungen mit spektros- kopischen Methoden. By Ernoe Pretsch, Thomas Clerc, Joseph Seibl £ wilhelm Simon. West Germany. 1 v. (Auleitungen fuer die chemische Laboratoriumspraxis, Bd. 15) © Springer- Verlag; 13Auq76; AF45375-


Lehrbuch der Anaesthesiologie fiea- nimation und Intensivtherapie- Hrsg- von Herbert Benzer, Rudolf Frey, H. Huegin fi Otto Hayrhofer- 4. voellig neu bearb. Aufl- Uest Germany- 80 9 p- © Springer- Verlag; 16Dec76 (in notice: 1955, 1971, 1972 fi 1977) ; AF45376-


The Key to the universe; a report on the new physics. By Nigel Calder. Onited Kingdom. 196 p- NH: text, diagrams, selection £ compilation of photos- Nigel Calder; 27Jan77; AF45377.


Knowledge and concepts in futures studies. Edited by'Stephan Schwarz, artwork: Sven Nordgvist. Sweden. 234 p. © on English language ed.; Hestview Press, Inc.; llJan77 (in notice: 1976); AF4537e-


The Emerging European enterprise: strategy and structure in French and German industry. by Gareth P. Dyas £ Heinz T. Thanheiser. France. 337 p- © Gareth P. Dyas fi Heinz T. Thanheiser; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45379-


Towards sculpture: drawings and oaguettes from Bodin to Oldenburg. By Ualter John Strachan. England. 263 p. Q Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45380.


Physical work and effort; proceedings of the first international symposium held at the Henner-Gren Center, Stockholm, December 2-4, 1975- Edited by Gunnar Borg- Great Britain. 439 p- (Benner- Gren Center international symposium series, vol- 28) Appl. au: G. Costa £ B. Eklund; Pergamon Press, Ltd-, employer for hire of editor. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 23FGb77; AF45381-


Lutterloh system international. Suppl- no- 144. Hest Germany- 1 v- Appl. au: Haria Aloisia, nee Aigenberger. O Modeverlag Lutterloh; 9Feb77; AF45382.


The World of learning, 1976-77. Vol- 2: Rhodesia-Zambia index. 27th ed. England, p. 1015-1992. © Europa Publications, Ltd.; 27Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45383.


Tutankhamun: his tomb and its trecisures. By I. £. S. Edwards, black £ white photos. by Harry Burton, col- photos, by Lee Boltin, editor: Katharine Stoddert Gilbert. Canada. 1 v. © on text; The fletropolitan Kuseum of Art; 3Feb77; AF453B5.


Early child care in France. By tlyriam David £ Irene Lezine. Great Britain- 148 p. Appl. au: Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd. Prev- pub. in the journal Early childhood development and care, 1974. NM: contents, introd-, foreword fi pref. 3 Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd.; 25Sep75; AF453e6.


Introduction to the study of ternary switching structures. By S- Thelliez, translated from the French by H. G. Stripp- Great Britain- 186 p- (Information and systems theory, vol- 4) Original ti-: Introduction a I'etude des structures ternaires de commutation, pub. 1973. NH: translation. © Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd.; 8Dec75; AF45387-


An Introduction to the physics of f erroelectrics- By loshio Mitsui, Itaru Tatsuzaki £ Eiji Nakamura, translated by Yoshihiro Ishibashi, Itaru Tatsuzaki, Eiji Nakamura £ Jack C. Burfoot. Great Britain- 443 p- (Ferroelectric it y and related phenomena, vol. 1) NM: tran- slation- 6 Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd-; 7Apr76; AF45388,


Analytical aspects of mercury and other heavy metals in the environment- Edited by B- U- Frei £ 0. Hutzinger. Great Britain. 196 p. (Current topics in environmental and toxicological chemistry, vol. 1) Appl- au: Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd. Articles appeared in the International journal of environmental analytical chemistry, vol. 1-2 fi vol. 2, no. 1, 2 fi 4; some were pub. in Toxicological and environmental chemistry reviews, vol. 1, no. 4 £ vol. 2, no. 1- NH: compilation, contents £ pref. © Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd- ; 17Dec75; AF45389.


Early child care in Israel. By Chanan Bapaport £ Joseph Uarcus, in collaboration with Hiriam Glikson, aitold Jedlicki fi Sheldon Lache. Great Britain. 199 p. Appl. au: Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd- Prev- pub- in the journal Early child development and care, 1976. NU: contents, introd., foreword £ pref. 6 Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd.; 21Jun76; AF45390.


Physics of 4-6 compounds and alloys. Edited by Sohrab Babii. Dnited Kingdom- 253 p. Appl- au: Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd. Prev. pub- in the Journal of nonmetals, 1973- NM: compilation, foreword fi contents. © Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd.; 24Apr75 (in notice: 1974); AF45391.


The International book of wood. Editor: Hartyn Bramwell £ other editors, foreword by Hugh Johnson. Great Britain. 276 p. 3 Hitchell fieazley Publishers, Ltd.; 27Sep76; AF45392.


Computerized axial tomography; an anatomic atlas of serial sections of the huaan body, anatomy — cadioloqy — scanner. By Joseph Gambarelii, Gecacd Guerinel, Laurent chevrot C aatbieu aattei. Kith the technical coXlabocation of B. Galliano & 5. Iia2a£ian, dcawinqs by J. P. Jacoay, photo by D. Amy & fl. Solec. Uest Germany. 286 p. O Springen-Veirlag: 9Jan77: AF45393.


Biomechanics of the knee; uith application to the pathogenesis and the sorqical treatment of osteoarthritis. By Paul G. J. Baquet. Vest Germany. 230 p. O Springer- Verlaq; 13Dec76; AF45394.


New concepts in maxillofacial bone surqery. Editor: Bernd Spiessl. Hest Germany. 194 p. C Springer- ?erlaq ; 12Dec76; 4Flt5395.


Osteoarthritis o£ the hip; pathogenesis and consequent therapy. By fienato fiofflbelli, with a foreword by tlaurice £. Mueller. iest Germany. 136 p. Sprinqer-yerlag; lDec76; AFii5396.


Japan and a new world economic order. By Kiyoshi Kojiaa. Great Britain. 190 p. UK: front matter. Kiyoshi Kojima; 30llar77; 4F45397.


China's African revolution. By Alan Hutchison. England. 313 p. HH: front matter. O Alan Hutchison; 30nar77 (in notice; 1975) ; AFU5398.


The Evolution of pancreatic islets; proceedings of a symposium held at LMnlugrad, Sept. 1975. Edited by T. Adcsanya I. Grille, L. Leibsou t A. Epple. Great Britain. 377 p. Appl. au: L. V. Omitrenko £ s. Falkmer; Perqamon Press. Ltd., employer for hire of editors. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 2«Jau77 (incorrectly in notice: 1976); AF4S399.


The New translation Gospel of John. Catalog, no. NCB-OOI. Bong Kong. 1 v. Chinese. C The Loclcman Foundation; 30Sep73; AFHSliOO.


Egil*s saqa. Translated with an introd. by Hermann Palssoo & Paul Eduards. United Kingdom. 254 p. BH: introd. £ tran- slation. Hermann Palsson & Paul Edwards; 2SNov76; AF't5it01.


The History of Basselas, Prince of Abissinia. By Samuel Johnson, edited with an introd. by D. J. Enright. United Kingdom. 156 p. e on introd. i notes; D. J. Enright: 25Bov76; AF45it02.


Bedburn: his first voyage, being the sailor-boy confessions and reminiscences of the son-of-a-qentleman in the merchant service. By Herman Melville, edited with an introd. by Harold Beaver. United Kinqdom. 442 p. C on introd. e notes; Harold Beaver; 25Nov76; AF45403.


The Botebootts of Edqar Degas: a catalogue of the thirty-eight notebooks in the Bibliotheque Mationale and other collections. Vol. 1-2. Edited by Theodore Beff. United Kingdom. Appl. au: Edgar Degas. BH: prev. unpub. illus. from all uotebooks except no. 28 e 29. oxford University Press; 10Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45404.


To die elsewhere. By Theodore Hilden. England. 224 p. Theodore Hilden; 1Jul76; AF45405.


Kinderbildertuch. Denmark. 1 v. Appl. au: Jesper Hoem 6 Sven Groenlykke. e Jesper Hoem £ Sven Groenlykke; 10Apr75; AF45406.


The Visits of the ^ueen of Sheba. By Miguel Serrano, foreword by C. G. Jung, illustrated by Julio Escamez, translated by Frank MacShane. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 61 p. O Miguel Serrano; 21Sep72; AF45407. (See also The Visits of the gueen of Sheba; 21Sep72; AF38072)


Asepsis in surgery: its special application in orthopedics. By fiafael Orozco, translators: Guido Pidermann 6 Enrigue Garazo. uest Germany. 46 p. £ 72 slides in box. Spanish, English £ German. O Sprinqer-Veriaq; 6Dec76; AF45408.


Found, lost, found; or. The English way of life. By J. B. Priestley. Great Britain. 134 p. J. B. Priestley; 26Apr76; AF45409.


Christopher Columbus. By John Stewart Collis. United Kingdom. 206 p. C John Stewart Collis; 30Aug76; AF45410.


The Love bite. By David Sale. England. 254 p. O David Sale; 11sep72; AF45411.


Three essays on Marxism. iiy Karl Korsch. Great Britain. 71 p. Appi. au; Pluto Press. NM; compilation £ tran- slation. <: Pluto Press; 30Aug7 1; AF45412.


Lenin and philosophy and other essays. By Louis Althusser. translated from the French by Beu Brewster. Great Britain. 229 p. Appl. au: NLB (Bew Left Books) Portions prev. pub. in L'Unita, 1968 £ others. BM: translation £ compilation. C MLB a.a.d. for New Left Books; 30Sep71; AF45413.


Dictatorship and armed struggle in Brazil. By Joao Quartim, translated from the French by David Fernbach. Great Britain. 221 p. Appl. au: BLB (Bew Left Books) BM: translation O BLB a.a.d. for New Left Books; 26Aug71; AF45414.


Uolf children: the wild boy of Aveyron. B;^ Lucien Malson £ Jean Itard, translated by Edmund Fawcett, Peter Ayrton £ Joan Bbite. Great Britain. 179 p. Appl. au: BLB (Bew Left Books) Prev. pub. as Les Enfants sauvages, 1964. BM: translation £ compilation. 6 BLB, a.a.d. for New Left Books; 21Apr72; AF45415.


A Short history of the European working class. By Uolfgang Abendroth, translated from the German by Nicholas Jacobs £ Brian Trench, postscript translated by Joris De Bres. Great Britain. 204 p. Appl. au: BLB (New Left Books) Prev. pub. as Sozialgeschichte der europaeischen Arbeiterbewegung, 1965. MM: translation. e NLB, a.a.d. for New Left Books; 2eAug72: AF45416.


Log bailding tools a^ to make them. By Baymond Denis Arcand. Canada. 1 v. OB. D. Arcand; lDMay76: AF45417.


Last ditch. By Ngaio Marsh. England. 277 p. 6 Ngaio Marsh, Ltd.; 28Feb77; AF45418.


A History of the Jewish people. Edited by h. u. Bec-Sassoo. Great Britain. 1170 p. O oa translation; George Ueidenfeld and Bicolson, Ltd.; 290ct76; AF45419.


Transport in plants, 3; intracellular interactions and transport processes. Edited by C. B- Stocking £ U. Heber. Uest Germany. 517 p. (Encyclopedia of plant physiology, new series, vol. 3) Appi. au: J. Brachet fi H. Fock. C Springer-Verlag; 20Dec76; AF45420.


The Inside room. By Eileen B. Mitson. England. 126 p. e Eileen N. Mitson; 10ct73; AF45421.


More ideas for wind orchestras. By Geoffrey Emerson. England. 47 p. O Geoffrey Emerson; 3Apr76 (in notice: 1975); AF45422.


Classification in the 1970s: a second look. Edited by Arthur Haltby. Great Britain. 262 p. Prev. pub. 1972. NM: revisions £ additional text. O Clive Bingley, Ltd.; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45423.

AF45425. management, technology and iaformatiun science. Uy Eric Pugh. Great Britain. 208 p. O Eric Pugh; 5Jan77; AF45424.


Book auction recotds. Vol. 72. Editor; Wendy I. Heath. England. 528 p. O William Dawson and Sons, Ltd.; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45425.


The First step in astrology: how to erect an accurate horoscope. By Donn Uilliam Forrest £ Leone Margaret Forrest. New Zealand. 94 p. O Donn Uilliam Forrest £ Leone Margaret Forrest; 4Feb77; AFU5426.


The Paintings of Correggio. By Cecil Gould. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 Cecil Gould; 15BOV76; AF45427.

AF4 5 42a.

Crows of the world. By Derek Goodwin, illus. by Bobert Gillmor. Great Britain. 354 p. & Trustees of the British Museum (Natural Bistory); 280ct76; AF45428.


Tall ships: the world of sail training. Text by Maldwin Drummond, illus. by Mike Uilloughby, foreword by Duke of Edinburgh Philip. England. 160 p. BM: text £ compilation of photos. Q Maldwin Drummona; SAug76; AF45429.


Tall ships: the world of sail trailing. Text by Baldwin Drummond, illus. by Mike Uilloughby, foreword by Duke of Edinburgh Philip. England. 160 p. 6 on illus.; Mike Uilloughby; 5AU976; AF454J0.


Fortschritte der praktischen Derma- tologie und Venerologie. Bd. 8. Hrsg. von 0. Braun-Falco £ S. Marghescu. Uest Germany. 469 p. Appl. au: Springer- Verlaq, employer for hire. © Sprinqer- Verlaq; 1Web76; AF45431.


Gmelin Handbuch der aDorqanischeD Chemie; achte Aufl. 6 ErqaenzunqSHeric, index, formula index. Vol. 5, C8-C12. Editor ia chief: Hudolf Warncke. Best Germany. 268 p. German & Enqlish. Appl. an: Gmelin Institut der (i.e. fuer) Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire, e Sprinqer-Verlag; 28Dec76; AF45432.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Chemie; Erqaenzunqsiierk zur 8. Aufl. Bd. 32: schnefel-Stickstoff-Verbindunqen. T. 1; Verbindungen mit Schuefel der Oxidationszahl 6. Von Ekkehard fluck 6 aolfqanq Haubold. index: Ursula Hettwer, editors; Hargot Becke G Hubert Bitterer- West Germany. 268 p. German & Enqlish. Appl. au: Gmelic Institut fuer Anor- qanische Chemie, employer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlag; 28Dec76; AF45433.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Chemie. System-Nr. 31: Badium, Erqaenzungsband 1. Authors: Isa Kubach & Fritz Keiqel, editors: Isa Kubach 6 Kurt Suars. 8. yoelliq neubearb. Aufl. Uest Germany. 131 p. German & Enqlish. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. Q Sprinqei^ Verlaq; 14Feb77; AF45434.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Chemie. System-Nr. 14: Kohlenstoff. T. D4: Kohlenstof f-Schwefel-Verbindunqen. Chief editor: Dieter Koschel £ other editors. 8. voellig neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 271 p. German & Enqlish. Appl. du: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. iS Sprinqer- Verlaq: 28Dec76; AF45435.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Chemie; Ergaenzunqsueck zur 8. Aufl. Bd. 39: Trausurane. T. B3: binaere Legie- rungssysteme 2. Von Guenter Koch, editor: Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 275 p. German & English. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut der (i.e. fuer) Anor- qanische Chemie, employer for hire, e Sprinqer-Verlag; 28Jan77: AF45436.


Czechoslovakia. By William V. Wallace. Great Britain. 374 p. 6 William V. Wallace; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45437.


International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy. Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1977. Editor-in-chief: H. P. Kuemmerle S, other editors. Best Germany. 200 p. Appl. au: G. Hitzenberger £ T. K. Shibuya. h Urban and Schwarzenberq, Inc. ; 12Apr77: AF45438.


Reflections on biochemistry in honour of Severo Qchoa. Editors: Arthur Kornberq £ other editors. Great Britain. 465 p. Papers presented at the International Symposium on Enzymatic Mechanisms in Biosynthesis and Cell Function, Madrid 6 Barcelona, Sept. 1975. Appl. au: E. C. Slater £ H, Theorell; Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 20Dec76: AF45439.


Albert B. HcGorman. @ UcGorman Science Charts; 20Aug76 (in notice: 1973); AF45440.


Children and language. Great Britain. 117 p. Appl. au: G. B. Potter. C Best Sussex County Council; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45441.


The University desk encyclopedia. Chief editors: Herman Friedioff 6 Ben Lenthall. The Netherlands. 10 55 p. Appl. au: Elsevier Publishing Projects, S.A. Q Elsevier Publishing Projects, S. A. ; 8tlar77; 4F45442.


