Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIII.djvu/882

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IV CONTENTS PAGE Pharaoh 381 Pharisees 881 Pharo. See Faro. Pharos 382 Pharsalus 382 Pharynx 882 Phuscogale 383 Phasis 383 Phaulcon. See Constantin Faul- con. Pheasant 883 Phelps co., Neb 386 Phelps co., Mo 386 Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln 886 Phelps, Anson Greene 386 .Phelps, Austin 386 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart 386 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart 387 Phenol. See Carbolic Acid. Pherse 387 Pherecydes (two) 387 Phidias 387 Phigalia 388 Philadelphia (two) 388 Philadelphia, Pa 389 Philadelphus 404 Phil* 404 Philaret (Basil Drozdoff ) 405 Philemon 405 Philemon, Epistle to 405 Philemon and Baucis. See Baucis. Philidor. See Danican. Philip, an apostle 406 Philip II., Macedon 406 Philip V., Macedon 408 Philip II., France 409 Philip IV., France 410 Philip VI., France 410 Philip I., Spain 411 Philip II., Spain 411 Philip V., Spain 413 Philip, King- 414 Philip the Bold 415 Philip the Good 415 Philip the Magnanimous 416 Philippe ville.... ..416 Philippi 416 Philippians, Epistle to the 416 Philippine Islands 417 Philippopoli 418 Philippoteaux, Felix Emmanuel Henri 418 Philippsburg 419 Philippson, Ludwig 419 Philips, Ambrose 419 Philips, John ; 419 Philistines 419 Phillimore, John George 420 Phillimore, Sir Eobert Joseph 420 Phillip, John 420 Phillips co., Ark 420 Phillips co., Kansas 420 Phillips, Adelaide 420 Phillips, Charles 420 Phillips, Georg 420 Phillips, John (two) 421 Phillips, Samuel, jr 421 Phillips, Watts 421 Phillips, Wendell 421 Philo Judaeus 421 Philology. See Language. Philopcernen 422 Philosophical Anatomy 422 Philosophy 429 Philosophy, Moral. See Moral Phi- losophy. Phips, Sir William 448 Phlebitis 449 Phlebotomy. See Bloodletting. Phlegmasia Dolens. See Milk Leg. Phlius 449 Phlogiston. See Chemistry, vol. iv., p. 360. Phlox 449 Phoca?a 450 Phocion 451 Phocis 451 Phoebus. See Apolio. Phoenicia 452 Phoenix 457 Phoenixville . . . .. 457 PAGE Phonetics 457 Phonograph 458 Phonography 459* Phosphor Bronze 461 Phosphorescence-. 461 Phosphorus 468 Photius 467 Photography 468 Photometry 473 Phraortes. See Media. Phrenology 474 Phrygia '. 476 Phryne 477 Phthiotis 477 Phthisis. See Consumption. Phthiriasis. See Epizoa, vol. vl, p. 696. Phylactery 477 Phylloxera 477 Physalis 480 Physical Geography 481 Physick, Philip Syng 482 Physics. See Natural Philosophy. Physiognomy 482 Physiology 483 Phytelephas 486 Piacenza 487 Piacenza, Duke of. See Lebrun, Charles Francois. Piana del Greci 487 Pianoforte 487 Piarists 493 Piast, Dynasty of. See Poland. Piaster 494 Piatt co 494 Piatt, John James 494 Piatt, Sarah Morgan Bryan 494 Piauhy 494 Piazza Armerina. 494 Piazzi, Giuseppe 495 Picard, Jean 495 Picard, Louis Joseph Ernest 495 Picardy 495 Piccini, Nicolo 495 Piccolomini, family of 496 Piccolomini, Marietta 496 Piccolomini, Ottavio 496 Picenum 496 Pichegru, Charles 496 Pichincha. See Ecuador. Pichler, Aloys 497 Pichler, Karoline von 497 Pichon, Pierre Auguste 497 Pickaway co 497 Pickens co., S. C 497 Pickens co., Ga 497 Pickens co., Ala 497 Pickens, Andrew. 497 Pickens, Francis W 497 Pickens, Fort. See Pensacola. Pickerel. See Pike. Pickering, Timothy 498 Pickering, John 498 Pickering, Charles 498 Pickersgill, Henry William 499 Pickersgill, Frederick Eichard 499 Pickles 499 Pica della Mirandola. See Miran- dola. Picot, Francois Edouard 499 Picou, Henry Pierre 499 Picric Acid 499 Pictet, Francois Jules 500, Adolphe 500 Picton 500 Pictor, Fabius. See Fabius, vol. vii., p. 52. Pictou co 500 Pictou, a town 500 Picts 500 Pie, Louis Francois Desire Edou- ard 500 Piedimonte d'Alife 500 Piedmont 501 Piegans 501 Pierce co., Ga 501 Pierce co., Wis 501 Pierce co., Neb 501 Pierce co., Washington Ter 501 Pierce, Franklin 501 Pierce, George Foster 503 Pierer, Johann Friedrich 503 Pierer, Heinrich August 503 PAGE Pierpont, John ................... 