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Also known as The Peer and the Peasant

151572ArmandAnna Cora Mowatt
Title page



To Mrs.John H. Wilkins,
Boston, Massachusetts.

My dear Mrs. Wilkins, Allow me to dedicate "Armand" to you - one of the first and dearest amongst those absent friends, of whose love I have had such abundant proofs. I would say to you, as to them, that, highly as I prize the success with which "Armand" has been favored before a British public - that success can never diminish the value of the enthusiastic greeting the Play received in my own beloved land. And I beg my countrymen to believe that the ample record of home- kindnesses dwells ever freshly in my memory.

I am,
My dear Madam,
Respectfully and most affectionately yours,

London, Feb. 22nd, 1849.



The play of Armand; or, the Peer and the Peasant, was produced at the Park Theatre, New York, September 27th, 1847, and subsequently in Boston, Massachusetts. It was represented before a London audience, at the Theatre Royal, Marylebone, January 18th, 1849, and was acted twenty-one successive nights.

In England, as in America, the indulgence of the audience towards the production of a woman, and the exertions of the actors, rendered its success unequivocal and even brilliant.

Some slight liberty has been taken in portraying the character of Louis XV., who is not rendered so totally and revoltingly destitute of virtues as he is described by historians; but I trust the license is a pardonable one.

That Richelieu had a daughter, by a secret marriage, who was brought up in privacy, there is some little authority for believing, and the fact (if it be one) has already been made the subject of novels, &c.

The character of Armand has been objected to, as not belonging to the reign of Louis XV., but I think historical records will bear me out in the conclusion, that it was during his reign that the seeds of the revolution were sown, and already began to shoot forth in the breasts of the lower orders. Armand's sentiments are but the foreshadowing of that revolution.

My acknowledgments are due and cheerfully paid to Mr. Watts, the manager of the Marylebone Theatre, for the liberality evinced in putting the play upon the stage, and in all his other arrangements - to Mr. Davenport, for his impressive and spirited impersonation of the character of Armand - to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the company, for the heartiness with which they, one and all, contributed their exertions, and to the scenic Artist, for the admirable manner in which his labours were executed. I acknowledge with pleasure that to the united efforts of these parties the play was largely indebted for its success.

A. C. M.
London, February 22nd, 1849.

Dramatis Personae

  • Louis the Fifteenth, King of France.
  • Duke of Richelieu.
  • Duke D'Antin, an old Noble.
  • Mr. Tiffany, a New York Merchant.
  • Armand, an Artizan.
  • Le Sage, attendant of the Duke D'Antin.
  • Victor, the King's favorite Page.
  • Jacot, a peasant.
  • Etienne, a peasant.
  • Blanche.
  • Dame Babette.
  • Jaqueline, daughter of Dame Babette.
  • Male and female peasants.
  • Officer and guards.


  • King Louis.-- First dress: Light blue velvet coat, and white satin long vest richly trimmed with silver, large cuffs, full shirt sleeves and frills, white satin breeches, long stockings, gartered below the knee, three-cornered hat, trimmed with lace and white feathers, white neckcloth and frills, crimson bow and diamond brooch, steel-hilted sword, broad white ribbon, with star over right shoulder, star on left breast, cane with rich tassels amd cord, black shoes and buckles, on crimson ribbon, red heels, full powdered ringlet wig. -- Second dress: Rich disguise, cloak and hat.-- Third dress: Crimson velvet coat, trimmed with gold, blue ribbon over right shoulder, rest as before.
  • Richelieu.-- First dress: Dark blue velvet coat and silver, white breeches and frills, sleeves, shoes, hat, sword, wig, &c., all of same style as King's; white broad ribbon over right shoulder, blue ribbon and diamond pin.-- Second dress: Darker velvet, and gold, rest as before.
  • D'Antin.-- First dress: Moroon velvet and silver, black satin breeches, white stockings, frills, sleeves, shoes, hat trimmed with black feather, mourning sword, &c., all same style as King's; purple ribbon over right shoulder, full powdered ringlet wig, bald front, black ribbon and pin.-- Second dress : Black and gold, same style, rest as before.
  • Armand.-- First dress: Salmon and blue short coat and full breeches, large cuffs, full shirt and sleeves, collar turned over, black ribbon, blue and white striped stockings, black shoes and buckles, white hat, trimmed with blue, and pink wreath, nosegay, in left button hole, ringlet wig. -- Second dress; Blue military coat, trimmed with gold, high military boots and spurs, broad sword, shoulder belt, sword to break, white neckcloth and frills, red bow and brooch, powdered wig and ribbon.
  • Victor.-- First dress: Salmon and silver, vest, breeches, stockings, garters, hat, shoes, sword, &c.,£c., all same style as King's, powdered wig. -- Second dress; Garnet velvet and gold, rest as before.
  • Le Sage.--First dress: Brown coat, plain breeches, stockings over knee, shoes and buckles, long salmon vest, same style as the rest, hat without trimming, powdered wig and bag.-- Second dress: Black velvet, trimmed with dark blue ribbon, rest as before.
  • Male Peasants.-- Various colors, same style as Armand.
  • Officer and Guards.-- White military coats, three-cornered hats, powder, white cravats, &c.
  • Pages.-- Court dresses, same style as King's, powder, &c.
  • Blanche.-- First dress: White muslin cottage dress, with rows of white satin ribbon around the skirt, on the head a wreath of white may-flowers, shaped like coronet, a garland of white flowers, hung from the left shoulder.-- Second dress: Plain while muslin slip, same wreath.-- Third dress: A sober colored merino, made in the style of Louis XV., the boddice, trimmed with a ruche of pink silk and pompadour rosettes down the front, open skirt looped all around with same rosettes, under skirt of embroidered muslin, a band of pearls on the head.-- Fourth dress: Silver brocade, embroidered in blue, closed in front, and looped all around with bunches of blue and silver leaves, the boddice, trimmed with ruches of white tulle and blue ribbon, under skirt of salmon colored satin, linings of brocade the same, powdered hair, with a small wreath of blue and silver leaves on one side, diamond ornaments.
  • Babette.-- First dress: Orange colored skirt, blue merino boddice, black velvet jacket, white apron, high peasant cap, high-heeled shoes, colored stockings.-- Second dress: Red petticoat, black jacket, cap, &c., as before.
  • Jaqueline --First dress: Striped onder skirt, overdress of gay colored chintz, tacked up, laced boddice, cottage cap, small white apron, striped stockings. Second dress: Indian silk dress, made in same style as the first.
  • Peasant dresses, in same style as Jaqneline, but none in white.

Exits and entrances


R. means Right; L., Left; R. 1 E., Right First Entrance; 2 E., Second Entrance; D. F., Door in the Flat.

Relative positions


R. means Right; L., Left: C., Centre; R. C., Right of Centre: L. C., Left of Centre.

The reader is supposed to be on the Stage facing the Audience.

The Play