Petit Larousse de la medecine. Sous la direction du Andre Domart £ du Jacques Bourneuf. France. 842 p. Appl^ au: Alexandra Giraud. NN: neu text £ compilation of prev. pub. illus. 9 Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45443.


Berryman in the forties: a biographical passage/1. By John Uaffenden. England. (In Neu revieu, Sept. 1976, p. 7-15) Appl. states all neu except prev. unpub. prose and poems by John Berryman. @ John Haffenden; 1Sep76; AF45444.


Polymerization of organized systems. Edited by Hans-Georq Elias. Great Britain. 230 p. (Midland macromolecular monographs, vol. 3) Appl. au: D. Naegele. C Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 17flar77; AF45445.


The Market and the state: essays in honour of Adam Smith. Edited by Thomas Wilson £ Andreu S. Skinner. United Kinqdom. 359 p. Appl. au : K. C. 0. Hattheus. Oxford University Press; 27Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45446.


Boersentabellen/370 unter CICS/VS; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr. 5788-l)GH. France. 63 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsproqramm SAP) 6 IBU Deut- schland, 3.M.B. H. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45447.


Boersentabellen/370 unter CICS/VS; Lizenzproqramm P rogr am m-/Bediener handbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DGH. France. 77 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45448.


Dateneingabe unter CICS/VS mit IBH 3270; IBM Lizenzprogramm Programm-/Bediener- handbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DJY. France. 68 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsproqramm SAP) e IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45449.


Dateneinqabe unter CICS/VS mit IBS 3270; IBM Lizenzprogramm systemhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DJY. France. 18 p. (Spezxelles Anuenduuqsprogramm SAP) @ IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45450.


IHS Test- und Performance Tools; Lizenzprogramm Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch- Proqramm-ur. 5788-DBF. West Germany. 105 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendunqsprogramm) Enqlish £ German. 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 8JU174; AF45451.


Periodic table of common ions and valence states; chemical nomenclature simplified. Canada. card. Appl. au:


IBS Test- und Perforn ince Tools; Lizenzprogramm Systemha idbuch. Prog- rammnummer 5788-DBF. Best Germany. 56 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsproqramm) English 6 German. 6 IBH Deutschland, G.M.E.H. ; 8JU174; AF45452.


UDO-Uutergliederte Datenspeicherung fuer On-Line-Verarbeitung ; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788- DBH, Best Germany. 46 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) Q IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 15JU174; Ar45453.


UDO-Untergiiederte Datenspeicherung fuer On-Line-Verarbeitung; Lizenzprogramm Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DBH. West Germany. 26 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) @ IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Jul74; AF45454.


DIAOP Offene-Posten-Buchhaltung im Dialog fuer Debitoren-, Kreditoren- und Sachkonten; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DBE. West Germany. 65 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 30Jun75; Ar45455.


DSPBIMT Universelles Daten-DrucJcp- rograom; Lizenzprogramm Programm- /Bediener handbuch. Programmnummer 5786-DEA. Best Germany. 22 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 22Apr74 (in notice: 1973); AF45456.


Sporttabelien/370 unter CICS/VS; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr. 5788-DGJ. West Germany. 27 p. (Spezxelles Anuendungsproqramm SAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 40ct76; AF45457.


Sporttabellen/370 unter CICS/VS; Lizenzprogramm Prog ramm-/Bediener handbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DGJ. West Germany. 118 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) e IBM Deutschland. G.H.B.H.; 40ct76; AF45458.


IBH System/3 Fertigungsdatenbank fuer IBH System/370 in DOS-BPG 2; Lizenz- programm Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch- Programm-Nr. 5788-DBW. West Germany. 166 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) e IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 70ct74; Af454S9.


Lohnsteuerunterprogramm 1975 fuer IBH System/370; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DDE. West Germany. 38 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) e IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 10Feb75 (in notice: 1974) ; AF45460.


Lohnsteuerunterprogramm 1975 fuer IBM System/370; Lizenzprogramm Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Hr. 5788-DDP. West Germany. 28 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) Q IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 10Feb75 (in notice: 1974); AF45461.


Eedaktionssystem im on-line-Betrieb; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr. 5788-DKJ. France. 409 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45462.


Integrated management accounting system: accounts receivable programs description and operations manual. Program no. 5797-NQD. Heu Zealand. 152 p. (IBH systeo/32 country generated progran) C IBH Nea Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feti76; AF45463.


Integrated aanagenent accounting system: accounts receivable installation guide. Program no. 5797-HQD. Hen Zealand. 1 0H p. (IBM system/32 country generated program) O IBH Hen Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feb76; AF45464.


Integrated management accounting system: accounts receivable, guide to daily operation/run book. Program no. 5797-llOD. Hen Zealand. 156 p. (IBH system/32 country generated program) 6 IBM New Zealand, Ltd.; 16reb76: AF45465.


Integrated management accounting system: inventory control, installation guide. Program no. 5797-llQC. Nev Zealand. 102 p. (IBH system/32 country generated program) e IBM Ken Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feb76; AF45U66.


Integrated management accounting system: inventory control, guide to daily operation/run book. Program no. 5797-»ec. Sen Zealand. 157 p. (IBH systea/32 country generated program) O IBM New Zealand, Ltd.: 1bFeb76; AFtSDe?.


VIDEO-KOBB Korrektur von Belegleserdaten ohne originalbeleg am Bildschirm IBH 3270 fuer 3886-Belegleser mit VIDEO-COLLECT; Llzenzprograam Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr.' 5788-OGll. West Germany. 12 p. (Spezlelles Anaendunqsprograom SAP) NH: updating. O IBM Oeutschlaud, a. H. B. u. ; 63ep76: AF45468.


Guide systeme, code dispositif 8315, DITTO/3790. Program special no 5788-ABG. France, 10 p. (Programmes speciaui) IBH France; 14Feb77 (in notices 1976); AF45469.


Description de l*application et guide de l'utilisateur, DITIO/3790. Programme special no 5788-ABG. France. 58 p. (Programmes speciaux) Add. ti: DIT- TO/3790, description de I'application et guide de 1* utilisateur. C IBM France; 1«Fcb77 (in notice: 1976); AFlt5ll70.


IBH System/3 Fertigungsdatenbank fuer IBM System/370 in DOS-BPG 2; Lizenz- programm Systemhandbuch. Programm-Mr. 5738-DBil. uest Germany. 264 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) 6 IBH Deutschland, G.M.E.U.; 70ct74; AF45471.


EedaktionsEystea in cn-line-Betrieb; Lizenzprograoa Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch. Proqramm-ar. 5788-DKJ. France. 392 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45472.


Integrated management accounting system: inventory control, programs description and operation manual. Program no. 5797-NQC. Hen Zealand. 148 p. (IBM svstem/32 country generated program) O IBM Nev Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feb76; AF45473.


5979 base baud modem with external clock, BPQ 96234, theory o£ operation and maintenance manual. Denmark. 7 p. (IBM maintenance library) Suppl. to 5979 base


Legierungsrechnung fuer die Stahlin- dustrie einsetzbar auf deo IBH System/370 und dem Prozessrechner IBM Systea/7; Lizenzprograoffl Programffl-/Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DJ4. Sest Germany. 19 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 6Sep76; AF45475.


Legierungsrechnung fuer die Stahlin- dustrie einsetzbar auf dem IBH System/370 und dem Prozessrechner IBH Systeo/7; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr. 5788-DJA. iest Germany. 18 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) @ IBH Deutschland. G.M.B.H.; 6Sep76 ; AF45476.


DIAOP Offene-Posten-Buchhaitung im Dialog fuer Debitoren-, Kreditoren- und Sachkonten; Lizenzprogramm Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DBE. Nest Germany. 124 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.: 30Jun75; AF4S477.

Af 45478.

VIDEO-KOBfi Korrektur von Belegleserdaten ohne Originalbeleg am Bildschirm IBH 3270 fuer 3886-Belegleser mit VIDEO-COLLECT; Lizeazprogramm Prograom-/Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DGU. Uest Germany. 44 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 6Sep76; AF45478.


VASTL Variable strukturlisten; Lize nzproqramm Prografflm-/Bedienechandbuch. Programai-Nr. 578a-DFU. Best Germany. 06 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 11Feb76 (in notice: 1975); AF45479.


The Angel Inn. By the Comtesse De Segur, translated by Joan Aiken, illustrated by Pat Harriott. Great Britain. 231 p. Translation of L*Auberge de I'Ange-Gardieu. on translation £ introd.; Joan Aiken Enterprises, Ltd.; 8JU176; AF45480.


The Angel Inn. By the Comtesse De Segur, translated by Joan Aiken, illustrated by Pat Harriott. Great Britain. 231 p. Translation of L'Auberge de I'Ange-Gardien. on illus.; Jonathan cape, Ltd. : 8JU176; AF45481.


Bobert Service, a biography. By Carl F. Klinck. Canada. 199 p. O Carl F. Kiinck; 16Sep76; AF45482.


Seawitch. By Alistair MacLean. England. 22 1 p. Alistair MacLean; 17Jan77; AF45483.


Charlie Muffin. By Brian Freemantle. England. 191 p. 6 Innslodge Publi- cations, Ltd.; 17Feb77; AF45484.


Season in purgatory. By Thomas Keneally. England. 223 p. Thomas Keneally; 2Sep76; AF45485.


The Ideal city; its architectural evolution. By Helen Rosenau. Great Britain. 176 p. KM: additional text 6 revisions. O Helen Bosenau; 17Apr75 (in notice: 1974); AF45486.


The G. 3at rabbit robbery. ^y E. U. Hildick, illustrated by Val Biro. England. 87 p. e on text; E. U. Blldick; 180ct76; AF45487.


The Great rabbit robbery. By E. U. Hildick, illustrated by Val Biro. England. 87 p. C on illus. ; Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd.; 180ct76; AF45488.


Victorian jewelry. By Nancy Armstrong. England. 158 p. NH: new text £ compilation of illus. 6 Nancy Armstrong; 210ct76; AF45489.


The Affair of the blood stained egg cosy. By James Anderson. Great Britain. 250 p. 6 James Anderson; 29Sep75: AF45490.


The Philippines: a past revisited. By Benato Constantino* with the collaboration of Letizia fi. Constantino. Philippines. 457 p. O Benato Constantino; J0Hay75: AF45491.


Imperialism and the accumulation of capital. By Gosa Luxemburg fi Nikolai Bukharin, edited with an introd. by Kenneth J. Tarbuck, translated by Budolt Wichmanii. Great Britain. 289 p. NH: translation, compilation £ editoiial additions. O Kenneth J. Tarbuck £ Uuduif Uichmann; 90ct72; AF45492.


This law o£ ours; study guide. By Patrick Fitzgerald £ Uichard Hernliam. Canada. 166 p. O Prentice-Hall ot Canada, Ltd.; 7Mar77; AF4549J.


Surface with daring. By Douglas Beeman. England. 271 p. Bolitho Maritime Productions, Ltd.; 110ct76; AF45494.


Cold hand in mine; 8 strange stories. By Bobert Aickman. Great Britain. 252 p. I) Bobert Aickman: 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF45495.


The Stepdaughter- By Caroline Blackwood, pseud, of Caroline Lowell. Great Britain. 100 p. C Caroline Lowell; 20Hay76; AF45496.


Metodo illustrative del modelsistema Callegari. Ideato fi creato dal Sante Callegari, testi: Luigino Callegari. Italy. 82 p. Appl. au: Istituto callegari. O Istituto Callegari; J00ct76; AF45497.


L'Ecologle. Par Paul Claval £ others. France. 255 p. (Encyclopoche Larousse) NM: text fi compilation of texts fi illus. e Librairie Larousse; 30Nov76; AF45498.


Journal de I'annee, ler juillet 1975-30 juin 1976. France. 415 p. Appl. au: Etienne Giilon, Claude Moreau fi Jean-Louis Moreau. O Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45499.


Oeuvres completes. Vol. 5. De Julieu Green, textes etablis, presentes fi annotes par Jacgues Petit. France. 1794 p. NM: compilation, presentation fi annotation of texts, a Editions Gallinard; 18Feb77; AF45500.


The Andes- By Tony Morrison 5 the editors of Time-Life Books. The Netherlands. 181 p. <Ihe Morld's wild places) Appl. an: Time-life International (Nederland) B.V. , enployer for hire. e Time-Life International (Hederland) B.V.; 15Dec75; AF45501.


Neu Guinea. By Koy D. Mackay 6 the editors of Time-Life Books, uith photos, by Eric Lindqren. The Netherlands. IB* p. (The Horld's iiild places) Appl. au: lime- life International (Hederland) B. v., employer for hire, e Time-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B. V. ; 21Jun76; AF45502.


Lapland. By Baiter Uarsden 8 the editors of Time-Life Books. The - Netherlands. 184 p. (The World's iiild places) Appl. au: lime-Life International (Hederland) B. V. , employer for hire. e Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V.: 16Feb76: AF45503.


Venice. By Aubrey nenen 6 the editors of Time-Life Books, photos, by Ernst Haas. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V., employer for hire. Time-Life International (Nederland) B.».; 2Auq76; AF45504-


Jerusalem. By Colin Thubron £ the editors of Time-Life Books, photos, by Jay naisel. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) D. V., employer for hire. Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V. ; 5Jan76; AF45505.


London. By Aubrey Menen £ the editors of Time-Life Books, »ith photos, by Brian Seed. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V., employer for hire. lime-Life International (Nederland) B.V.; 8Mar76: AF45506.


Rome. By E. B. Chamberlin £ the editors of Time-Life Books, photos, by Dan Budnik. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. , employer for hire, e Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V.; 10Hay76: AF45507.


Critical sociology: selected readings. Edited by Paul Connerton. Onited Kingdom. 519 p. NM; introd. , notes £ compilation, e Paul connerton; 25iiov76; AF45S08.


Science fiction at large; a collection of essays, by various hands, about the interface between science fiction 6 reality. Edited by Peter Nicholls. Great Britain. 224 p. Appl. au: Institute of Contemporary Arts. Q on compilation £ additional text; Institute of Contem- porary Arts; 18NOV76; AF45509.


Science fiction: the monsters and the critics. Introduction. By Peter Nicholls. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 157-183 £ 7-11) e Peter Nicholls; 18Nov76; Ar45510.


By Edward De Bono. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 35-55) Prev. pub. in Italy in Le Scienze- 6 on English language ed. ; Edward De Bono; 18Nov76; AF45511.


Scientific thought in fiction and in fact. By John Taylor. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 57-72) Q John Taylor; 18Kov76; AF45512.


Science fiction and the larger lunacy. By John Brunner. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 73-103) e John Brunner; 18Nov76; &F45513.


Inner time. By Alan Garner. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 119-138) e Alan Garner; 18Ilov76; AF45514.


Budolf Peierls and theoretical physics; proceedings of the symposium held in oxford, on July 11th £ 12th, 1974, to mark the occasion of the retirement of Professor Sir Hudolf E. peierls. Edited by lac Johnston Bhind Aitchison £ J. E. Paton. Great Britain. 119 p. Add- ti: Aitchison and Paton: Eudolf Peierls and theoretical physics- Appl- au: 0- fi- Frisch £ a. Berman; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. C I- J . fi. Aitchison £ J. E. Paton; 21Feb77; AF45515.


Progress in neurobiology. Vol- 8, pt- 2. Editors: G. A. Kerkut £ J. S. Phillis. Great Britain. p. 81-182. Appl. au: Jon Stormy-Mathisen (i.e. Storm-Hathisen) ; Pergamon and (sic) Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor, e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 21Feb77; &F45516.


Fettstoffwechsel- Hrsg- von Friedrich Gotthard Schettler £ others. 5. voellig neu l>earb. infl. Best Germany. 751 p. (Handbuch der inneren Hedizin, 7. Bd. Stoffwechselkrankheiten, T. 4) English £ German. Appl. au: Springer- Verlag, employer for hire. 6 Springer-Verlag; 22Dec76; AF45517.


Applied and fundamental aspects of plant cell, tissue, and organ culture. Edited by Jakob Eeinert £ yashpal P. Singh Bajaj. West Germany. 803 p. 6 Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77: AF45518.


Studien zu einer Iheorie der Geset- zgebung. Hrsg. von Juergen Eoedig. Best Germany. 763 p. Appl. au: Ekkehard Altmann �� Boerje Alpsten. 6 Springer- Verlag; 20Dec76; AF45519.


water and plant life: problems and modern approaches. Edited by otto Ludwig Lange, L. Kappen £ Ernst- Detlef Schulze. West Germany- 536 p. (Ecological studies, vol. 19) 6 Springer-Verlag; 28Dec76; AF45520-


Safari cards- No- 577-600. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. © on translation; Editions Becontre, S.A.; 23Jul76; AF45521.


