Page:A Study of Lunar Research Flights.pdf/10

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Chapter I


Rapidly accelerating progress in space technology clearly requires evaluation of the scientific experiments or other human activities which might be carried out in the vicinity of the earth's natural satellite. Among various possibilities, the detonation of a nuclear weapon on or near the moon's surface has often been suggested. The motivation for such a detonation is clearly threefold: scientific, military and political.

The scientific information which might be obtained from such detonations is one of the major subjects of inquiry of the present work. On the other hand, it is quite clear that certain military objectives would be served since information would be supplied concerning the environment of space, concerning detection of nuclear device testing in space and concerning the capability of nuclear weapons for space warfare. The political motivations for and against the detonation of a nuclear weapon are equally clear and are, in reality, outside the scope of the present work. Obviously, however, specific positive effects would accrue to the nation first performing

such a feat as a demonstration of advanced technological capability. It is also certain that, unless the climate of world opinion were well-prepared in advance, a considerable negative reaction could be stimulated, Obstacles to detonation of a nuclear weapon on the moon, from a scientific viewpoint, center around environmental disturbances, biological contamination, and