User:El erno

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Plantillas Babel de habilidades idiomáticas:
es Este usuario tiene el español como lengua materna .
en-4 This user is able to contribute with a near-native level of English.
nl-2 Deze gebruiker beheerst een redelijk niveau van het Nederlands.
fr-1 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.

I started developing content in Wikiversity as part of Proyecto Yoreme (in Spanish), an effort to develop computational skills in youths that have little or no access to computer networks. I am a concert music composer, and have experience as a sound designer, programmer, translator and production manager. Chess, swiming, (American) football, open source software and reading are some of my main interests.

____We are still developing content for our project. Now that the theoretical background and methodology have been made available through our ( website ), anyone interested in joining our effort is welcome to do so. If you want to join us, study our methodology and welcome! If you have any doubt, you can contact us through our Wikiversity discussion pages.

____Within Yoreme Project, I collaborate coordinating our collective, writing theoretical texts and developing content for the Audio and Programming areas.


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I wrote these articles (in Spanish)

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  1. Introducción a Scratch
  2. Hola Mundo Scratch
  3. Introducción al diseño sonoro con Csound
  4. Hola Mundo Csound
  5. Scratch camina con ritmo
  6. Introducción a la partitura
  7. Formato para desarrollar formatos in collaboration with Jergas
  8. Entrenamiento de facilitadores para el Proyecto Yoreme
  9. Creando y configurando tu usuario en Gnome
  10. Capturando imágenes desde la terminal
  11. Proyecto_Yoreme/Categorización_de_artículos_Yoreme
  12. La sintaxis de la orquesta en Csound

I contributed to these articles (in Spanish)

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  1. Maintenance of Proyecto Yoreme
  2. Creation of the template Plantilla:User_nl-2
  3. Improvement and spell-check of Scratch aprende operaciones básicas.
  4. Maintenance and improvement of Informática Musical.


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Please contact me through this link
Only signed messages, please.


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My Proyecto Yoreme task list (in Spanish) is here.


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I report over the Proyecto Yoreme formats that I solve here.