Safari cards- No- 529-552. Swit- zerland- 24 cards- Appl- au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey- ^ on translation; Editions Recontre, S. A. ; 23Jul76; AF4 5S22.


safari cards. No. 553-575. Switzerland- 24 cards. Appl- au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon & Andre Estoppey- or translation: Edition Recontre, S-A.; 23Jul76; AF45523-


Perspectives on the emergence of scientific disciplines. Edited for Parex by Gerard Lemaine, Eoy HacLeod, Hichael Mulkay £ Peter Beingart. Netherlands. 281 p. Appl. au: Parex. © Houton and Company £ Maison des sciences de I'Homme; 1flar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45524.


The Emperor in the Soman world (31 B.C.-A-D- 337) By Fergus Miliar- Great Britain- 657 p- Fergus Miliar; 24Feb77; AF45525-


The Farthest-away mountain. By Lynne Held Banks, illustrated by Victor Ambrus. England. 140 p. © lynne Held Banks; 25NOV76; AF45526.


Shadows on our skin. By Jennifer Johnston. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. © Jennifer Johnston; 14Apr77; AF45527.


Colin flcSaughton's 1, 2, 3, and things. England. 1 v. © Colin McHaughton; 30Sep76; AF45528.


Colin ttcHaughton's ABC and things. England. 1 v. © Colin HcNaughton; 30Sep76; AF45529-


Here come the raccoons — full of funl By Lyn Hancock. Canada- (In Canadian geographical journal, Apr. /Say 1977, p. 38-45) © Lyn Hancock; 11Apr77; AF45530.


When we were young; two centuries of children's book illustration- By William Feaver. England- 96 p- NH: text. e William Feaver; 1411ar77; AF45531-


The Magician and the petnapping. Story £ pictures by David acKee. England. 1 v. © David acKee; 25Nov76; Af 45532.


Marginal medicine. Edited by Eoy Ballis £ Peter ttorley. England. 156 p- Appl. states all new except for scattered quotations £ portions of chap. 5. © Boy Ballis £ Peter Horley; 1Jul76; AF45533.


The Faber book of Irish verse. Edited by John Montague- England- 400 p- NM; compilation £ p- 21-39, except for scattered quotations- '© John Montague; 30JU174; AF45534-


James Connolly: selected writings- Edited with an introd. by P. Berresford Ellis- Great Britain. 317 p. »M: compilation £ introd- © P- Berresford Ellis; 15NOV73; AF45535.


3750 switching system, volume 1: systei, book 3: power supplies, theory-main- tenance. Denmark. 1 v- (IBM technical newsletter, no- Sli19-6164) Appl- au: IBM France- MM: revisions- © International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBM Corporation; 22Feb77; AF45536pharmacologr. No. 77. Editors: B. B. Adrian t, other editors. Uest Gernacy. 236 p. Appl. au: H. A. Gruneaald £ KJlaus Starke. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physioiogie, biologischea Cheuie und experimentelleD Pharaakologie. O Springer- Verlag: 25Jan77; AF45537.


Art and knovledge. By Joseph Cniari. England. 132 p. 6 Joseph Chiari; 29Har77; AF45538.


The Dickens ayth: its genesis and structure. By Geoffrey John Ihurley. Australia. 379 p. O Oni?ersity of Queensland Press; 19Jul76; AF45539.


The London book trades, 1775-1800; a prelioinary checklist of members. By Ian daxted. England. 257 p. e Ian Baited; 12Apr77; AP45540.


Super lung power and breath control in 5 minutes a day. By Alexander Albert Adam. Canada. 46 p. UN: additions £ revisions. Alexander Albert Adam (Sandy Adam- -professional name); 18Har77; AF45541.


3750 snitching system, volume 3: svitcbinq subsystem, book 5: 3750 terminals, t heory- main te nance-instal- lation-parts catalog. Denmark. 1 v. (IBB technical nensletter, no. SN19-6165) Appl. au: IBB France. NB: revision. O International Business Machines Cocporation a.d. : IBB Corporation; 15Feb77; AF45542.


3750 switching system, volume 1: system, book 2: operations. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 V. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au: IBR France. International Business Sachines Corporation; 15Feb77; AF45543.


38714 modem, theory-maintenance- installation-parts catalog. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBB maintenance library) Appl. au: IBB Prance. International Business Bachines Corporation; 9Feb77: AP45544.


Programme Ditto/3790 version 1, modification 0, 5788-ABG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Prance. O I BB Corporation: 1«Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF4554S.


5797-Nac. Nev Zealand. Printout. IBB New Zealand, Ltd.: 16Feb76:



5788-DKJ. France. Printout. C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.B. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45547.


5788-DJI. France. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 17Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; AFH55118.


5788-DGB. France. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFit5519.


5797-NQD. New Zealand. Printout. IBB New Zealand. Ltd.; 16Feb76: APII5550.

AF45551. Printout. 6 IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 20Dec76 (in notice: 1975); AF45551.


578e-DGS. Nest Germany. Printout, la IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H. ; 10ct75: AF45552.


5740-}[XB. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Deutschland. G.B.B.H. e IBB Horld Trade Corporation; 13Dec76; AP45553.


Programm-Nummer 5788-DFI. Nest Germany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15Feb75; AF4555II.


5786-AAG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. NB: additions £ revisions. O IBB corporation; 19Jul76 (in notice: 1974, 1975); AF45555.


Law and politics in China's foreign trade. Edited by Victor H. Li. Hong Kong. 467 p. Appl. au: Frank Bunzel £ Gabrieie Crespi Beghizzr. University of Uashingtou Press; 11Bar77; AF45556.


Troubled heritage of an island chronicle. Vol. 2. By Jeanne Uilson. England. 271 p. Jeanne Hilson; 1Bar77; AF45557.


The Pleasures of deception. By Norman Boss. Great Britain. 208 p. C Norman Boss; 1Apr77; AF45558.


The Caretaker wife. By Barbara Whitehead. England. 166 p. NB: additional text. O Barbara Nfaltehead; 7Bar77; AF45559.

AF4556 0.

Queens of Britain. By Norah Lofts. England. 192 p. NB: text. O Norah Lofts; 21Apr77; Ar45560.


Situations, i: politigue et autobiog- raphie. By Jean-Paul Sartre. France. 226 p. O Editions Gallimard; 23Jan76: AF45561.


Housing by people: towards autonomy in building environments. fiy John F. C. Turner, introd. by Colin Nard. Great Britain. 162 p. John P. c. Turner; 24Jun76; AF45562.


Ultimatum. By Paul Bonnecarrere. France. 311 p. O Librairie Artbeme Fayard; 16Apr75; AF45563.


Eye-deep in hell. By John Ellis. Great Britain. 215 p. e on all new text £ photos.; John Ellis; 15NovV6; Ar45564.


Bysteres et secrets du cinema americain. By Jacgues De Juchereau De Saint-Denys, pref. de Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., avant propos d 'Alexandre Henaud £ illus de Louise Sourdy. France. 462 p. NB: new text, new illus., £ compilation of texts £ ilius. F.P.G.D. a.a.d.o. Force Prisonniers de Guerre et Deportes; 30Dec71; AF45565.


The Old joke book. By Janet Ahlberg £ Allan Ahlberg. United Kingdom. 1 v. C Janet £ Allan Ahlberg; 23Sep76; AP45566.


A Short history of Western philosophy. By Johannes tiirschberger , translated from the German by Jeremy Boiser. Great Britian. 218 p. C on English tran- slation; Lutterworth Press; 15Dec76; AF45567.


Geoarchaeology: earth science and the past. Edited by Donald A. Davidson £ Byra L. Shackley. England. 406 p. NB: front matter. 6 D. A. Davidson £ B. L. Shackley; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4F45568.


The Canadian North: source of wealth or vanishing heritage? By Bruce U. Hodgins, Jamie Benidicksou, Bichard P. Bowles £ George A. Bawlyk. Canada. 257 p. Nfl: compilation fi revisions. Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd. ; 23Nov76 (in notice: 1977); AP45569.


Programm 5788-DEL. Best Germany. Printout. C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15Sep75 (in notice: 1974); AF45570.


5788-DFll. nest Germany. Printout. O IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 290ct7S: AF45571.


5788-DHN. Nest Germany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 12Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF45572.


5788-DHC. West Germany. Piiutout. U IBB Deutschland, U.B. B. H. ; 1tlFeb77 (in notice: 1976); AF45573.

AF4 5574.

Progress in water technology; a joutnal 01 the international Association on Water Pollution Besearch. Vol. d, no. 2/J, 197b. Executive editor: :i. H. Jenkins fc other editors. Great Britain. 450 p. Papers discussed at the second Inter- national Congress on Industrial Waste Nater and Wastes, Stockholm, 1975. Appl. au: J. L. Strachan £ A. Netzer; Pergamon Press, Ltd.. employer for hire of editor. O International Association on Hater Pollution £ Pergamon Press, Ltd. (in notice: lAbPB/Pergamon Press, Ltd.); 24Jan77 (in notice: 1975) ; AF45574.


Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Executive editor: Alasdair B. Breckenridge fi other editors. Great Britain. 257 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C, vol. 1. no. 1/2, 1976) Appl. au: G. H. Wilson £ S. H. Hasan; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 24Jan77 (in notice; 1976J ; AF45575.


X believe. By T. Lobsang Bampa. Great Britain. 174 p. e T. Lobsang Sampa; 12Apr77; AF45576.


An Evil streak. By Andrea Newman. England. 223 p. O Andrea Newman; 2aBar77; AP45578.


Superbike: modern high performance motorcycles. By Bartin Bedman. Great Britain. 120 p. O Vantage Books; 23Bay75; AF45579.


Carlos, portrait of a terrorist. By Colin Smith. England. 304 p. C Colin Smith; 9Sep76; AF45580. AF45581.

In search of Canada. Vol. 1. By flonald C- Kirbyson, assisted by Elizabeth Peterson. Canada. 398 p. 6 Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 18Feb77: 4F45581.


In search of Canada. Vol. 2. By Ronald C. Kirbyson. assisted by Elizabeth Peterson. Canada. 5148 p. Prentice- Hall of Canada. Ltd.; 4Feb77; AFlt5582.


The Siqla of Finnegans wake. By fioland HcHuqh. England. 150 p. e Boland McHuqh; 1ltDec76; AF45583.


My day on the farn. Story £ pictures by Chiyoko Nakatani. Japan. 29 p. 6 on translation; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 30ct76: AFl)558lt.


The World of Ottoman art. By Michael Levey. Great Britain. 152 p. @ Michael Levey: 15Mar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF"t5585.


Crocodile and Pierrot. By fiussell Hoban £ Sylvie Sellq. Great Britain. 1 v. e on illus.; Sylvie Seliq; 20ct75; AFI45586.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Erqaenzunqswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 10: Utan-ocqanische Verbindungen, T. 1; Eiukerniqe Vetbindunqen 1. Von Ulf Theiidlt, Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Ulf Iheualt, Eedakteur dieses Bandes: Adolf Slduisch, enqlische Fassuuq der Stic- huoertei neben dem Text: H. J. Kaodiner. Hest Gecnany. 212 p. Appl. au; Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Cheaie, Gmployer for hire. G Sprrnqer-Verlaq ; 25Feb77: AFI45587.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Erqaenzungsuerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 11: Eiseu-Orqanische Verbindungen, T. Ai Ferrocen 6 (Zueikernige und mehrkernige Ferrocene) Haupt redakteure; Ulrich Krueerke 6 Adolf Slauisch. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Helga Koetteluesch & Ulrich Krueerke, Redakteure dieses Bandes: Ulrich Krueerke 6 Adolf slauisch, enqlische Fassung der Stichuoerter neben dem Text: E. Lell. Best Germany. 316 p. Appl. au; Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. 3 Springers Verlaq; 27Feb77; AFa5588.


La Comedie humaine. T. 5. By Balzac, publiee sous la direction de Pierre- Georges castex, avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Roland Chollet £ Rose Fortassier. France. 1574 p. HM: editing. 6 Editions Gallimard; 26Bar77; AF45589.


Asservissements lineaires continus. Par Francis De carfort, Claude Foulard fi J. Calvet, pref. de R. Perret. 3. ed. France. 184 p. 6 Bordas; 30Sep76; AF45590.


A Historia de Israel no Antigo Testamento. By Samuel J. Schultz, traducao: Joao Margues Bentes. Brazil. 413 p. Original ti.: The old Testament speaks. IIM: Portuguese translation, e outreach. Inc.; 31Mar77; AF45591.


A Few steps in Italian and a bit further; Italian grammar for beginners. By Liliana Gaqliardi £ Ida ijelchionna. drawings by Liliana Gaqliardi. Italy. 115 p. Liliana Gaqliardi £ Ida Melchionna; 26Dec76; AF45592.


Asanas. By B. K. S. lyenqat. Great Britain. 169 p. (Yoga darsana, London. 1970-1974, vol. 1) Text of these notes was taken verbatim from tape recordings made by Dona Holleman during lessons given by B. K. S. Iyengar. B. K. S. Iyengar; 1Feb77; AF45593.


This Bar without an enemy: a history of the English civil wars. By Richard Ollard. England. 224 p. Richard Ollard; 180ct76; AF45594.


Bridge of friendship. By Mabel Esther Allan. Great Britain. 149 p. £ Mabel Esther Allan; 29May75; AF45595.


Last movement. By Joan Aiken. England. 251 p. e Joan Aiken; 21Apr77: AF45596.


The Pretty pink shroud. By Elizabeth Ferrars. pseud, of M. D. Brown. England. 196 p. e M. D. Brown; 12Apr77; AF45597.


The Tyger voyage. Text: Richard Adams, illustrated by Nicola Bayley. Great Britain. 30 p. 9 on text; Richard Adams; 20aay76; AF45598.


The Tyqer voyage. By Richard Adams, illustrated by Nicola Bayley. Great Britain. 30 p. C on illus.; Nicola Bayley; 20May76; AF45599.


Bonders of the stereoscope. By John Jones. Great Britain. Kit. Appl. au: Roxby Press Productions, Ltd. e on photos., editinq. compilation £ adap- tation; Roxby Press Productions, Ltd.; 10NOV76; AF45500.


Bonders of the stereoscope. By John Jones. Great Britain. Kit. 6 on text; John Jones: 10Nov76: AF4S601.


One last glimpse. By James Aldrldqe. England. 182 p. e James Aldridge; 14Mar77; AF4560 2.


The Camel who left the zoo. By Fascale Allamand. English version by Michael Bullock. Great Britain. 1 v. e on illus.; Pascale Allamand; 9Sep76: AF45603.


Making model aircraft. By Bryan Philpott. Great Britain. 160 p. e Bryan Philpott; 20Sep76; AF45604.


Lamy transport, 1977. I. 2. Sous la direction de Leon Brunat. France. 854 p. e Lamy. S.A. ; 30Dec76; AF45605.


Lamy transport, 1977. I. 1. Sous la direction de Leon Brunat. France- 801 p. 3 Lamy. S. A. ; 1Dec76; AF45606.


Les Marches financiers et la gestion de portefeuille. By Bertrand Jacquillat £ Bruno Solnik. 2. ed. France. 258 p. (Nouvelles techniques financieres, 11) a Bordas; 30Sep76; AF45607.


Kramer's war. By Derek Robinson. United Kingdom. 345 p. 6 Derek Robinson; 24Mar77; AF45608.


La Contabilita clienti "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797 NKL) guida applicativa. Italy. 238 p. e IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45609.


Contabilita di magazzino "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797 NKK) guida applicativa. Italy. 346 p. 6 IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45610.


La Contabilita aziendale "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797 NNG) guida applicativa. Italy. 266 p. e IBM Italia. S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45611.


A.D.M. "VOL" sistema/32 personaliz- zazione sicurezza. Italy. 68 p. IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45612.


IBM system/370 capacity planning and operation sequencing system — extended (CAPOSS-E) program reference manual: program numbers 5740-M41 (OS/VS) . 5746-fl41 (DOS/VS) Vol. 2: data base system. 2nd ed. Denmark. 114 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. e International Business Machines Corporation; 17Mar77; AF45613.


La Fatturazione "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797-liKJ) guida applicativa. Italy. 386 p. e IBM Italia, S.P.A. ; 1Aug76; Ar45614.


la Contabilita fornitori "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797-BBF) guida applicativa. Italy. 192 p. e IBM Italia, S.P.I. ; 1Aug76; AF45615.


La Fatturazione con stampa immediata sul sistema/32 (5797-liBB) guida applicativa. Italy. 126 p. 6 IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF4S616.


IBM system/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/standard (PLASCODE/S)-DOS/VS operations guide, program product 5746-XXA. Denmark. 48 p. (IBB technical newsletter, no. SN19-1083) Appl. au: IBM France. BM: revisions £ updating. 6 International Business Machines; 22rei77; AF45617.