503 Pigault-Lebrun ................... 503 Pigeon ........................... 508 Pigeon Berry. See Poke. Pigeon English ................... 507 Pigeon Hawk ................. 507 Pigments ......................... 508 Pigmy. See Pygmy. Pignerol. See Pinerolo. Pignut. See Hickory. Pigweed .......................... 508 Pika ......................... 509 Pike ............................. 509 Pike co., Pa ...................... 511 Pike co., Ga ...................... 511 Pike co., Ala ..................... 511 Pike co., Miss ................... 511 Pike co., Ark ..................... 511 Pike co., Ky ____ '. ................ 511 Pike co., Ohio ................... 511 Pike co, Ind ..................... 511 Pike co., Ill ...................... 512 Pike co., Mo ..................... 512 Pike, Albert ...................... 512 Pike Zebulon Montgomery ........ 512 Pike's Peak ...................... 512 Pilate, Pontius ................... 513 Pilchard .......................... 513 Pilcomayo ........................ 513 Piles. See Haemorrhoids. Pilgrimage ....................... 513 Pillars of Hercules. See Gibraltar . Pillau ...................... ' ...... 515 Pillnitz ........................... 515 Pillory ........................... 516 Pillow, Gideon Johnson ........... 516 Pilnitz. See Pillnitz. Pilot ............................. 516 Pilot Fish ........................ 516 Pilot Knob. See Iron Mountain. Pilot Mountain. See Ararat. Piloty, Karl Theodor von .......... 517 Piloty, Ferdinand ................. 517 Pilpay. See Bidpay. Pils, Isidore Alexandre Augustin.. 517 Pilsen ............................ 517 Pirn, Bedford Capperton Trevylian . 517 Pima co .......................... 517 Pimas ............................ 518 Pimento. See Allspice. Pimos. See Pimas. Pimpernel ........................ 518 Pin 518 Pinang. See Penang. Pinckney, family of ............... 520 Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth .... 520 Pinckney, Thomas ................ 521 Pinckney, Charles ................. 521 Pinckneya. See Georgia Bark. Pindar ........................... 521 Pindemonte, Ippolito ............. 522 Pindemonte, Giovanni ............ 522 Pindus ........................... 522 Pine ............................. 522 Pine co .......................... 527 Pineapple ........................ 527 Pinel, Philippe .................... 529 Pinerolo .......................... 529 Pines, Isle of (two) ............... 529 Pine Snake ....................... 530 Pingre, Alexandre Gui ............ 580 Pinguicula ........................ 530 Pink ............................. 580 Pinkerton, John .................. 532 Pinkney, William ............. = . .. 582 Pinkney, Edward Coate ........... 532 Pinkroot ......................... 532 Pinnigrades ...................... 533 Pintado. See Guinea Fowl. Pinto, Mendez. See Mendez Pinto. Pinto de Fonseca. See Chaves, Mar- quis of. Pinturicchio, Bernardino .......... 533 Pin Worm ....................... 583 Pinzon, family of .................. 533 Pinzon, Martin Alonso ............ 583 Pinzon, Vicente Yanez ............ 534 Pinzon. Francisco Martin .......... 534 Piombino ......................... 534 Piombo, Fra Sebastiano del ........ 584 Piorry, Pierre Adolphe ........... 534 Piotrkow ......................... 535