IBM systea/370 capacity planning and operation sequencing system-extended (CAPOSS-E) program reference manual, program numbers 5740-M41 (OS/VS) , 5746-M41 (DOS/VS) Vol. 1: planning system. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN12-5106) Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions £ updating. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 10Har77; AF45618.


IBM system/370 capacity planning and operation sequencing system-extended OS/VS operations guide, program number 5740-M41 (OS/VS) Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN12-5103) Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions £ updating. @ International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBM corporation; 7Mar77; AF45619.


IBM system/3750 switching system supervisor's reference manual. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SIin-8230) Appl. au: IBM Fcance. HU: revisions & updating. O International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBM Corporation; 22Mar77; AF45620.


IBM system/370 DOS/VS project analysis and control systei (PSOJACS) applicati.ons user's guide, progran product 57a6-XPl. Denaark. 85 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Ijetherlands. C International Business Machines Corporation; 16Feb77; AF45621.


IBM system/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/standard (P1A»CODE/S)-OS/VS operations guide, program number 57ao-}tX9. Denmark. 55 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM France. HM: revisions e updating. International Business Machines corporation: 16Mar77: AFI15622.


IBM system/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system (PJLANCODE) : general information manual, program product 57U0-XX8 (PIASCODE/I OS/VS) , 57U6-SX9 (PLA«iCODE/I DOS/VS). 5740-X1I9 (PLAKCODE/S OS/VS), 57"t6-XXA (PLAMCOOE/S DOS/VS) 3rd ed. Denmark. 52 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM France. C International Business Hachines corporation: 3Nar77; AFU5623.


IBM srstem/3750 — system/32 communi- cations management P8PQ program des- cription and operation manual programming aPD Y96664, program numbet 5799-APJ. Denmark. 20 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM France, International Business Machines Corporation: 17nar77: AF45624.


IBM system/370 capacity planning and operation seguencing system--e]ttended DOS/VS operations guide, program number 5746- (141 (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 202 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 16Mar77: AF45625.


IVA "VOL". Italy. 54 p. O IBM Italia. S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF4S626.


5797-liwy. Spain. Printout. UK: additions. O IBM SAE; 4Feb77; AF45627.


5740-XT7. France. 10 v. Add. ti: OPC entry PP 5740-XI7. Appl. au: IBM Hordiska Laboratorier. IBM Corporation; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45628.


uebunqen zu Easy conversations. Von Alan stnart Bussell unter Hitvirkung von A. Baker & G. fiussell. iest Germany. 31 p. Alan Stuart Sussell; 3Feb76: AF4S629.


Husikalische Tondarstelluog: Noten- system, Tonwort, relative Stufensysteme. Switzerland. 13 p. Add. ti: Husikalische londarstellung: Tonschrift, Notensystem, Tonwort, relative Stufensysteme. Appl. au: Philipp Baumano. Philipp Baumann; 14Jan77; AF45630.


Abraham Cowley: a bibliography. By Michael B. Perkiu. England. 130 p. Michael E. Perkin; 12Apr77; AF45631.


Sacugertiere und Mensch. By uolfgang Schad. Best Germany. 296 p. O Verlag Freies Geistesleben G.M.B.U.; 10ct71; AF45632.


Hockey score. Canada. Kit. Appl. au: fionald Forbes Jewison. Q Luft Games, Ltd.; 1JU176; AF45633.


Southern Africa. By Anthony John Christopher. Great Britain. 292 p. C A. J. Christopher; 15Feb77 (in notice:

1976) ; AF45634.


Snakes: a natural history. By H. ». Parker. 2nd. ed. Hev. £ enl. by A. G. c. Grandison, illustrator: B. C. Groombridge. Great Britain. 1 v. First ed. pub. as Natural history of snakes, 1965. C Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) ; 29Apr77; AF45635.


Flight from Bucharest. By Eobert Tyler Stevens, pseud, of Eeginald Thomas Staples. England. 318 p. e Souvenir Press, Ltd.; 14Apr77; AF45636.


Hearts ease in death; a Detective Superintendent Aveyard novel. By James Fraser. England. 191 p. James Fraser; 14Apr77; AF45637.


Toronto short stories. Editors: Morris Uolfe e Douglas H. Daymond. Canada. <:74 p. »M: compilation 6 additional text by Morris Wolfe & Douglas Daymond £ 3 new stories by others (Home-grown in tlie East End, The Neilson chocolate Factory, £ Town and country) O Morris Uoife £ D. M. Daymond; 29Apr77; AF45tJ8.


East of the Sun and west of the Moon: old tales from the North. Illustrated by Kay Nielsen. England. 108 p. Appl. au: Gallery Five. O on text in this form, pref. £ biography; Gallery Five; 180ct76; AF45639.


Domestic life in England. By Norah Lofts. England. 254 p. 6 Norah Lofts; 26Sep76; AF45640.


They burn the thistles. By Xashar Kemal, translated from the Turkish by Margaret £. Platon. Great Britain. 412 p. First pub. as Ince memed, part 2. on translation; Hilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd.; 14Hay73; AF45641.


The Stratford story. By Bosemary Anne Sisson. Great Britain. 252 p. d Bosemary Anne Sisson; 3Nav75; AF45642.


A Long time sleeping. By Michael Sinclair. Great Britain. 223 p. 6 Michael Sinclair; 16Apr75; AF45643.


Final approach. By Spencer Dunmore. Great Britain. 281 p. 6 Spencer Dunmore; 31Aug76; AF45644.


The Alpha raid. By Alan Scholefield. Great Britain. 196 p. Alan Scho- lefield; 250ct76; AF45645.


The Last collection. By Seymour Blicker. Canada. 269 p. 6 Seymour Slicker; 27Mar76; AF45646.


Convoy: the battle for convoys SCI 22 and HX.229. By Martin Middlebrook. Great Britain. 378 p- 6 Martin Middlebrook; 210ct76; AF45647.


Through the magic mirror. By Anthony Browne. Great Britain. 1 v. o Anthony Browne; 30Sep76; AF45648.


Eating the big fish. By Uilliam Bayner. England. 195 p. e William Bayner; 12Apr77; AF45649.


A History of Christianity. By Paul Johnson. England. 556 p. 6 Paul Johnson; 24Jun76; AF45650.


The Caretaker wife. Pt. 1. By Barbara Uhitehead. England. (In Uoman. Mar. 5, 1977, p. 8, etc.) NM: text. C Barbara Uhitehead; 26Feb77; AF45651.


The Caretaker wife. pt. J. By Barbara Whitehead. England. (In Woman, Mar. 19, 1977, p. 34, etc.) NH: text. e Barbara Whitehead; 12Har77; AF45652.


The Caretaker wife; final installment. By Barbara Whitehead. England. (In Woman, Apr. 2, 1977, p. 31, etc.) NB: text. Barbara Whitehead; 26Har77; AF45653.


The Cart-taker wife. Pt. 2. By Barbara Whitehead. England. (In Woman, Mar. 12, 1977, p. 28, etc.) NM: text. O Barbara Whitehead; 5Mar77; At45b54.


Nagnetoelectric interaction phenomena in crystals. Edited by Arthur J. Freeman £ Hans Schmld. Great Britain. J2W p. Proceedings of the Symposium un Maij- netoelectric Interaction Phenomena in Crystals, held at the Battelle Seattle Besearch Center, Seattle, WA, May 2 1-24, 1973. Appl. au: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd. NM: compilation e additional text. Q Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 11Mat75; AF45655.


Les Trois etapes de la cosmologie. By Jacques Herleau-Ponty fi Bruno Morando. France. 316 p. 6 Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 24Mar71: AF45656.


The Magic umbrella and other stories for telling; with notes on how to tell them by Eileen Colweli, drawings by Shirley Felts. Great Britain. 159 p. e on the compilation of short stories; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 26Aug76; AF4S657.


The Magic umbrella and other stories for telling; with notes on how to tell them by Eileen Colweli, drawings by Shirley Felts. Great Britain. 159 p. 6 on the drawings; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 26Aug76; AF45658.


The Trap. By Tord Hubert, translated by Ingrid Selberg. Great Britain. 160 p. Originally pub. as Faallou. NM: translation from Swedish. 6 Victor Gollaucz, Ltd.; 26Aug76; AF45659.


Apex of power: the prime minister and political leadership in Canada. Editor: Thomas A. Uockin. 2nd ed. Canada. 359 p. e Prentice^Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 15Mar77; AF5660.


A Shadow of qulls. By Patricia Finney. England. 350 p. 6 Patricia Finney; 12Apr77; AF45661.


Time, space and things. By B. K. Hidley. United Kingdom. 169 p. 6 B. K. Eidlev; 27Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45662.


Politics and the Soviet Union. By Hary HcAuley. United Kingdom. 352 p. UK: all text by aary HcAuley. © Hary HcAuley; 27jan77; AF45663.


An Intensive course in Biblical HebreM. By Bernard L. H. Embree. Taivan. 253 p. e Bernard L. H. Embree; 2Feb77; AF45664.


Evidence for a phase and stage developmental seguence derived from response patterns on multiple choice tests. By James Charles Poiiell. Canada. 1 v. BH: text, illus. £ urong answer key. e J. C. Powell; 1Dec75; AF45665.


New rules of sociological method: a positive critique of interpretative sociologies. By Anthony Giddens. England. 192 p. C Anthony Giddens; 17NOV76: Af45666.


Oscar Hilde. By Sheridan Horley. England. 160 p. C Sheridan Horley; 16Sep76; AP45667.

AFa56 68.

5797-NKJ. Italy. Printout. O IBH Italia, S.P.A.; lAuq76; AF145668.


5797-NQH. Italy. Printout, e IBM Italia. S.P.A.: 1Auq76; AFIt5669.


5797-liKK. Italy. Printout. S IBH Italia, S.P.A.; 1Auq76; AF45670.


5797-NSF. Italy. Printout. IBH Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45671.


5797-HllG. Italy. Printout. 6 IBM Italia: 1AUq76; AF45672.


Bees and honey. Photography by David Thompson £ Oxford Scientific Film unit. England. 1 v. (Nature's way, no. 3) Appl. au: G. Hhizzard Publications, Ltd., employer for hire. © on text; G. Bhizzard Publications, Ltd.; 24Jun76: AF45673.


Bees and honey. Photography by David Thompson £ Oxford Scientific Film unit, text by G. Nhizzard publications, Ltd. England. 1 v. (Nature's way, no. 3) Appl. au; Oxford Scientific Films, Ltd., employer for hire. © on photos. ; Oxford Scientific Films, Ltd.; 24Jun76 ; AF45674.


The Butterfly cycle. Photogcaphy by John Cooke £ Oxford Scientific Film unit, text by G. Whizzard Publications, Ltd. England. 1 v. (Nature's way, no. 2) Appl. au: Oxford Scientific Films, Ltd., employer for hire. @ on photos.; Cxford


The Butterfly cycle. Photography by John Cooke £ Oxford Scientific Film unit. Enqland. 1 ». (Nature's way, no. 2) Appl. au: G. Uhizzard Publications, Ltd., employer for hire. 6 on text; G. Uhizzard Publications, Ltd.; 24Juu7e; AF45676.


A Yank in Bomber Command. By Bobert S. Baymond, edited by Hichael Hoynihan, pref. by Noble Fraokland. United Kinqdom. 159 p. e on pref. (p. 7-9) ; Noble Frankland; 15Har77; AF45677.


The Oriqins, achievements and injfluence of the Boyal observatory, Greenwich: 1675-1975. Edited by Arthur Beer 6 Peter Beer. Great Britain. 272 p. (Vistas in astronomy, vol. 20. pt. 1/2, 1976) Proceedings of the fourth joint Inter- national Astronomical Union/International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (lAU/IUHPS) Symposium on the History of Astronomy held at the National aaritime Euseum, Greenwich, Enqland, 13-18 July 1975. Appl. au: B. E. Shea £ O. Pedersen; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 7(lar77 (in notice: 1976); AF45678.


Kreiszylinderschalen unter radialen Einzellasten: Berecfanunqsverfahren und Katalog von Einf lussflaechen. By Klaus- Bolf gang Bieger, English translation by Heinz G. Juhl. Best Germany. 108 p. Enqlish £ German. © Sprinqer- Verlaq; 17Dec76; SF45679.


Textbook of disturbances of mental life; or. Disturbances of the soul and their treatment. Vol. 1 £ 2. By Johann Christian Heinroth, with an introd. by Georqe tiora, translated from the German Lehrbuch der Stroerungen des Seelealebens by J. Schmorak. Israel. NH: translation of table of contents, text, tables £ indexes. © The Johns Hopkins University Press; 12Nov75; AF45680.


L'Ordinateur IBM 32 pour le cabinet comptable; quide d'exploitation sur enreqistreuc 3740. France. 25 p. (Programmme national d 'application) © IBH France; 24Feb76 (in notice: 1975); AF45681.


Facturation de pieces detachees automobiles (Facauto); description de I'application et quide de 1' utilisateur. France. 196 p. (Proqramme national d'application) Appl. au: IBH France. © Compaquie IBM France; 8Har76; AF45682.


Jones's Animal nursing. Edited by £. S. Pinniqer for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association with contributions from 22 authors. Fully rev. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 496 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © British Small Animal veterinary Association; 13Sep76; AF45683.


Jones's Animal nursing. Edited by E. S. Pinniqer for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association with contributions from 22 authors, illus. to chap. 1: B. N. Smith. Fully rev. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 496 p. e on illus. to chap. 1; E. N. Smith; 13Sep76; AF45684.


The Science of food: an introduction to food science, nutrition and microbiology. By P. H. Gaman fi K. B. Sherrinqton. Great Britain. 300 p. © Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 22aar77; Af 45685.


Sixth International Congress of Pharmacoloqy, abstracts. Great Britain. 693 p. Add. ti: Abstracts of the Sixth International Conqress of Pharmacoloqy. Appl. au: O. Almqren, K. H. Graefe £ G. Powis. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 23Feb77; AF4S686.


SI units in engineering and technology. By s. H. Qasim. Great Britain. 54 p. O S. H. Qasim; 22Har77; AF45687.


Public health risks of exposure to asbestos; report of a working group of experts. Prepared for the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate- General for Social Affairs. Health and Safety Directorate, rapporteur: B. L. Zielhuis. Great Britain. 149 p. Appl. au: F. B. Behrendt, P. Sellars; fi Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community fi European Atomic Energy Community (in notice: ECSC, EEC, fi EAEC); 21Har77; AF45688.


A Turning point for literacy: adult education for development, the spirit and Declaration of Persepolis. Edited by Leon Bataille. Great Britain. 279 p. Proceedings of the International Symposium for Literacy, Persepolis, Iran, 3 to 8 Sept. 1975. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. 3 Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 6Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; AF45689.


Advanced engineering thermodynamics. By £owland S. Benson. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 345 p. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 22Mar77; AF45690.


The Brown rot fungi of fruit, their biology and control. By E. J. B. Byrde £ H. J. Billetts. Great Britain. 171 p. © Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 4Apr77; AF45691.


Gastrointestinal emerqencies; pro- ceedinqs of the 1st international symposium held at the Henuer-Gren Center, Stockholm, Sept. 1975. Edited by Franz E. Barany fi Aido Torsoli. Great Britain. 428 p. (Benner-Gren Center international symposium series, vol. 26) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Gastrointestinal Emerqencies. Appl. au; Perqamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 21Feb77; AF45692.


Napoleon and the Jews. By Franz Kobler, tr. fi executive editor: Henry Basserman. Canada. 220 p. NB: translation. © Leo Baeck Institute £ Hassada Press, Ltd. ; 26Apr76 (in notice: 1975); AF45693. (Reprint copy, deposited)


Italian — English, English — Italian: pocket dictionary of today's spoken language; slang, idiomatic expressions, hand gestures, common words. By Liliana Gagliardi fi Lauqhlin M. Barker. Jtaly. 304 p. Add. ti: Sulla punta della lingua? (on the tip of your tongue) © Liliana Gagliardi fi Laughlin M. Barker; 10Apr76; AF45694. AF45695.

Sharks and shipwrecks. Br Hugh Edwards. Australia. 126 p. UN: revisions, e Hugh Edwards; 2«Jul75; 4F45695. (See also Sharks and shipwrecks: 24JuI75i AF43877)


The Europa year book, 1977: a world survey. Vol. 1. England. 1457 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 2eaar77: Aflt5696.


Eneaies of society. By Paul Johnson. England. 278 p. Paul Johnson; 19Hav77; 4F1I5697.


Crises on Conshelf Ten. By nonica Hughes. England. 143 p. e Honica Hughes; 21Aug7S; AF45698.


Another world, 1897-1917. By Anthony Eden. England. 156 p. C Anthony Eden; 29Apr76; AF45699. (Seprint copies, 1976, deposited)


Very special intelligence; the story of the AdBiraltY*s Operational Intelligence centre, 1939-1945. By Patrick Beesly, with a foreword by the Earl /lountbatten of Bursa. England. 271 p. Patrick Beesly; 24(lac77; AF45700.


Doctor Copernicus. By John Banville, nap drawn by Cartographic Enterprises froa an original drawing by Seaaus HcGonagle. Great Brrtain. 241 p. John Banville; 22)lov76; AF43701.


Uater for the thousand aillions. Written by the Uater Panel of the Interaediate Technology Oevelopaent Group; David Bradley 6 others, coapiled 6 edited by Arnold Pacey. Great Britain. 58 p. Appl. au: Pergaaon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of the editor. O The United Nations; IIApr77; AF457Q2.


Parler avec un crayon; a language concepts workbook/un cahier de concepts linguistiques. By Doris Kerr & Patricia Parry, illus. by Jack Gray. Canada. 232 p. (Ici on parle franca is, level 2/2. niveau) Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 1Upr77; AP45703.


The Canadian economy and its problems. By Huriel Armstrong. 2nd ed. Canada. 388 p. Prentice-Hall of Canada. Ltd.; 15Apr77; AF45704.


nusic and society since 1815. By Henry Baynoc. England. 213 p. Henry Eaynor; 27Hay76; AF45705.


A Dictionary of drugs. By Bichard B. Fisher & George A. Christie. England. 256 p. UH: foreword & revisions throughout text. Bichard B. Fisher £ George A. Christie; 27Hov75; AF45706.


L'Analyse des correspondances. Par J. P. Benzecri & others. 2. ed. France. 616 p. (L*Analyse des donnees, t. 2) Bordas; 30Jun76: AF4S707.


La Taxinomie. Par L. Bellier e others. 2. ed. France. 616 p. (L'Analyse des donnees. t. 1) e Bordas: 30Jan76; AF45708.


Couleurs de Vacoise. Avant-propos: Lucien Chavoutier, texte; Pierre Gensac. maguette: Daniel Fraissard, photos: Daniel Fraissard, C. Hactin, macropho tographies: Jaogues-Pierre Joguet. France. 56 p. D. Fraissard; 711ar77; AF45709.


Voltaire. By Theodore Besternan. 3rd ed. Great Britain. 718 p. O Theodore Besterman; 31Cec76; AF4S710.


Puritanism and liberty; being the army debates (1647-9) from the Clarke manuscripts with supplementary documents. Selected £ edited with an introd. by A. S. P. Uoodhouse, pref. by Ivan Boots. 2nd ed. England. 1 v. O J. H. Dent and Sons, Ltd.; 5Aug75 (in notice: 1974); AF45711.


The Value of life: an econoaic analysis. By n. R. Jones-Lee. Great Britain. 162 p. C H. «. Jones-Lee; 15Sep76; AF45712.


Victorian novelists and publishers. By John A. Sutherland. Great Britain. 251 p. O J. A. Sutherland; 20Aug76; AF45713.


The Hirage of social justice. By F. A. Hayek. Great Britaru. 195 p. (Law, legislation and liberty, vol. 2) C F. A. Hayek; 15aec76: AF45714.


Arid land irrigation in developing countries: environmental problems and effects. editor: Edgar Barton Hort- hiugton. Great Britain. 463 p. Based on the International Symposium on Arid Lands Irrigation held 16-21 Feb. 1976. in Alexandria, Egypt. Appl. au: J. A. Couabaras C G. Kovacs; Pergaaon Press, employer for hire of editor. Inter- national council of Scientific Unions; 281Iar77; AF45715.


Auto guide 74; a buyer's manual. By Jacques Duval, as translated by Ken Hill, originally edited in French by Les Editions La Presse. Canada. 367 p. Les Editions La Presse; 271lar74; AF45716.


Action ether (ae) theory and the psychic organ. By Ivan Bohov Goldberger- Venezuela. 29 p. NM: revision. O Ivan Hohov Goldberger; 15Say76; AF45717.


Assassination day. By Oliver Jacks, pseud, of Kenneth Boyce Gandley. United Kingdom. 224 p. Oliver Jacks, pseud, of Kenneth Soyce Gandley: 26Aug76; AF45718.


Strangers in the land. By George Shipway. England. 248 p. George Shipway; 250ct76; AF45719.


Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery. Vol. 4. Hanaging editor; H. Krayenhuehl & other editors. Austria. 154 p. Appl. au: Uilhelm Schwabl, employer for hire. C Springer- Ver lag; 7Api77; AF457 20.


Lawrence of Arabia. By Phillip Knightley. England. 84 p. O Phillip Knightly (in notice: Phillip Knightley); 26Feb76; AF45721.


Reptile ecology. By Harold Franklin Heatwole. Australia. 178 p. O Uni- versity of Queensland Press; 81iov76; 4F45722.


Insect ecology. By Eric Glasswell Hatthews. Australia. 226 p. O Uni- versity of Queensland Press; 8llov76; AF45723.


Sister aaloga: Daniel Batthews and his mission, Murray Siver, 1864-1902. By nancy Fotheringham Cato. Australia. 422 p. Add. ti; Hister Haloga: Daniel Hatthews and his Haloga mission. 3 University of Queensland Press; 8Nov76; AF45724.


Principles and practice of nursing. By Hargaret Dawn Emerton. Australia. 389 p. O University of Queensland Press; 151IOV76; AF45725.


The Europa year book, 1977: a world survey. Vol. 2: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australasia. England. 1894 p. Prev. pub. 1926. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 2fiApr77; 4F45726.


The Knotting sequence. By dartin Booth. Italy. 67 p. O Hartin Booth; 28Apr77: AF45727.


The nusical expetlence of the pte-schooi child. By Helmut noog, translated by Claudia Clarke. Great Britain. 140 p. Original ed. pub. 1966. O on translation; Schott and Company, Ltd.; 6Sep76; AF45728.


A Judgement in stone. By Buth Keudeii. England. 190 p. o Kingsmarkham Enterprises, Ltd.; 16(lay77; 4F45729.


Paddy Pork's holiday. By John S. Goodall. England. 1 v. John S. Goodall; 12Jun76; AF45730.


Growing pains: the shaping of a writer. By Daphne Du Haurier. England. 172 p. O Daphne Ou Haurier; 12Hay77; AF4573I.


The Tinfish run. By Bonald Bassett. Great Britain. 264 p. 6 Bonald Bassett; 7Apr77; AF45732.


Herbs with everything: how to grow, preserve, and cook them. By Sheila Howarth, with drawings by yvonne Skargon. England. 128 p. Sheila Howarth; 180ct76; AF45733.


201 indoor plants in colour. By Bob Herwig, translated by Harlan Powell. England. 128 p. O on English tran- slation; Luttemorth Press; 30Sep76; AF45734.


A Game of catch. By Helen Cresswell, pseud, of Helen Bowe, with drawings by Gareth Floyd. England. 47 p. Helen Bowe; 13liov69; AF4b735. (3rd imp- ression, 19 75, deposited)


On eagles' wings: the personal story of the leading commander of the Israeli Air Force. By Ezer Heizman. England. 302 p. Appl. au: George Ueidenfeld and Micolson, Ltd- NH: translation & coopilation of ilius. e Ezer Seizman; 18Mar76; AF15736. (2nd impression, pub. Apr. 1976, deposited)


The War illustrators. Compiled & uritten by Pat Hodqson. England. 191 p. HH: compilation of illus. 8 Pat Hodgson; 30tlar77; AF45737.


Franz dec Dcache. Idee e Bllder von Ursula Konopka, lextfassung: Josef Suggenmos. West Germany. 1 v. S on illus.: Verlag Heinrich Ellerman; 5Sep76; AF45738.


A Woman's place, 1910-1975. By Huth Adam. Great Britain. 224 p. 6 Buth Adam; 160ct75; AF45739.


The Madonna of the astrolabe; a novel. By J. I. H. Stewart. Great Britain. 304 p. 9 J. 1. (1. Stewart; 6Apr77: AF45740.


The Sociology of education. By Olive Banks. 3rd ed. England. 294 p. S Olive Banks; 17Jun76; AF45741.


On human finery. By fluentin Bell. England. 239 p. Nd; foreword, pref . , revisions to text 6 appendixes. 6 Quentin Bell; 17Jun76: AF45742.

Af4 5743.

Islamic patterns; an analytical and cosmoloqical approach. By Keith Critchlow, foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. England. 192 p. <S Keith Critchlow; 14Jun76; AF45743.


Cascade rouge. De carter Brown, traduit de i'americain par Janine Herissou- France. 179 p. Original ti. : The Creative murders. 9 on translation: Editions Gallimard; 30Jun76; AF45744.


Le Uonde des oiseaux. Par Les Line & Franklin Bussell, traduction de Claude Freqnac. France. 291 p. Original ti.; The Audubon Society book of wild birds. © on translation: Librairie Hachette; 30Sep76; AF45745.


Contact lens correction. By Norman Bier & Gerald Eugene Lowther. England. 520 p. © Butter worth and Company, Publishers, Ltd.; 3Har77; AF45746.


Buzzbugs. By Bruce Cartel', pseud, of Eichard Hough. Great Britain. 119 p. 8 Bruce Carter; 214pr77; AF45747.


Solomon's folly. By Leslie Croxford. England. 206 p. © Leslie Croxford; 240ct74; AF45748.


The New Chinese Bible (New Testament) Translated by The New Chinese Bible Commission. Hong Kong. 421 p. Appl. au: The Lockman Foundation. Gospel of John prev. pub. 1973. NH; translation. 6 The Lockman Foundation; 22Auq76; AF45749.


The New rice in the Philippines. Issued by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, by Ingrid palmer. Switzerland. 200 p. (Studies on the "green revolution", no. 10) © United lSep76 (in notic


One penny, two penny. story fi cartoons by Gordon Bruce Sutherland. Canada. 48 p. 9 Bruce Sutherland; 20Apr77; AF45751.


Greek architects at work: problems of structure and design. By J- J- Coulton. Great Britain. 196 p. 6 J. J. Coulton; 23aay77; AF45752.


The Hammerhead Light. By Colin Hilton Thiele. Australia. 127 p. O Colin Thiele; 1Jul76; AF45753.


5788-DKH. France. Printout. 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 21Har77 (in notice: 1976); AF45754.


5788-OBP. Best Germany. Printout. Appl. au: IBH Deutschland, G.B.B.H. 6 IBM Corporation; 12Sep74; AF45755.


The Encyclopedia of sea mammals. By David J. Coffey. England. 223 p. Appl. states all new except scattered quotations £ 100 illus. e George Bainbird, Ltd.; 24Har77; AF45756.


Hitler's decision to invade Bussia, 1941. By Robert Cecil. Great Britain. 192 p. a on text; Robert Cecil; 270ct75; AF45757.


Hitler's decision to invade fiussia, 1941. By Robert Cecil. Great Britain. 192 p. Appl. au: Noble Frankland 6 Christopher Dowling. & on introd. ; Noble Frankland fi Christopher Dowling: 27oct75; AF45758.


The King of the Nihelung. By Eichard aagner, English translation by Andrew Porter, illus. by Eric Fraser. Great Britain. 362 p. 6 on translation fi essay "Translating the Ring"; Andrew Porter; 17Aug76; AF45759.


The Greatest thinkers. By Edward De Bono, diagrams by Edward Oe Bono with George Dauiby. England. 214 p. Appl. au; European Husic, Ltd., eaployer for hire. 6 on Edward De Bono's text; European Husic, Ltd; 30Sep76; AF45760.


The Greatest thinkers. By Edward De Bono, diagrams by Edward De Bono with George Dauiby. England. 214 p. Appl. au: George Heidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd. , employer for hire. 6 on compilation of illus. E all material except Edward De Bono's text; George weidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.; 30Sep76; AF45761.


Brass instruments: their history and development. By Anthony Baines. Great Britain. 298 p. © Anthony Baines; 15NOV76; AF45762.


B-17 Fortress at war. By Roger A. Freeman. Great Britain- 185 p- © Roger A. Freeman; 21Feb77; AF45763.


Pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol- 1, no- 3-4, pt- C- Executive editor: Alasdair H- Breckenr idge. Great Britain, p. 259-509- Appl- au: A- Barbeau, T- J- H. Clarke & Pergamon Press, Ltd- , employer for hire of editor- © Pergamon Press, Ltd-; 21Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF45764-


Towards a new democracy. By V- Giscard D'Estaing, translated by Vincent Cronin. England- 150 p- NB: translation- © Hilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd- & Doubleday and Company, Inc- ; 30Hay77: AF45765.


IBH syEtem/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/standard (PLANCODE/S) program reference manual; program no. 5740-XX9 (OS/VS) 5746-JtXA (DOS/VS) Denmark. 1 v. (IBH/technical newsletter, no. SN19-1082) Appl. au: IBH France. NH: revisions & updating. © International Business Hachines Corporation; 16Har77; AF45766.


Josephine: the Empress and her children- By Nina Epton. Great Britain. 230 p. e Nina Epton; 90ct75; AF45767.


Government in Canada. By Thomas 1. Hockiu. Great Britain. 252 p. © Thomas A. Hockin; 11Har76 (in notice; 1975); AF45768.


Honsieur Honde vanishes. By Georges Simenou, translated from the French by Jean Stewart. England. 137 p. First pub. in France 1952 as La Fuite de Honsieur Honde. © on English translation: Haoish Hamilton, Ltd.; 120ct67; AF45769.


A Book of enchantments and curses. By Buth Hanning-Sanders, illustrated by Robin Jacques. Great Britain. 127 p. © Ruth Hanning-Sanders; 16Sep76; Ar45770.


The lord of the dance. By Judy Allen- Great Britain. 124 p. 6 Judy Allen; 2S0ct76; AF45771.


Strange meeting. By Susan Hill. Great Britain. 223 p. C Susan Hill; 180ct7X; AF45772.


Diabetic retinopathy. By Alberto Urrets-Zavalia. France- 125 p. © Hasson Publishing USA, Inc- (in notice; Hasson, Inc-J ; 64pr77; AF45773.


The caretaker wife. Pt. 4. By Barbara Uhitehead, illustrated by Len Thurston. England. (In Boman, Har- 26, 1977, p- 41, etc-) NH: text- Barbara whitehead; 19Har77; AF45774-


3614 consumer transaction facility models 2 and 12 security grid parts catalog supplement. Denmark. 8 p. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au; IBH Germany- © International Business Hachines corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice; 1976); AF45775.


3612 passbook and document printer model 2 passbook printer 10 character spacing fiPQs maintenance information supplement parts catalog section. Denmark. 6 p- (IBH maintenance library) Appl- au: IBM Germany- © International Business Hachines corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice; 1976) ; AF45776.


Rechnungsschreibung ait IBH 3471 aodell/3-U; LizeDzpcogramm SysteahaDdbuch Proqraam-Nr. 5788-DDE. Best Geruasy. 79 p. (SiP Spezielles Anweadunqsprognauii) e IBM Deutschland, G.a.B.H.; 1SNov7i4; AF45777.


BechuuuqsschEeibuDq uit IBa 3714 1 Ilodell/3-4; Lizenzprograaa Proqcanm- /Bedlenerhandbucfa Proqramni-m. 5788-DDE. Best Germany. 50 p. (SiP Spezielles inHendunqsproqraDiuJ & IBH Deutschland, G.B.B.B. ; 151IOI711; AF45778.


BSBV stuecklisten and irbeitsplanab- fraqen in einen Duccblauf; LizenzpcograBo ProqraBB-/BedieneEhandbuch Proqcaam-Nr. 5788-DFI. Best Geraany. 32 p. (Spezielles tnuendunqsproqraua SiP) IBU Deutschland, G.H.B.B. ; 15Feb75; AF45779.


fiSfiV Stuecklisten und irbeitsplanab- fraqen in einem Ducchlauf; Lizenzproqcaaoi Systeahandbuch Proqraaa-Br. 57B8-DFY. Best Germany. 28 p. (Spezielles invenduDqsproqraaa SAP) IBM Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 15Feb75: AF45780.


Produktionsdatenvecualtunq und -abfraqe ait Datensichtqeraeteo IBH 3270 am IBH svstea/3: Lizenzprogcaam Systeahandbuch Proqcaaa-Nc. 5788-DHB. Best Geraany. 271 p. (Spezielles Annendunqsproqcaaa SAP) IBH Deutschland, G.a.B.H.; 20Dec76: AF45781.


Systeaqesteuerte Finaozbuchhaltunq fuet IBn'Systea/3 Ulaer tlodell; Lizenzpcoqraaa ProqrafflB-/Bedienei;handbucb Proqcaaa-Nr. 5788-OGa. Best Gecaany. 1 v. (Spezielles inxendunqspcaqcaaa SAP) O IBtl Deutschland. G.M.B.H.; 10ct75; AF457B2.


Produktionsdatenverwaltuuq und -ab£raqe ait Datensichteqeraeten IBM 3270 aa IBH Systea/3: Lizenzproqraaa Prograaa- /Bedienechandbuch Ptoqtaaa-Nr. 5788-DHB. Best Germany. 220 p. (Spezielles Auaendunqsproqrama SiP) IBM Deut- schland, G.a.B.H.; 20Dec76: AF45783.


Systeagesteuerte Finanzbucbhaltunq fuer IBM Systea/3 Ulaer Hodell; Lizenzproqraaa Systeahandbuch Prograaa-N r. 5788- 0G£. Best Germany. 1 y. (Spezielles inwendunqsproqraaa SiP) IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.; 10ct75; AF45784.


lierkinder der Uildnis. By Monigue Dossenbach & Bans D. Oossenbach. Best Germany. 1 ». C Beich Verlaq, AG; 2Jan75; AF45785.


Sisteaa de eaissao de coupons dc Tiagea, para distribuicao pelo metodo yale-brinde. By Magdalena De ibaete Liapo De Abreu. Mexico. 24 p. Add. ti: Sisteaa de publicidad de turisao por eaision de cupones de viaje a teases de vales de reqalo; Systea of tourism publicity by aeans of issuance of trip coupons through qift vouchers. Portuguese £ English. NM; English £ Portuguese translation, e Hagdalena De ibaete Limpo De Abreu: 23Mar76: iFlt5786.


The Exotic birds of Hawaii. By indrev J. Berger, illus. by Susan G. Honden. Japan. 48 p. Appl. au: Island Heritage, Ltd., employer for hire. Island Heritage, Ltd.; 12Feb77; AF45787.


Kym; the true story of a Siaaese cat. By Joyce Stranger, text illus. by Billxaa Geldart. Great Britain. 171 p. C Joyce Stranger; 180ct76; 4F45788.


Aabulance. By Hugh Hrller. England. 351 p. O Huqh Miller; 20Mar75; AF45789.


Building with logs. By Bernard Allan Nackie. 5 th ed. Canada. 76 p. 6 Bernard illan Mackie £ Ida Mary Mackie; 15Aug76; AF45790.


The Birthday aan. By Christopher McGill £ Penelope Black (Penelope Black Stephenson), illus. by Penelope Black (Penelope Black Stephenson) Australia. 1 V. Based on a storyline by Christopher McGill £ Michael Cove. Christopher HcGill 6 Penelope Black; 4May77; AF45791.


IBM 3650 retail store system host program logic, fiPQ 7B0239; program no. 5799-kJH (OS/VS) , 5799-BJB (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Oenaark. 43 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBM Germany. O International Business Machines Corporation; 20ipr77; iF45792.


Gehalts- und Lohnabrechnunq fuer den Handel (GLH) mit dea IBM Systea/3; Lizenzproqramm Systeahandbuch Prograam-Nr. 5788-DCF. 2. iusg. Best Germany. 64 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprograam SAP) O IBH Deutschland, G. M. B. H. ; jOJun75; AF45793.


BEFl Berkstatttakturierung ia Kfz- Betrieb ait dem Systea IBM J740; Lizenzproqraaa Systeahaudbuch Proqraaa-Nr. 578a-DCU. West Geraany. 148 p. (Spezielles iuueudungsproyrama SiP) O IBM Deutschland, G.B. B.H.; 15Har75; iF45794.


IBM 3650 retail store systea admi- nistrative operations guide cash and carry, EPu 7B0240; program no. 5799-BJB (OS/VS), 5799-BJB (DOS/»S) 2nded. Denmark. 13 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 22ipr77; iF45795.


IBM 3600 finance communication systea 36 19 administrative terminal printer models iOI, BOI, B02 and B03 operatinq guide; program no. 5799-BKP (DOS/VS), 5799-BKE (OS/VS) Denmark. 29 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBM Geraany. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 18ipr77; AF45796.


IBM 3600 finance communication system multiple lanquaqe display EBQ 7B0040 for 3614 consumer transaction facility reference manual; program no. 5799 BKF DOS/VS, 5799 BJZ OS/VS. Oenaark. 30 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBM Geraany. International Business Machines Corporation: 224pr77; iF45797.


Ersatzteil- Disposition fuel Kfz-Haendier IBM Systea/32; Lizenzproqraam Systea- handbuch Programa-Nc. 5797-NQA. Best Geraany. 52 p. (Branchen-innendun- gsprogramm BAP) C IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 15iug76; iF45798.


IBM 3650 retail store system intro- duction to cash and carry functions, EPQs: 7B0234 to 7B0238, 7B0239 to 7B0244; program no. 5799-BJfi (OS/VS) , 5799-BJB (DOS/VS) Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical atice: 1976) ; AF45799.

newsletter, no. G«19-6295) ippl. au: IBM Germany. H M; revisions £ updating. O International Business Machines Corporation a.d. : IBM Corpor 20Apr77 (i


ibrechnung in Kf z-Haendlcr- Be trieben mit dem IBM System/32; Lizenzprograam Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-«r. 5797-BHL. Best Germany. 104 p. (Branchen-inwendungsprogramm BiP) C IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Feb7l); iF45a00.


IBM 3600 finance coaaunication system 3610/12 models 12 and 13, 12 cpi printing BPgs Z97436 and Z97642 prograaaing installation guide suppleaent; prograa no. 5799 feKB DOS/VS, 57 J9 BKT OS/VS. Denaark. 9 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBH Geraany. Q International Business Machines corporation; 20ipr77; AF45801.


IBM 3600 finance coaaunication systea 3610/12 aodels 12 and 13, 12 cpi priiiting RP^s Z97436 and Z97642 release guide suppleaent for DOS/VS; program no. 5799 BKB DOS/VS. Denmark. 5 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Geraany. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 20Apr77; AF45802.


IBH 1255/1270 MICS/OCE reader/sorter attachment to the IBB 3602 finance coaaunication controller description, configuration and physical planning suppleaent; prograa no. 5799-BKC (DOS/VS), 5799-BKO (OS/VS) Oenaark. Folder (3 p.) (Systeas) Appl. au: IBH Geraany. O International Business Machines Corporation; ^7Apr77; AF45U0J.


IBM 36U0 finance coaaunication systea 3610/12 aodels 12 and 13, 12 cpi printing BPUa Z97436 and Z97642 instructions and aacios reference supplement; prograa no. 5799-BKB DOS/VS, 5799-BKT OS/VS. Denaark. Folder. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 20Apr77; iF45804.


IBM 3650 retail store system intro- duction to world trade retail functions, BPUs: 7B0239, 7B0350; program no. 579i-BJE (OS/VS), 5799-UJB (DOS/VS) Denmark. 10 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Geraany. d International Business Hachines corporation; 27ipr77; AF45805.


IBH 3650 retail store system sales operation guide for world trade retail functions, IBH 3653 point of sale terminal, BPQ 7BO3S0; prograa no. 5799-iJB (OS/VS) , 5799-BJB <DOS/VS) Denmark. 21 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 22ipr77; iF45806.


IBM 3650 retail store systea adai- nistratiwe operations guide world trade retail functions, EPUs 7B0239 and 7B0350; program no. 5799-BJB (OS/VSJ , 5799-BJB (DOS/VS) Denaark. 7 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBH Germany, e International Business Machines Corporation; 27Apr77; Af45807.


IBM 3600 finance communication system multiple language display EPg 7B004U for 3614 consumer transaction facility programmer's guide supplement; program no. 5799 BKF DOS/VS, 5799 BJZ OS/VS. Denmark. 9 p. (Systems) Appl. au; IBM Germany. & International Business Machines Corporation; 22Apr77; iF45808. AF45809.

Chanqe nanaqenieDt/tirackinq (CB/T) , DP accountinq for IHS/VS (DPA) , service level reporter (SLH) messages and Abend codes. Denmark- 82 p. (Installation management) Appl. au; IBM Sweden. © International Business Uachines Corporation; 11May77; AF45809.


Ersatzteil-Disposition fner Kfz-Haendler IBH Svstem/32; Lizenzprogtamm Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5797-BCS. West Germany. 108 p. (Branchen- anHendnnqsprogramo BAP) & IBM Deut- schland. G.H.B.H.; 15Aug76; AF45810.


IBB system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant scheduling system (CPPS-DOS/VS) program reference manual progcammiog BPQ 7S-0150; program no. 5799-ANJ. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN19-1081) Appl. au: IBM France. BM: revisions & updating. Q International Business Machines Corporation a- d. : IBM corporation; 20Apr77; AF45811.


Lokovo Lohn- und Gehaltskorrektur der Vormonate mit dem IBM 3ystem/3; Lizen- zproqramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DEN. West Germany. 30 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsproqramm SAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 15Sep75; AF45812.


i-ohnsteuerunterprogramm 1975 £uer IBB System/3; Lizenzprogramni Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DDZ. Best Germany. 21 p. (Spezielles AnwenduDgsprogcama SAP) NM: updating. IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 28Feb75; AF45813.


IBM Teachware 0S/»S1 System-Konsol- Bedicnunq; Lizenzproqramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 57e8-DEJ. 2. Ausg. West Germany. 2 9 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- gsproqcamm SAP) O IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 22Mar76 (in notice; 1975); AF45814.


Lohnsteuerunterprogramm 1975 fuer IBB System/3ti0-20; Lizeuzprogramm Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DEG. 2. Ausg. West Germany. 27 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsproqramm SAP) 3 IBB Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 30Jun75; AF45815.


Gehalts- und Lohnabrecbnung fuer den Handel (GtH) mit dem IBB System/3; Lizeuzprogramm Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DCF. 2. Ausg. Best Germany. 231 p. (spezielles Anwen- dungspcogramm SAP) @ IBM Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 30Jun75; AF45816.


IBM system/370 strategy evaluator and planning system- production (steps- production) program reference manual; program no. 57it6-iX2 (DOS/VS) , 5740-XXB (OS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 310 p. (Program product) Appl. aii: IBM France. @ International Business Bachines corporation; 16Bar77; AF45817.


S.H.I.F.T. Anwendungsprogramm fuer den IBM System/7-TP-monitor; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5797-ADX. West Germany. 1 v. (Branchen- Anwen- dungsproqramm BAP) @ IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.: 15Feb77; AF45818.


Basic animation stand techniques. By Brian G. D. Salt. Great Britain. 239 p. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 28Bar77; AF45819.


The Characteristics of mechanical engineering systems. By Boy Holmes. Great Britain. 157 p. e H. Holmes; 28Mar77; AF'J5820.


Industrial energy conservation; a handbook for engineers and managers. By David A. Beay. Great Britain. 358 p. e D. A. Beay; 28Bar77; AF45821.


Jones's Animal nursing. Editor: Bruce V. Jones. Fully rev. 2nd ed. Edited by B. S. Pinniger, for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Great Britain. 196 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. e British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 13Sep7 6; AF4582 2.


Jones's Animal nursing. Editor: Bruce V. Jones. Fully rev. 2nd ed- Edited by B. S. Pinniger, for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Great Britain. 496 p. Appl- au: B. N. Smith. @ on illus. in chap. 1; B. N. Smith; 13Sep76; AF45823.


Daniel C'Connell and his world. By B. Dudley Edwards. Great Britain. 112 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 4Aug75; AF45824.


Bobert Louis Stevenson and his world. By David Daiches. Great Britain. 128 p. David Daiches; 290ct73; iF45825.


Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie; vierte Auflage, drittes 6 viertes Erqaenzuuqswerk; die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd- 18, T. 8. Hrsq. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Bitwirkung von Oskar Heissbach £ others. West Germany. p. 7017-7826. Appl. au: Beiistein Institut der Organischen Chemie, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 17Dec76; AF45826.


Goelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Ergaenzungsuerk zur 8. Aufl. Bd. 37, T. 10: Borverbindungen. Bedakteure dieses Bandes; Kurt Niedenzu fi Karl- Christian Buschbeck- West Germany. 272 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie. 6 Springer-Verlag; 30NOV76; AF45827.


Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie; vierte Auflage, drittes £ viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd. 18, T. 9- Hrsg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Bitwirkung von Oskar Heissbach £ others. West Germany- p. 7 829-8667. Appl. au: Beiistein Institut der Organischen Chemie, employer for hire. Springer-Verlag; 16Feb77; AF45828.


The Complete book of knitting, crochet and embroidery. Consultant editor: Pam Dawson. Great Britain- 480 p- Appl. au: Marshall Cavendish Publications, Ltd. BB: editorial revisions. © Barshall Cavendish Publications, Ltd. (in notice: Barshall Cavendish, Ltd.) ; 210ct76 (in notice: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977); AF45829.


Quantum Dynamics: Bodels and Bathe- matics. Edited by Ludwig Streit. Austria. 239 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, supplementum 16) Proceedings of the symposium held at Bielefeld University, west Germany, Sept. 8-12, 1975. Appl. au: Erling Stoermer £ H- J. Borchers. e Springer-Verlag; 15Dec76; AF45830.


International economic review. Vol. 17, no. 3, Oct., 1976. Editors: Eobert A. Pollak £ Ken-ichi Inada. Japan. 1 v. Q Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania fi the Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Besearch Association; 10ct76; AF4 5831.


LOKOVO lohn- und Gehaltskorrektur der Vormonate mit dem IBB System/3; Lizeu- zprogramm Programm— /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Br. 5788-DEN. West Germany. 41 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) 6 IBB Deutschland, G.B. B. H. ; 15Sep75; AF45832.


Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung fuer die Industrie (LGI) mit dem IBM System/3; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Br. 5788-DCB. 2. Ausg. West Germany. 70 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 30Bay75: AP45833.


Process industry data base design guide. Denmark. 102 p. Appl. au: IBB Germany. 3 International Business Bachines Corporation a.ic.a. IBB £ IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Corporation); 18Apr77; AF45834.


BASXC language reference manual. 6th ed. Denmack. 102 p. (CALL) Appl. au: IBB United Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Machines Corpocatioo: 21Apj:77i AF45835.


IBM system/370 strategy evaluator and planning system — production (steps- production) general information manual; program product 5746-XX2 (DOS/VS), 5740-XXB (OS/VS) 3rd ed. Denmark. 33 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Prance. @ International Business Bachines corporation; 4Feb77j SF45836.


IBB system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant scheduling system (CPPS-DOS/VS) operations guide; programming BPQ 7S-0150, program no. 5799-ANJ. 2nd ed. Denmark. 38 p. (Program) Appl. au: IBM France. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 14Apr77; AF45837.


Abrechnung in Kf z-Haendler-Betrieben mit dem IBM System/32; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5797-NHE. lest Germany. 431 p. (Branchen- Anwendungsprogramm BAP) 3 IBM Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 15Feb76; AF458J8.


A Little who's zoo of mild animals. By Conrad Aiken, illustrated by John Vernon Lord. England. 1 v. C on illus.; John Vernon Lord; 14Apr77; AF45839.


The Analysis of response in crop and livestock production- By John L- Dillon. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 213 p- 6 John L. Dillon; 25Feb77; AF45840.


Elements of experimental stress analysis; SI ed. By A. W. Hendry. Great Britain. 193 p. BM: conversion of measurements to S.I. units. 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 7Mar77; AF45841. AF45842.

Selected short stories. By Hoooce De Balzac* selected £ translated with an iutrod. by Sylvia Baphael. United Kingdom. 270 p. NH: translation, selection G intcod. Syl>ia Baphael: 2«Feb77; AF45842.


The Penguin dictionary o£ physics. Editor: Valerie 8. Pitt. United Kingdom. 1*28 p. Abridgment of Longman's A Nev dictionary of physics, pub. 1975. uith some entries from the original ed. , Dictionary of physics, pub. 19S8. SB: editorial revisions. O Laurence Ordang Associates, Ltd.; 2<4Feb77: AF45843.


Tangrao: the ancient Chinese shapes game. By Joost Elffecs, translated by fi. J. Hollingdale. United Kingdom. Kit. Prev. pub. 197J. on translation: £. J. Hollingdale: 2SNov76: AF45844.


IBM system/370 direct S.B.I.F.T. link--custoBer information control system/virtual storage programming fiPQ P7 1 036: description and operations manual, program no. 5799-APB (CICS/OS/»3) 2nd ed. Denmark. 423 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBa Germany. International Business Machines Corporation: 11Hay77: AF4S845.


Change management/traclting (Ca/T) , DP accounting for las/VS (DPA) , service level reporter (SLfi) : program reference manual. Denmark. Sheets (336 p.) (Installation man&qement) Appl. au: I Bfl Sueden. International Business nachlnes Corporation; 18(lay77; AF45846.


DL/1-entry DOS/VS data language/l-entry DOS/VS. Denmark. 21 p. & sheets (40 p.) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Machines Corporation: 1bMay77: AF45847.


DL/1 DOS/VS data language/l DOS/VS. Denmark. 24 p. G sheets (45 p.) Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Machines Corporation: 16May77: AF45848.


IBM system/370 interactive financial system 1; program reference manual, program no. 5746-F52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 1 V. (IBM/technical newsletter, no. SII12-5108J Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions G updating. O International Business Machines Corporation; 23May77; AF45849.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data language/I (STAIBS-DL/I) : program logic. Vol. 2: online subsystems, program no. 5740-XB7. Denmark. 267 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines corporation: 28Apr77; AF45850.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquage/I (SIAIBS-DL/I) : program logic. Vol. 1: batch data base creation and maintenance, macro services, interfaces, program no. 5740-HB7. Denmark. 242 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 28Apr77; AF45851.


IBM system/370 direct S.U.I. F.I. link- information management system/virtual storage programming BPQ P71 039; description and operations manual, program no. 5799-APC (IMS/VS) Denmark. 413 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 17May77; AF45852.


IBM system/370 direct S.B. I.F.I, link (DSL) programming BPQ's: P71 038 (CICS/VS) , P71 039 (IMS/VS): application programmer's guide, program no. 5799-APB (CICS/03/VS) , 5799-APC (IMS/VS) Denmark. 125 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines corporation: 11May77; AF45853.


3750 switching system; application programmers' guide. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GS 11-8233) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions 6 updating. International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM Corporation; 3flay77: AF45854.


IBM maintenance library 3619 models AO 1, B01, B02, and BO 3 administrative terminal printer: maintenance information. Denmark. 5 p. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN 19-6298) Appl. au: IBM Germany. tin: suppl. International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM Corporation; 9Bay77: AF45855.


change management/tracking (CH/I) , DP accounting for IMS/VS (DPA), service level reporter (3LB) ; general information manual. 2ud ed. Denmark. 60 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O Int rnational Business Machines Corporation; 11nay77; Af45«56.


DL/1-entry DOS/VS data lauguag^l-entry DOS/VS. Denmark. 2 1 p. £ sheets (40 p.) Appl. au: IBM France, o International Business Machines Corporation; 16Hay77; AF45857.


DL/1 DOS/VS data language/1 DOS/VS. Denmark. 24 p. G sheets (45 p.) Appl. au: IBM France. e International Business Machines Corporation a.k.a. IBM Cor- poration (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 29Apr77; AF45858.


3750 switching system. Vol. 2: 3751 controller unit, book 1; central- processing log ic/chanuel/s to rage/channel selection logic theory of operation. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 25Apr77: AF458S9.


Papua Mew Guinea: initiation and independence. By Donald Mark Hoolfocd. Australia. 268 p. C University of (Queensland Press; 17jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45860.


Library looking-glass: a personal anthology. By David Cecil. Great Britain. 299 p. e David Cecil; 270ct75; AF45S6 1. (1976 reprint, deposited)


Yoga, tantra och meditation i min vardag. Av Janakananda Saraswati, fotografier: Chris Stuhr. Sweden. 112 p. 6 Janakananda Saraswati G Chris Stuhr; 310ct7S; AF45862.


ale. T. 1: bases fondamentales. By Michel Chateau 6 others. 5. ed., entierement refondue. France. 418 p. Julien Prelat; 30May75; AF45863.


Belief, language, and experience. By aodney Heedham. Great Britain. 269 p. O fiodney Needham; 15Dec72; AF45864.


The Canterbury tales. By Geoffrey Chaucer, an illustrated selection rendered into modern English by Nevill Coghill. United Kingdom. 373 p. HM: compilation & additional translations. C Nevill Coghill; 31Mar77: AF45865.


Unity Mitford, a guest. By David Pryce-Jones. England. 276 p. DM: text 6 compilation of photos. O David Pryce- Jones; 140ct76; AF45866.


Goldengirl. By Peter Lear, pseud, of Peter Lovesey. England. 377 p. Peter Lovesey; 23Jun77; AF45867.


filch and poor countries. By Hans U. Singer G Javed A. Ansari. Great Britain- 228 p. (Studies in economics, 12) O George Allen and Uuwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 1Feb77; Af 45868.


Homosexuals in history; a study of ambivalence in society, literature and the acts. By A. L. Bowse. England. J4b p. MM: text £ compilation ot illus. O A. L. Bowse; 12Apr77; AF45869.


Guide to the Moon. By Patrick Moore. Great Britain. J20 p. MM: revisions fi updating. O Patrick Moore; 26Aug76; AF45B70.


Geotechnology ; an introductory text for students and engineers. By Albert F. Boberts. Great Britain. 347 p. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; ieApr77: AF45871.


The Canadian left; a critical analysis. By Norman Penner. Canada. 287 p. Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 13Jun77;



This law of ours; teacher's guide. By Patrick Fitzgerald G Bichard Vernham. Canada. 189 p. C Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 7Jun77; AF45873.


Indonesia. By Donald yifred Fryer G James Charles Jackson. England. 313 p. O Donald u. Fryer £ James c Jackson; 12May77; AF45874.


Wind without rain. By Gordon McDonell. England. 159 p. O Gordon McDonell; 11JU163; AF4587S.


Heritage of the Pharaohs: an intro- duction to Egyptian archaeology. By John Buffle. Great Britain. 224 p. O Phaidon Press. Ltd.; 26May77; AF45876.


Joachim of Fiore and the prophetic future. By Marjorie Beeves. Great Britain. 212 p. O Harjorie Beeves; 25NOV76: AF45877.


The Bachelor party. By Hal Hickman. Great Britain. 186 p. 8 Hal Hickman; 2Mar77; AF45878.


Birth of a foal. By Jane Miller. Enqland. 1 v. S Jane Miller; 7Mar77; AF45879.


Aspects of managemont. By Samuel Eilon. Great Britain. 162 p. NM: compilation £ additional teit. 9 Samuel Eilon; 25Apt77; AF45880.


Introduction to communication command and control systems. By David Joseph Morris. Great Britain. 308 p. 6 David Joseph Morris: 27Apr77; AF45881.


Antinucleon-nucleon interactions; proceedings of the Ihird European Symposium held at the Wenner-Gten center Stockholm, July 9-13, 1976. Edited by Gosta Eksponq £ siguard Nilsson. Great Britain. 600 p. (Uenner-Grea Center international symposium series, vol. 29) Appl. au: Perqamon Press, Ltd. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Apr77; AF45882.


Smear iob; a Callan novel. By James Mitchell. England. 315 p. C James Mitchell scripts, Ltd.; 16Oct75; AF1I5883.


A Dictionary of fairies: hobgoblins, brounies, bogies and other supernatural creatures. By Katharine Briggs. England. 181 p. O on neu text, editing £ compilation; Katharine Brigqs; 280ct76; AF45884.


Traditions occultes des gitans. By Pierre Derlon. France. 268 p. Editions Robert Lafront, S. A. ; 17Mar75; AF45885.


Never give a suc)cer an even break. By John Fisher, illustrated by tiorman Beynolds. Great Britain. 128 p. e John Fisher: 25Nov76; AF45886.


The Single woman's guide to pregnancy and parenthood. By Patricia Ashdonn- Sharp, drauinqs by Margaret Belsky. England. 438 p. 6 Patricia Ashdown- Sharp; 2tApr75; AF458B7.


The Return. By YaM M- Boatenq. England. 120 p. 6 Yan M. Boateng; 2Hay77; AF45888.


L'Herbe chaude. By Claire Dumas. France. 174 p. 6 Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 26Feb75; AF45889.


The Man from next door. By Honor Tracy. England. 186 p. 6 Honor Tracy; 31Mar77; iF45890.


Beaufort of the Admiralty: the life of Sir Francis Beaufort, 1774-1857. By Alfred Friendly. Great Britain. 362 p. Alfred Friendly: 2May77; AF45891.


A Sampler of British folk-tales. By Katharine M. Briggs. Enqland. 315 p. Prev. pub. 1970 £ 1971. 6 on ne» introductions, editing £ compilation; K. M. Briggs; 31Mar77; AFlt5892.


Dnofficial art from the Soviet Union. By Igor Golomshtok £ Alexander Glezer, introd. by Sir Roland Penrose, edited by Michael Scammell. England. 172 p. 6 on text fi prev. unpub. photos. ; Writers and Scholars Educational Trust; 28Feb77; AF45B93.


The Alteration. By Kingsley Amis. United Kingdom. 208 p. 6 Kingsley Amis;. 70ct76; AF45894.


IBM system/370 planning, control and decision evaluation system/S: PLAHCODE/S; 5740-XX9 OS/VS, 5746-XXA DOS/VS. 2nd ed. Denmark. Folder. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM France. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 25Mar77; AF45895.


3619 models A01, B01, B02, and B03 administrative terminal printer main- tenance information. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBB Germany. 9 International Business Machines corporation; 13Apr77; AF45896.


5797-llKL. Italy. Printout. IBM Italia; lAug76; AF45897.


5788-GBN. Italy. Printout. 6 IBM Italia; 2May77; AF45898.


5725-M41. Canada. Printout. C IBM Canada, Ltd.; 27May77; AF45899.


57a8-DAT. Uest Germany. Printout. IBM Deutschland, G-M.B.H. ; 21Aug75 (in notice: 1974); AF45900.


578a-DEZ. west Germany. Printout. e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 30Jan76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF45901.


5797-»QX. Italy. Printout. Add. ti: 5796-NQX. Appl. au: IBM Italia, S.P.A. 9 IBM Italia; laar77; AF45902.


5797-NCY. Italy. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Italia, S.P.A. © IBM Italia; 1Mar77; AF45903.


Debitorenbuchhaltung mit Zahlungseinqang ueber Datensichtqeraete IBM 3270 fuer das IBM System/3, Kodelle 8, 10, 15: Lizenzprogramm, Programm-/Bedienerhan- dbuch. Programm-Mr. 5788-DEL. West Germany. 210 p. (Spezielles AnHen- dungsprogramm SAP) S IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 1SDec75 (in notice: 1974); AF45904.


Debitorenbuchhaltung mit Zahlungseingang ueber Datensichtgeraete IBM 3270 fuer das IBM System/3, Hodelle 8, 10, 15; Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch. Ptogramm-Nr. 578a-D£L. Best Germany. 159 p. (Spezielles Annendungsprogramm SAP) e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Dec75 (in notice: 1974); AF45905.


Telefon-Gebuehren- Abrechnung; Lizen- zprogramm, Systemhandbuch. Proqramm-Kr. 5788-DKH. France. 81 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) 6 IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.; 21Har77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45906.


Telefon-Gebuehren- Abrechnung ; Lizen- zprogramm, Programm-/Bedienethandbuch- Programm-Nr. 5788-DKH. France. 69 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 21Mar77 (in notice; 1976); AF45907.


/3 class; Lizenzprogramm, Systemhan- dbuch- Programm-Hr. 5788-DBP. West Germany. 5 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- gsprogramm SAP) © IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 150ct75 (in notice: 1974) ; AF45908.


Kostenrechnung fuer IBM System/3: Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch. Programm-Kr. 5788-DHN. West Germany. 215 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) 8 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Jun76; AF45909.


Zwei-Platten-Teilestamm-Datei fuer System/3-BOMP; Lizenzprogramm, Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DFX. West Germany. 35 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) 8 IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.; 15May75; AF45910.


Zuei-Platten-Teilestamm-Datei fuer System/3-BOMP; Lizenzprogramm, System- handbuch. Programm-»r. 5788-Drx. West Germany. 1 1 p. (Spezielles An«endan- gsprograom SAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15May75; AF45911.


IBM 3270 Biidschirmsteuerung fuer das System/3 (SUBEHH) ; Lizenzprogramm, Programffl-/Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 57aa-DAT. West Germany. 140 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15aar75; AF45912.


IBM 3270 Biidschirmsteuerung fuer das System/3 (SUBSHH) ; Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DAT. West Germany. 84 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) 8 IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.; 15Mar75; AF45913.


Parts and accessories price list for imported- vehicle dealers, effective January 1, 1977; form FPS 9636. Best Germany. 65 p. C Ford Motor Company: 1Jan77; AF45914.


Kostenrechnung fuer IBM System/3; Lizenzprogramm, Programm-Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 57a8-DHH- Best Germany. 664 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Jun76; AF45915.


Auf tragsabuicklung im Getraenkegros- shandel mit IBM 374 1, Kodell 3-4; Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DEZ. West Germany. 317 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 30Jan76; AF45916.


S.W.I.F-T. Anuendungsprogramm fuer den IBM System/7 TP-Monitor; Lizenzprogramm, Programm-Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5797-ADX. west Germany. 1 v. (Branchen-Anuendungsprogramm BAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Peb77; AF45917.


3750 suitching system, volume 2: 3751 controller unit, book 2: suitching control adapter — theory of operation. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM/ technical newsletter, no. SN 19-6166) ippl. au; IBM Prance. MH: revision e updating. 6 InternatioDai Business Machines corpoEation, alternate designation: IBM corporation; 20Apr77; AF45918.


I«S/VS-TPLH support; progran description and operation nanual. Prograamxng BPQ SU007it, program no. 5799-4PX. Denmark. 26 p. (Systeu) ippl. au; IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 29Bar77: AFH5919.


IBM 3750 support under IMS/VS; progran description and operation joanual. Frogramiiing BPQ SD0038, progran no. 5799-AJY. 3rd ed. Denoark. 13 p. (System) Appl. au; IBM France, e International Business Machines Corporation: 29Mar77; 4FU5920.


IMS/VS interface for IBM 3750 support; progran description and operation manual. Progranuing BPQ 300065, progran no. 5799-ANI.. 2nd ed. Denmark. 60 p. (Systen) Appl. au: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 29Har77; AF45921.


IMS/VS-3750 TPLH support; progran logic nanual. Progranning BPQ SU007>|. progran no. 5799-AP)l. Dennark. 29 p. (System) Appl. au: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 29Mar77; AF45922.


IBM 3650 retail store system sales operation guide for CASH and CARRY — IBM 3653 point of sale terminal. Dennark. 5 p. (IBM/technical neasletter, no. GI(19-b294) Appl. au: IBM Germany. MM: revision £ updating. O International Business Machines Corporation, alternate designation: IBM Corporation; 30Mar77; AF15923.


IBM system/370 OS/VS strategy evaluator and planning system — production (STEPS- production) ; operations guide. Program no. 57<tO-XXB. 2nd ed. Dennark. 80 p. (Progran product) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45924.


A.D.M. "SAIAP" sistema/32 persona- lizzazione sicurezza. Italy. 106 p. IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Mar77; AF45925.


CICS/VS-3750 TPLH support; progran logic manual. Programming BPQ SU007a (OS), program no. 5799-AQG 6 programming BPQ SU0079 (DOS), progran no. 5799-AgH. Denmark. 40 p. (System) Appl. au: IBM France. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 29Mar77; APU5926.


IBM 3750 switching system diagnostic and utility prograns. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM/technical nensletter, no. SH1 1-8232) Appl. au: IBM France. IIM: revision e updating. C International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45927.


CICS/VS-3750 IPLB support; program description & operation manual. Programming RPQ S00a7a (OS), program no. 5799-AQG 6 progranning BPQ SU0079 (DOS), progran no. 5799-AQH. Dennark. 34 p. (Systen) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines corporation; 29Mar77; AF45928.


3750 switching system — tie line attachment type 1155. 2nd ed. Dennark.

1 V. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France, e International Business Machines Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45929.


Line attachment tester — theory, maintenance, installation, parts catalog. 3rd ed. Dennark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. C International Business Machines Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45930.


IBM 3767 communication terminal; operator's guide — BPQ X71429, document insertion device. 3rd ed. Denmark. 17 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O International Business Machines Corporation; 25Har77; AF4593 1.


"SAXAP" dati tecnici e costi sul sistema/32 (5797 NQX); guida applicativa. Italy. 522 p. IS IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Mar77; AF45932.


"SAXAP" gestione magazzini sul sistena/32 (5797 NQI) ; guida applicativa. Italy. 522 p. IBM Italia, S.F.A.; 1Mar77; AF45933.


Bach; a biography, with a survey of books, editions and recordings. By AXec Bobertson. Great Britain. 140 p. O Ciive Bingley. Ltd.; 2IAp[77; AF459J4.


U. H. Hudson: a bibliography. By John B. Payne, foreword by Alfred A. Knopf. Great Britain. 248 p. O John B. Payne; 21Apr77; AF4b935.


Chopin; a biography, with a survey of books, editions and recordings, by Derek Melville. Great Britain. 108 p. Derek Melville; 21Apr77; AF45936.


Essays in labour history, 1918-1939. Edited by Asa Briggs & John Saville. Great Britain. 292 p. O Asa Briggs t, John Saville; 20Apr77; AF45937.


The Striker stricken. By G. D. H. Cole, pref. by Margaret Cole. Great Britain. (In Essays in labour history, 19 18-1939, p. 57-101) e Margaret Cole; 20Apr77; AF4593B.


Cholesterol metabolism and lipolytic enzymes. Edited by J. Polonovski. France. 211 p. Papers presented at the 19th International Congress on the Biochemistry of Lipids, held in Paris, Sept. 6-8, 1976. 6 Masson , Inc.; 6Apr77; AP45939.


The Blue raapart, and other titles. By Sorley Maclean. Scotland. Add. ti: Am mur gorm. English & Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 70-115) e Sorley Maclean; 30Sov76; AF45940.


To a bonny birch tree, and other titles. By George Campbell Bay. Scotland. Add. ti: Do bheithe boidheach. English fi Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 116-IJ9) e George Campbell Bay: 30NOV76: AF45941.


Harvest field, and other titles. By Derick Thomson. Scotland. Add. ti: Achadh-bhuana. English i Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 140-167] Derick Thomson; 301lav7e; AF45942.


young girl, and other titles. By Iain Ccichton Smith. Scotland. Add. ti: A nighean og. English e Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 168-191) C Iain Crichton Smith; 30llov76; AF45943.


Boimh-radha, and other titles. Scotland. English t, Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 19, etc.) Appl. au: Donald HacAulay Q Donald MacAulay; 30ilov76; AF45944.


The History of The Tale of Peter Babbit. Great Britain. 63 p. Taken mainly from Leslie Linder's A History of the writings of Beatrice Potter. Appl. au: Leslie Linder. NM: editorial revision £ postscript on p. 61-63. C Frederick Harne and company. Ltd.; 20Oct76; AF45945.


The Queen bee. By Phyllida Barstow, pseud, of Phyllida Duff-Hart- Davis. England. 227 p. Phyllida Duff- Hart-Davis (Phyllida Barstow. pseud. J; 25Sep75; AF45946.


Grinm: Tom Thumb. Translated by Aiithea Bell, illustrated by Svend Otto S. England. 1 v. Add. ti: Grinm's Tom Thumb. Translation of Tommellden. U uu English translation: Pelhan Books, Ltd.; 26Aug76; AF45947.


Larousse dictionary of wines of the world. By Gerard Debuigue. England. 271 p. Translation of Larousse des vins. O on English text; The Hamlyu Publishing Group, Ltd.; 27Aug76; AF45948.


The Opening of Parliament. By Mary Uilson. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 11-12) Mary mison; 26May77; Af4 594 9.


The Queen and the constitution. By Bobert Blake. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 13-27) o Bobert Blake; 26fay77; AF45950.


The Queen as Queen of Australia. By Donald Home. United Kingdom. (lu The Queen, p. 29-43) Donald Home; 26May77; AF45951.


Personal styles in twentieth-century monarchy. By Elizabeth Longford. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 45-64) O Elizabeth Longford; 26May77; AF45952.


Cousins of the House of Hindsor. By Denis Judd. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 65-79) Denis Judd; 26May77:



Boyal residences. By J. H. Plumb. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 81-93) O J. U. Plumb; 26May77; AF45954.


The Queen's succession. By Terry Coleman. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 95-104) O lerry Coleman; 26May77; AF45955. AF45956.

Royal occasions. By Richard Baker. United Kingdom (In The Queen, p. 105-127) e Richard Baker; 26May77; AF45956.


The Quean's horses. By Lord oaksey. United Kinqdoa. (In The Queen, p. 129-1111) e iord Oaksey: 26aay77; AF45957.


The Case against the monarchy. By Hillian Banilton. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 1115-164) Nilliam Hamilton: 26Hay77; 4F45958.


The Case for the monarchy. By Peregrine Worsthorne. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 165-184) Peregrine Uor- sthorne; 26llay77: AF45959.


The Queen's subjects. By boys of William Penn School. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 185-186) Appl. au: Penguin Books, e Penguin Books: 2e[lay77: AF45960.


Glossary of art, architecture and design since 1945: terms & labels describing movements, styles e groups derived from the vocabulary of artists & critics. By John A. Ualker. 2nd. rev. ed. Great Britain. 352 p. Prev. pub. 1973. e John A. yalker: 19llay77: AF45961.


Church and society in England: Henry 8th to James 1st. Edited by Felicity Heal £ Rosemary O'Day. Great Britain. 206 p. O Claire Cross. Felicity Heal, Ralph Houlbrooke, Christopher Kitching, Imogen Luxtou. Rosemary O'Day, D. a. Palliser £ U. J. Shells; 1911ay77; AF45962.


Medizinische Psychologic im Gruudriss. Von peter Dentier, Kurt Hauss. Norbert Neidenbach, Hermann Stegemann £ Heinrich Voelkel. hrsq. vou Kurt Hauss. Nest Germany. 491 p. 6 Berlag fuer Psy- chologie, Doktor C. J. Hogrefe: 215ep76: AF15963.


Anatomy of the domestic birds. By Richard Nickel, August Schummer £ Eugen Seiferle, translation by H. G. Siller £ P. A. L. Bight. Rest Germany. 202 p. (Textbook of the anatomy of the domestic animals, vol. 5) Appl. au: Verlag Paul Parey, employer for hire. Nfl: tran- slation, e Verlag Paul Parey: 3111ay77: AF45964.


The Traditional architecture of the Kathmandu Valley. By Holfgang Korn. Uest Germany. 125 p. e Wolfgang Korn; 10Dec76: AF45965.


Technical manual for model 514 Hefti hydraulic hammer. Vol. 1: operation. Canada. 1 v. 3 Joy fiaaufacturing Company (Canada) Ltd.; 2211ov76: AF45966.


Technical manual for model 514 Hefti hydraulic hammer. Vol. 2: maintenance and parts list. Canada. 1 v. @ Joy Qanuf acturing Company (Canada) Ltd.; 22NOV76: AF45967.


Imagic: imagination and logic. Design by Graphica Beuhedet. Israel. Kit. Appl. aui Amhad. Ltd. Amhad, Ltd.; 20Mar77: AF45968.


Isogame: a game of cunning and logic for tvo players. Design by Graphica Ueuhedet. Israel. Kit. Appl. au: Amhad, Ltd. a Amhad, Ltd.; 20Har77; AF45969.


Brain center: for the master strategist. Design by Graphica fleuhedet. Israel. Kit. Appl. au: Amhad, Ltd. Amhad, Ltd.: 2011ar77; AF45970.


Fields. Paintings by Uilliam Kurelek. Canada. 1 v. William Kurelek; 7aay76: AF45971.


Atlas of the central nervous system in sectional planes; selected myelin stained sections of the human brain and spinal cord. By Susanna Zuleger £ Jochen Staubesand, foreuord by Halcolm B. Carpenter. West Germany. 106 p. Translation of Schnittbilder des Zentralnervensystems. Ntl: translation £ editorial revision. 8 Urban and Schnarzenberg, Inc.; 20Hay77: AF45972.


General Burgoyne in Canada and America: scapegoat for a system. By Michael Glover. England. 254 p. UH: text (excluding prev. pub. illus.) 6 Hichael Glover; 1Jun76; AF45973.


What is IQ? intelligence, heredity and environment. By Carl G. Liungman, translated by Patricia Crampton. England. 234 p. Appl. au: Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd., employer for hire. Translation of flyten om Intelligensen, pub. 1972. e on English translation: Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd.; 1Sep75: AF45974.


The Politics of food. By Daniel Green. England. 220 p. 6 Daniel Green; 1Hov75; AF4S975.


Red, white and black: race relations in Britain. By Sidney Biduell. foreword by Michael Foot. England. 213 p. NH: text (excluding prev. pub. photos.) € Sidney aidwell; 10ct76; AF45976.


Redcoats. By A. J. Barker. England. 156 p. NM: text (excluding prev. pub. illus.) e A. J. Barker; 1Hay76; AF45977.


Women of the Celts. By Jean (larkale, translated by A. Hygind. C. Hauch £ P. Henry. England. 315 p. Appl. au: Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd., employer for hire. Translation of La Femme celte. 3 on English translation; Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd.; 1Sep75; AF45978.


Han through the ages. By John Bowie. England. 312 p. Host of the material in chap. 1-20 first pub. in Great Britain in 1962 as A New outline of world history £ in the D.S. in 1962 as Han through the ages, e John Bowie; 2611ay77; AF45979.


Bess of Hardwick; portrait of an Elizabethan dynast. By David N. Duraut. England. 274 p. S David N. Durant; 2Jun77; AF45980.


Travels in Araby of Lady Hester Stanhope. By John Watney. England. 294 p. NM: text, excluding prev. pub. illus. e John Watney; 1Nov75: AF45981.


The Victorian gentleman. By Michael Brander. England. 215 p. KM: text, excluding prev. pub. illus. Q Michael Brander; 10ct75; AF45982.


The Pale invaders. By G. R. Kesteven. pseud, of G. R. Crosher. England. 140 p. e G. S. Crosher: 27Jun74; AF4S963.


Cart and cwidder. By Diana Wynne Jones. England. 193 p. e Diana Wynne Jones; 29May75; AF45984.


The World of Defoe. By Peter Earle. England. 353 p. O Peter Earle; 2eoct76; AF45985.


The Day of Chaminuka. Bayner. England. 224 Rayr

5Jan76; AF45986.

By William William


Creepy Castle. By John S. Goodall. England. 1 v. e John S. Goodall; 4Sep75; AF45987. (1976 reprint, deposited)


The Chinese act of ta'i chi ch'uan. By Clifford Chee Soo. England. 116 p. on text; Clifford Chee Soo; 1Dec76; AF45988.


The Chinese art of t'al chi ch'uan. By chee Soo. England. 116 p. Appl. au: Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd.. employer for hire. Q on photos.; Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd.; 1Dec76; AF45989.


An Edwardian summer. By John S. Goodall with a foreword by Harold Hacmillan. England. 1 v. 6 on pictures; John S. Goodall; 70ct76: AF45990.


An Edwardian summer. By John S. Goodall with a foreword by Harold Hacmillan. England. 1 v. Appl. au: Hacmillan London. Ltd.. employer for hire. & on foreword; Macmillan London. Ltd.; 70ct76; AF45991.


The Church mice spread their wings. By Graham Oakley. England. 1 v. G Graham Oakley; 160ct75; AF45992.


The Church mice adrift. By Graham Oakley. England. 1 v. Graham Oakley; 280ct76; AF45993.


Pathology of the lung (excluding pulmonary tuberculosis) Vol. 2. By Herbert Spencer with a foreword by Averill A. Liebow. 3rd ed. Great Britain. p. 543-1099. a Pergamon Press. Ltd.; 25Mar77; AF45994.


General and systematic pharmacology. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1977. Executive editor: J. M. Walker. Great Britain. 168 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. B) Appl. au: A. S. Paintal £ R. W. Brim- blecombe; Pergamon Press, Ltd.. employer for hire of editor. a Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Apr77: AF45995.


Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol. 2, no. 1, 1977. Executive editor: Alasdair a. Breckenridge. Great Britain. 123 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C) Appl. au: I. Kaplan £ J. J. Van Dec Wer££; PergamOD Press, Ltd., enployec for hire of editor. 6 Pergaaon Press, Ltd.; 9May77; AF45996.


Elements of briquetting and agglo- neration. Edited by Benry Cashel Hessuan & Theodore E. Tibbetts. Canada. 104 p. HHi coopilation, editorial revision £ additional teit. C Benry Cashel Hessnan S Theodore E. Tibbet's; 16Hay77: AF45997.


Ifflauoobiology of gametes. Edited by H. Edidin £ H. B. Johnson. United Kingdom. 310 p. (Clinical and experimental iaaunoreproduction, 4) C Cambridge Oniversity Press; 3laar77: AFIIS998.


Barmonisn: a political answer to present-day problems in general and the energy crisis in particular. Vol. 1- By Josef Uolf, pseud, of Josef Blander. Israel. 233 p. Add. ti: Harmonism: a new social system. Nathan Shalced; 26Apr77: AFU5999.


Thailand. Created £ photographed by Bans Johannes Boefer, edited by Charles Levine, compiled by William Harren £ others. Hong Kong. 310 p. O Apa Productions, Ltd.; 24Bay77; AF45000.


The causevay. By P. H. Hubbard. England. 190 p. P. a. Bubbacd; 29JU176: AFlt6001.


xlie New standard Jewish encyclopedia. Original ed. edited by Cecil Both and Geoffrey Uigodec, ne« re». ed. edited by Geoffrey uigoder. 3th ed. Israel. 2027 p. O Encyclopedia Publishing company, Ltd.; 17Feb77: AFl|6002.


Jane* s pocket book of home-built aircraft. Compiled by Michael J. B. Taylor, edited by John U. fi. Taylor. England. 261 p. Add. ti: Jane's pocket book ^t: home-built aircraft. IIH: text £ compilation of illus. O Bichael J. B. Taylor; 29Mar77; AF45003.


Jane's Pocket book of pistols and sub-machine guns. Edited by Denis Archer. England. 237 p. Add. ti: Jane's Pocket book 16: pistols and sub-machine guns. Appl. states all neu except for 150 illus. Denis Archer: 16Dec76; AF<t6a04.


The Bundled islands. By Bavis Thorpe Clark, illustrated by Astra Lacis. Australia. 133 p. on text; Havis Thorpe Clark; 6Dec76; AF«6005.


The Hundred islands. By Havis Thorpe Clark, illustrated by Astra Lacis. Australia. 133 p. on illus.; Bodder and Stoughton (Australia) Pty. Ltd.; 60ec76: AF46006.


The Samurai: a military history. By S. B. Turnbull. England. 30i| p. NB: text, maps £ compilation of illus. S. B. Turnbull: '4Apr77; AF46007.


Genetics for cat breeders. By Boy Bobinson. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 202 p. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 9Bay77: AFII6008.


Bouvelles du Quebec. Nouvelles choisies 6 annotees par Katherine T. Brearley £ Bose-Blanche BcBride. 2. ed. Canada. 236 p. C Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 20Apr77; AFU6009.


Your kitchen garden; the complete illustrated guide to growing what you eat and cooking what you grow. Gardening by George Seddon £ Cookery by Belena Badecka. United Kingdom. 200 p. e Bitchell Beaziey Publishers, Ltd.; 25Aug75: AFI46010.


drthopedie dento-f aciale. T. 2; clinigue (diagnostic et traitement) By Hichel Chateau. 5. ed., entierement refondue. France. 5Sb p. C Julien Prelat; 30Apr75; AFlt6011.


Pour une renovation du Prix Nobel. Par Haurice Lemaitre. France. 21 p. KM: new text £ compilation of texts. Haurice Lemaitre: 2Bar77; AFU&012.


The American art crap. Par Haurice Lemaitre. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Berde artistigue americaine. French only. Baurice Lemaitre: 13Apr77; AFIt6013.


Bomarzo. Texte; Bene Fougue, photos: Daniel Boudinet. France. 124 p. C Stil Editions: 30Bar77: AFUeOlt.


Offshore manual international. Edited by Peter Johnson with Bobert Humphreys £ Boger Barshall, illustrated by Peter Kline. Great Britain. 172 p. C Peter Johnson £ Nautical Publishing Company, Ltd.; J1«ar77; AF460 15.


Building with logs. By Bernard Allan Bdckie. Canada. 38 p. U Bernard Allan nackie; 21Har71: AF<«601b.


Terry on the fence. By Bernard Ashley, illustrated by Charles Keeping. England. 196 p. Bernard Ashley; 150ct75; AF46017.


African literature in the twentieth century. By 0. B. Oathorne. England. 387 p. Prev. pub. in a longer version as The Black mind: a history of African literature. NB: abridgment. University of Binnesota; 10Hay76 (in notice: 1974, 1975); AF46018.


The Queen's pictures. By Oliver Billar. England. 240 p. NB: text E compilation of illus. Oliver Billar; 23Hay77; AF46019.


The Chinese Communist Party in power, 1949-1976. By Jacgues Guillermaz, translated by Anne Destenay. France. 614 p. Prev. pub. 1972 as Le Parti oommuniste chinois au pouvoir. NB: additions £ updating. O Bestview Press, Inc.; 27Dec76: AF46020.


Lucknow: the last phase of an oriental culture. By Abdul Halim Sharar, translated £ edited by E. S. Barcourt £ Fakhir Hussain. Great Britain. 295 p. NH: translation £ new material. Fakhir Bussain; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF46021.


Lady Hary Hoctley Bontagu: essays and poems and Simplicity, a comedy. Edited by Bobert Balsband £ Isobel Grundy. United Kingdom. 4 12 p. NB: introd. to poems, compilation, headnotes £ footnotes to poems, editing of poetry section, critique of Addison's Cato £ Simplicity, a comedy. O Bobert Balsband £ Isobel Grundy; 10Mar77; AF46022.